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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Rom Hacking: hukka | 2 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - Mario Fantasy Adventure Continues
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Posts: 14/63
Not sure if I will work on it anymore, I just liked what Acmlm had going so I wanted to get some momentum behind it again. The colors of a lot of the enemies could be cleaned up so maybe I'll make a 3rd pass. Now that I think of it, I could clean up the towns and the overworld NPC sprites as well.

If anyone could find me patches (or a dummy-proof method of implementing) for:
1) Making the character names more than 4 characters
2) Giving the item shops the abilitiy to purchase more than one at a time
I would really like to get those in there (I know they have been posted here before but I cannot find a search feature - also I am not experienced with hex editing.)

As for the bosses- I wanted to stay somewhat true to Final Fantasy. I could pick out any set of 4 bosses from the mario games that really were a good fit for the fiends. I thought mario-izing them would be the way to go.
Posts: 1315/2036
A little comment...

I think that most of the graphic changes are well-done... but the final boss's sprite is hideous (I hope that Giga Bowser will look MUCH better in other releases). The names of the fiends wasn't changed also... which bother me a little bit.

Anyway... can't wait for the next release (this is not the final release, right?).
Tamarin Calanis
Posts: 441/1802
IIRC, there was a TXT file with one version of FFHackster that explained how to do it. Problem is, that requires use of a hex editor - something many people, myself included, hate using.

Don't think that a patch for it exists, though.
Posts: 13/63
The Weasel map is very cool. My ideal hack would look like that, but still be the classic map. If Weasel or Xcom want to combine these hacks that would be cool.

Anyone have a quick fix for 5+ letter names?
Posts: 191/445
Yes... I was thinking the same thing myself. Xcom is in no position to be materialistic with this.
Posts: 25/117
Um, XcomGS, you took over the hack because Weasel left and refuse to release it until after he gets back? What was the point of you even taking over the hack, then? If you're gonna sit on the hack for another year and 3 months or so, someone else might as well merge Weasel's nice overworld with MFA to make that hack all that much better, since it's gonna go on being wasted otherwise.
Posts: 25/60
Yea, I can wait for Weasel. I have lots of other stuff to do.
Posts: 75/425
You can add a 7-letter-name for the game it could be better than 5. Its a suggestion.
Posts: 4189/8210
Nice. Might I suggest adding that 5-letter-names hack? IIRC it's a simple change, and seeing how just about all the characters' names are exactly 5 letters...
Posts: 12/63

Super Mario Fantasy Adventure Continues - Hack by Acmlm, then Me, and a little from Weasel's Mario Quest

More Updates----
Map reveted to original Final Fantasy map (Took out minor changes by Acmlm) - Want to make this true to the original game in gameplay.
Main Map graphics altered
Characters Fixed - Yoshi looks better. Daisy and Luigi have proper colors
Works on Final Fantasy (U).nes

Now it is a decent hack. Still improvments can be made (seeing those maps made by Weasel are an obvious indication). Feel free to steal all this and make it better. (I did )
Posts: 946/1477
Originally posted by iamhiro1112
Looks good. You ought to change the airship to the SMB3 airship. You can probably add a storybit where Mario Hijacks it from Dennis Hopper.

Please don't. Ever.

Actual content: Some of the enemies look a little off, size-wise, but you ARE adapting enemies who, size-wise, run the gamut to FF's rigid "32x32 or 48x48 ONLY" system, so it's gonna happen. Promising.
Posts: 181/532
If you're still waiting on weasel you'll be waiting a very long time. He's in peru or something on some religious missionary bullshit
Posts: 24/60
Uh...I took over weasels hack. Like a year ago. It's finished I am just waiting for him to get his new mario hack out of FF. Mario Legends. So please don't use that overworld.
Posts: 11/63
Mark of a dumb newbie: I was using an old version of FF hackster. I am going to make some more changes.
Posts: 161/215
One suggestion I can think of that would alter the maps, but not greatly, would be to make all the pipes stand out from the mountains a bit. You don't have to change their locations, but just cut into the mountain a bit to make it look better done.
Posts: 374/487
Looks good. You ought to change the airship to the SMB3 airship. You can probably add a storybit where Mario Hijacks it from Dennis Hopper.
Posts: 10/63
My enemies plus his maps would be very cool. His characters look better but I think 3 yoshi's is a little redundant.
Posts: 24/117
Maybe slap some of Weasel's Mario FF hack into this (I don't think he'd mind, but maybe someone else thinks otherwise...?)? He had a really nice overworld going. The screenshots on his old Mario Quest site seem to be down (maybe Parasyte can fix that if they're still there?), though I know of at least one pic of it that might be helpful:

Also, his old site has one version of the hack available, but I don't know how much is done in it. *shrugs*

Hope that helps.
Posts: 9/63
Added 4 screenshots. No I didn't rearrange the maps. It looks as though Acmlm has started moving some things around but I did no do any more. For now, I wanted to keep it true to the flow of FF. If someone takes this torch and runs with it new maps might be a good thing, but it would have to come from someone with more talent at this kind of thing than me .
Ok Impala!
Posts: 303/383

You might want to give us some more screenshots first. Did you rearrange any of the maps?
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Rom Hacking - Mario Fantasy Adventure Continues


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