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11-02-05 12:59 PM
1 user currently in Super Mario World hacking: labmaster | 3 guests
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - Super Mario Bros. 3 Screenshots
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Posts: 704/963
Look for a thread a few pages down, titled SMB3 demo released.
Posts: 140/793
No I didn't sorry. Is it in your original post? I only looked at SS - didn't look at any links or anything
Posts: 703/963
Yeah, it did take a while. Creating a remake hack is totally different to making an original hack. I don't need an imagination (of which i don't have much anyway), but it does take a lot of time to get everything perfect, and i'm glad you appreciate the massive amount of work I put into my hacks. btw, yes, it does use SMB3 music, didn't you play the demo?
Posts: 139/793
*examines screenshots for a minute* I haven't rated these yet - so I'm going to now. I think they are fantastic - but it must have taken AGES to get all the ExGFX files together, and the worlds exactly the same, even the sprites and stuff. I'm gonna assume it uses SMB3 music too. I'm sure this post is old, but they are definitely worth rating. I take my hat off to you . . . great job!
Posts: 702/963
Perhaps not. I like his skin colour as it is, and I'm sure the majority of people here would agree.
Posts: 27/28
I've always found it odd that in all-stars/SMA4 Mario's SMB3 sprite's skin colour is 'tanned'. It's odd, because in future games, such as mario world, he is no longer 'tanned'. That said, I wonder how that sprite would look with mario's regular face colour...perhaps it can be something peter_ac can experiment with?
Posts: 6343/8210
That being said, next post that isn't about the hack gets deleted.
Rainbow Yoshi
Posts: 453/496
Spam is making:

- A post that is off-topic, meaning that it has nothing to do with the original thread.
- A post that is only a few words long and doesn't contribute anything meaningful to the discussion.
Magikoopa Myster
Posts: 210/553
Please stop spamming. You'll get this thread closed, which peter_ac does not want. Ahem. Yeah.
Posts: 48/116
Is it just me, or did that comment make no sense whatsoever?
Posts: 681/963
I released the demo here too. PLEASE DON'T CLOSE THIS, PLEASE!!! I'll even make an update if it can stay open.
Posts: 50/107
Whoops. It's so long of a thread iv'e been reading that i accually forgot.
Magikoopa Myster
Posts: 209/553
Holy mother of bump. He already said earlier in the thread that there will be NO DEMO, except for the beta! Look on Ice Board for it. You don't have to bump a month-old thread. Sheesh.
Posts: 49/107
Any Chance you'll be releasing a demo?
Posts: 105/110
Do the bumpty bump! I said do the bumpty bump!

Dance! Do the dance do the bump!

Well keep up the good work. I hope to see more screen shots too!
Posts: 239/1239
Is there gonna be a SMB3 music hack? I can't get enough of that music.
Posts: 5697/8210
Niiiice. I do think there should be a few bonus levels of your own design in this hack though.
Posts: 2/75
Originally posted by peter_ac
w00t! more screenies!

Wow!your hack show very good!
Posts: 100/110
So what happens if you have more room to add both the lost levels and e-levels in to this game alone? Would you add it instead of making a whole separate rom with them all?

Well acctually now that I think about it, it might not be a bad idea to make a separate rom because the e-levels themselves had a separate e-world and then all you have to do is make a lost levels world......

Well whatever you do its cool anywayz. Keep up the good work!
Posts: 569/963
i'll put in any new levels i can find. as i mentioned before, i'm putting the e-levels into a seperate hack. i think what i'll do is put all of the extra, hidden levels into a seperate hack too, along with levels from various SMB3 NES hacks. when the time comes and i start making it, i'll post a thread in ROM Hacking to ask if anybody will let me use their levels.
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Super Mario World hacking - Super Mario Bros. 3 Screenshots


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