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11-02-05 12:59 PM

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# Picture Username User bio (hide) Registered on Posts Level EXP
1.   neotransotaku

I'm the kid in your class who sits by himself. You know who he is and what he says when people ask questions. But when he says something, you don't bother respond back because he is an idiot when he speaks.
03-15-04 03:02 AM 4016 87 6220548
2. Dracoon Why is it people want to know about me? What could you possibly [b]WANT[/b] to know?

Right now, I'm almost 16, and I don't believe in any religion, and I only believe in the human mind. I believe anyone is capable of anything if they try, and that if people really, truely, believe, they can alter reality. I doubt anyone could do this though, or has a need to do this. Anyways, I don't care, my belief, or faith, is unimportant.

I listen to heavy music to drown my thoughts, always my thoughts always there to confuse, anger, depress, or even hate me. I let my mind wander usually and I've been suffering in school lately because of this, but I hate to concentrate, because I start to think about everything I've done wrong. I've done nothing really wrong in my entire life, I've done bad things, because I was ignorant, or wasn't thinking, but I've never done something truely wrong. I've wondered why I punish myself when I know this, and I can't over come it now. Thus, I drown it and hope for stability while having a good time.

People often say I'm annoying because of some of my qualities. My sudden lack of attention or suddenly becoming angry. I make 180 turns in personality sometimes, and when I can focus on one emotion, its always anger. I hate people who do things I don't like, but I know I can't do anything to them, because no matter what, if I get someone to the point of almost being hurt, I will stop. Because of this, I've never thrown a punch at anyone. I've never aimed a kick meant to hurt, and I've never put someone in constant pain. I'm not a pacifist, I just am unable to put someone else in pain. I've been in pain myself, plenty of times, usually due to me not putting others in pain. Having an arm feel like its going to break for over an hour is not something I'd like to see anyone else go through, and in truth, I couldn't see it happen to anyone and would have to stop it.

I stopped flinching a while ago. Everyone I know who tries to scare me is never able to now. If they hit me, I get hit, I'll get back up. I can't stay laying down after being knocked down. I've also never been beaten hard enough to pass out.

Self preserverence is still in me, no matter what. I will always eat when I'm hungry and drink when I'm thirst, but I still don't think I could allow someone else to be shot in front of me. I'm not selfless, I just couldn't see someone die in front of me, making me a coward. I might be remembered as a hero if I was shot saving someone, but what would be the point? Someone would've died anyways, I just made it so I didn't have to see it.

I've never been in love. I thought I was once, but I was wrong. I don't understand what love is, and I've stopped caring. One day, I might find a woman I can spend the rest of my life with, but I know it won't be love.

Lust; however, is something everyone feels. I don't act on lust, and keep it in my mind for only a short period. Never will I act on lust, and many people in my school tried to throw a homosexual lable on me. I never reacted to this, and they eventually shut up. I don't care what others think, this is my existance after all, why should they have a say in it?

These are my thoughts, and nothing about me. I'm human, and I hate myself more than anyone. I don't hate myself in a "I'm going to cut my wrists and bleed to death!" way, I think of myself more as "You judge people and yet you have some many flaws. If you saw someone else do this, you would want to hurt them, but you won't hurt yourself or anyone. Shut up, sit down, and think about why you're wrong."

My mind doesn't accept reason, and I'll continue to let it until I die. Maybe one day, I'll learn what everything is and see why people can stand to hurt others and do bad things, but for now. I'll have to stay as I am and hope that I won't hate myself forever.
03-25-04 03:56 AM 3727 84 5514391
3.   Super Sion

"Walking this road,
Without you,
To remake forgotten promises and meet you at roads end.

Faded Memories,
Reconstucted Memories,
A dream - a dream of you,
In a world without you.

The dream I see in the world without you,
Torn dream, like a memory from the far past,
I'd like to put it together,
With you..."

03-15-04 05:56 PM 2472 70 3002513
4. Clockworkz Best Senior Quote of the Graduating class in my school:

1st place: "It just keeps getting herder..." -Dick Guzinia

Runner up: "Here comes the sun, doo doo doo doo, here comes the sun."

it's hard to be human:
here we are, saddled with 4 1/2 billion years of biological legacy, essentially designed to live short, aggressive and violent lives on the plains of the serengeti, but yet forced to be good, contemporary citizens. life is hard for everybody. we're all trying to eke out an existence in unbelievably confusing circumstances.
given our biological inheritance i think that we need to be more tolerant of ourselves and more tolerant and compassionate in our dealings with others. the standards that we have for human behaviour are at times noble, but at times quite absurd. we're genetically designed to be lustful, aggressive, gregarious, productive creatures, and it can be a good thing to hold ourselves to high community standards of behaviour, but we need to deal with ourselves as who and what we are, not just what we think we're supposed to be. the last thing in the world that we need to do is judge and condemn each other. i can understand locking someone up if they're violent, but i can't understand judging that person without compassion and tolerance. if you have a five year old child that likes to kick cats you don't abuse him and lock him in the basement and tell him what a horrible person he is. obviously you talk to the child and try to get him to figure out why kicking cats is not such a great thing to do. and you recognise that he's kicking cats not because he hates cats, but because he's expressing something that he feels and can't otherwise express. abuse begets abuse, compassion begets compassion. i'm not advocating a soft approach to criminal, violent, or anti-social behaviour, rather i'm advocating an enlightened and realistic approach to our human-ness. locking a criminal up in a horrible place and making them feel like shit is neither a compassionate nor a culturally expedient way to deal with the situation. it's also not taking into account the fact that we're all essentially guilty of the same things. if i had been brought up in a different environment that was abusive and only reinforced violence and aggression i'm sure that i would have turned out differently. so how can i condemn someone and judge someone who was raised differently from me? i can, with justification, prevent someone from hurting someone else, but i can't comprehensively condemn them for it. we're all saddled with a violent biological and cultural legacy, it's just that some of us have the skills and upbringing to deal with it.
in most cases people just aren't aware of the effects of their actions. you can't take a creature who has spent the last couple of million years reproducing and fighting and living a short and difficult life and then plop them in a suburb and ask them to enter data into a cpu and expect them to be well adjusted and fine. we're supposed to be out chasing and being chased, eating and being eaten. nothing in our genetic lineage has prepared us for most of what we deal with on a day to day basis. if you took a penguin from antarctica and put him in a corn field in mexico would you be surprised if he got sick and died? same thing with us humans. for the last million years we've, for the most part, lived in tight communities and led urgent and vital lives. we're not designed to be slothful and indolent suburbanites.
i'm not advocating a rejection of modern conveniences, but i am advocating an acceptance of what we've inherited and what we are as biological humans. christ took pity on us and had compassion for us, so why can't we try to have understanding & compassion for each other?
one problem with cultural conservatism:
to put it simply, and it's not a problem that only conservatives have, conservatives very often confuse (or conflate) ethics and aesthetics. when gertrude himmelfarb lambasts our (as she perceives it) 'amoral', 'sexually deviant' and 'polymorphously perverse' culture she is primarily responding to something that she finds culturally foreign and threatening.
i agree with her that values are oftentimes a good thing, but only when they are born of an ethical and pragmatic perspective, not an aesthetic one.
the conservatives want a seemingly neat and compartmentalised society wherein stable appearances are maintained and archaic cultural archetypes are adhered to religiously. i grew up in a world of rigid cultural archetypes. i grew up with white businessmen going to office buildings while their wives stayed at home and their kids went to school. or, more accurately, i grew up with alcoholic adulterous businessmen who lived culturally insular lives while their wives took sedatives and smoked cigarettes and vented their frustrations on their kids, and these same kids took reams of drugs, got abortions, drove drunk, and victimised the weaklings. i grew up in what most conservatives would consider a utopia; lots of money, prestige, cultural cohesion, and good conservative values.
but their values were in fact aesthetics, and maintaining these aesthetics ruled and ruined their lives. almost everyone in this suburban bourgeoisie system hated their lives, but because they had been brought up to worship these aesthetic myths they felt that to question them was an admission of personal failure.
what are these myths? they're old and platitudinal but i'll trot them out again: that money makes you happy, that society is right, that poverty is bad, that maintaining convention in every aspect of your life is the ultimate good, that aberrance from these ideas is sin, etc.
i'm not going to say that the polar opposites of these clich?s is true, that would be one of the failings of the radical left. i believe that for the most part these criteria are irrelevant. money can make life easier, but it can also make life miserable. poverty can be bad, but it can also be fine. convention has some good points and some bad points. what it all comes down to is a flexibility that should allow for the well being of the individual without compromising the rights of other individuals.
when conservatives trot out their litany of evils -- homosexuality, single parent families, multiculturalism, etc, i'm always left asking 'why?'. if people are happy being gay then what's wrong with that? it may be a lifestyle that's aesthetically different from what we've been brought up with, but so what? and single parent families? better a loving single parent family than a 'conventional' family wherein the parents hate each other and the father is a demagogue.
one reason that we have such a wide variety of alternative lifestyles is that the conventional lifestyles that the conservatives champion are often quite flawed and restrictive.
restrictive mores can be terrific when applied to peoples' violent impulses, but restrictiveness is terribly unhealthy when it's used to get people to conform to arbitrary social archetypes. this restrictiveness can make people feel inadequate and inferior and it needs to be done away with.
if someone's gay, let them be gay. if your son wants to marry a black woman (or white or yellow or jew or muslim) then let them. we need to love each other and support each other even if we choose to live in alternative but harmless ways. obviously if your son is a rapist or a wifebeater or a child molester then you need to question your support of his actions & values.
i'm not championing a retreat from responsibility. i believe that personal and social well being is built upon a foundation of hard work, loyalty, honesty, diligence, respect, tolerance, and other good 'values'. but it doesn't matter what the cultural manifestation of the values looks like. it can be straight or gay or male or female or white or black or anything so long as it's respectful of others and makes the practitioner feel well.
so my advice to cultural conservatives (and others) would be to cultivate an approach to values that's based on principles rather than aesthetics. i would also say that any pronouncements on the values of others, especially pronouncements veering into the pre-scriptive realm, need to be cautious, pragmatic, logical, and not just the typically hateful and reactionary vacuities that we've grown so accustomed to.
if you look at the course of western history you'll see that we're slowly granting basic rights to everyone. a long time ago only kings had rights. then rights were extended to property-owning white men. then all men. then wymyn. then children. then the mentally retarded. now we're agonizing over the extension of basic rights to homosexuals and animals. we need to finally accept that all sentient creatures are deserving of basic rights. i define basic rights as this -- the ability to pursue life without having someone else's will involuntarily forced upon you. or, as the framers of the constitution put it, the ability to have "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".
by what criteria can you justify denying basic rights to any living thing? realize that by whatever criteria you employ someone could deny basic rights to you if they objected to your species, sexual preferences, color, religion, ideology etc. would you eat your housecat, or force a mentally retarded child to ingest oven cleaner? if not, then why is it ok to eat cows and test products on sentient animals? i believe that to knowingly commit actions that cause or condone suffering is reprehensible in the extreme. i call upon you to be compassionate and treat others as you want to be treated. if you don't want to be beaten, imprisoned, mutilated, killed or tortured then you shouldn't condone such behavior towards anyone, be they human or not.
somehow i've ended up on the mailing list of the christian coalition. i receive their fund raising letters fairly regularly, usually written by pat robertson. it's important to know your enemy, and i consider the far right christian coalition to be my enemy. should i mince my words and try to be conciliatory? maybe that would be diplomatic, but it would not be honest. the christian right makes me sick and here's why:
1) they are dishonest. masquerading pro-business, pro-greed, racist, sexist, homophobic bigotry under the banner of 'christianity' is disgusting. as far as i can tell their agenda has no foundation in the teachings of christ, and as far as i can tell the leaders of the christian right only proclaim themselves as christians because it's a politically expedient way to further their warped agenda. so although they claim an interest in furthering and preserving 'christian culture' it's all just a ruse to restructure the world according to their narrow-minded social aesthetic and at the same time protect and increase their wealth.
2) they prey upon people's weakness. we live in very unstable times, socially and economically. many people are eager for some sense of stability and the christian right preys upon this. rather than encourage people to go forward with open minds and a compassionate approach the christian right urges its followers to scapegoat the easy victims and focus on trivial or irrelevant issues. how is fighting gay rights and blocking multicultural education going to benefit anybody or meet people's needs? the agenda of the christian right is anachronistic and irrelevant and by forcing it upon the fearful and the unstable they are doing a great deal of harm.
3) they are shortsighted. one of the first steps in dealing with any set of problems is prioritizing. you don't worry about fixing the gutters on your house if your house is on fire. likewise you don't worry about gays in the military or immigration when the basic environmental and existential needs of the people are not being met. people eat terrible food and lead miserable lives and breathe carcinogenic air and drink polluted water. we are poisoning this planet and ourselves. if you were god what would upset you more, bare breasts on t.v or the destruction of healthy and beautiful ecosystems? i agree that people would be better off if they were more spiritual, but not in the capitalistic/status-quo way that the christian right promotes.
4) they tend to be hateful and judgemental, both of which are anathema to the teachings of christ. christ said quite specifically, 'judge not lest you be judged.' i challenge the christian right to work out their own salvation in fear and trembling and not worry about the supposed sins of others. hate, violence, judgementalism, bigotry, homophobia, and misogyny are all ugly things, but for me they're particularly ugly and upsetting when they're attached to the name of christ, whom i love. humility is a healthy and wonderful thing and something that seems to be in short supply within the ranks of the christian right. christ preached love and humility and compassion, not hate and judgementalism. my message to the christian right would be to put aside any part of their ideology that is hateful or judgemental and go forth in a spirit of love & humility. if you're going to base your life on the teachings of christ, then do so. the world could use some true christians. the world doesn't need any more hate and blame and violence, especially not in the name of christ.

