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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Modern Art. | 1 guest
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - Phantasmal
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Posts: 169/233
here kitty kitty *Zemus electrocutes cat and takes picture *

hey, look at the picture I just took

I just electrocuted a cat. hehe. j/k

it's interesting but I stand by my statement on lots of filters
Posts: 469/813
A white ghost cat riding a weed-whacker?
Posts: 192/2216
Here's a hint: The white blob is a ghost cat.

I didn't say it was a vague hint.
Posts: 300/3194
It looks like a hand picking something up. Nice effects and all, but are we supposed to not know what the object is?
Posts: 123/344
Hmm, nice colors and effects and stuff, but what is it supposed to be?

I tried GIMP once, but could never get used to it's different interface.
Posts: 135/233
looks like an image with a few filters applied and at some point a negative filter was also applied to the border? looks to be a humanoid figure, possibly a computer screen in the top left corner... maybe a table leg or some sort of shelf in the top right corner. I dunno... visually it's interesting, so that's good. I don't know that I like it, per se, bu it's fun to try and figure it out.
Posts: 232/703
what exactly is the picture of? but none the less it still kicks ass
Posts: 190/2216

I really like this. It's better than most of my past items (besides Make Colin Cry). I did it in Gimp, which is replacing Photoshop for me now. Criticism anyone?
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - Phantasmal


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