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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Super Mario World hacking: labmaster | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - Why hasn't anyone improved on LM?
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Posts: 4698/8210
That'd be difficult... A simple ASM hack (which could easily be done in a method similar to ExGFX and such) to set the CGADSUB register per-level could be pretty neat though, and would be easy to implement in LM, but only if you actually had the LM source (or were damn good at x86 ASM hacking ).
Posts: 1059/1346
Originally posted by mikepjr
The only thing id like to see added to LM, would be HDMA effects being added without haveing to know ASM.

Welcome to the dream world.

BMF made some code that you can use to add in HDMA effects into backgrounds via his palette ASM hack, but I don't know why it won't work for me. Unless you learn ASM and HDMA, there is nothing easier than that... not that I know of...

Now to find the thread...
Posts: 100/242
The only thing id like to see added to LM, would be HDMA effects being added without haveing to know ASM.

I have been wanting to do that with my hacks for a long time now, and i really do not want to have to learn ASM to be able to do those effects.

Someone needs to make a program that has a point and click enterface, that can add those effects.

That is about all i would like to be able to do at the moment.
Posts: 884/1261
Originally posted by BMF3PO
A "plugin" system might be OK, but directly integrating tools into LM is a BAD IDEA.
Your idea's fine. I was referring to those who would integrate their code directly into LM (which I'm assuming is what most people had in mind).
Posts: 4607/8210
Source code is the program code you use to make a program. You have to run it through a compiler to make a real working program out of it.

Originally posted by BMF3PO
directly integrating tools into LM is a BAD IDEA.

Who mentioned integration? I'm talking about something like Winamp or Firefox.
Posts: 572/722
Originally posted by peter_ac
I've a few questions here:

1. What is a source code?
2. What's possible if FuSoYa releases the source code? What can other people do with it?
3. If FuSoYa said "i did accomplish all i set out to do", what does he still need the source code for? If he's finished with it, why doesn't he release it so that other people can actually do something with it?
4. Will Super Mario Advance 4 support EVER be possible with Lunar Magic?

Thank you.

There is all kinds of reasons for someone not to release source code for their projects, even when they are done with it.
Not all, if any of these reasons may be Fu's reasons for not releasing it though, and I am missing a boatload, I'm sure.

I'll use myself as an example.

1. I may not want other people to see how badly I've written my programs, and other people copying it will just make them copy bad coding habits.

2. I may not want other people to see secret easter eggs or hidden options that may or may not have been discovered in the program. What a surprise ruiner that may be.

3. I may not want 200 unofficial versions of my program floating about. That's 200 versions I cannot support, I don't want help emails flooding me about, 200 versions of my program getting distributed and mixed up with my own and new people may not get the correct working official version first.

4. I may not want to release so large a program just to have people copy the code and create their own programs. This encourages plagerism and makes for lazy programmers.

5. With litterally hundreds of other would-be addition makers out there looking and modifying my source code, I *FEAR* the number of emails asking how my program's innards work and asking for help getting their modifications to work with what is already there. If I'm done with my program, I don't want to spend any more time on it, including fixing and tutoring people on how to fix/add/subtract/change what is there.

Those are just the ones off the top of my head. Now just imagine the hundred other reasons that may come about from a real programmer.
Posts: 3678/4249
Originally posted by peter_ac
1. What is a source code?
2. What's possible if FuSoYa releases the source code? What can other people do with it?

1. The source code is a program that isn't compile (isn't an executable)
2. People could add things directly to Lunar Magic.
Posts: 469/963
I've a few questions here: 1. What is a source code? 2. What's possible if FuSoYa releases the source code? What can other people do with it? 3. If FuSoYa said "i did accomplish all i set out to do", what does he still need the source code for? If he's finished with it, why doesn't he release it so that other people can actually do something with it? 4. Will Super Mario Advance 4 support EVER be possible with Lunar Magic? Thank you.
Posts: 587/782
Originally posted by tjbk_tjb
Fu should eventually release the source code and his special version of LM. But that probably won't happen until he's dead.

Edit: Oh, and all of his evil secrets, like the pipe code.

FuSoYa should do whatever the hell he likes really. It's his source code, his program, so it's up to him really if he doesn't want to release the source code.
Posts: 1639/2273
Hmm... I've got an idea about how to get SMA2 support... Kinda...