All essays copyright by Moby. Don't steal them. Except me. Because I can and did.

03-15-04 05:46 PM 2002 64 2188320
5. windwaker











[16:36] windwaker:

[16:36] Cheveyo: I get the feeling the url says everything I need to know. >_>

[16:36] windwaker: XD

[16:36] Xkeeper: him in a nutshell


[21:25] AreyKefka: no, there are no I.E. faithful who visit the debate boards

[21:25] AreyKefka: I.E. faithful are too stupid to visit "smart boards"

[21:25] windwaker: you're wrong

[21:25] AreyKefka: I.E. faithful hang around the craziness domain

[21:25] AreyKefka: <_<

[21:25] AreyKefka: >_>

[21:25] windwaker: there're Republicans on there

[21:25] windwaker: there must be IE faithfuls

[21:25] AreyKefka: LOL


[17:00] Xkeeper: SM63 DS is teh woot.

[17:00] windwaker: ?

[17:00] Xkeeper: I love the minigame musics :D

[17:00] windwaker: 63? :P

[17:00] Xkeeper: yeah, 63

[17:01] Xkeeper: bootarm.

[17:01] windwaker: oh, okay

[17:01] Xkeeper: Er, leg.


[20:43] Xkeeper: stpid


[21:11] Dark Lord Ziff: I'm making GTA Amish Village

[21:11] Dark Lord Ziff: With missions like...

[21:11] Dark Lord Ziff: "Ride thine horse to Jebediahs...Once there taketh an egg without asking Jebediah"

[21:11] Dark Lord Ziff: "Commiteth a sin today.Thine shall not read 5 passages. Thy shalt read 3 passages of scripture today"
03-15-04 11:20 PM 1797 61 1860597
6. Sukasa Nanaimo RockS!

Advanced Big 45 Personality Test Results

Gregariousness |||||||||||| 34%
Sociability ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Assertiveness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Poise ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Leadership ||||||||||||||| 42%
Provocativeness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Self-Disclosure ||||||||| 30%
Talkativeness ||||||||| 30%
Group Attachment ||||||||| 26%
Extroversion ||||||||||||||| 47%
Understanding |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Warmth |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Morality |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Pleasantness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Empathy ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Cooperation |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Sympathy |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Tenderness |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Nurturance |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Friendliness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Conscientiousness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Efficiency ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Dutifulness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Purposefulness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Organization ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Rationality ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Perfectionism |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Planning ||||||||||||||| 50%
Orderliness ||||||||||||||||||||| 63%
Stability |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Happiness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Calmness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Moderation ||||||||||||||| 50%
Toughness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Impulse Control ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Imperturbability |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Cool-headedness |||||||||||| 38%
Tranquility |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Emotional Stability ||||||||||||||||||||| 64%
Intellect |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Ingenuity |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Reflection ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Competence |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Quickness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Introspection |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Creativity ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Imagination ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Depth |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 76%
Take Free Advanced Big 45 Personality Test

personality tests by

:: how nintendo are you? ::

This is my personality:

You are Windows 98.  You're a bit flaky, but well-liked.  You don't have a great memory, but everyone seems to know you.  A great person to hang out with and play some games.

>Who are You?

02-06-05 05:47 AM 1981 57 1446921
7.   Banedon If I rated you, you can probably disregard it. Any rating of members that I did was in about May of 2004. Things have changed since then. 03-15-04 02:13 AM 1408 55 1291380
8.   Nebetsu 09-01-04 02:13 AM 1574 55 1291130
9. Dylan 06-19-04 05:53 AM 1407 54 1181697
10.   Sofie banan.

03-15-04 01:43 AM 1210 52 1028812
11. Kwan WTFFFF!!!!??!???? 03-15-04 02:12 AM 1137 50 937111
12.   ExKay 03-15-04 07:38 PM 1114 50 908268
Mario VS. Donkey KongMario VS. Donkey Kong
Mini-Mario toy! It walks! It talks! It says, 'Mama mia!' Mini-Mario NEW! Each one comes in its own crystal ball! Collect one, collect them all! Be the first one on your block to own the amazing new Mini-Mario toy! Hurry, before they're all sould out! Hurry - buy one, buy them all!Mini-Mario toy! It walks! It talks! It says, 'Mama mia!' Mini-Mario NEW! Each one comes in its own crystal ball! Collect one, collect them all! Be the first one on your block to own the amazing new Mini-Mario toy! Hurry, before they're all sould out! Hurry - buy one, buy them all!

If you were on a battlefield right now, versus everything...
Lover or a Fighter?
Fight for good or evil?
Battle Cry
Weapon of Choice Reliable six-shooter
Appearance Uniform, flying using telekenetic powers
Your Battle Cry... Strikes fear in the hearts of men and beast
Foes slain upon first strike: - 100%

What you fight Doppelgangers
You fight.... Because nobody else will
This Quiz by Ferggs - Taken 82151 Times.

New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

Yep, that's me.

Disclaimer: Nothing is really directly owned by me. Parallels to existing characters, persons and other things are mostly intentional and to be regarded with sarcasm.

A Fanfic written by KawaiiImoto-e

Melody's Revenge


The weather is freezing cold in the Bainkhala Mountanrange in southern China.

The Guide is not in his cottage, and therefore not enjoing the warmth of the fire nor a hot cup of tea.

So he's not able to witness, how two shapes fastly approach the cursed training grounds of Jusenkyo.

He is indeed on a much earned vacation. Enjoying the hot rays of the caribian sun, watching his daughter having fun in the sea.

Thus he could not warn those unlucky travelers, warning them from the slumbering danger of the valley.

But doesn't anyone ignore him anyway?

The soon to be cursed ones reached the veally in, obviously in a great haste. Wearing strange clothings, they may be pursued by the locals 'cause of that.

Following them is not a outraged mop of chinese citicens, but a thenfold more outraged young adult, approaching at high speed.

