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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Super Mario World hacking: labmaster | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - EXGraphics I must be dumb
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Knuckles T15X
Posts: 26/134
That... really didn't help.
Did you remember to save the level?
Posts: 16/21
New problem. I can add the GFX to a level, but then if I switch to another level and try to add GFX, then return to the level which I had already added GFX, I get some error about the BG. If you need specifics, I'll give them later, I gotta go.
Knuckles T15X
Posts: 22/134
Knux here, I gotta write up a nice shiny new tutorial for ExGFX inserting to replace the crummy one we have now =P
I'll do it here and copy paste.
How to use downloaded ExGFX from the Workshop
1) After downloading the pack, decompress the archive with WinZip, WinRAR, WinACE, PKUNZIP, StuffIt Expander, whatever you use.
2) Open up the directory you uncompressed the files to. You should have at least these files:
You may also have a pallette in .TPL format.
3) If you haven't already, create a folder in the same folder as your hack's ROM and name it "ExGraphics" (case sensitive).
4) Rename the file "graphics_name.bin" to "ExGFXxx.bin" where xx = a hexidecimal number from 80 to FFF
5) Put the "ExGFXxx.bin" file into the folder "ExGraphics"
6) Put the files "Map16Page.bin" and "Map16PageG.bin" into the same folder as your hack.
7) Open Lunar Magic and open your hack.
8) Go to whatever level you wish to use the graphics, like a blank "TEST" level, and clear ALL the objects in the level.
9) Insert the ExGFX by clicking the Yellow Mushroom in the toolbar.
10) Now open the "Super GFX Bypass" window by clicking "Tools" -> "Super GFX Bypass..."
11) Check off the graphics bypass option, then click the dropdown menu for FG3, and select the hexadecimal number you chose for your ExGFX. Click OK.
12) Now open the Map16 Tile Editor
13) Using up and down, go to the page you wish to isert your blocks, and hit F3. Click Yes.
14) You are now ready to build! Open up the Background Objects selector, and go to "Direct Access Map16" and open your page. If the GFX look funky, and you haven't hacked the pallettes, then you need to insert a pallette. Check the Lunar Magic help file for any additional info on Lunar Magic, or feel free to ask in the ExGFX Workshop topic at the top of this forum about any ExGFX inquiries.
Posts: 14/21
Ok, I'll come back to learn how to pull all that off later.

Thankx for all the help!
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 279/7620
No, there is a way around it... You can put the GFX you want over the GFX you don't want, and reroute everything, but that's a little on the complex side for a newbie, and it still doesn't make it so you don't have to sacrifice anything.
Posts: 13/21
Ok, so you are telling me there is NO way around this, and that some GFX must be sacrificed per level in order to import new ones?

If that's the case then ok, I'll learn to adjust.
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 277/7620
In case you didn't get it from what cpubasic said, they both occupy the same graphics file, so they write to the same place, so the new file (the ExGFX) overwrites the old file. But don't worry, your other levels will be just fine.
Posts: 140/1346
Because GFX17 is the graphics for the slopes and dirt. You replace it with ExGFX80. Therefore, no more GFX17 in that level. No more GFX17 = No more slopes.

Get it?
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 276/7620
We didn't really learn it all from scratch. FuSoYa, the person who made Lunar Magic, is a moderator here. We also have several programmers in our midst, several more ameteur programmers (including yours truly) and a handful of hackers.
Posts: 12/21
We're not talking DOOM Legacy here, so ya I'd say I'm as NOOB as you get.

Now to make you pull your hair out, as I have already done mine.

If I am getting you right, you want me to isert the ExGFX using the guide above, placing it in posistion 80 in FG3.
After which I will goto the 16x16 editor, hit F3 and F9 so that my new GFX appear, and my slopes are now trashed.
Then after this you want me to goto to the add objects menu till I can see my new GFX, which is what I've been doing.

What I want to know is why is it that it HAS to destroy your Slopes and Dirt or what ever? I take it Mario World does not want any new GFX installed unless old GFX are sacrificed?
Also why is it that the breakable bricks siply change into Turn blocks instead of breaking?

I REALLY wish there was some sort of step by step tutorial on this kit, I have no idea how you guys learned all this from scratch.
Posts: 137/1346
The slopes are supposed to do that. Want to know how to use the ExGFX?

Go to the Add Objects Window. Click the drop-down box so you see Map16. Click it. Now go to the page with the ExGFX and add in the blocks one by one.

I can tell you are a noob.
Posts: 11/21

When I installed my EXGFX pack, I told it to use FG3 80.

After I did this, all of my slopes and dirt have corrupted GFX. (I am working on the 1st stage so far).

So what is it I don't have to worry about? Everything is screwed up for this level now,
Posts: 136/1346
Wait a minute. FG17 (which you replaced with ExGFX) is the hills and cliffs. It only affects the level you have it set to, so you don't have to worry about the other levels.
Posts: 10/21
I went there and it FG2 was already on 17.

I am using the SMB1 GFX pack.
Posts: 135/1346
Super ExGFX Bypass menu.

And what graphics are you using? Just wondering.
Posts: 9/21
Ok, I went to the Change Index Of GFX button, saw that FG2 was set to17.

Then what, where do I go to "set it back" to an original?

I went to Super GFX Bypass, and it was already on 17 as well.
Posts: 133/1346
Just take the FG2 graphics and put it back to one of the original graphics. If you don't know what it is, click the Change Index of Graphics button and look at what number the FG2 is. Set it to that.
Posts: 8/21

Ok, now I have the new GFX in the 16x16 editor as well as my ADD OBJECTS selection menu, and everything looks like it should...

...except of course the old GFX, which are now garbage in some cases. Since I used FG2 instead of 1 this time, it is my slopes, and passable dirt that looks like crap, as opposed to the Pipes and blocks.

So now how (in detail) do I go about correcting that?


Oh, and if I use a Breakable brick Graphic...

...when mario hits it, it turns into one of those yellow bricks that has eyes and spins...

Posts: 132/1346
FG3 = ExGFX80 (or your number.)

Should work then.
Posts: 7/21

Ok let's back up a bit.

When I am in the Super GFX Bypass screen, I need to put a check mark in the top box then, which do I select?


After that do I need to change anything else in this window?

After the Window is closed I go straight to the 16x16 editor, hit F3, then hit OK, then F9 hit OK, and then I should be ready for the tile editing? If this is so something is wrong.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - EXGraphics I must be dumb


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