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11-02-05 12:59 PM

51 users found.
Sort by: Total posts | EXP | User name | Registration date | Age | Rating | Alphanumeric
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# Picture Username User bio (hide) Registered on Posts Level EXP
1.   Colin 03-15-04 01:31 AM 11302 136 29369328
2. Ailure Don't mind me, this BIO is going to be overhauled eventually.

MSN is the same as my E-mail. :P


Blackdays:"Yeah, I used to have a little synthesizer that picked up a Christian radio station through its speakers. Creeped me out, randomly hearing "AND GOD WILL STRIKE UPON THEE" right before I'd turn it off."

Falcon 21XX: Tempted to crack open Puyo again.

Gamefreak1337: no no no... >_>

Falcon 21XX: Yes yes... YES!

<Drag> The only thing Microsoft makes that doesn't suck is a vacuum cleaner

Originally posted by Yoshi Dude
Me too. Otherwise he wouldn't fit in this society. Nobody here is a nerd. At all. :D :D :D
Originally posted by Anya
I would pay someone to go behind that kid and pull down his pants.


What? It's a's not like it's evil or anything...


<Jizuko> Trapster is cool. He's like, the only person I know that can take shitloads of attacks and still go strong :D

17. Most unique (3)
37. Best post layout

46. Most likely to be driving the car
7. Innocent

12. Kinkiest/Most perverted(8)

31. Best male regular member(7)

33. Best newbie(2)

47. Best Overall (The Wootest) Male(2)
5. Funniest

6. Nicest(3)

11. Smartest

14. Shadiest

16. Hopeless(2)

20. Best Pacifist

24. Most changed

34. Best veteran

38. Best avatar(2)

How to annoy your classmates:

class beep {

public static void main(String[] args) {





Get Firefox!

Yeah I know, another button...

03-15-04 02:43 AM 11162 135 28824106
3. Prier
Condensed Version Bio
Have a look around. Don't mind Death.

Small Bio:
- - - - - - -
Well, for those of you that don't know my two letter nickname already, I'm usually called 'T.J.'. My full name is Troy Jacob Chastain, so you can figure where the T and J come from (and if you can't, I pity you).

Currently, I am 21 years of age and going to a community college by the name of Illinois Central College (more commonly known as ICC) and I'm currently in there studying Computer Information Systems. Aside from that you can probably catch me on here or a few other places I frequent including IM (allow list though).

Oh and I've got that whole DDR and animé complex thing. Don't mind it, it's relatively large and takes up the majority of my life. Other than that, if you have anything to ask (that won't make me go 'wtf?' a few times over) feel free to PM me.

- - - - - - - - El Goonish Shive - Gene Catlow - Dominic Deegan: Oracle For Hire - Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki - CTRL-ALT-DELETE - Funny Farm - Red String - SORE THUMBS - Alpha Shade - Homestar Runner dot Com - MegaTokyo - Superplay Vids - Bemanistyle (dot) Com -[Six Point Zero] - Ill Will Press / Neurotically Yours - Stepmania Online - Hiryuu's DeadJournal

03-15-04 02:13 AM 8392 119 18790939
4. Alastor the Stylish
Agent Firebert: I left my old graphics card lying around after getting a better one. My sister asks what it was, then if she could have it. I spent 30 minutes explaining how hers was better than the old one I had, and then quit because I didn't want to dumb down words to explain.
Agent Firebert: She asked if I could "do that thing I do with the melty pen"(solder) the two cards together.
"This has to be one of the funniest damn things I have ever read.

Kyouji, you are a total and complete jerk. Never change." ~ Glyph Phoenix
If you haven't gotten Little Fighter 2 yet... Why the fuck not?
Marlfox788AIM: bringing up nazis?
Marlfox788AIM: that makes this a very hitler or miss conversation >_>;
Kyouji Craw: Y'know, before I played advance wars, I thought artillery meant the same as infantry.
The 1337 Cube: Before I played advance wars, I...wait, ha ha, you're really stupid.
03-15-04 02:26 AM 7620 114 16258468
5. Anya Orginal Join Date: Nov. 2001
Orginally put on staff: March 2002

Care to know more, than ask...but I know you won't. No one does. Well, save for a few, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
03-15-04 01:29 AM 5337 98 9530313
6.   DarkSlaya 05-16-04 02:08 AM 4249 88 6409254
7. KATW Proud owner of 2 VGF coins

I got a Gold medal in the 2004 posting olympics... YAY.


Affected by 'Reinfors Syndrome' +"


"Guess who got view 1234567?"

