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11-02-05 12:59 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Sim-Battle Arena - DiEn Open Challenge 2!
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Posts: 1251/2214
Korra wakes up. "What happened...?"

"Nimue, you are quite a healer. Thank you."

"Tandem Attacks? Oh no, we got plenty. My favorite is Gemini Arrow. It causes paralysis!"

There is a pause.

"Korrachi... We should've used THAT on them."

"You forget how taxing it is on you... Ah well. It's time for us to go now."

Korra suddenly whirls around and smashes the wall behind him with a roundhouse. A hole is there.

"When you hit us against the wall, you weakened it. We know the way from here. So long, and thanks for the battle!"

Ami concentrates, and an invisible telepathic bubble surrounds the two of them. They hover quickly through the hole and take to the skies behind it... off on another adventure.

(end for Schwa)

OOC: Jarukoth, you're legendary among SBers. Thanks for the awesome fight.
Posts: 2696/3194
Nimue takes Ami's hand, pulls her close...and hugs her. It wasn't often that her opponents were such sweet kids.

Nimue: "Don't worry about it. From this day foreward, consider Hewitt and I your allies."

She then extends her hand to Korra's body. White light radiates from Korra's wound, soon disappearing after a few moments. The wound on Korra's body is gone.

Nimue: "You know, later if you like, I can show you some other tandem abilities we use that you may find useful. What do you say?"
Posts: 1247/2214
Ami just stands there and takes it. What else is she to do?

The force knocks her against the wall, then she slides down to the floor next to her cleaved brother.

She looks up at her foe who just defeated them.

"Nice fight... It hurts me to know that Korrachi has been sliced open, but it will heal. And you may have placed me on the floor and won the battle, but I won't let that stop me from being your friend." From the floor, she holds her hand out to Nimue for a handshake.
Posts: 2667/3194
Before the shots can strike Hewitt, Nimue steps in, generating a divine shield to absorb the blows...

Nimue: "Using God's blessings in such a manner...How dare you!!!!!"

Hewitt holds his sister back, her eyes filled with a rage he hadn't seen in a long time...

Hewitt: "Sis...our opponent is over there..."

Nimue quickly calms down. As much as he didn't want to fight such nice kids when there were monsters him Dark Grey around, an opponent was an opponent...

Hewitt leaps back into Nimue's body again, as she runs at Ami. She goes to kick Ami, Hewitt's legs springing up next to her own...

"Gatling Kick!"


Durmed: "Don't worry, Miss Nimue! Leave the heretic to me!"

As the bullets collide with a hastily generated forcefield, Durmed flicks his finger. Several blades come out of Kuroari's arms, who quickly rushes at Dark Grey, attempting to wrap it's arms around him, restraining him.

Meanwhile, it seems like the bullets are merely prevented from being fatal strikes...

Durmed: *to himself* "Agh...damn that hurts... Not bad for a heretic..."
Grey the Stampede
Posts: 2059/3770
OOC: Team Dark Grey: Using the power of Good for the forces of Evil!

(I got the idea from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night...)
Posts: 1239/2214
Dark Grey hears a telepathic message...

"You know you just broke just about every single rule in Spiritual Physics, right? Okay, just reminding you... Hunter Schweitzer told me to tell you."

The message fades. Well, THAT was sudden...
Grey the Stampede
Posts: 2057/3770
Grey: "Holy Sacreliege!!!"

Grey put his arms in a cross-shape, and his guns began to glow with a white light... He twisted his arms and turned the cross counterclockwise, the light leaving an afterimage of holy power which spreads to the rest of his body. He inhales the poisonous gas, and is unaffected by it...

"Holy power purges all impurities from its user's body... Ever wonder why Schwa is so healthy? The power of Good keeps you safe, and can defeat any evil that stands in front of it..."

Grey's sleeves fell down when he crossed his arms, revealing a pair of glittering silver shackles on his wrists, and a white collar around his neck conferred an additional status to him. Was he a man of the cloth?

He couldn't be, if he was using attacks that involved sacreliege, and using the power of God for his own purposes.

He grinned with a white light coming from his eyes, and unleashed another hail of bullets, this time with one gun pointed at Durmed and the other at Hewitt...

"....But it's incredible when used for evil deeds!"
Posts: 1236/2214
Ami tries to protect herself with a force shield, one that is meant to reduce the damage she recieves. (It also lasts for a split second, so timing is crucial in activation.) However, the shield doesn't work since Ami is sensitive to dark attacks. She takes extra damage and lands next to Korra.

