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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in General Gaming: supernova05 | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Xbox-2-360 stuff...
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Posts: 9226/12781
Originally posted by Kitty Jedi
Not i'm that very intrested in this console but...

Looks less like an home console now and more like an home enteratiment thing. And it looks very Apple esque...

I agree to that too. At first it was mainly a gaming console but they
alte Hexe
Posts: 3712/5458
Originally posted by Darth Xeodious
Meh. Isn't the real thing supposed to be revealed on MTV soon?

May 12, fool!

Colin, the beauty of them doing a joint route like that is that it isn't that hard to whip up this new technology. And given that it will be joint ownership of two friendly companies.
Posts: 8056/11302
Yeah, but if Samsung and Sony decide to go that route, then what technology is the PS3 going to use? Obviously plain DVD media isn't going to cut it... just go straight HD-DVD for the time being?
Posts: 9438/11162
Not i'm that very intrested in this console but...

Looks less like an home console now and more like an home enteratiment thing. And it looks very Apple esque...
Posts: 1660/3418
Meh. Isn't the real thing supposed to be revealed on MTV soon?
Posts: 1199/1757
if they had a new format it would definently cut down on pirating until someone found a way around it...but hopefully they have something good and reliable and good...hopefully its either the HD-DVD or Blu-Ray both seem good.

apparently this is a leaked pic of the first availiable memory card for the xbox360, so it looks like the xbox is kinda white
Posts: 1649/3418
Originally posted by Emperor Ziffatine
Samsung is threatening to pull support from underneath Sony's feet over Blu-Ray. They both control huge companies when it comes to launching on the formats when they become available. But, the bigger risk factor here is the fact that Sony will back off over this due to their absolute failure with marketing beta-max. They aren't strong when it comes to revolutionary formats. They stick to what they know. Currently there is a lot of chatter about Blu-Ray and HD being scrapped altogether and Samsung/Sony co-developing a new format that takes the best of both worlds (massive storage (bad: slow ass fuck) and super fast transfer capability (bad: none, really)) and meld them together. But from a purely technical stand point, the HD-DVD system is a lot better. It is cheaper, it is faster and it holds a reedonkulous amount of data compared to modern DVDs.

Well truthfully, HD-DVD's don't sound bad at all. Just compared to Blu-Ray ...

But, a new format? Not a bad idea I'd say. And in the end, I'm sure it's up to the system on how well they put these formats to use.

Kitty Jedi: I'd still like to see another "Ultra, Mega, Omega, Aeon" Nintendo system, like the Super Nintendo.
Posts: 9417/11162
Revolution and Dolphin is just devolopment names. Like Nintendo 64 was called Project reality and Ultra64m, and there is Nitro too . I doubt Nintendo will use that name. But the chanche is there.
alte Hexe
Posts: 3703/5458
Samsung is threatening to pull support from underneath Sony's feet over Blu-Ray. They both control huge companies when it comes to launching on the formats when they become available. But, the bigger risk factor here is the fact that Sony will back off over this due to their absolute failure with marketing beta-max. They aren't strong when it comes to revolutionary formats. They stick to what they know. Currently there is a lot of chatter about Blu-Ray and HD being scrapped altogether and Samsung/Sony co-developing a new format that takes the best of both worlds (massive storage (bad: slow ass fuck) and super fast transfer capability (bad: none, really)) and meld them together. But from a purely technical stand point, the HD-DVD system is a lot better. It is cheaper, it is faster and it holds a reedonkulous amount of data compared to modern DVDs.
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 6077/7620
I dunno, I think it's kinda a cool name. You can make all sorts of jokes about it that you can't to for a sane name.
Posts: 1645/3418
Originally posted by Emperor Ziffatine
It's as edgy and as crappy a name as "Revolution" (if that names keeps). The only name that is sensicle right now is the PS3. But as well all know, the X-Box has now leaped far beyond the measely PS3, by a whole 357.


And yeah, who knows what Nintendo will come up with. A few years ago it was the "Dolphin" then the "Gamecube" ... is it that much better?

Honestly though, I'm just mostly hyped over the PS3. Sony's also using Blu-Ray, agains't HD DVD's which MS is using, and Blu-Ray sounds a lot more powerful if you ask me.
alte Hexe
Posts: 3702/5458
It's as edgy and as crappy a name as "Revolution" (if that names keeps). The only name that is sensicle right now is the PS3. But as well all know, the X-Box has now leaped far beyond the measely PS3, by a whole 357.
Posts: 1644/3418
I still believe the name is the most retarded console name ever.

"Hey guys, come over and check out my new Xbox 360 games!"

And MS said they were going to make a much smaller system for the Japanese market. Honestly, doesn't look that much smaller.
Posts: 441/558
If the X2 looks like a grill that would suck so bad. The first pic the DarkChaos posted looks like a grill llike Ziff and Colin said. The pictures I posted had better be some real information.
Posts: 9180/12781
That one looks pretty neat, Reid. It takes up less space too.

I like how the first pic of the X-box-360 looks. It looks so round.

Posts: 1194/1757
man, that looks slick...that would be an awesome look for it..and yeah X2 is definently a better name.
Posts: 440/558
I would like it if this was the new Xbox2 (Why not call it X2?)

Posts: 8016/11302
I'm not that crazy about the system's name personally... it's like MS is trying too hard to be "edgy".

Pictures don't tell much but I was under the impression the console would be "platinum white", not "sperm bank beige".
Posts: 1637/3418

If that's true, then these fake pictures have made there way unto IGN also.

I was reading over it, then I went to go read about the next Zelda game when my friend IM'd me saying "The new Zelda game is supposed to be 70+ hours long".
Posts: 1190/1757
yeah they all dont tell much...but on the show they did some speculation, and said the last one might be a very closeup of the controller, or that if the xbox360 is skinnable, then that may be a close up of the theres not much known, but it wont be long until its shown on mtv..
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