How about a program which reads a level from SMW, converts it to an SMA2 level (if there's any changes in the format, that is), and then inserts it to an SMA2 rom... The program would also be able to do the opposite.

Note: I'm suggesting it, not planning on making it.
Posts: 3/7
Fu should eventually release the source code and his special version of LM. But that probably won't happen until he's dead.

Edit: Oh, and all of his evil secrets, like the pipe code.
Posts: 24/102
Maybe support to Super Mario World GBA, and upgrade of SMB2 discombulator,
Posts: 1464/1567
hey Fu could you post a picture of you at the board? i've never seen you and you ART MAH IDOL *RAWX*

by the way, i dont think an upgrade fo LM is necessary, but an editor for SMAS' smb3 would be nice, since Mario Improvement 3 sucks on editing the SNES game.
Posts: 881/1261
A "plugin" system might be OK, but directly integrating tools into LM is a BAD IDEA. You're just asking for trouble when you start cramming tons of unrelated code into one package. What if a tool needs to be updated, to fix bugs/add functionality/whatever? You'd have to wait for Fu to compile and release a new version, which obviously doesn't happen too often anymore.

It's this "all-in-one" mentality that ruined perfectly good programs like ICQ. Too much crap stuffed into one package. All it does now is eat up half your resources and crash your system...
Posts: 4571/8210
When you save a level, it erases the old level data and marks it as unused, then scans the expanded area for a big enough unused space for the new level data. Unless the level was never modified before, in which case I don't think it erases the old data (since it's not in the expanded area). Although if it doesn't, it should...
Originally posted by Smallhacker
Originally posted by FuSoYa
What is your favorite type of cookie?

The type that does something useful, as opposed to the other types that just track what you're doing for advertisers.

Best... Answer... Ever...

Seconded. Motion passes.

What I think might be neat is if LM had some sort of plugin system like Winamp. Then people could add on to it without the source code. Or of course, it's possible to 'fake' expand it by doing things like adding menus via API, but that's not very flexible...
Posts: 721/1981
And then finds a chunk of data to hold the level in, and then updates the pointer tables. Meaning that you use up new space only if the level will not fit anywhere else. I think.
Posts: 1637/2273
No. When saving, it marks the old data location as unused.
Posts: 57/96
Originally posted by FuSoYa
does it just look thorugh the ROM for blank space, or does it attempt to re-use unused space?

Unused space must be erased/blanked, and not protected by a RAT, before LM will consider it unused. LM doesn't go around erasing data it knows nothing about in the expanded area, since it could be something a user has put in manually (ASM hacks, etc).

That means that if I change my Level about 100000 times, I use up space for nothing? O.o
Posts: 1636/2273
Originally posted by FuSoYa
What is your favorite type of cookie?

The type that does something useful, as opposed to the other types that just track what you're doing for advertisers.

Best... Answer... Ever...
Posts: 197/255
does it just look thorugh the ROM for blank space, or does it attempt to re-use unused space?

Unused space must be erased/blanked, and not protected by a RAT, before LM will consider it unused. LM doesn't go around erasing data it knows nothing about in the expanded area, since it could be something a user has put in manually (ASM hacks, etc).

As for the non-expanded area, LM doesn't bother erasing most of the game's original data, as it stores most things in the expanded area of the ROM.

Are you sick of lunar magic? Reluctant to do anything with it because of all the time you've wasted on it?

Ehhh, I wouldn't put it quite like that. I still like LM, but I did accomplish all I originally set out to do with it a long time ago. And there are a number of other things I'd rather spend my time on these days.

Hard to believe it's already been 5 years since I first started working on it...

If you do make a new editor (say for Zelda:LTTP *hint* *hint* *nudge* *nudge*) would you use the same engine as LM or would you start from scratch?

Depends on the game. If it uses some sort of object based format, I might use some of LM's code. But if it's tilemap based, I'd probably adapt the unfinished LT code for it. The UI would probably look mostly the same, in any case... I like to keep it simple. Although the 8x8 and 16x16 editors could use some updates.

And I probably wouldn't want to start working on a game that already has an editor for it.

What is your favorite type of cookie?

The type that does something useful, as opposed to the other types that just track what you're doing for advertisers.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - Why hasn't anyone improved on LM?


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