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11-02-05 12:59 PM
0 user currently in Modern Art. | 1 guest
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - PictoChat + too much spare time + MSPaint + good eyes = this
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Posts: 4033/8210
Originally posted by Kawa-oneechan
Originally posted by Peardian

Looks good. I used to do that with miscellaneous things from NES. Will you be doing more?
Does the pope breathe funny?


...Sorry, couldn't resist. Anyway what would it take to get the English fonts ripped?
Posts: 506/1696
I just remembered that I used to copy the trainers from Pokemon and the characters from the Digimon thingy. I also made a map from scratch for Kirby's Adventure.
Yoshi Dude
Posts: 1961/3271
Originally posted by Kirby PopStar
I beat you to it, as I did this in December (didn't post it here, though, just showed it to friends) however, you put them all in the right positions and stuff which I didn't get around to. You did a good job!

I did it the day the DS came out. And then I called up some Nintendo executives and they patted me on the back and gave me a lollypop for doing such a bang-up job.
Kirby PopStar
Posts: 375/431
I beat you to it, as I did this in December (didn't post it here, though, just showed it to friends) however, you put them all in the right positions and stuff which I didn't get around to. You did a good job!
Posts: 995/1107
I remember using the item pictures in the Mario Kart instruction manual to create stamps of them in Mario Paint. Also when I had a tomagochi (however it's spelled) I copied the fuckers onto graph paper.

Yes, copying pixels has always been a worthwhile pasttime.
Posts: 8622/12781
I mistook it for an anime girl. Must be the "good eyes" part in the title.

Posts: 8958/11162
...i'm waiting for the full set.

I can see thoose being useful for certain image PHP scripts. Custom font... heh.
Kyoufu Kawa
Posts: 1375/2481
Originally posted by Peardian

Looks good. I used to do that with miscellaneous things from NES. Will you be doing more?
Does the pope breathe funny?
Posts: 489/1696
Looks good. I used to do that with miscellaneous things from NES. Will you be doing more?
Posts: 1576/2082
But then the title couldnt have had "+ MSPaint + good eyes"
Posts: 3922/8210
Neat. Though if you had a certain type of wireless card, you could just download the image from the DS.
Posts: 2731/3959
Only one sheet? Honestly, that looks like the real deal.

Though by the title, I was expecting a pictochat conversation log
Kyoufu Kawa
Posts: 1368/2481

Yeah, did this purely by eye. Aside from at most two, three glyphs in the top row being a pixel too high, I can guarantee this sheet to be 100% Pixel Perfect.

Edit: Moved envelope and phone down a bit.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Modern Art - PictoChat + too much spare time + MSPaint + good eyes = this


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