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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - IP Renewal error
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Ramadan Roy
Posts: 584/816
Um, there's a problem if I try to do that.

As you can see, I can't use the first DNS server listed on the status page as the secondary because it's the same as the primary.
Posts: 215/817
Try this then.
After release/renew on your router, go into the status page (if it's a linksys router, you should already be there at that point).

Go into the tcp/ip settings of all the client computers and manuall change their ip addresses to 192.168.1.X where X = 20,21,22,23 etc. Set the subnet mask to and the gateway to

Then manually set the computers DNS servers to use as as the primary and the first dns server listed in the router status page as the secondary.

Full manual settings like this tend to work with linksys router.
Ramadan Roy
Posts: 583/816
Yea, I did everything you told me to do, and it still didn't go on the internet while it was able to release and renew IP's. And, for this one computer to go on the net I don't need to release/renew all of the other computers first, do I?
Posts: 214/817
No, what I'm saying is this.... ok.

Plug all the computers into the router and the router into the cable modem.

Do release/renew on the router.
AFTER THAT do release/renew on all the computers connected to the router.

If that doesn't work, I have one last suggestion that I'd rather not use, so try this first.
Ramadan Roy
Posts: 582/816
I trust that you are talking about this screen. In which case, I don't really know how to do what you are telling me to do.
Posts: 213/817
Originally posted by The Dogan
Everything is plugged in correctly as you said. I got to the utility and the IP can be both renewed and released but I still can't access the internet. Is there anything in particular I should look for in the utility? Also, should I disable the firewall?(Which I already have, but it didn't do anything)
Make sure that your individual computers release and renew their DHCP sessions on the router AFTER the router renews its DHCP session with the cable provider.
Ramadan Roy
Posts: 581/816
Everything is plugged in correctly as you said. I got to the utility and the IP can be both renewed and released but I still can't access the internet. Is there anything in particular I should look for in the utility? Also, should I disable the firewall?(Which I already have, but it didn't do anything)
Posts: 212/817
Originally posted by The Dogan
Well I tried that(properly resetting the routers), and the IP IS renewable BUT its:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:

Also, I went to, and I still can't get to the utility.

The config utility on linksys routers is at notice the extra 1.

Also, many cable providers will only provide ip addresses to a single MAC address so be sure that the same network device is plugged into the cable modem as before.
Ramadan Roy
Posts: 580/816
Well I tried that(properly resetting the routers), and the IP IS renewable BUT its:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:

Also, I went to, and I still can't get to the utility.
Posts: 2187/2390
Originally posted by The Dogan
You mean by pressing the reset button on the routers and holding them for like 10 seconds? Yea, I've done that. I have 2 routers and a switch. One router is a 4 port linksys BEFSX41, the switch a linksys 5 port EZXSS5W(which this computer was previously connected to. The last one is a 4 port D link DL-624 AirPlus XtremeG Wireless Router. And also, for some reason, unless I'm jacked into the cable modem directly, when I go to, I can't get to the router utility.
The reset button resets all settings to factory default, try going to which is the factory default for me - I have the very same wireless router. I think you made a booboo when you pressed the reset button, the correct way to reSTART network equipment is to unplug the AC cord, wait 5 seconds, and plug it back in.
Ramadan Roy
Posts: 579/816
You mean by pressing the reset button on the routers and holding them for like 10 seconds? Yea, I've done that. I have 2 routers and a switch. One router is a 4 port linksys BEFSX41, the switch a linksys 5 port EZXSS5W(which this computer was previously connected to. The last one is a 4 port D link DL-624 AirPlus XtremeG Wireless Router. And also, for some reason, unless I'm jacked into the cable modem directly, when I go to, I can't get to the router utility.
Posts: 2183/2390
You *did* restart your router/gateway/hub too, right? Since that's what doles out the IP addresses. It's even possible that you fried part of your network equipment - it's happened to me!
Ramadan Roy
Posts: 577/816
On friday night, a fuse blew and all the computers on the network shut down. Then, when I booted them back up, they could, not to my surprise, access the internet. But like a half hour later, I couldn't. Since then, when I try to repair the network, it gives me an error saying that the IP could not be renewed. I am currently directly connected to the cable modem. ive tried ipconfig, ipconfig/release, and ipconfig/renew. Release works but renew doesn't. Please help.
Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Hardware/Software - IP Renewal error


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