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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in General Gaming: supernova05 | 4 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Xbox gets price cut
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Posts: 303/703
lol i just bought an xbox for myself 1 month ago and i only played it twice...i should have waited
Posts: 21/149

Now I only have to wait 8 months to get one aside from the previous 14 month wait to get it.

Posts: 153/982
yep, lol take that savings apply it toward a mod chip, haha
Posts: 75/201
Yeah, it really doesn't matter to me anymore because i bought one allready =/

But good news to anyone that hasn't
Posts: 133/982
of course, about 2 months after I buy mine, hahah
Posts: 79/722
Blah. X-Box. For Christmas, I was able to buy 2 GameCubes, one for my dad, and one for my sister, and the combined price was lower than a single X-Box. They waited FAR too long to lower the price. Halo 2 will surely make it's way to PC before too long, I'm sure.
Posts: 111/1346
This is interesting. Now Sony has to lower their price. Gamecube still is the cheapest system you can by, even with the price drop.

But I think I know why the X-Box may have lowered in price.

Halo 2.

Microsoft is going to make a lot of money from this game, so why not let the people who have played Halo but don't have the money for a X-Box afford one? Just a thought...
Posts: 592/11302
(This was rumored last week but Microsoft shot down the rumors - which of course ended up being 100% accurate. Now the ball's in Sony and Nintendo's court - Nintendo's moving a respectable amount of Cubes at their price point, so Sony might have to make a move in the next week or so...)

Following plenty of speculation on the subject, Microsoft has today announced that effective March 30 its Xbox console will be available for $149.99 in the U.S. and $199.99 in Canada--representing a price drop of $30 in each territory. The equivalent of US$45 has also been knocked off the price of the Xbox in Mexico, where the console will now be available for 1,999 pesos.

"We have always been committed to providing gamers with the best entertainment experience available," said Mitch Koch, corporate vice president of Microsoft worldwide retail sales. "At this lower mass market price point, we're opening up this great system to an even broader audience of people who can experience Xbox for the first time."

In addition to its console price drop, Microsoft has also announced lower prices for a number of Xbox titles, as well as the launch of a Platinum Family Hits range of budget-priced games suitable for the whole family. Project Gotham Racing 2, Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge, and Counter-Strike will be selling for $29.99 effective tomorrow, while Xbox Music Mixer, Voodoo Vince, and Grabbed by the Ghoulies will be available for just $19.99.

The Platinum Family Hits range announced today, which is seen as an expansion of the existing Platinum Hits program, will comprise E-rated titles that are specifically targeted at a family-oriented audience. Several titles are expected to be added to the $19.99 range each year, and the initial lineup includes such favorites as Finding Nemo and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

(Credit: GameSpot)
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Gaming - Xbox gets price cut


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