The apperant couple is looking for something to hide behind. The next best thing for that is a cottage on the other side of the valley, and the hundreds of little springs with bambooboles sticking out of them.

So they try to haste trought the valley, along the spring, and aware of the danger presented by them.

The girl stumbels while fleeing with her lover from the outraged straight in a nearby spring. Her Lover tries to get a hold on her, but she's allready being draw in the deep waters.

The young man is watching the bubbles in the spring, calling his lovers name, whilest the outraged young woman is approaching him carfully and shouting at him, calling him names.

He goes in a standard fighting stance feeling confient to beat her.

She just stops on a somekind save spot between three springs and looks at him showing his lack of skills in any martial arts.

He stumbels over his own feet and lands with his face on the floor, she takes advantage of this situation and holds him in a headlock.

Suddenly something eruptes out of a nearby spring, speeding past them. Startling the outraged girl enough, to locker her grip on him, he uses the hole in her defence to shove her in the next best spring, and then fleeing in the opposite direction the thing run.

A head emerged from the waters and it's eyes looked over the valley, taking everything in.

As the valley was clear of more dangers, a humanoid shape climbed out the spring, freezing in the cold air, feeling the danger of the place, and carefully leaving the valley, it's tail wailing behind.

End Prologue

Chapter 1

Sibylle Ranko Tendo, Goddess 1st Class, Unlimited, competend for Details, Head Ministress of the Ministery for Public Transportation and Electricity. Champion of the annual Creativity Tournament and Debugress par excelence, is known for many things, but not liking the cold.

She was freezing, on her way to her turn on guarding the grounds. She doesn't like it, nobody likes it, to guard the cursed training grounds of the valley of Jusenkyo in the Baikhala Mountain range in southern China.

And there was only one thing she hated more than being in the freezing cold.

Being late.

And being late she was, over a day overdue. Should had arrived yesterday, but due to some distress and mostly the mood of the chief administrator, she had to fix things in the system, thus making her late in her shedule.

03-15-04 08:50 AM 1068 49 852917
14.   Zem If you need to contact me, go by my AIM name or email address. 06-13-04 11:51 AM 1107 49 829398
15.   Apophis 03-15-04 02:14 AM 882 45 640255
16. Teddylot Du nanana (tss tss) nana (tss tss) nana can't touch this! Teddy Time! 03-15-04 04:53 AM 851 44 606742
17. Atma X

Text for link

Vous savez que vous le faites aussi.

Omni Atma X (des autre AIM account de mine [N'a pas pu se rappeler mon mot de passe à l'autre pendant un moment])


03-16-04 02:45 AM 801 43 553639
18. Lord Rahl Member of Acmlm's Message Board.

Member of XeoGaming.

03-15-04 09:48 AM 792 43 544657
19. dan 03-15-04 02:12 AM 782 43 534516
20. Squash Monster Warning: Signed byte overflow ahead. Do not pass this point with a signed values with 8 bits or less.

Fear me, for I am the squash creature.

Random SMW ROM hacking board quote:

Originally posted by Kyouji "Kagami" Craw
1. Stop relying so much on FuSoYa and learn to mooch off of EVERYONE
03-15-04 05:43 AM 677 40 430507
21.   Dish Disch 03-15-04 02:15 AM 596 38 355646
22. LizardKing The WeatherPixie

03-15-04 02:16 AM 596 38 355646
23.   Apple There once was a kid named Apple. Apple was a strange little boy and he had a little crush on a goddess by the name of Sofie. Everything was going good in Apple & Sofie land until one day the evil and horrible Jizzy came along. With his superior intelligence and stunning good looks, he stoled Sofie away from Apple. Apple was sad but he kept on talking to Sofie and wooing her heart with his romantic side until one day....

Apple was deviated, his weak little mind quickly became depressed and thought up ways to free Sofie from Jizuko's evil spell but all attempts failed. Now he sits at home, staring at the pictures of Sofie on his walls, while he throws darts at Jizuko's, and ponders up new ideas to win the women of his dreams ^_^

~ My Most Awards (August 2004) ~
2. Cutest guy
39. Best Nickname
14. Shadiest
24. Most Changed
42. Best photo album (thread) picture
46. Most likely to be driving the car
50. Get together (Me and Sofie)

"Cutest Kid Contest" (July 2004) - Third Place
03-27-04 12:10 PM 594 38 350163
24. Slash Dafter 04-04-04 07:50 PM 584 38 338934
25.   interdpth Programmer of PET, PATTED, ITED
Matt/interdpth/neko -mattchan/ idiot/ etc
I am a member of M3inc and Helmetedrodent ph33r me now. >>

LdngNOW: romhacking is not religion - so it's not about believeing. change that value and you have proven you can edit it
LdngNOW: in any case you can do anything
03-20-04 09:10 AM 527 36 294398
26. Setzer Okay. Some old screens.

I don't have many new screenshots, because most of what I've been doing isn't anything to do with how games are laid out. rather, how games are programmed. such as putting in an auto-charge option for megaman's buster in megaman 5. <3
04-22-04 07:59 AM 532 36 290182
27. Steak

My life is rated R.

Hey...they call me Steak. I'm a double major at Ohio University (whose current frontpage is a horrible insult to the insitution, considering that we're now nationally acclaimed); my degrees are English: Creative Writing, and Geological Sciences. And I've already heard the smarmy remark you're gonna write books about rocks for a living enough times; please don't throw that at me again.

My main hobby is fencing...probably something not heard very often. Specifically, I fight the Duello style. Detailing differences between Duello and Olympic would leave most a little blearly-eyed and groggy...if curious, send me a PM, or IM. I'll get back to it...sometime.

I have recently learned that Fuji apples and extra-sharp cheddar go together very nicely.

I can't think of anything else at the moment.
03-16-04 07:34 AM 507 35 278751
28. JR11 06-07-04 05:41 PM 533 35 278666
29. Parasyte 05-25-04 05:52 AM 514 35 267348
30. SoNotNormal I'm working on a Yoshi's Island hack currently - in case you have some case of eye infection or something and didn't see it in my siggy for the last 200 or so posts. Yeah . . it's going well I guess. I'll release a demo every world up to world 3, and then I will finish it, and release the full thing.


I know. It's beautiful, isn't it?

ACS rankings:

September 2005 - l33t 12th place :D
October 2005 -.......17th........
November 2005
December 2005.

(more will come soon)

07-01-05 09:50 PM 793 34 248340
31. Magikoopa Myster Whenever you see this:

Be afraid. Be very afraid. VERY afraid.
12-01-04 03:58 AM 553 34 238506
32. Weasel Meh... 03-15-04 02:33 AM 454 34 236444
33.   Black Lord 03-15-04 05:31 AM 453 34 235639
34. geeogree 03-16-04 01:56 AM 448 34 231583
35. SePH 06-23-04 01:54 AM 459 33 219339
36. Felix 04-03-04 11:10 PM 422 33 208347
37. Forte.EXE Full Japanese name: Forte.EXE
Full English name: Bass.EXE
Gender: Male
Physical Age: 12-15 (unclear)
Eye color: Dark red
Reploid Eye color: Dark red
Skin color: Tanned with purple streaks running down either side of his face.
Hair color: Mostly purple with black highlights
Build: Slight
Height: 5ft2
Appearance: Helmet with large, cobra like fins on either side, red eyes and sharp teeth implies that his character design is based on a snake. He also wears a large, brown cloak that covers his whole body and part of his face, to hide the unsightly scar on his chest. Underneath the cloak when he isn't wearing it, his body suit is pure black with purple stripes running along the front ending at the sides of his damaged icon.

Distinguishing features: Purple streaks under his eyes, a large, deep, diagonal scar running through his chest.

Reploid Body Description: He has a large helmet with an arc fins, gold in color, with a blue cross crystal in the middle of the helmet above the eyes. He has purple streaks running down from under his eyes in a fang like fashion. His torso armor was black, with a large shappire crystal in the middle. White stripes laced around the crystal, and around his blakc shoulder pads, which were slightly dome shaped. His bodysuit is a dark gray color. His arms were encased in black armor, and his hands were white gloves. His leg armor was slightly bulky, black in color, with black triangle tipped kneepads, with white stripes going around below the knees. More white stripes ran down the back of his legs, and in a circle around his shins, located at the sides of his shins were small green orbs embedded in them. His boots were black colored.

Enemies: Sephiroth, Those who have beaten him in the past

Friends: ForteZero.EXE, Zero.EXE.... sort-of, David

List of Attacks: Shooting Buster - Random blast from Forte Buster. Speed of shots range on level difficulty. Medium (normal), Fast (SP version), and bust-a-cap fast (DS version).
Hells Rolling - Summons up two dark balls of energy, then throws two wheels made of dark energy at enemy.
Dark Arm Blade - Swipe from a dark sword. Attacks three times.
Darkness Overload - Sudden burst of darkness onto opponent. Cracks floor panels, peirces through barriers. This is NOT a charge effect.
Airburst - There are three known Airburst effects. Forte will do a DNRAT (does not require a turn) charge effect (dramatic effect), then aim his busters at the opponent. Depending on what color it turns out is the attack effect.
1) Barrage of light energy rushing opponents. Usually around twenty for high Sim-Battlers, ten for low Sim-Battlers.
2) Random Airbursts that will hit enemy in a turn. Somewhere around a 5x5 area, three or four panels within the barrage that are safe zones.
3) A single non-destroyable Airburst that follows the opponent around a total of twenty shots.
Earth Breaker - Raises glowing right hand into the air. Energy is drawn into palm, which Forte slams it onto the opponent (needs a turn to charge). Moderate to high damage is inflicted, and if the attack misses, it highly damages the battlefield.

