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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Emulation - Snes Emulator Help
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Posts: 276/2002
YAY! DOS Version works! *does happy dance*
But... (yea, there's always a but)
I can't seem to to run Vesa 2.0 graphics. Can some1 tell me how to optimze my card so that it can run those? Thanks. I'm also getting graphical issues. In Super metroid, the boarder of ZSNES sometimes changes colors and certain things don't appear, or are different colored... maybe this has to do with the tranceparency thing...
Posts: 26/596
Originally posted by Clockworkz
Started with 4g, but the OS itself took up 1... so I was left with 3 to fuck around with.

Why do I get the impression you're talking about HD space? That has little/no effect on how fast the emulator is going to run. You should be looking at stuff like Processor speed and possibly RAM (there's no way you have 4 GB of RAM or a 4 GHz processor )
Posts: 402/813
Originally posted by aCyEMeLLeM
But there's certain SNES ROMs that do run slower than others, like those that use special chips (Mario Kart, Mario RPG, etc., maybe Super Contra is one of them)

I know it's got Mode 7 coming out of every orifice... that may be why.
Posts: 794/11162
DOS version is your best bet, it's should be faster on old systems.

I tried Zsnes out of boredom on my 486, worked perfect no problems with graphics or sound...

But the FPS was like 1-2. so everything was really really slow... but playable.
Posts: 650/11302
Hiryuu - Virtually every SNES game ran at 100% speed on my Celery, with the exception of FX chip games. Those ran at around 30% speed. Mario Kart/Mario RPG were fine.
Posts: 179/251
I too had an old PC way back then, except it ran at 100MHz with a 800MB hard drive and 32MB system memory with Windows 95, and most of the snes roms for Zsnes DOS ran just fine, an little choppy though but not *THAT* slow. Your PC's processing speed could be 75Hz for all we know, but it's not known until you post it here if you already know the processing speed of course.
Posts: 429/1173
I've seen ZSNES on my cousin's old Pentium 133MHz, it ran Yoshi's Island at a fairly crappy framerate but still no slowdown

But there's certain SNES ROMs that do run slower than others, like those that use special chips (Mario Kart, Mario RPG, etc., maybe Super Contra is one of them) ... they had higher frameskip on my old Pentium 200MHz and sometimes got a little choppy, but again, not slow enough to cause game slowdowns
Posts: 223/8392
Excuse me while I laugh.

The best you'd be able to pull out of your butt would be the ZSNES DOS version...due to the lack (and I stress LACK) of speed on your system.

Only way you can fix it would probably be to trash the piece of crap that you have for another one...Win95 and 1.2 gigs of space...I would figure your processor is somewhere between 133-300 MHz. If I remember correctly, on Colin's Celeron ran if you're're probably like my old 133.

Go back to NES gaming on Nesticle.
Posts: 635/11302
Well, what speed IS your computer? Even if it was around 166MHz or something, games would run at full speed with frameskip... certainly not at 6 FPS.

RAM wouldn't be an issue, neither would HD space.
Posts: 265/2002
ehhh.... ever since I had the comp... It's REALLY bad now. Super Contra plays at 6 fps!
Posts: 424/1173
I think the processor speed would help more

But even then ... ZSNES ran fine on my old Pentium 200MHz, with only minor frameskip to keep the full game speed ...

How long have you had that problem?

Posts: 264/2002
Started with 4g, but the OS itself took up 1... so I was left with 3 to fuck around with.
Posts: 437/3392
Weird... I actually had this problem too, once... but it worked on all other comps...

Checked for viruses recently?

EDIT: can you go more in depth on your comp specifications, including the amount of space you started with?
Posts: 260/2002
I run Win95, have about 1.20 gigs of free space, direct x 8. My SNES Emulators skip so many frames, it's unplayable most of the time! I use SNES9X and ZSNES. Can someone please help me?
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