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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in General Gaming: supernova05 | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - X-Box 2 (Xenon or 360) to be seen on MTV?
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Kirby PopStar
Posts: 382/431
I personally think this is an absolutely GENIOUS marketing move on Microsoft's part. It's gonna get lots of casual gamers talking.
Posts: 1795/2082
Well, at least Xbox360 sounds like it is 357 ahead of Playstation3. *shot

Hrmm, Elijah Wood hosting it no less. I am gonna go apply to be their lackey at E3
Posts: 1139/1757
yeah, I think the name is awful too...but if thats what they wanna call it, its up to them, cause many people will buy it no matter what the name is.
Posts: 7868/11302
Looks like it's going to be officially called Xbox360 according to British sources. Personally, I think the name sounds awful although the color scheme (platinum white) sounds very nice.

Microsoft shows first on May 12, then Sony on the morning of the 16th, and finally Nintendo afterwards. Originally it was going to be Nintendo then Sony, but Sony decided to get a jump on Nintendo. I think Nintendo prefers having the last word though.
Posts: 2035/3875
Aside: Nintendo really needs to market better.

As for the topic, doesn't surprise me. And I'll probably watch it, if I remember.
alte Hexe
Posts: 3599/5458

This is called marketing.

Welcome to reality.
Posts: 1782/2082
Here is what their idea sounds like to me:

We don't want to unveil our new system at any sort of gaming convention, we feel that is indirect, instead we will unveil it in a 30 minute commercial.
Posts: 1135/1757
yeah, I heard that also...pretty strange if you ask me...would be better on a tech channel, like g4 yeah, or something, but they probably figured more people watch mtv then those tech channels....
Posts: 4642/5337
Rant: I hate MTV.

Okay, now that's out of the way...

Now you would think the next-gen console would be shown at this year's E3....but no? One of them will be shown on MTV? What the hell is that crap? Maybe on Tech TV or something like that...but MTV? They say that they don't want the Xenon to be shown first behind closed doors, so they want to make it known, and what better way than....MTV?

Bah, anyway, here is an article:

NEW YORK -- The revolution will be televised. Xbox 2 -- aka Codename Xenon, the next-generation gaming console from Microsoft -- will make its first appearance on a yet-untitled half-hour special that will be broadcast globally across all MTV stations.

The move bucks industry protocol to make major debuts at E3 in Los Angeles-the largest trade show in the gaming industry. "It doesn't make sense to unveil the product behind a closed door, at a trade-only event. We wanted to talk directly to the consumer first," said Peter Moore, corporate vp-worldwide marketing and publishing for Microsoft Xbox.

The MTV special, hosted by actor Elijah Wood on May 12, will feature a performance by rock band the Killers. Athletes and celebs will show off the console's new features. MTV will air teaser spots prior to the event and screening parties will be held in countries in which MTV airs.

Moore said the launch strategy is to not only "feed the core" gamers, but also to "captivate the masses." The unveiling on MTV is a "signal of the strong change in the way we do business." Themes of optimism and community will be stressed in the campaign, said Moore. McCann Erickson, New York, handles. provides further insight. The viral Xbox 2 site, currently counting down the minutes to the MTV event, states: "Colony isn't about alternate reality gaming, it is reality. It's about the reality of your world, your friends, your life. Colony isn't political, it's global."

Launch partners will be global in nature as Xbox tries to combat the perception that it's an American brand, said Moore. The console is expected to launch this holiday season. Microsoft spent $14 million on media in 4Q 2001 to launch Xbox, per Nielsen Monitor-Plus.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - X-Box 2 (Xenon or 360) to be seen on MTV?


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