Soul Unison List of attacks:
Crescent Kick - Hard kick towards opponent. If made away, a sudden gust of wind blows opponent back some distance.
Blades of Bugs - Dark Arm Blade powered up by bugs. If opponent evades, the leaving trail of bugs infect him/her. (HP drain, slow mobility, ect. if allowed to in battle)
Breath of Gospel - Forte Buster morphs into Gospel's head. Attack depends on...
Fire Gospel - Blast of red flames.
Wood Gospel - Attack with power of wood.
Elec Gospel - Sparkling electric fire.
Aqua Gospel - Chilling flames of ice.
Gospel Cannon - Gigantic white beam of destruction. Peirces through any type of barriers EXCEPT Holy.
Gospel Paw - Two of Gospel's paws strike down opponent from the sky.
Gospel Overload - Combination of Gospel Cannon and Darkness Overload. The damage for the attack is very high, but it takes three turns to charge up the energy needed for it, and needs five turns to re-charge attack again once used.

Special attacks: Dark Messiah - Version 1) Gospel attacks an opponent with a mixture of all its elemental fire breaths. Forte charges up, and throws it at the enemy. This BTW takes one turn to prepare the energy needed.
Version 2) Forte vanishes from view. A black hole opens where he stood, and a Dark Soul of (anyone in the Sim Battle Arena) appears and attacks with Bug Charge (it depends on how many posts were are from me until this happens). After the attack ceases, the Dark Soul vanishes, and Forte reappears from the shadows, rushes in and throws a Darkness Overload at point-blank range. Takes a turn to get ready.
High damage for both of them, but the major setback is that Forte can't use powerful attacks for five whole turns, and can only use the basic attacks.
Chaos Nightmare - A somewhat new attack that came from an unknown energy from Forte's last battle with the Psi Warrior Schwa, and Zraku. Forte charges up a Darkness Overload, then throws it at the enemy. It is a more directed attack, and it creates cracks in the ground. It spreads out in a 3x3 area explosion of dark energy. Once used, Forte is left in a state of stunned and can not counter the opponent's next move if he/she counters right away. This does high damage, peirces through weak barriers or auras.

Soul Unison Description: The gold on his crests and armor change to a dark purple. The crests warp until the back edges resembled Gospel's collar. Forte's hands turn from white to black, his fingers tipped with Gospel's claws, while spines formed on his forearms, feet and shins. Black menacing armor forms over the torso, following a transformation of his gloves and boots. Ripping off the cloak from his body, a pair of black and dark purple wings that resemble Gospel's color and body sprouts from his back.

Other: Believe it or not, he's a member of the .EXE Maverick Hunters, leader of the 0th Special Unit, along with Zero.EXE. He has a pet named Gospel, who is a MultiBug Organism. Forte's Get Ability Program copies certain powers from his opponent, and keeps it as his own. When this happens, the challenger of the copied data decides the damage of the attack. Unless OK'd to use his/her attacks in other Sim-Battles, the data vanishes and will NOT (notice the word "NOT") be used once a fight is over with that challenger.

Data scanned with Get Ability: (OK) means it's ok by user, (Un) means undecided.
Alpha PsiBeam DS - A special attack from Schwa, the Psi Warrior. It has been converted into a double ability attack (Darkness/Holy).

Name: David L. Abbott
NetNavi: ForteZero.EXE
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Skin color: Tan
Build: Slight
Height: 7ft9
Apperance: Wears black faded jeans with a red short sleeved shirt, black velcro sneakers with grey stripes, and a black vest. He wears a purple cloth wrist band that have his and his Navi's icon -- a black circle with a red curved "S" with a non damaged white slash across -- on it. It is also emblazoned on his vest's right side. His black hair is short, yet long in some places, with a lock of hair falling between his eyes, a striking shade of blue. On his forehead is some sort of burn scar. (This is what I look like IRL) He also wears the belt that looks like the one X wears on his armor in Command Mission. Reason why? He wears some sort of reploid like armor when fighting (That part is just in my fanfic).

Other: Great duelist (Yu-Gi-Oh) and Net-Battler. Member of the .EXE Maverick Hunters along with his NetNavi. He's a right-handed swordsman, and a left-handed gunman. He also has a 60 chip listed folder memorized in his armor's memory banks. Like his Navi, he can also use Battlechips when using his armor. Any extra info will be described when in battle. Other than all that, David seems to have a split personality, like a Yami of some sort. But this second mind of David's is a dark and evil one. If anyone is in the presence of this person, he or she will not guarentee vital escape.

Dark Soul Description: A Yami that lives within David through that gold Battlechip of his. When it emerges, his hair grows more wildly. His eyes turn from that soft innocent look, to dark peircing eyes. When in this "Dark Soul" mode, he seems to obtain super natural powers unlike anything else encountered in the world, but has a link to Egypt's past. While his Yami is in control, his Hikari will have no control, atleast until the Yami side is beaten to the point of retreat.

Command Armor Description: A black body suit appears over David's clothes. Blue armor with white stripes around the front snapped onto him, as the gem identical to Axl's appeared below the armor, two yellow stripes produced and streaked down, ending at the belt. The belt was grey colored, with a pentagon icon on the front. The left side held a pistol on the left inside a holster, the same part on the right, where his PET was inside. His boots were sleak and agile like blue with a red stripe, the knee pad large and translucent, the color of rose purple. Shoulder parts came on, green with orange stripes, the left side with his and ForteZero's icon emblazoned on it. His arms were encased in armor, which at the side, a large light purple crystal was fused into, the gloves pure white. A body pack almost identicle to R MegaMan's formed on his back, a green beam saber holder on the right side. David closed his eyes as his helmet fused of Axl's, Zero's, and MegaMan's formed over his head. Axl's part was the navy blue and red with yellow extensions, MegaMan's part was the yellow helmet parts, and Zero's crests were embedded between the yellow extensions.

Types of weapons: Magnum Revolver - A strange shaped pistol that was enhanced after copying Axl's guns. It is basically a fast-speed pistol, with the barrel white colored and boxed. Indentations to the sides are green, heading to the back, part of it round like a cap, blue colored with a aqua colored bullet shaped circle snapped on both sides. The main part near the trigger is like a light shade of fuchsia, a padded grey part on the bottom located near the trigger. The handle looks just like Axl's weapons, with a green padded area on the back of the handle.
Dark Saber - A metal tube with a green gem on the bottom is all it is. When activated, it produces a dark green energy capable of slicing through easy metal. So far, the only things that cannot be cut with it is Rare Metal, and diamonds. (u.u); If you think of it, its almost a copy of Zero's Z-Saber (X Series).
Duel Arm GX - I know what your thinking. I'll explain, with the Duel Arm connected to the cyber world, all the cards played on it used to attack the enemy suffer real damage. The whole thing is shades of light and dark red. The main part where cards are drawn, and where the slot for the discard pile is at, looks more like a CD Burner component, but it isn't... almost. The drive slot is the field card slot. On top of the component it is a blue round gem, located near it is the button for the opening/closing of the field slot. The duel plates are the same as of the original, but more sleeker looking, with gold and dark purple rims. Two are on the end nearest to the hand, the last three on the other side. A green hook like object is on the side of the fifth plate (non-sharp), as the first plate has a thin but real looking purple gem. The place over the draw/discard area has a larger gem, pink colored.
D. Buster - David's bustergun. It's located on the right arm. The parts to it is interchangable for enhancements (like the buster weapons on MegaMan X Command Mission). There are four charge levels. 1 for semi-charged, 2 for a full-charged shot, 3 for super-charge, and 4 for Limit Break (listed below).
> Satellite Beam (Buster): A large laser blast from David's D. Buster and hits one or all enemies once.
> Big Shot (Buster): It hits his opponent with a large blast.
> Blade Beam (Dark Saber): David will shoot a beam from his D-Saber, upon hitting one target, it will split into multiple beams which will hit the rest of the targets for small amounts of damage if there are any.
> Bloodrage (Magnum Revolver): David pulls out the Magnum Revolver, and shoots like a maniac. Hits 15+ times scattered throughout all targets if any.

Known attacks: Big Bang Strike - Used with the D. Buster. David charges energy (requires a turn), then releases it in one huge blast aimmed at his opponent. Mainly used as a last resort when all else fails.
Z. Moves - Used with the Dark Saber, David performs some "Zero" moves on his opponent. Listed below.
> Raijingeki - David thrusts his D. Saber forward, which has been charged with electricity.
> Kuuenbuu - David can double jump in the air.
> Kuuenzan - David spins in the air while slashing with the D. Saber, making him near invincible.
> Ryuenjin - David slashes upward with this weapon, which has been charged with fire. He soars through the air with this technique.
> Tenkuuha - This changes the color on David's saber from green to a dark purple. During this time, he can slice through most energy based attacks.
> Hyouretsuzan - David stabs downward with his saber, which is now a large ice crystal.
> Shippuuga - David makes a quick crescent slash with his saber, which turns red for a brief moment.
> Rakuhouha - David slams his fist down, releasing a semi-circle of energy shots that fire above from all directions.
> W-Shredder - Makes a hologram of David dash forward and attack.
> Sentsuizan - David does a dashing slash diagonally down in the direction he is facing when he uses the attack.
> Shoenzan - David does a fire slash sweep in front of him. There is a slight recovery time after this attack while David puts his D.Saber away.
> Ensuizan - David does a 360 degree spinning slash. He spins once per attack, and it is very fast. If he's in the air, he can only spin once before hitting the ground.
> Rakukojin - David creates a metal sword in front of him, heading straight down. If the sword hits the ground, it creates a metal anchor which will bounce for a little while.
> Rekkoha - David pounds the ground, then large lasers rain from the sky. All surroundings are frozen (except enemies) when using this attack. Since it's a Giga Attack, it affects the whole screen. Taking damage will refill the weapon energy of this attack by five units. -[||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||]-
> Gokumonken - David closes his eyes, and starts spinning towards his opponent, during which, his saber is extended outward to slash up the enemy. He gets a slight dizzy spell when the move is finished.
> Raijinshou - It's an equivilent of Raijingeki, only this is performed while David dashes towards the enemy.
> Tenshouha - David slams his fist against the ground. Then, a red cursor will target David, and then a large laser will shoot down from the sky. Anyone close to him during this time will be damaged, and it offers as a temporary shield against attacks. This is a Giga Attack, and taking damage will refill the weapon energy by five units. -[||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||]-
> Juuhazan - Using this while standing, and David can attack and damage enemies, even if they are protected by any sort of barriers or auras. It'll also break their shields.
> Rasetsusen - David will spin-slash in the air without falling down for ten seconds before gravity takes effect.
> Raikousen - David vanishes while dashing. A trail of electricity will follow his short distant path seconds later after he reappears.
> Enkoujin - David will do a flaming downward stab with the D. Saber.
> Hyouryuushu - David does a freezing twister spin slash upward in the air. This could freeze the opponent in ice for a short while.
> Zekkyyouden - David can deflect certain energy attacks back towards the opponent.
> Youdantotsu - Using this while standing on ground level, David can break through enemies' barriers, shields, or auras, but it doesn't deal any sort of damage.