"How you doing, Ami?"

"We're losing... All my fault..."

"Ami, it's not! Stop being so oversensitive! We always lose as a team, remember? Besides, we haven't lost yet. We can still turn this--"

That's when the cybornetic boy faints. Just like that. Bam. Ami is left with a 1 vs 2 battle. But she can't fight without Korra and her current stamina (or lack of, rather).

Ami stands in front of them, not knowing what to do...
Posts: 2660/3194
The blast explodes as it hits Ibaragi's axe, releasing a large amount of the corrosive mist...


....corrosive to Ibaragi anyway. The summon's flesh looks like it is dissolving as it warps back to it's orginal plain. The gate begins to dissappear along with it.

Their summons' screams is all the cue Hewiit needed...

"Stigmata Touch!"

As Hewitt goes to punch Ami, he fist radiates an evil, damaging aura...
Posts: 1235/2214
Korra jumps backward, but not away from the axe-- the axe strike is chasing him in midair. He fires Purity Flush right at the axe, which is a large sphere of water that, upon contact with the axe (or anything for that matter), it explodes and creates a light, rainy mist over the whole arena. This mist damages all summoned creatures as long as it's in effect, and causes status conditions for ALL fighters to subside.

But that doesn't exactly stop Ibaragi's attack... which slams into Korra's torso. Technically it should cleave him wide open, but since he's leaping away from the axe it just knocks him back against the wall with a slash down his middle.

Korra looks at the mark given to him.
"Whoa, this is bad... At least I managed to fire Purity Flush first. Ibaragi shouldn't last too much-- Agh!" He stops when the pain sets in. Grey bolts of electricity are starting to form in the slice down his middle.

Ami hovers quickly over.
"I'm sorry Korrachi!"

"It ain't you, sis. You fought perfectly. Ah... I just-- need some rest time."
Posts: 2751/3727
OOC no, he unloaded his gun, not shot.
Posts: 2655/3194
OOC: Sorry about that, I usually use the term "unloaded" as a synonym for "firing the entire contents of the magazine".

Kari, however confused by Fenrir's actions, doesn't want to waste time, or a good oppertunity...

She extends her palm out to Dracoon...

"Posiedon's Requiem!"

Kari closes her hand into a fist, as the torrent of fast moving water goes from whirling around collapsing on him!


As the nondescript man falls to the ground, the bullets crash through Durmed's body...

...yet, "his" body continues to move normally...What was going on?

???: "...Things are not always as they appear, lad..."

Suddenly, the cloaking device drops, revealing the real Durmed up in the stands, a bit far away from where Grey was.

Meanwhile, the nondescript gentleman's face...begins to fall off, as does the fake Durmed. Thier skin, and old outfits are shed like old skin as well, revealing two man sized puppets. A lanky one by Grey, and a fatter one where the fake Durmed was...

Durmed: "You may have already met my puppets, Karasu and Kuroari..."

The puppet nearest to Grey, Karasu, opens it's mouth, and 'breathes' a cloud of poison gas point blank at Grey...

"I guess the other teams were right," Durmed thinks to himself, "These people are good. I didn't expect both puppets covers to be blown so soon..."
Posts: 2749/3727
Fenrir: "Whats this?"

Fenrir couldn't move fast enough without losing balance, and he knew now that his balance was the only thing keeping him standing. He decided to wait this one out while quickly unloading his gun.
Grey the Stampede
Posts: 2040/3770
Grey holstered his guns and grinned evilly, stepping aside and allowing the blah man's blades to slash downward beside him, tearing off a bit of his already battered garments. He delivered a swift upward kick at the attacker, which turned into a back handspring that Grey came out of with both guns twirling around his index fingers. He pointed them at Durmed and fired rapidly, beginning to strafe as the bullets flew forward!

Grey: "Lee Harvey Oswald? I like that... But watch out, or you might find that I fire like Jim Garrison's investigation was true!"
Posts: 2649/3194
Krauser is momentarily taken aback by the sudden burst of gunfire...

Krauser: "Heh...another one, eh? He's got good trigger speed, too. Impressive.

So, who gets him?"

Krauser looks by where the other DiEns are watching the fights, when he spots someone else in the place of where Kankurou once was; A dwarf, clad in high tech armor, and flanked by a nondescript fellow in a suit...