Random tidbits or randomness >_>

Registered on 11-05-03 at 9:17 PM...

Lost threads... 86'd on 8/6

I... play... trombone!

03-15-04 05:53 AM 3959 86 6087979
8. NSNick Subject has no life.

Here since 06/27/01

NS Points
Apophis: 6
Reshaper256: 5
Synneth Relmn: 5
Zer0wned: 2.5
Jagori: 2
Kirby ATW: 2
Heian-794: 1.5
fabio: 1
Keikonium: 1
03-15-04 03:01 AM 3875 85 5895841
9. Grey the Stampede Well, for starters, I'm in no way whatsoever a genius.

Glad that's out of the way.

I write, I think, I do the math thing, I can't draw, but I want to learn, I try to run, and usually get cramps in my side after the first twenty minutes or so.

I'm addicted to stress, it's the way I get things done. If I'm not under pressure then I sleep too long, and I hang around like a bum. I think I'm going nowhere, and that makes me nervous.

Everybody's out to get me, but I feel alright, and everybody's thinking about me.

It's the little things that get you when you aren't paying attention.

I'm trying to cut down on my caffeine consumption, so when I get up I just have one cup of coffee, and I like to have another cup of coffee with my breakfast, and on my way to work I like to get a cup of coffee.

You know, the kind of cup of coffee that you get with the donuts? But I never get the donuts, I just have a cup of coffee because I like to have a coffee when I'm talking on the phone.

But it usually goes cold, and I need to get another cup of coffee, and by then it's lunch, so I have an espresso.

And when I get back it's not morning anymore, so I have a diet cola, and another diet cola, and then I'm feeling fine, and I'm feeling pretty sharp, and I'm feeling pretty wired and I'm getting things done.

Except that around 2, I get this little tiny migraine. It starts behind my eyes and it moves to the back of my neck and then it moves to the bottom of my spine, but it doesn't get there til five or six o'clock, which is the end of the day, so I'm fine, I'm fine, except when I have to work late, when I have to work late, which I usually do.

I love to work, I love to run, I love to play real hard, I like to steal little things from the grocery store, like a stick of bubble gum, or sometimes I just stick my thumb in a peach and leave it there.

I love to work, I love to run, I love to waterski, snowboard, jetski, skydive, parasail, hanglide, rollerblade, mountain bike, bungee jump. Well, I mean I'd love to do these things if I ever had the time.

I love to work, I love to work, I love to work out after work. I like to spend a little time with this girl I've been seeing, except we never really get a little time to spend together, so we call each other up and we talk about work.

But what I think I'd really love is to just get all by myself, on a little tiny island in the middle of the ocean with just me, a book, and a cellular phone, and a personal computer in case something came up.

And I'd eat, and I'd drink, and I'd run, and I'd sleep, and I wouldn't do anything except swim all day, except it's kinda hard to do laps in the ocean and where are the sharks? Where are the sharks? And then there's this kind of anemone that sticks in your foot, and the poison goes up to your brain and you die, and sand fleas, sand fleas, yuck!


Actually, I think it'd be really relaxing. Just me by myself, in the middle of the ocean.

And that's what I'd really love to do more than anything else.

Except I'd probably hate it.
06-17-04 07:36 AM 3770 82 5192909
10. Xeolord
03-15-04 03:14 AM 3418 81 4884196
11. Danielle I'm Danielle. I live in Southern California. I like chickies and other cute stuff. This is my bio. AND MY FAVORITE THINGS~

. .


Winter Mosts '04-'05

Best Newbie

Summer '05 Mosts

Cutest Couple - Ashley and Danielle
Best Female Regular Member
Most >8(
Most Likely to Get Together - Ashley and Danielle

Best Avatar

Wootest Female

Thanks guys ^____^

Strut your stuff, Kirby~

09-15-04 05:07 AM 3359 76 3958078
12. Yoshi Dude
Yoshi Dude's Profile
Fleepa - My journal thingy. All thanks to Jesper, the layout and everything is awesome. If only the same could be said for content. :D
DeviantArt - I recently got one of these accounts. Something that appeals to me is how I can get random strangers to notice my work, instead of bugging friends to look at stuff. I have plenty more things to upload, it's fun.
My Drool - A Livejournal account I use to post random crappy sketches of plans I have, or something. I seriously doubt anyone is ever interested by it, but it keeps me organized at least.
Pixel Joint - Where I load my pixel stuff. I really like this whole site, I encourage everyone to browse around. There's a ton of impressive stuff here.

