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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Super Mario World hacking: labmaster | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - A few screens of my SMW hack project
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Posts: 183/281

SMB2-style Mario

And to show you that the border doesn't fade.


World and Level number .
Posts: 194/1981
Huh. There's a lot've people these days who eem to be pushing the limits more than ever.

Anyways, if you can pull it off i'd be pretty damn impressed. Good luck with your layer three hacking.
Posts: 182/281
If there was an editor for layer 3 backgrounds for each tile set, I could use that.
Posts: 191/1981
Small hacker made SMSBE for the purpose of editing Layer 3, but unfortunately there are many limitations to layer 3's size. The would have to be ASMmed out first before that status bar could be put on layer 3.

Great hack, BTW. I'm looking forward to this one.
Posts: 181/281
I would have used layer 3 for the border, but there wasn't enough room.
Posts: 3715/8210
The scorebar border is a nice idea (looks SMB3ish), but you'd be better off putting it all on layer 3 so that you can actually use layer 2. I think someone made a scorebar editor a while ago. You could replace the unused 'TIME' tiles with the border tiles, and simply re-colour the rest of the tiles to have a black BG. (Ex: Change the first tile in 'TIME' to the horizontal border, the second to the vertical border, and the third to the corner tile, and edit layer 3 to include them. You'll need to find another tile for that clock icon though. Maybe reduce 'MARIO' to just 'M'?)
Posts: 180/281
I started working on this a few days ago, and decided to show everyone.

1-1. Notice I have a border for the status bar, made of layer 2 tiles, which means the background is layer 1.

The dark grass on the bottom is part of the background. And look at the corners of the walls. They don't show the sky colour.

And in the sky.

This is the basic design for the hack. I'll upload more screens when I get more done. There'll also be some custom blocks .
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - A few screens of my SMW hack project


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