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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Hardware/Software.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - What's a good Linux distro for a beginner.
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Posts: 27/34
You could also try MandrakeLinux (now known as Mandriva), which worked very well on my laptop.
Posts: 230/460
Ubuntu, yeah. That or Fedora.
Posts: 1233/1757
I also say try Ubuntu, thats the first I tried, and it was very beginner friendly...when I get a computer that it will work on, ill definently be installing it.
Posts: 388/817
Ubuntu supports all "normal" res/depth/refresh combos.

Also, a screen that supports only ONE res/refresh combo is..... probably not a good monitor to own to begin with.
Posts: 659/900
Yeah, Ubuntu is pretty good. It's very easy to use, and it looks good ;o

Only problem I had with it on one computer/monitor was that the monitor was made for a specific resolution and refresh rate, and whenever the OS didn't use those setting a window appeared on the monitor saying "change your settings". Problem was that Ubuntu did not support that combination of resolution and refresh rate, meaning the annoying message was constantly there. That was on a pretty early version of Ubuntu though, so it might have changed.
Posts: 387/817
He should give ubuntu a try.
Posts: 1328/1574
Hey there's this guy who wants to use Linux but has never used it before. What distro do you recommend that he use?
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - What's a good Linux distro for a beginner.


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