Krauser: "Geez, he didn't last too long. Who are you?"

Durmed: "Name's Durmed Steelcutter. I'm you're new're Krauser, I take it."

Krauser: "I can introduce myself once you've taken care of Lee Harvey Oswald over there. Go make yourself useful, already."

Durmed: "Aye, I'll do what ye say, but only beacuse I'm eager to show off my new power. From here on out, I'll be answerin' to Miss Nimue, aye?"

Krauser simply scoffs, and turns to face Sion again...


Durmed: "Now then, let's get to fightin', lad..."

Durmed snaps his fingers, and points at Dark Grey. Suddenly, the nondescript fellow dashes at Dark Grey, attacking him with a pair of short blades that seem to come out from his palms...


Grey's shots kick up quite a bit of dust, stunning Nimue and Hewitt, and preventing Ibaragi from finishing his attack.

Ibaragi: "Dammit! I want blood!"

Grasping his axe again, he attempts to for a slow moving, yet hard horizontal axe strike at Korra...


Kari and Ecco had been a bit too overconfident after thier sucessful attack on Fenrir, giving him the oppertunity to fire...and hit Ecco. Kari flies off the dolphin, and lands on the ground as she sees Ecco warp back to it's original world...

Kari: "That's I'm mad..."

"Posiedon's Typhoon!"

The water rushes up beside Fenrir, and begins to whirl around him faster and faster. It soon rises in height, and closes in, as if to try to wrap around or imprison Fenrir...
Posts: 1219/2214
"Ami, hurry up!"

Ami moves away from Hewitt and meets Korra, who morphs his Arm Cannon back. Ami transfers Purity Flush to it, as Korra prepares to fire.

But Ibaragi gets to strike first...
Grey the Stampede
Posts: 2016/3770
OOC: Dracoon, I was being really literal when I said he's not the same person. He follows the same rules that Kalar follows in the SF.
Posts: 2735/3727
OOC Sorry about the wait.

Fenrir looked out at Kari and Eco. He had to find his best move, any other one might get him trapped. Fenrir looked up, an eager smile on his face. He didn't move as Kari and Eco charged him, sending him backwards, rolling, quite a bit. He flipped up, knowing he'd be bruised, but nothing serioous had been injured.

Fenrir: "So Grey, you've changed. Try to stay out of my way."

Fenrir sighed as he looked at his fake moon, no matter what he did with it, it would never give him his power back. Fenrir seemed to let go of some energy and the fake moon disappeared. After a painful looking transformation back to human, Fenrir looked just like he had at the begining. He held up his gun and fired a single bullet.

Fenrir: ""
Grey the Stampede
Posts: 2015/3770
(not detective) Grey: "Brilliant Spreadfire!!!"

The bone projectile is blown to bits by a hail of bullets that flies at Krauser, Nimue, and Hewitt...

Standing in the empty stands of the arena is a man with a beaten-up detective's coat and well-torn fedora. He leaps into the arena and brandishes a pair of handguns, the instruments from which the rain of bullets came. The guns were only semi-automatic; had he really fired THAT quickly? He certainly looked familiar to Fenrir, but at the same time extremely different. Definitely not the same person that Fenrir had held a gun to some time ago...

"This battle's looking a little one-sided. I think it's about time the odds were evened."

Dark Grey popped a pair of clips out of his guns, and reloaded them in a matter of seconds...
Posts: 2643/3194
As Sion brings down the pole, Krauser catches it with his massive claw arm...

Krauser: Sorry, but your heat absorption ability didn't leave me with much choice...I'll make a note to prepare for that next time..."

With his other arm, Krauser fires another bladed bone projectile at Sion, this time from his forearm.


Even though thier attacks don't seem to do much, Nimue still manages to overhear what they say...

Nimue: "Hewitt! Let's open it!"

"Rashoumon - Unseal!"

The chains on the door fade away, as the door begins to creak open...

After a few moments, out leaps a massive ogre, posesssing a stitched up arm, and a giant axe.

Ibaragi: "Damn, it's been a while. What kept you two?"

Nimue: "It's a long story, Ibaragi. Those kids are our opponents today. That's all you need to know..."

Ibaragi: ""

Ibaragi then lifts his axe high into the air, and attempts to strike the two kids...
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Acmlm's Board - I2 Archive - Sim-Battle Arena - DiEn Open Challenge 2!


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