Things people have said~
Dei You are so awesome everything bows to your feet upon sight
Tomguy Arr rhymes with car, and I love my car, so therefore she rocks
Dei I got bored so I made a rhyme
every 2nd line
For there is one person who is so great and noble
That when she walks heither the weather changes to her mood
People everywhere come to watch in admiration
Because this queen of awesome I know is known as YoshiDude
Legion Whenever you leave, I die a little inside =(
knuck sup arr

03-15-04 02:14 AM 3271 79 4572680
13. Toxic KRANG! You hear that? That's the gong of change I'm ringing and it's reverberating through these musty halls with the force of ten typhoons and a hundred hurricanes. The minute you turn me loose in this place I am going to hit like an earthquake measuring ten on the Bolton scale. Do you know the Bolton scale? That's like 5 times worse than the Richter scale. I am going to start off with Kofi. I am going to slap that bitch so hard on his face that the representative from Madagascar is going to feel it. He'll be offering oil for fucking bandages and ice packs and shit.

People back at the WH (that's WHITE HOUSE for you ingrates) call me The 'Stache and this blinding white mustache is going to launch a thousand flying elbows off the turnbuckle. I am going to climb up into the balcony and come crashing down on Burkina Faso's translator like a man-shaped sack of bricks. You smell that Omar Ventissi? That's your ass getting COOKED North Carolina Barbecue style. No fucking tomatoes in the sauce, bitch.

I am going to roundhouse THE SHIT out of Mahbub Ahmad's sternum. He runs the UN website and it is full of CHICKEN SPLAT. Fuck this globe shit, there needs to be a big picture of my red face up on that website to remind everyone in the UN just who this whole dog and pony show is about now. I killed a dog once with a stare and ponies? I break their necks like dry sticks and then suck out their gizzards. Do ponies even have fucking gizzards? Wrong answer, Agriculture and Livestock Committee Liaison Robin Herring. Ponies have fucking gizzards as of this moment because I say so and if you don't believe me you can take it up with my friend here. His name is Blowstoyourclavicle, first name Hammer.

Hah, what did you say, bitch? You run your mouth some more and it's gonna win you a race to the grave.


The 'Stache wants, nay - demands, an entire wing in the commissary. I'm so hungry I could eat a tree. I have eaten trees. Just snap them in half with my - did I mention that I file my teeth? I tell my wife it's to open CD cases and envelopes, but I do it because I want to bite the faces off of the entire Chinese delegation. All of my life, all of that orthodontia, for one crimson moment. Can you see me there, Xian Liao? My eyes glittering in the shadow like two wet spheres of hate? I don't need to see you, I can smell your piss-pants terror from half a mile away. You reek of impotence. I am going to unhinge my jaw and swallow me a couple of long-pigs. You are going to be a part of me FOREVER. The delegation from Timor-Leste can watch you thrash and distend my gullet. I'll wash the taste of your lies from my mouth with your pitcher of pure American water. How thoughtful, someone put a slice of lemon in it.

Do you like the show Timor-Leste? I'm sorry, I didn't bother to learn your names or even identify you as individual human beings because Timor-Leste is worthless. Less than worthless. There will be no more lay-abouts like you now that I'm running things. You're all fired and when I say fired I mean it in the same way the mafia fires people. Your diplomatic passes have been revoked and I have just notified the head of security to escort you from the building. Now, who is the head of security? I guess these scraps of Carman Livingston's name tag wedged between my needlelike incisors means that I'm the new head of security. Mustache rides, five cents.

Oh yes, change is coming to the United Nations. The top ten floors of the UN building are going to look like a beehive that someone threw into hot lava. No one is even going to notice that they burned up because I am going to be ramming their noses into all of this BULL SHIT that has been piling up.

Let's talk specifics, ladies. Let's talk UN "resolutions." That's where you guys decide to do nothing or worse than nothing and the world turns into a big pile of crap. Here are some of the weak sauce you fags have been cooking and let me tell you how I am going to fix them.

59/263 - Situation of human rights in Myanmar

Bolton Says: Fuck Myanmar. Myanmar can eat my ASSHOLE. Myanmar can slide into the ocean or the desert or whatever abyss is adjacent to it unless the situation of human rights there is that the humans are making some righteous computers for cheap that can be exported to first world countries.

59/261 - Rights of the child

Bolton Says: "Rights of the Child," what the Christ does that even mean? What child are they talking about? I'm not reading through a 40 page PDF to figure out they mean some mud baby eating flies in Nigeria. I'm changing this one to "RESOLUTION: FUCK ABORTION." If anyone kills an unborn baby then The 'Stache is going to cut a swathe through the entire General Assembly with a wood ax.

