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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Super Mario World hacking: labmaster | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - A hack and a lesson...
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Posts: 1386/1567
Originally posted by ||bass
Originally posted by Aioria
if you wish i can send one of my levels to you.
If the hack was released and people have your hack, then yea send away.

i haven't released any hack yet

i've released 2 demos of Mario Legends, though. And since they are very old many people forgot the levels

geez i guess i wont be helpful here
Posts: 295/817
Originally posted by Aioria
if you wish i can send one of my levels to you.
If the hack was released and people have your hack, then yea send away.
Posts: 1382/1567
if you wish i can send one of my levels to you.
The Kins
Posts: 415/595
Originally posted by ||bass
Hey does anyone want to lend me a level for my "stealing levels from other hacks is bad" level? It's a mistake that needs to be pointed out. Anyone want to volunteer any of the levels they've made?
I'll see what I can do.
Posts: 293/817
Hey does anyone want to lend me a level for my "stealing levels from other hacks is bad" level? It's a mistake that needs to be pointed out. Anyone want to volunteer any of the levels they've made?
Posts: 116/356
Originally posted by UnsurpassedDarkness
1. Use a map16 block on page 3 or higher.
2. Don
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 5707/7620
Have an "april fools" level in it, and explain that april fools hacks suck.
Golden Yoshi
Posts: 418/693
Originally posted by RT-55J
How about making the squarest overworld possible?

Pshhh...I can do that too, but sadly that's probably the best I can do with the overworld.
Posts: 34/240
How about making the squarest overworld possible?
Golden Yoshi
Posts: 417/693
Make a really bad, redundant remake level, like SMB 1-1 for example, but just extremely crappy and boring, as are most SMB 1-1 transfers to SMW.
Posts: 30/82
Make sure you include blocks that are in the bottom row so that the player can't see them, and include gaps that you have to jump over. That's possibly the stupidest level "feature" ever.

But yeah, sounds like a good idea.
Posts: 571/746
1. Use a map16 block on page 3 or higher.
2. Don
Posts: 288/817
Originally posted by Aioria
maybe you should add some really hard levels to show that these kind of levels (where you have to use tons of save-states) suck.
I actually have one of these levels planned. The message box explaining why it's bad will include a cheat code to make the section easier.
Posts: 1373/1567
maybe you should add some really hard levels to show that these kind of levels (where you have to use tons of save-states) suck.

be sure to make the jumping pirahna plants hurt solid tiles like cement blocks or even munchers to show that they get "stuck" in those tiles and jump right to the sky.

put normal coins over qustion blocks or note blocks to show that an invisible solid block appears when you hit a question/note block from below that has a coin above it.

and about the "crash the game" block: i'm pretty sure Anikiti has one of those in his Mario X World Returns hack, in a cave level of world 7. It is a block that gives you the flashing item that displays a mushroom, a flower, a feather and a star. I'm pretty sure it is in block tool...

Posts: 287/817
Hey, I actually need a little help with something. I'm looking for a '?' block that, when hit, crashes the game. Anyone know of such a block?

I need it for my "bad asm" explination. (The player will be forewarned, don't worry.)
Posts: 383/1981
Please don't forget a ton of blind drops, some onto a 1-block wide concrete block, then having the player jump across more blocks like that over the entire level.

Or how about a long, flat level? to show that boring levels are bad?
Alastor the Stylish
Posts: 5697/7620
That seems like it'd be okay.

I recommend heavy overuse of things from the ExGFX workshop, assembled in such a way that the styles of it clash horribly with the styles of everything else around it.
Posts: 286/817
Some of the boxes may be hard to read but theres nothing I can do. I have alot to say so, expect the message boxes to have no word wrapping and nice spacing, I need to use every ounce of space I can give myself so it may end up looking a bit sloppy.

Then again, that's ok isn't it....
Posts: 581/647
-Changing Mario into something stupid like a pirannah plant

-Changing gfx into really crappy stuff

-Putting a powerup in every other block

-Using Demo World to base your hack off of and leaving the graphics the same
Posts: 626/971
- Non-fitting graphics (i.e. inserting the SMW cement blocks (which have transparent edges) amidst a ledge)
- Random pallette changes
- Empty message box
- Level names not changed (whilst the levels themselves contain something entirely different, i.e. a castle called DONUT PLAINS 1)
- Inserting new sprite graphics, but not covering both walking animation frames (like orynider's famous monty mole replacements who changed into an entirely different sprite every other frame)
- Overusage of SMAS graphics
- changing the title screel level, but not modifying the movement data
- making Mario die in the title level movement animation
- bad usage of music (like the Bowser battle theme in one of the first levels of Rob-omb's quest *dislikes*)
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - A hack and a lesson...


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