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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Emulation - Schpune! [new NES emu]
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Posts: 9/50
Nice work.

Here're some points for improvement. You don't have to implement them... it's just what I noticed on the first try.

- file selection dialogs (ROMs, presets etc.) starting by default in Schpune's directory
- key buttons have to be activated (currently, Alt-Tab changes settings!)
- cheat support

"Config Input": picture of a NES controller?
"Config Video": checkboxes for stretching, 32-bit, HQ2X, 2XSaI, Super Eagle, Super 2XSaI; more resolutions
"Sound Channels": one big table? Like, Square1..MMC5:PCM on the y axis, and enabled/invert/volume/panning on the x axis.
"Config Hotkeys": button for slot selecting window (with preview), ZSNES-like
Posts: 88/99
I ran it at 16 bit color, 1024x768.
Are you using StretchBlt or DX?
Posts: 23/24
Some of you guys were talking about how displaying stretched images work slow. Well, I came accross a similar issue while working on my emulator: displaying the image stretched to twice its original size (keeping the aspect ratio right) would slow down the program a bunch. What you might wanna try is go to your display settings, change the color depth to 16 bits, then try running the emulator once again. I think this may fix your issues.
Posts: 21/240
Actually, I think that the reason so many emulators desync when you try to rerecord is that they don't go back to the point in the movie where the save state was created so that if you make X mistake, load a savestate, then correct it (Y) the finished product shows you doing X mistake and then doing the Y keypresses or something like that. Oh, wait... you were talking about normal playthroughs.
Posts: 301/596
Well the thing that make it so simple is the game has to actually poll for joypad data (by strobing through $4016). So if you just keep a counter and increment it every time the joypad gets strobed by the game, and use that counter as a timestamp for keypresses -- there is NO REASON why your movie should lose sync unless you do things really stupidly.

But yeah... to me it just seems so simple and basic -- yet so many emus have a hard time with it. I guess I just don't understand what their problem is.
Posts: 3871/8210
It doesn't seem like something that should be an issue. Maybe it's a matter of timing issues or multiple threads. I can see how it might screw up if you grabbed the key-data say once every second instead of once every however many instructions, but that's just a stupid way of doing things.
Posts: 300/596
Thanks for the positive feedback everyone! ^^. I'm still working on it -- right now I'm adding various mappers (VRC7, currently -- stupid sound)

Originally posted by dormento
Btw, how did you made it so the movie doesn't lose sync (like most other emus)? How's the movie file format laid out?

The movie file format isn't super complex -- just a savestate followed by a recording of button presses along with timestamps of when the buttons were pressed.

As for the first question -- I think the real question is why do some emus have such a hard time with such a basic feature. There's really no trick to it other than stable emulation -- which every emu should have. If you load up a ROM and play it, it will play exactly the same way every time in an emulator -- the only thing that changes is what the user inputs -- so if you record that input (and do a halfway decent job of it), echoing those keypresses back when the game restarts will result in the game flowing exactly the same when it was recorded (stable movies). Why this is so hard for some emus -- I just don't understand. I had no trouble with it.
Posts: 318/624
When I saw Schpune, it reminded me of The Tick cartoon. SPOOOOOOOOOOOOON! Well, anyways I like this emulator you put together, the featire I like is the movie recording. I'm testing it with ROMs right now so you'll get some feedback from me soon okay? The spoon icon rocks. Awsome work btw, Disch.
Posts: 84/99
I'm sure that this emulator will become popular, with the stable movie recording as well as the savestate in movies feature
That's just so damn true.
Btw, how did you made it so the movie doesn't lose sync (like most other emus)? How's the movie file format laid out?

...and... have i sad that the sound is top notch yet?
Posts: 246/397
I'm sure that this emulator will become popular, with the stable movie recording as well as the savestate in movies feature, though I think that's in most movie capable emulators. I would like to see a slowdown and rewind button(That would work for movies while playing and recording possibly), I haven't seen a rewind button on an emulator but I haven't tried many either. I also like the features that can be adjusted for each rom. I'll be looking back on this emulator if it doesn't simply die or anything, it looks like it will become top notch.
Posts: 421/830
Originally posted by Sonicandtails
Hmm. HMMM. HMMMM. I like it. Allthough it doesen't have alot of extras that FCEUXD has (which i rely on right now cuase im learning ASM), it still runs games smoother than FCEUXD does on my other older P2 computer! Me like!

Schpune is a general purpose "play" emulator, not a debugger. If you want debugging skillz and ASM "no-ledge," (I made a funny) then stick to FCEUXD.

Schpune's movie support > all other NES emu's right now. And that, I am not kidding about.
Violent J
Posts: 266/749
Hmm. HMMM. HMMMM. I like it. Allthough it doesen't have alot of extras that FCEUXD has (which i rely on right now cuase im learning ASM), it still runs games smoother than FCEUXD does on my other older P2 computer! Me like!
Posts: 83/99
...the Disch ran away with the Schpune XD...

and I'm not doing any hardware blitting for various reasons.
Why exactly? Do you want to keep it portable? Are you using DirectX?

Really good job, i just owned MM3 again for the first time in years... The sound output is really that good.
Posts: 299/596
Originally posted by dormento
My only rant is that you could've named it 'slickNES'

I wanted to break out of the _____NES mold. Besides... the Disch ran away with the Schpune! XD

Good job. Btw, when can we expect SchpuneXD?

Thanks ^^. Unless someone else comes on board with a desire to add a debugger and work with my bizarre and hard to follow code -- don't expect one. I'm not about to make a debugger -- especially not when there's already one as top notch as FCEUXD.

Btw, 2x video modes _very slow_ on my home machine (k6-ii 500 128 Mb, onboard sound, nvidia tnt232mb)

Yeah.... they're slower on mine too. normal displaying uses like 2% of my CPU... but with a simple stretch it jumps up to like 60%. I don't really see a solution -- software stretching is just slow -- and I'm not doing any hardware blitting for various reasons.
Posts: 82/99
My only rant is that you could've named it 'slickNES'
Good job. Btw, when can we expect SchpuneXD?
A real shame is already taken :p

Btw, 2x video modes _very slow_ on my home machine (k6-ii 500 128 Mb, onboard sound, nvidia tnt232mb)
Posts: 298/596
How fast is your computer? Schpune isn't exactly lightning fast like some of the other low-end emus out there. Though I did try to make it as quick as I could without sacrificing accuracy.
Posts: 41/135
Well, its probably my computer but for some reason the sound runs choppy and the game runs about 90% speed, I think it is my computer though. Still, a lot better than I could do.
Posts: 22/24
Well, all I can say is that this emulator is rockin'
Posts: 297/596
I actually meant for it to sound almost like 'Spoon'.. only with the 'sh' sound in there, so I guess the 'proper' way to pronounce it would be "Shpoon".

Originally posted by Colin
As if there aren't enough NES emulators out there.

Yeah yeah I know XD. I'm well aware of all the arguments about developing emulators just for the sake of developing them as adding to the 'noise'. But I'm not making this emu to make another emu -- I'm making this emu because I like making it (something about the NES just fascinates me). And as long as I'm making it, I might as well let some other people use it if they want.
Posts: 7380/11302
As if there aren't enough NES emulators out there.

Seriously, nice job! I'm downloading it now and I'll give it a whirl later.

Ailure: Elite saw a release in Europe for the NES (obviously in PAL format), and that rom should be fine. It's the NTSC version that's pretty damn dodgy.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - General Emulation - Schpune! [new NES emu]


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