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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Rom Hacking: hukka | 2 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - Just wondering
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Posts: 854/1998
I saw it too. I think the Mushroom transformation was to jump higher......
Posts: 3/5
I found out on gscentral,transformation code, it turns into a mushroom but cant play as it.
Posts: 275/532
well, IIRC, there are at least 2 versions of the rom, one of them even has a shyguy from SMAS in it :p don't know what it's doing there but I remember seeing it clear as day. It's possible that there are many un-used things in it, but it also may be possible that there are un-used routines in there that go with the un-used sprites
Posts: 719/1696
Yeah, there's some information about that at TMK. Apparently, Yoshi was also going to turn into a airplane and that Tweeter was going to be in there, too. Unfortunately, I don't think Nintendo even bothered developing it, so I doubt it will be useable in any hacks.
Posts: 36/117
I believe he's referring to the unused graphics in the ROM such as the tree with eyes which are supposedly unused Yoshi transformations.
Posts: 274/532
Yay for one line posts. [btw elaborate on what you're talking about because I have no idea]
Posts: 400/596
Looks like the right forum to me
Posts: 203/281
Nobody know what it did, and wrong forum.
Posts: 2/5
What did the mushroom transformation on SMWYI do, what was the purpose of it.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - Just wondering


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