Full English name: ForteZero.EXE
Full Japanese name: ForteZero.EXE
Net-Op: David L. Abbott
Gender: Male
Physical Age: 14-16
Eye color: Sky blue
Reploid Eye color: Sky blue
Skin color: Tan
Hair color: Pure black
Build: Slight
Height: 5ft9
Description: Same physical apperance as Forte but with different changes. His chest is encased in dark grey body armor, with a power pack located on the back of the armor. With the helmet (same as Forte's) taken off, his black saiyan like hair is revealed (Like Goku from DBZ). He has the same purple stripes like Forte does, but are smaller and the same style was above his eyebrows at a triangle point. His icon, a round black circle with a red curved S with a non-damaged slash across it, is located inside the large diamond shaped jewel in the front of the chest armor. Unlike his older brother, he either wears sunglasses similar to ProtoMan's visor (MegaMan Original series) or a long black and red scarf that flutters in the cyber wind. All the gold on him is replaced with blue shades.

Human Reploid Description: He had blue lightweight Titanium X armor around his lower arms, and leg armor below the knees. The rest were human clothes. He wore black jeans with blue stripes running up the sides of his legs, and a brown belt with his and David's icon emblazoned on the belt buckle. He wore a short sleeved shirt, dark blue in color, with a cloth icon patched to the right sleeve. He was wearing David's black vest, which the goose feather stuffing was taken out and replaced with a thin layer of cotton inside, the icon still on the right side of the vest, unzipped. The distingushing features were the purple streaks that ran down from under his blue eyes. His hair was styled after David's, black in color, but a few strands had red highlights in them. He looked perfectly human if he didn't have the reploid styled armor on his legs and arms, but it didn't matter much.

Battle Armor Description: The Battle form of ForteZero. Basically like Forte, but the helmet's fins are curved in an arc fashion. Wears gray torso armor with a large crystal blue in color enbedded in the middle, with two medium sized shoulderpads over his shoulders connected to the torso armor. The bodysuit is black, with yellow stripes coming from the front, curving around then heading down the legs, ending at the leg armor. The leg armor was slightly bulky and gray in color, the kneepads metal crystal like, red in color, connected to a gold ring that circled below the knee bone. The feet were blue in color. Two symetrical yellow stripes expanded from the top around the neck, curcing into a fang, then racing down to the end of the torso armor. Green cloth ninja garb was clipped to the back of the armor, giving him an apperance of ShadowMan almost. Two tubes are located on the back shoulderpads, which are his Forte Sabers, his Buster Cannon on the right arm.

Friends: Zero.EXE, Forte.EXE, Net Saviors, His Net-op David

Enemies: Unknown at this point

Style Changes: Neutral Style - Is a white armor type with two forms (Icarus and Hermes).
Hermes Form gives off a blue glowing hue. The Giga Attack "X-Drive" increases all abilities in attack, defense, speed, distance in height, ect. for seven turns. Requires nine turns to re-use again.
Icarus Form gives off a red glowing hue. It's Giga Attack "Giga Crush" blasts opponent/opponents with high damage. Peirces through dark and any type of barrier or defense unless the opponent is atleast a radius of fifty yards away from the explosive blast. Requires a turn to prepare. It also drains 1000 HP from ForteZero in using it.
Ultimate Armor - Transform into heavy armor with flight capabilities, weilding two huge guns. Power and defense is greatily increased, speed is lowered a bit. The Giga Attack "Super Nova" activates all the weapons on ForteZero, and devastates the opponent with a barrage of firepower.
Absolute Zero - Transform into a demonic version of Forte Gospel Soul. Flying abilities, plus all attacks are Aqua/Ice elements. Some attacks could cause the possibility of frozen status on enemy. All abilities; power, defense, speed, ect. increases alot. The Giga Attack "Calamitious Arts" inputs random attacks from any position around the opponent.
X-Fire - Gain a fortified built armor of a fire element. Speed, power, defense increases. The Giga Attack "Buster Collider", ForteZero charges energy, then tries to latch onto enemy to pelt him with combo buster shots at point-blank range.

ForteZero's buster guns. His secondary standard weapon. He can charge up and blast enemies down.
ForteZero's standard weapon. It's capable of devastating combos.
- D GLAIVE (Douruga)
A lance that allows for longer glaive attacks. Spin it to deflect enemy fire.
- Σ BLADE (Sigma)
A giant sword with legendary attack power. It can break enemies' barriers.
- B FAN (Bashiyou)
A fan offering high attack and defense capabilities. Deflects energy bullets and damage.
- T BREAKER (Titan)
A super-powered hammer. Don't worry about enemies' barriers and pound 'em.
- K KNUCKLE (Kaizer)
A great weapon for close-up attacks. Gain access to lots of awesome fighting moves.
- V HANGER (Velocity)
A pair of twin energy daggers. These can be a great asset against close combat opponents.

List of attacks: Iron Reavern Soul Stealer - Claw slash attack.
Pile Driver - Double solar beam attack. Same attack pattern from Pile Driver Program Advance in MMBN4.
Airburst - There are three known Airburst effects. ForteZero does a "do not require a turn for charging" dramatic effect. Depending on what color it turns out is the attack effect.
1) Barrage of light energy rushing opponents. Usually around twenty for high Sim-Battlers, ten for low Sim-Battlers.
2) Random Airbursts that will hit enemy in a turn. Somewhere around a 5x5 area, three or four panels within the barrage that are safe zones.
3) A single non-destroyable Airburst that follows the opponent around a total of twenty shots.
Earth Breaker - Raises glowing right hand into the air. Energy is drawn into palm, which ForteZero slams it onto the opponent (needs a turn to charge). Moderate to high damage is inflicted, and if the attack misses, it highly damages the battlefield.

