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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Hardware/Software.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - FreeBSD 5.4 was released yesterday..
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Posts: 1217/1757
true...although it doesnt wanna install either in vmare...I just get a bunch of errors...maybe ill try some other linux in vmware, until I find one I really like...I have used gnome though, in ubuntu, and its ok...but I might try kde next time I use a linux distro.
Posts: 1419/1657
Well, tried installing it in VMware. That failed. I'll try to do it on real hardware a bit later (requires me to resize partitions... meh).

Darth: Asking weather you should use KDE or GNOME (or any other desktop/window manager) does not have a definite answer. I'd just recommend to install both, try both, and decide which you like better.
Posts: 1214/1757
ive tried to install numerous times...but I keep messing up lol...time to try again.

what should I use kde or gnome?
Posts: 9627/11162
FreeBSD is... well. I hadn't tried it and probably woudln't until I get my grades set.

It's one of thoose OS's I should try whenever I have the time. I probably run it in VMware thought... I don't have any spare computer I want to test it on and I never used any BSD system before.
Posts: 1212/1757
I guess ill try it out, see what its like...looks rather nice.
Posts: 2982/4016
My friend uses a FreeBSD for his server... Anyways, I haven't played around with non-Microsoft OSes so maybe I'll play around with this if I ever find the time
Posts: 1415/1657
Just in case anyone likes FreeBSD. I find it to be way more useful as a server than a desktop for me, though... >_>. Usually things are to be expected: Security fixes, new features, upgraded programs, etc.

I was installing it in VMware last night to test it out. I'll continue it when I get home from school.

And in other news: I noticed that I never used FreeBSD 5.3 (which I did burn to disc, though ), so this may be bigger for me than some other people, who already use 5.3.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - FreeBSD 5.4 was released yesterday..


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