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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - Google has a webaccelerator now!
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Posts: 59/916
Haha! That's crazy. Lets download something to invade our privacy and log in as people we don't know!
=P Snika
Posts: 32/34
Having read this, I would have to avoid it like the plague.
Posts: 113/149
Found on 'Something Awful'
Well here's the problem, folks: everything you view is now owned by Google. Do you read email? Well now Google reads your email, and now the entire world can read your email. Do you use private messages through a website? Well they aren't private any more; now anybody using Google's Web Accelerator can read them. Every single page you read, every single website you visit, every single cookie you use, every single thing you do on the Internet is now owned by Google and is viewable to anybody using their program. I hope you're completely comfortable with the entire world being able to see every single webpage you read and every single website you visit, because thanks to Google, it's now happening. Check out their privacy policy if you don't believe me.
I think I'll avoid this one...
Posts: 4438/8210
Yes, any decent forum would use a form for deleting accounts, not just a script that deletes the account when it's viewed. Or better yet, not have a 'delete' option, because there's no real point. If it's absolutely necessary, it can be done manually.
Posts: 572/782
It's more like poorly written webscripts that's the problem. Not Google's webaccelerator.
Posts: 13/21
Or just disable prefetching.
Posts: 1209/1757
yeah, I would say its best not to use it until they get all the bugs worked out...unless you want to delete your account somewhere, or let someone else on your account.
Posts: 143/232
Eh, the worst part yet is that google webaccelerator can delete message board accounts. It prefetches by clicking all the links on a page. If those links include 'Delete user' and 'log out', it'll try all of those. Thus, you can find your accounts needlessly deleted.

Not to mention that there's a good possibility other people using webaccelerator can go to forums and find themselves logged into your account.... some evil people could very well be using it to steal information, regardless of what Google does.
Posts: 1290/1574
I quote Google itself:

"If you enter personally identifiable information (such as an email address) onto a form on an unencrypted web page, some sites may send this information through Google. Whenever your computer sends cookies with browsing or prefetching page requests for unencrypted sites, we temporarily cache these cookies in order to improve performance."

"When you use Google Web Accelerator, Google servers receive and log your page requests. Page requests and data sent in encrypted form using an HTTPS connection will not go through Google. It is possible that some personally identifiable information could be sent to Google, if the information is sent without using an encrypted (HTTPS) connection."

Posts: 4374/8210
OK, really. I'm pretty paranoid, but you're just coming off as looney now. This is only a download accellerator, not a form grabber. If they wanted to spy on you, they could just as well do it with Gmail Notifier, and I haven't seen it doing anything suspicious. Not every single person who offers you something good has some dark hidden motive you know.
Posts: 1289/1574
You know: I've been thinking about this. If Google obtains access to anything that anyone types on any webform, they could get a LOT of people in trouble. Think about it. Just about everyone has broken the law on the internet, whether you know it or not. If they could get a better grasp on the internet, like they're trying to do with this web accelerator thing sending them data, they could put EVERYONE in jail. Seeing how it isn't fesable to put everyone into jail, they could, theoretically, get the government to declare every town and city a prison. Maybe making a couple cities places for the few "good" people. If cities are declared as prisons, they could keep constant tabs on us, take away our rights, all the things they do in a prison. We would have NO say in government. We would have NO say in anything.

What do guys think? Why else would they want to track all your actions down on the internet?

EDIT: Be scared when they put out a P2P client. If they do, DONT USE IT. They will probably keep tabs on everyone who uses that too... >>
Posts: 4357/8210
It is suspicious, yes, but I would think if they were doing anything unusual someone would have noticied. I'm sure equally suspicious people have disassembled their software to hell and back.

Personally, I'd support Google taking over stuff. They do things RIGHT. User-friendly and powerful at the same time, and most importantly, IT WORKS! Hell, just click-and-drag satellite maps alone put them ahead of a lot of people.
Posts: 1287/1574
It seems as if Google is trying to take dominance over the internet somehow... This seems fishy to me for some reason. They are getting a lot of information on where you've been and stuff if you use this accellerator thing. They have access to everyone's emails. They soon may have access to lots of people's personal information that have been filled out in webforms and stuff. It's almost creepy if you think about it. It could be a big elaborate scheme or something.

Another possibility is the accellerator could be a clever plan to get all the sites that people go to and make sure they are in Google's search engines....

Or maybe they are just being nice...... maybe...

EDIT: One thing I WOULD like to know is this: Google has the best servers, best sorting methods, and best email services. Where do they get the money to support it all? They don't even have a paypal link or anything. Everything is free. There's no advertising. How can they support themselfs.
Posts: 114/268
These kinda progams a weak. Yet it is funny to see how much time you 'save'.
Posts: 1571/2273
Originally posted by drjayphd
Originally posted here:
"I went to the Futuremark forums and noticed that I'm logged in as someone I don't know. Great, I've used Google's Web Accelerator for a couple of hours, visited lots of sites where I'm logged in. Now I wonder how many people used my cache. I understand it's a beta, sure, but something like that is totally unacceptable."

...Have... ...To... ...Download...
Posts: 481/948
7.6 Seconds so far. Really cool. Its kinda funny using it even though im on a T2 line at ITT right now.
Posts: 1207/1757
im using it but I dont think ill keep using it...but only mainly because I havent noticed any real speedups..although since ive posted that first message, ive saved a whole 3 minutes...which isnt a big deal.
Posts: 995/1477
However, for every person who uses it, I shall KEEL YOU:

Originally posted here:
However, users are concerned that the service can cache more data from their computers than they would prefer.

On a Google Labs discussion group, one user said that the security implications of Google caching details of Internet sessions were unacceptable.

"I went to the Futuremark forums and noticed that I'm logged in as someone I don't know. Great, I've used Google's Web Accelerator for a couple of hours, visited lots of sites where I'm logged in. Now I wonder how many people used my cache. I understand it's a beta, sure, but something like that is totally unacceptable."

There's a way to block it, it seems. I suppose it would be ironical to say site owners should Google it?
Posts: 1206/1757
one step closer to taking over the world lol....

works on firefox and made for broadband/high speed..and it actually does work, so far, ive been looking around the board...and ive saved 20 seconds yay.....

seen this on AOTS yesterday...although they must have a wicked fast connection, cause he said he only saved 27 seconds all day..and its been like 10 minutes, and ive saved 20 seconds...
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - Google has a webaccelerator now!


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