Special Weapon Data: A list of Special Weapons and three Abilities that ForteZero uses when David isn't around to supply him with Battlechips.
S. Tornado (Storm Eagle) - The White Shadow will shoot out a long gust of wind which does decent damage. The blast can blow the opponent further away. The charge-up fire will create a huge swirling vortex of wind around ForteZero. Color Scheme: Amethyst purple, light purple, pink.
R. Assault (Wild Jango) - A curled somersault attack towards the target. ForteZero is encased in an electrical blaze during the execution of the attack. Think of it more like Samus Aran's Screw Attack weapon. Color Scheme: Yellow, green, white.
T. Slasher (Slash Beast) - This launches two wave-shaped energy beams that will fly out in diagonal directions and cause small damage if it strikes. The angle shots allow the White Shadow to hit the opponent high up in teh sky if he flies. The charged-up shot will fire out several large energy-waves which will fly out in a GunDelSolEX Spread fashion, creating a full range of fire in front of ForteZero.Color Scheme: Light brown, light red, light orange.
P. Bomb (Blast Hornet) - This launches forth a large spike-ball projectile which will trap the enemy if it hits. After a few seconds the bomb explodes, causing damage to the opponent. The charged effect will display four cross-hairs around ForteZero that will home in one enemies. Once they find a target, a small mechanical bee will be deployed, and it homes in on the lock-in target. Color Scheme: Pale yellow, light gray, light green.
Spike B. (Axle the Red) - This fires out a large green spiked-ball which has limited range but is very powerful. Once the ball stops moving, it will stay still for a few seconds before disappearing. This can be useful for inflicting further damage on stationary targets. The charged shot will fire out another large spiked ball, but this one will bounce. The ball bounces around a few times before disappearing. Color Scheme: Dark green, salmon pink, forest green.
Dark H. (Dark Dizzy) - Has one main function: freezing time, and making everything color inverted. During which, ForteZero can move around, but sometimes it may not work against some opponent's who can escape it's harmfull effects. The charged shot freezes time, but may also inflict some damage. Color Scheme: Amethyst purple, pink, light purple.
Twin D. (Axle the Red) - This weapon also creates a clone of ForteZero, but this one will remain active for about a turn or until an enemy hits the real ForteZero. The clone will stand in front of ForteZero and will perform the same moves the White Shadow does, if you hack away with the Forte Sabers, it'll do the same, causing damage to the opponent nearby. Great for keeping your distance from the enemy. Color Scheme: Dark green, salmon pink, forest green.
C. Sting (Sting Chameleon) - This will shoot out three green beams, two of which fire out at diagonals and the middle one will fire straight ahead. The charged effect of this weapon will cause ForteZero to flash before he radiates the colors of the rainbow. During which for a turn he own't suffer any damage. Color Scheme: Green, neon green, white.
V. Tornado (Tornado Tonion) - ForteZero surrounds himself in a solid electrical twister. The secondary charge gathers in debris that can be used to strike opponent's with. Color Scheme: Seagreen, light yellow, pale blue.
Sniper M. (Snipe Anteater) - This weapon creates twelve missiles that appears from behind the White Shadow, and flys towards the opponent with slight homing capabilities. The charged shot fires atleast twenty missiles at faster speeds. Color Scheme: Brown, green, desert sand mica.
M. Ecstasy (Mad Nautilus) - This weapons fires four energy missiles that will not inflict any sort of damage to the opponent, but instead, may inflict a status ailment. Virus (For three turns, the opponent loses some HP around 50 or so), Bind (An electrical non-barrier static charge surrounds the opponent, his accuracy drops down by fifty percent for around three turns), Blind (The opponent can't see where he's aimming his attacks at for two turns), and Beserk (The opponent glows red, during which, his attack power rises up by ninty percent and can only use basic melee styled attacks... but sometimes, the attack can backfire and the opponent will suffer damage instead). Color Scheme: Gray, white, light gray.
E. Spark (Spark Mandrill) - The weapon's primary fire will shoot out an electric spark-ball which can damage or electrocute targets. The charged state of this weapon will fire out two giant walls of electricity either side of ForteZero and rockets outward. Color Scheme: Goldenrod, light gray, light red.
D. Blaster (Dr. Psyche) - ForteZero gains a pair of pistols, which shoots two thin black energy beams of darkness. It peirces through holy energy. Color Scheme: Gray, white, light gray.
Frost S. (Blizzard Buffalo) - This weapon will fire out a small icicle-type projectile, which will slowly accelerate forward and will strike through any targets. If it hits something and breaks apart, the debris of the projectile will create a small spike object in shape of a three leaf clover when it hits the ground and will damage the opponent if he touches them. The charged-up shot will create a large spiked ice block attached to the end of ForteZero's buster which can be used to charge against enemies without taking damage, or used to shoot at the opponent but it travels a short distance. Color Scheme: Light blue, purple, pink.
I. Burst (Blizzard Wolfang) - This weapon fires out a small ice block which will fly out a short distance from the White Shadow before landing on the ground. If the block strikes the target before landing if it hits, it'll explode and cause some damage to the enemy. If it does land successfully, ForteZero can jump on top of the block, acting as a stepping stone allowing him to jump higher. The secondary fire (charged shot) will cause ForteZero to flash for several seconds. While flashing, dashing around will create two large ice-spikes, each one will fly to the left and right in a circle towards the opponent. Color Scheme: Cerulean blue, pale purple, and bluish white.
C. Blaze (Flame Hyenard) - Conjures up three fireballs in hands to throw at the opponent. Connecting causes a small explosion of decent damage. The charged effect creates slightly bigger fireballs that have more attack strength, but their speed drops down. Color Scheme: Orange, crimson, pale red.
Crescent S. (Grizzly Slash) - This weapon fires out a small boomerang-shaped blade which will fly away from ForteZero in a straight or diagonal path. The blade inflicts heavy damage if it connects. The charged shot will create an energy barrier around ForteZero which can protect him from enemies. Color Scheme: Dark brown, burnt orange, golden brown.
M. Wheel (Ride Boarski) - This weapon launches Harely Davison wheels with enbedded spikes in the rubber that raced towards the opponent. The charged shot makes the wheels bounce against the opponent if it strikes and returns for a double hit. Color Scheme: Dark gray, pale brown, pale pink.
F. Gehenna (Mach Jentra) - ForteZero obtains a staff weapon with a ruby orb on top. Swinging it launches blasts of flames at the opponent. Color Scheme: Crimson red, golden yellow, bluish purple.
Shadow R. (Dark Mantis) - This weapon fires dark energy like boomerangs that homes in on the opponent slightly if at a close enough distance. It's secondary fire (charged effect) launches three black arrows in waves of four at the opponent. Color Scheme: Dark purple, black, purple.
Ground F. (Mattrex) - This weapon launches a large bouquet of flames which will fly out a short distance and then land on the ground. Once it lands, smaller flames will randomly fly straight out of the fire and can damage the opponent if he's hit by the fire sparks. The charged shot will create two huge flame-bars which will fly out either side of ForteZero and can easily cause burn damage in front or behind him. Color Scheme: Ruby red, orange, crimson.
Ray S. (Neon Tiger) - This weapon fires out small rapid energy balls which will fly out on slightly diagonal lines. The secondary fire (charged shot) will cause the White Shadow to shoot out a crystal ball above him which will randomly fire out small energy balls in different directions, giving him a larger range of fire. Color Scheme: Orange, yellow, light red.
W. Spiral (The Skiver) - This weapon will create a large tornado-shaped projectile which will fly up above ForteZero. This is useful for striking any enemies above him. You can also direct the whirlwind around a bit by holding left or right when you fire. You'll have to stand near an enemy on the ground to hit them with this weapon. The charged-up shot will create a much larger tornado that will fly out and up a diagonal path away from ForteZero towards the opponent. Color Scheme: Periwinkle, pale gold, light blue.
R. Claw (Neon Tiger) - Energy based Wolverine claws appear at the back of ForteZero's hands, as an arc of energy forms over his knuckles. This type of weapon is mainly used for close combat, and melee attacks. Color Scheme: Orange, yellow, light red.
A. Hadoken (Ninetails) - Swinging his fist forward, sends a beam of energy at the opponent. Color Scheme: Crimson red, white, gold.
N. Fragments (Ninetails) - With the Forte Sabers, the White Shadow dashes forward, and strikes the enemy with a barrage of rapid slashes and stabs. Color Scheme: Crimson red, white, gold.
A. Knuckle (Incentas) - This fires four kinetic punches that can be seen. Each punch carries an element of Fire, Wood, Elec, and Aqua. It travels even at a long distance, and can penetrate basic blocks, shields, guards, barrier, or auras. Color Scheme: Gold, shades of red, shades of blue.
Acid B. (Toxic Seahorse) - This weapon will fire out a small acid bubble which will corrode and damage the target if it hits. The bubble will fly out and then land on the ground, spreading out smaller bubbles. The charged-up shot will fire out more than one bubble and will cover a larger area when they hit the ground. Color Scheme: Neon green, brown, light brown.
Thunder B. (Depth Dragoon) - Powerful bolts of greenish white lightning rain down from the skies to strike the opponent. Color Scheme: Lime green, gold, ruby red.
M. Anchor (Metal Shark Player) - This weapon fires out an anchor shaped projectile within an ice blue bubble, which will float forward along the ground until it strikes something. If it hits a wall, it'll bounce back in the opposite direction, otherwise after several seconds it'll explode. If the opponent launches an attack at it, the bubble pops, the anchor flashes briefly, then rockets forward like a missile. If the opponent evades the bubble, it floats away. The charged shot is basically the same thing, but the anchor is solid gold, and does thirty percent more damage. Color Scheme: Dark blue, light gray, dark gray.
Rising F. (Magma Dragoon) - This weapon fires a large fireball that will fly directly up from ForteZero. The disadvantage is that it cannot hit his opponent in front of the White Shadow unless he is standing right next to him, but it does allow him to directly strike his target above him if he can fly. The secondary fire (charge effect) mimics the Dragon Punch move, plus surrounds the Navi in a firey aura. Color Scheme: Ruby red, orange, light red.
Melt C. (Burn Rooster) - This launches flames the travels along the ground, and continues until it hits the opponent, or a wall, or hits the edge of a cliff or a hole in the ground. The charged shot launches flames that creep along the ground at the same height as ForteZero. Color Scheme: Orange, white, canary yellow.
Shining R. (Optic Sunflower) - This weapon shoots light based fireworks into the air that can be launched in eight different directions. It's charged effect produces the same fireworks that will spread in a small circle after exploding. This weapon can also brighten a dark area. Color Scheme: Dull white, pale yellow, light purple.
Pulverizer C. (Shadow) - A small beam of energy fired from the buster, but it causes moderate damage. The charged shot will add an armor peircing effect to the attack. Color Scheme: Dark green, goldenrod, black.
AT Field (Leviathan) - ForteZero summons up a barrier of darkness that grows more powerful with any form of evil nearby, in forms of a Dark Soul, Swamp Panels, graveyard area, dark arena, whatever. Normal color scheme.
Iron Griever (Epsilon) - The White Shadow's right arm is encased in a metal ivory gauntlet with brass metal claws that are unbreakable which grows two times bigger in size. It can break through most defenses. Normal color scheme.
The Scar Lance (Scarface) - ForteZero grabs his Forte Sabers, and joins them into one double sided energy lance Star Wars style, but the beam sabers input more power, and are a big bigger. Normal color scheme.

Other: .EXE Maverick Hunter member, leader of the 17th Unit Navi Division, has a voice that matches Inuyasha's and/or BurnerMan's.

Full English name: Zero.EXE
Full Japanese name: Zero.EXE
Gender: Male
Physical Age: Around 18
Eye color: Black
Reploid Eye color: Green
Skin color: Tan
Hair color: Blond yellow
Build: Slight
Height: Unknown
Description: His bodysuit was completely black, located on the upper right part of his bodysuit on his legs was a white elongated triangle pocket. His boots are thinned out near the top and is a red color. Around his shins is a gold bracelet. His gloves where now white around the hands while the rest had transformed into a pair of red bracers, gold bracelets around his wrists. Red vest-like armor covered his torso. His helmet was a medium-small sized helmet. The middle and ends was a cobalt blue and the rest was red. In addition, a pair of red crests curve backwards from the sides near the top. At the sides of his helmet was a red dome shaped box, with a short white triangle heading to the front, but stopping before it reached the lines of where the skin and metal met, and a longer shaped tiangle reached out a bit ways towards the back, the same length as the red crests. Long yellowish blond hair flowed out from the back of his helmet down to his waist.

