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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Rom Hacking: hukka | 2 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - The Legend of Zelda: Dark Prophecy -------- UPDATE WITH PICS --------
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Dude Man
Posts: 62/116
nah... we just thought his graphics work would get more attention in a new thread.
Posts: 15/28
Oops. Guess I should've read ALL the posts. Sorry
Posts: 310/445
Edited once again because they told me to make it a seperate thread.

Posts: 3169/3959
Originally posted by MogGuy
Any idea for a release date for the final version?
Originally posted by Kefka
Dude, they've said 500 times they don't know the exact date! Omega is HOPING for the end of summer. But they really don't know. geez, there's like 2 of those questions per page, and they all are answered with "DUNNO" so don't you people think you could just figure it out and stop asking? I'm sure Omega and Dude Man were thinking almost the same thing that I just said

Fix your header too so it doesnt run into your post.
Posts: 14/28
Any idea for a release date for the final version?
Posts: 285/335
The caves are relativly simple, cause you can really build em without any planning. There really arent any complex puzzles that can go in caves, which takes most of the thinking out of it. The designes can develop on their own as you shape the cave.

A word of advice, i have found it best to do tedious work with somethin in the backround. Music is ok, but somethin you can concentrate on is better like a movie, or a game that doesnt require much attention to be a part of like online poker for example.
Posts: 89/117
I never went anywhere near the caves during my first hack of zelda...feared the evil darkness and bats in them I'm quite looking forward to them nowadays though cause I've come to realise that they are the easiest thing to edit. Most are reliant on a puzzle in the overworld to actually reach falling down a whole or reaching a higher ledge so inside can often just be a small room with a heart inside...
Posts: 365/459
Well they aren't that long I'd say. Less long then dungeons because they have less details. So I'm sure you won't spend an eternity on those.
Dude Man
Posts: 56/116
Starting on the caves...
Caves I assume will be the most tedious part of this hack, just because of the sheer multitude of them.

Posts: 340/459
Originally posted by Domin189
What about new pics?

I doubt they want to spoil it again... See:

Originally posted by Dude Man
yes. You people will have to hold out till release because chances are there won't be any more screens being shown.

It's a good thing in itself since the game as a whole will be far more enjoyable for everyone. But still... all I can say is that the new graphics look pimpin hot! This will be a must play when completed. Just a few more weeks (months?) till the release. I'm sure everyone can wait for that. It's not like if it were going to be released in years from now...
Posts: 14/14
What about new pics?
Dude Man
Posts: 49/116
dude, thats nothing. We have yet to show any new graphics of any kind.

Trust me, when we show you everything you will question your religion.

Posts: 2/5
This hack looks unbelieveably awesome!!!
Dude Man
Posts: 43/116
oh man *shudders* thats about 150 entrances right there. Although many of the dungeon entrances work fine so it'll be a matter of using the same entrance over again.
And finding exits isn't hard either.
Posts: 276/335
Haha, i am indeed hoping for an end of summer release. Especially with dudeman getting off of school soon, we will have much more time to work on it. In the final stage, communication is critical. We will need to put together both the overworld and dungeons in the correct fashion, and while that may not seem to complicated, just think how many entrances/exits there are, and they all must fit together perfectly.
Posts: 3237/3392
Dude, they've said 500 times they don't know the exact date! Omega is HOPING for the end of summer. But they really don't know. geez, there's like 2 of those questions per page, and they all are answered with "DUNNO" so don't you people think you could just figure it out and stop asking? I'm sure Omega and Dude Man were thinking almost the same thing that I just said
Chibi Gatomon
Posts: 71/85
same here, when can we expect a release?
The Great Guy
Posts: 156/170
This looks like a very interesting and well done hack. I really look forward to playing it in the future, good luck with it!
Dude Man
Posts: 42/116
indeed, the music will kick ass.

Funny how this hack went from 2 guys making levels and shit. To 5!!! team members all working on their own aspects on the game.
Posts: 273/335
Indeed, the music will make it in if all goes well. Its sounding really great and origional.

We are on the home stretch, and i hope to have it out before the summer is up. There is still a lot left to do because of the music, gfx, and asm, but its looking great.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - The Legend of Zelda: Dark Prophecy -------- UPDATE WITH PICS --------


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