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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Movies / TV / Entertainment: Abnormal Freak | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Movies / TV / Entertainment - Dave Chappelle checked into mental facility, show halted...
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Posts: 30/30
Originally posted by Darth Legious
Did anyone see the commercials on Comedy Central explaining his abscense?

By the way, Season 2 comes out on dvd today. Hopefully I'll be able to get it this time. With Season 1, that was madness. It took me 3 weeks to find it in the store. I should have just ordered it online.

Ordered? Bought? Bought? Well obviously he meant downloaded...

*refernces"Decline of Gaming 2"

hey, can somebody find a link for that?
Posts: 3891/5657
Did anyone see the commercials on Comedy Central explaining his abscense?

By the way, Season 2 comes out on dvd today. Hopefully I'll be able to get it this time. With Season 1, that was madness. It took me 3 weeks to find it in the store. I should have just ordered it online.
Posts: 19/30
Originally posted by Kyouji Craw
Well yeah. And if you read the entire thread, you'd see a similiar story is linked to, so ehm. I guess the lesson here is it's always good to read the entire thread.

Actually, I did read the entire thread. I was just partly confused because I thought that you were arguing over two different sources saying two different things. I didn't look at drjayphd's link because I thought it was the same thing I was just reading...
Posts: 131/425
Dave Chappelle Says He's Not Crazy!
May 17, 9:17 AM EST

The Associated Press

NEW YORK -- Comedian Dave Chappelle wants to set things straight: "I'm not crazy, I'm not smoking crack," he tells Time magazine in an interview more than a week after his hit Comedy Central show was suspended and the rumors started to fly.

"I'm definitely stressed out," said Chappelle, who took off last month to South Africa for a "spiritual retreat," leaving his fans
Posts: 1051/1477
Originally posted by Halo2-tankwhore
What the hell?! You have articles that say he's in an insane asylum, per se, but I just read it in the USA TODAY that he's really just on a spiritual retreat in South Africa.....

Oooh, you're in luck. We were just talking about this.
Posts: 252/500
Some people started that mental clinic stuff just to stir up rumors. He just wanted to step out of the limelight for a while.
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 6487/7620
Well yeah. And if you read the entire thread, you'd see a similiar story is linked to, so ehm. I guess the lesson here is it's always good to read the entire thread.
Posts: 16/30
What the hell?! You have articles that say he's in an insane asylum, per se, but I just read it in the USA TODAY that he's really just on a spiritual retreat in South Africa.....
Posts: 18/97
Lets just hope he comes back soon
TV just wont be the same without him
I guess ill go rent half baked again.
He was great in that movie.
alte Hexe
Posts: 3813/5458
He just wants a break from fame. Jesus-God knows I would.
Posts: 1247/-2459
This really sucks. I heard about it on Saturday, and was like, noooooooo he can't be leaving! He is an awesome guy and one of the few comedians I find funny. I heard that he has a mental problem with something related to the money he gets/doesn't get from doing the Chappelle Show. I guess I should read the articles posted here....I hope he gets back to comedy soon!!


Fixed my spelling errors.
Posts: 1822/3418
Well this is definitely a hit in the face.

Hopefully he'll return soon ... I guess I'll have to stick to Jon Stewert or something.
Posts: 61/339
I could imagine wanting to get away. I would never want to be famous, I'm far too private and introspective a person. If I had cameras on me all day long and people constantly coming up to me, asking for an autograph or worse - to take a picture with them (meaning I'd have to look spiffy at all times, too) - I'd break down and flee the States within days.

Hmm, after reading that interview, I must say, I didn't realize he was that introspective and deep a person. But I suppose that's not quite how the media would care to portray a comedian. They're supposed to be there for our amusement; they aren't human in the media's eyes, just trained monkies. It's refreshing. I've gained respect for the man.
Posts: 1044/1477
Because he's not in a mental facility?

(No, really.)
Posts: 803/991
Could someone please explain to me why he's in South Africa?
Posts: 2678/2857
Yeah I read about this yesterday.

I never watched the show when it aired, so I wasn't really aware season 3 was fucked up.
Posts: 3004/4016
there must be something that caused him to having issues right now. fatigue, high expectations, some chemical imbalance in his brain? anyways, this is sad news and a big blow to comedy central...
Posts: 1223/1757
yeah, heard this last night...I immediatly said to my self wtf....he was an awesome comedian...but maybe all that comedy drove him crazy lol...naw...anyway it really sucks though
Posts: 522/948
This really sucks. I love Dave Chappelle, he is a great comedian, actor, and so on. I doubt it will be for too long. And even so just go download some of his stand ups.
Posts: 324/3359
Well that sucks.. and it's pretty unexpected. Ah well, he'll be back. I wonder how long he'll be in there?
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Movies / TV / Entertainment - Dave Chappelle checked into mental facility, show halted...


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