Reploid Armor Description: He has the looks of a teenager with a long, blonde ponytail and red and white armor. He had red and whit boxy shoulder pads with an odd Z-shaped symbol imprinted on the left one, his icon symbol. His chest armor was red, with two green bulb-like things on either side. His helmet was also red and it had a triangular blue crystal in the forehead. The fins were slightly pointy at the ends. The leg armor was a bit bulky but very light in weight, red colored with white knee pads at a triangle point. A hint of gold was around the shins, the boots pure white. At the sides of his shins near the gold were green circle indents. His bodysuit is a black color. His Z-Saber handle was seen at the left side of hsi shoulder. It was connected to some sort of battery pack on his back, red with vent exhaunts in the rear of the battery pack.

Friends: ForteZero.EXE, Forte.EXE, David

Enemies: Unknown

Element Chips: Has four settings: Neutral (always on), Thunder, Flame, or Ice. The selected chip affects the elemental attacks of Zero's weapons.

Style Change: Black Zero - Zero's entire color scheme changes to shades of grey and black, and his hair becomes a pale blondish white. Abilities in power, speed, defense, ect. increased a bit. Can only use his Z-Saber.

List of Weapons: Z-Saber - Zero's saber, that damages opponents with high mobility slashes and special attacks.
Z-Buster - Zero's buster gun. Fires out plasma bullets.
Triple Rod - A spear like weapon, which can stab the opponent thrice in a row.
Chain Rod - Can be used for long distance attacks. Can hook then hang on the ceiling, or draw in items. Can attack in separate directions.
Recoil Rod - A close range weapon that attacks in seperate directions. Almost the same as the Chain Rod.
Shield Boomerang - Used for defense. Neutralizes moderate to basic attacks.

EX Skill: A list of skills Zero has. What they do and what they obtain to is listed below.
Laser Shot (Buster) - Zero shoots a laser buster shot.
Triple Shot (Buster) - Equip Ice Chip. When Zero launches a charged Ice Buster shot, it creates an ice arrow that splits into three.
Spark Shot (Buster) - Equip Thunder Chip. Shooting a charged Thunder Buster shot, will split the ball of electricity into two and travels up and down if it hits an enemy, or object.
Tenshouzan (Saber) - Zero can do a upward saber slash with this EX Skill.
Sengatotsu (Saber) - With the Thunder Chip equipped, Zero will perform a dashing saber stab with a blitzering move. Without the Thunder Chip, it's a normal saber stab.
Energy Chain (Chain) - With the Chain Rod, Zero can latch onto an opponent and leech some of his life off.
Sharp Edge (Saber) - Zero will do a saber stab downward. Can also be performed with the Ice Chip equipped.
Blast Shot (Buster) - Equip Flame Chip. A charged Flame Buster shot makes another explosion after it hits, causing more damage.
Kougenjin (Saber) - Zero launches a crescent Sonic Boom towards the opponent.
Filter Shield (Shield) - Used with the Shield Boomerang, Zero can filter a basic energy attack, and turn it into zenny, energy crystals, or destroy the energy shot.
Reflect Laser (Buster) - Zero shoots a laser buster shot, which can bounce off walls.
V Shot (Buster) - Zero can launch two buster shots that goes at 30 degrees right and left.
Burst Shot (Buster) - Equip Flame Chip. Zero launches a burst of flames at the enemy.
Blizzard Arrow (Buster) - Equip Ice Chip. A full-charged Buster shot produces three ice arrows that fly towards the opponent.
Reppuugeki (Saber) - Zero stands still, and thrusts his Z-Saber in front of him in a peircing move.
Rakusaiga (Saber) - Equip Thunder Chip. Same as the Sharp Edge, only once it hits the ground, it creates two electric balls that will travel along the ground towards opponent.
Tenretsujin (Saber) - Same as Tenshouzan, only the attack is charged with flames after equipping the Flame Chip.
Zaneidan (Saber) - Zero launches a Straight Slash, then at the same time a Triangle Slash. With the Ice Chip, the Triangle Slash is Ice element, but now the Straight Slash. With the Flame Chip equipped, the Straight Slash is fire elemental, but not the Triangle Slash.
Thousand Slash (Recoil) - Zero will use a forward close-ranged multi-stab attack. It covers a wide area, and deals around twenty per hits.
Soul launcher (Recoil) - A full-charged Recoil Rod attack will shoot a large soul orb into the air. After a certain time passes, or it has been hit by an attack by the enemy, it splits up into four smaller soul orbs and converge onto the enemy if he's in close-range. With the Flame Chip equipped, when the attack has finished, it falls to the ground and burns for awhile before it fizzles out.
Crawl Shield (Shield) - A Full-charged Shield Boomerang attack is changed to an attack using the Boomerang at wide range. The Boomerang will travel along the ground and slopes, but will not travel past walls. When the Boomerang returns, it is bounced up a little, then it returns to Zero.
Circular Shield (Shield) - Zero will snap it along the ground, and it circles him around four orbits. If the Ice Chip is equipped, the length of travel is six orbits.
Time Stopper - Temporarly halts the movement of any enemies for a short time. The effect is a white flash of light.
Tractor Shot (Buster) - Charge up the buster and a green orb appears at the barrel. This can draw in energy attacks to fire back towards the opponent along with the Charged Shot.
Ice Javelin (Triple) - Using this will deal in multiple hits with the Triple Rod.
Tsuibangeki (Saber) - Performed while in the air. Zero falls downward with a saber thrust. If it hits the ground, the earth splits up, tossing up stone debris into the air.
Buraitotsu (Saber) - A dashing saber stab. If it hits a wall or a slope, it creates two balls of lightning that crawls along the surface.
Shouenga (Saber) - Zero does a rising slash upward. He can also perform other combos while doing this.
Shougetsujin (Saber) - Zero will swing his saber and release an ice blade that travels along the ground, possibly freezing anyone that may get in the way.

List of Attacks: Charged Shot - Like the name implys, a charged plasma shot.
Charged Slash - Like it says, a charged up saber slash to an opponent. Effects looks like a Geyser.
Charged Triple Rod - Spins the weapon in his hands, which makes him momentarily invincible until he stops.
Charged Chain Rod - Spins the Chain Rod in his hands, which momentarily changes into a rod, and makes him momentarily invincible until he stops.
Charged Recoil Rod - Zero stabs upward, in front, and diagonal down.
Charged Shield Boomerang - Zero charges energy into it, then throws it at his enemy/enemies. The energy blades carve through them, and returns to Zero on the return trip.

Black Zero Attacks: Zero Slash - As it says, normal damage from a slash.
Zero Breakthrough - Armor peircing attack. Moderate damage.
Zero Dragon Slash - Anti Air attack -- which means even if your in the air, Zero can bring down an enemy. Moderate damage.
Zero Slash Wave - 50%-200% attack power into normal damage.
Zero Skull Crush - Critical Hit... that means very high damage... no it doesn't kill you, despite the name of that attack.

Other: Member of the .EXE Maverick Hunters, team leader of the 0th Special Unit. He is very kind hearted to friends, but is a serious fighter. Other than that, only David, Forte, and ForteZero know he's a bit of a mischievous prankster. He still has some control over the Zero Virus left floating in the net.

Full Japanese name: Slur.EXE
Full English name: Slur.EXE
Gender: Female
Physical Age: 16
Eye color: Magneta red
Skin color: Whitish tan
Hair color: Green
Build: Slight
Height: 6ft7
Appearance: She is a slightly tall female Navi. Her helmet at the front was green, with a red diamond shaped object embedded on the front. Two cloth rabbit/fairy wing like crests were fused at the sides of her helmet, around the back it was white, her green hair extending out from the back in a flat arc fashion. She wore a turtle neck like vest, reaching down over her brests. Two shoulderpads with a green pointy cross are located on her shoulders. Her arms were covered in a cloth garmet connected to the vest armor, her hands reaching out from a hole in her sleeves, but it continued down reaching her knees, at a sharp point, white in color. Her bodysuit was green, with diamond shaped patterns on the front of her legs. She had neon green stripes on the sides of her hips going up into the vest armor. The front vest armor was slightly puffed out in front. Her feet were part of a flexible but slightly bulky leg armor, which resembled high heels almost, but were also shaped like boots.

Friends: None

Enemies: Strong hatred towards Forte.EXE

List of Attacks: Black Wire - Slur attacks with black wires that have thin red auras plastered on them.
Slur Blade - A sword type weapon made of cosmic energy.
Asteroid Power: Wild Rush - BeastMan's arms appear from nowhere and slash through the opponent, then Slur finishes it up with a strong headbutt towards the enemy.
Asteroid Power: Plant Weed - Slur buries her black wires into the ground, and they pop out, and try to wrap the enemy in it's deathning grip.
Asteroid Power: Scarlet Masquerade - A gust of ruby, and pink rose petals blew through the battlefield, slicing through the opponent's defensives.
Asteroid Power: Sand Lion - Lion heads made of sand blast forward towards the opponent. Slur can also combine them into Great Lion Head.
Asteroid Power: Stone Cube - Slur summons up rockcubes, which she can use to defend herself from attacks, or use them as projectiles with her black wires.
Asteroid Power: Neon Lights - Slur aims her palm at the opponent, and launches dome shaped lightbulbs that travel along the ground, glowing like a rainbow.
Asteroid Power: Spark Arm - Slur punches the ground, launching three balls of electricity to travel to the enemy.
Asteroid Power: Wind Cutter - Reels of video tape are formed, them shot out towards the opponent.
Asteroid Power: White Breath - Slur shoots out puffs of powdery snowballs at the opponent.
Asteroid Power: Gravity Hold - Slur gathers in electromagnetic energy into her hands, then throws it at the opponent.
Asteroid Power: Thousand Slash - Slur summons up her Slur Blade, and slash and stab the opponent with fast speed.
Asteroid Power: Yamato Slash - With her Slur Blade, she dashes in and delivers a critical slash.
Asteroid Power: Napalm Bomb - The female Navi summons up small Napalm bombs, and tosses them at her enemy.
Asteroid Power: Blaster Bombs - Slur summons up cherry bombs the size of a soccer ball, and kicks them at the enemy.
Asteroid Power: Air Tornado - Swirling cosmic winds that collide with the opponent with the force of deep space.
Asteroid Power: Plug Lariat - Using her black wires, she plugs them into the opponent, and shocks him with electricity.
Asteroid Power: Bright Beam - Two beams of intense light shoot out from the red diamond shaped object on her helmet.
Asteroid Power: Drill Press - Slur summons drills that rocket towards the enemy.
Asteroid Power: Meteors - Flaming meteorites rain down from space.
Asteroid Power: Star Arrow - Slur forms StarMan's bow, and launches star shaped arrows at the opponent.
Asteroid Power: Grand Sword - Slur's blade grows three times longer, and two times bigger, which she uses to place a powerful blow towards the opponent.

