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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Programming - Javascript problem
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Posts: 23/25
I finally found on google, I didn't know what keywords to use.

It is extremely simple:

window.opener.location = "page.php";


EDIT: Nop, window.parent doesn't work, hehe
Posts: -2337/-863
Or, wouldn't it be possible to use window.parent to change the URL of that window?

(I'm not really a javascript person, but as soon as I read that window.parent hit me)
Posts: 31/43
Try googling "Javascript remote control" - what you're trying to do sounds a bit like that.
Posts: 22/25
I am in page. Then I do a I select something in a list, and when I push "okay", I want to come back in the page before, reload the page, and close the pop up.

I can do everything, except that I don't know how I can say "do that" to another window. When it's in frames, there is no problem. But between 2 windows, how do you do that? if it's possible.

Thank you
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Programming - Javascript problem


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