Other: Slur can also do a variety of melee attacks, close and long ranged combat movements, and has flight abilities. When she and Duo came to Earth, Forte sensed a strong power, and challenged her. She owned Forte without lifting a finger the first time they met, but then after a final battle inside the Time Warp, Forte went and owned her right back.

[i]"GAH!" Slur reels her head back in pain, as Forte stabbed his hand right through her chest, data leeking out.
"Die..." was all he said. Slur screamed out in agonizing pain, as the final move deleted her from existance.[/i]

Now it's years later that everyone's in their late teen years, she has somehow managed to come back to life. Slur is the Asteroid Navi, the subordinate of Duo, who's long gone now, and now she hides in the Uranet. She still has control over her Cosmic Powers.

Full English name: Sephiroth.EXE
Full Japanese name: Sephiroth.EXE
Gender: Male
Physical Age: Unknown
Eye color: Unknown
Skin color: Tan
Hair Color: White
Build: Slight
Height: Unknown
Description: (This is the same as of Kingdom Heart's Sephiroth. He's a NetNavi so there's KEY differences.) A male NetNavi with long white hair. His chest is encased in gold armor while the abdomen is encased in black. His legs are covered in black and his boots were both white. On his right ankle is a pair of decorative golden angel wings. Likewise the left ankle had something similar except they were bat wings. He wears a long black coat with angelic armor covering his right shoulder and demonic armor covering his left shoulder. His hands are encased in a pair of grey gloves, through which the claws on his left hand could be seen clearly. Around each forearm he wore a golden bracer - the right had an angel wing and the left, a bat wing. On his back is a pair of wings. On the right was a single white angel wing. On the left, a single black demon wing. Red markings covered the left half of his human face while symmetrical white ones covered the right.

List of attacks:
Power of Wind: Guillotine Gale - A blast of wind bursts from Sephiroth's palm and engulfs the opponent. High wind damage.
Power of Steel: Dance of the Sabers - Hundreds of swords materialize around Sephiroth, and they all converge onto opponent.
Power of the Moon: Gravity Crush - The winged Navi will hold out his finger at his opponent and a ball of energy comes down, crushing his/her body against the floor.
Power of Wood: Autumn Wind - A strong cold gust of wind blows past and engulfs the enemy in razor sharp leaves.
Power of Spirit: Rise of the Dead - Zombies pop out of the ground and converge onto opponent (Devil May Cry based enemies).
Power of Earth: Seismic Quake - Sephiroth will slam his fist into the floor, causing a massive shockwave to spread out in all directions. May split apart the surface in some areas, depends on type of battlefield.
Power of Ice: Freezing Wind - An icy wind blows over the field. Chance of being frozen into a block of ice (if allowed in battle).
Power of Thunder: Lightning Crash - Bolts of lightning (around 7) blast out and strike the enemy.
Power of Water: Raging Tsunami - Huge wave of rushing water at opponent. Leaves behind ocean panels (Ocean panels slow down mobility of ground opponents unless he/she has a special ability that bypasses the effect).
Power of Fire: Inferno Tempest - Blast opponent with a barrage of spinning flames.
Power of Mind: Psychic Shock - A wave of energy passes through the mind of the opponent, making his/her high damaging attacks become low basic for a turn (if allowed).
Power of Light: Solar Pile - A beam made of the sun's energy blast out from the angelic side of Sephiroth.
Power of Darkness: Black Abyss - A beam of darkness blast out from the demon side of Sephiroth.
Power of Destiny: Eternal Damnation - Sephiroth's eyes will flash, and a beam of energy is shot out along the floor and strikes the opponent. Damage set depends on Sim-Battler's level, also set damage is decided by the opponent.
Power of Chaos: Reaper of Sins - A monstroius being will amerge from a black vortex. During this phase, the Reaper of Sins and Sephiroth are connected to one another by link, and Reaper of Sins will have its own set of attacks commanded by Sephiroth.
Power of Holy: Transcendent Salvation - Very rare to see in use. It repairs any damage dealt to the battlefield (in other words, lets say the Arena is damaged beyond repair during a fight right? This will fix it in a snap). This power works only once during the fight, and will not "repair" damage to the user or the challenger, ONLY the battlefield.

Protochip list: This is the number of re-useable chips used in battle. Some are based off of great-hit anime shows.
1) Paradise Lost - Sephiroth will grab his opponent, and press his right hand against his opponent's chest, pelting him/her endlessly with energy blasts (about twenty for high Lv. 40+ battlers, 10 for Lv. 39 and below) while his left hand hits with a barrage to the face at point-blank (same thing). He will then fly up high into the air and grabbed his opponent's ankles in both hands, suspending him/her upside-down. He'll plant both feet under his arms and fly straight down, smashing him/her into the floor head-first. If allowed, challenger is immoble for a turn.
2) Carpet Barrage - A multitude of missiles rain down onto the enemy. Low damage.
3) Zone Deleter - This deletes a part of the Battlefield. The flying destroyed debris if it hits the challenger does basic damage.
4) Ultima Flare - Final Fantasy fans should recognize this. But still... Extreme Non-elemental damage to an opponent.
5) Shield of Retaliation - A barrier forms around Sephiroth, and any sort of attacks except pericing will be reflected back at the opponent for set damage of the challenger.
6) Satanic Hellstorm - A powerful rain of blasts shoot out from the sky.
7) Spiral of Despair - Sephiroth will spin around rapidly with his arms out at his sides and launches two energy beams from his hands. Avoidable but "damages" the battlefield.
8) Heartless Angel - A black angel descends down and the opponent's special status (MP, Dexterity, Mana) is drained to low levels, or a status change is in effect (poison, paralyze, frozen, immoble for a turn). The status change if used is selected by the opponent and not the user of the Protochip. This will NOT affect the challenger's HP what-so-ever.
9) Tides of Terror - A black wave of energy washes over the opponent, dealing high to medium damage. Attack power increased if the opponent has a "dark soul".
07-23-04 09:35 PM 396 31 170237
38. Abnormal Freak Cleeeeeck 03-15-04 10:10 PM 364 31 169629
39.   Mutation 09-21-04 03:57 AM 389 30 154861
40.   Tanookirby 05-09-05 09:51 PM 509 30 152637
41.   Scatterheart 06-06-04 10:46 AM 342 29 143409
42. VGFreak877


Yahoo: vespy08281977

Skype: veespin

May 23, 2005 at 10:20 am: Acquired the 11,800,000th view

I'm really amazed on how people continue asking questions on the same thing over and over again. The answers are posted many times over -- all you have to do is read the ENTIRE thing. It's not hard -- seriously, it's not.

03-15-04 08:33 AM 294 28 123189
43. Sketchie 12-27-04 02:05 AM 356 28 118351
44. kiwibonga 03-15-04 02:23 AM 266 27 106040
45. Thomas 10-29-04 07:55 AM 298 26 98852
46.   Slay ~ 風 ~

Birth: 22 Feb

Height: 182 cm

Weight: 61 kg

Type: ??

04-28-05 12:46 PM 339 25 85592
47. Destiny Smasher Somehow, it seems that about EVERYONE ELSE besides me on this board seems to THINK they know what kind of person I am...But they don't. And I don't blame them. We're all humans, afterall, and some of use try a little harder than others to be themselves.

Apparently, I don't 'blend in' good enough, and any time I try to provide criticism after it's been given to me first, I automatically am an idiot because people don't agree with me...Quite strange, no?

I also seem to have quite a bad habit of STRUGGLING to be nice to people, only to SOMEHOW get them angry at me...I don't quite understand it myself, but I think it has something to do with the fact that people, as a collective, are idiots, and they don't like to see someone like myself break down the walls to escape their mundane world.

Believe what you want of me- but you'll never know who I REALLY am until you meet me, which I doubt you will.

Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that although there are plenty of VERY AWESOME folks here, there's plenty more who want nothing more than to make my online life an adorable little hell. ^_^ Therefore, I doubt I'll come around here much anymore...Probably here and there.

But I always have my mailing address, and I'm always writing my fanfiction.

They say when someone who breaks the mold shows up- someone who doesn't think like everyone else- people will try to deny that person's true character if only to make themselves feel right...


I don't know how people as a whole work- but I DO know how I work, and I do know that too many people judge me by my cover, and not by my pages. People can think what they want of me...Sadly, however, they are wrong if they think me as a prideful bigot.

Right, then. Go on now- on your bike. :P If you actually READ this, then that freaks me out.
03-15-04 04:59 PM 216 24 77554
48. theclaw All your base!

Wave to the improper name squad: Sumo King, The Matrix and Famisa Aurora.

Star Amy says "Hey, good luck on the SMW hacks!"

Oh yeah. Do not flame me, I'm a veteran here.
03-28-04 06:55 PM 202 24 69367
49. RoboticParanoia I am RP. I say hello to you. 03-23-04 08:56 AM 184 23 60582
50. Ice Ranger
Member of TEK since spring 2003

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03-16-04 12:43 AM 183 23 60462
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