59/256 - 2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa

Bolton Says: I'm gonna roll back some sleeves and develop a couple knuckle sandwiches for the General Assembly over this one. Sorry Africa, 2001-2010 is the Decade of Bolton Rocking Your Fucking Face.

59/253 - United Nations University

Bolton Says: Just what we need a school to teach people to be worthless faggots. I'm starting the University of Hard Knocks and when you don't know how to do math or some shit I am going to bust through a window on a rappelling rope and bury a climbing spike in your throat. BOOYA! Class is in session!

59/202 - The right to food

Bolton Says: More like "the right to be lazy." I swear to god the next time I see some Welfare bitch buying Fruit By the Foot or Cadbury Cream Eggs with foodstamps I am going to burn this whole world to a cinder. You don't get food for doing nothing. If you can't even afford to eat then you shouldn't be allowed to live. Potato skins are like 5.99 at Bennigans. They're totally shit but who can't afford that, I mean honestly here people use your head for a change.

Are you getting the picture yet? No? Let me draw you a picture to explain the NEW ORDER of the UN.

Get it, CHUMPS? This is my town now. It's my WORLD and you guys are just renting plots. Unless you want me to bury you like a dead cat then you are going to suck it up and obey my every command. Now that we've settled that, let's get to uniting.
03-15-04 01:39 AM 2857 75 3732709
14. Tarale ----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----

Version 3.12
GIT/FA/! d+@ s--:+ a23 C+++$ UB+ M+++ L++ W++ w
PS+ PE Y+ tv b+ DI++ !D
e- h- r++ x?

Registered on 09-16-01 01:26 AM (wow, does that mean I\\\'ve been here three years?)

I have a site and I have a blog

Morpheus: Microsoft is our enemy, Firefox, but when you\\\'re on the internet, you look around. What do you see? Business men, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still IE users. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to switch to a browser that doesn\\\'t come included on their desktop when they bring their computers home from Best Buy and pop in the \\\"2000 Free Hours!\\\" AOL CD. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on Microsoft that they will fight to protect it. Were you listening to me Firefox, or were you looking at the woman surfing the hot lesbo porn?
Firefox: I was...
Morpheus: Look again.
Woman has turned into Bill Gates, introducing new \\\"standard\\\" to break non-IE browsers.
Morpheus: Freeze it!
Firefox: What is it?
Morpheus: IE-only standards. That means that anyone we haven\\\'t converted over is potential audience for crappy sites who only QA against IE. On the internet, you see this everywhere. We have survived by being standards-based, by working to be compatible. But these false \\\"standards\\\" are the gatekeepers.
Firefox: Whoa.
Morpheus: I won\\\'t lie to you, Firefox. Every single company or product that has stood their ground, everyone who was fought Microsoft has been crushed or aquired. But where they have failed, you will succeed.
Firefox: Why?
Morpheus: I saw Microsoft crush Netscape\\\'s market share. Men have come up with fantastic innovations only to find them incompatible or MS copies already included in the next version of Windows. Yet their programs are still based on factory-style programming and decisions made by pointy-hairs. Because of that, they will never be as secure or as functional as you can be.
Firefox: What are you trying to tell me, that I can block pop-ups?
Morpheus: I\\\'m trying to tell you that when you\\\'re ready, you won\\\'t have to.
03-18-04 07:32 AM 2720 73 3458036
15. Kyoufu Kawa       *  ※ ☆   ※ ※   ☆ ※  *
     *  ※ ☆  ※   ※   ※  ☆ ※  *
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   * ※ ☆ ※  ※ ☆  .☆ ※  ※ ☆ ※ *
  * ※ ☆ ※ ※☆     ☆※ ※ ☆ ※ *
  * ※uタ┿┿┿┿┿(゚∀゚)┿┿┿┿┿ !!!※ *
  * ※ ☆ ※ ※☆     ☆※ ※ ☆ ※ *
   * ※ ☆ ※  ※☆  .☆※  ※ ☆ ※ *
    * ※ ☆ ※   ※ ☆ ※  ※ ☆ ※ *
     *  ※ ☆  ※   ※   ※  ☆ ※  *
      *  ※ ☆   ※ ※   ☆ ※  *
03-19-04 09:06 PM 2481 70 3008456
16. kitty 03-15-04 01:29 AM 2449 70 2962406
17. Smallhacker I'm Smallhacker and/or any of the following:

Rom Hacker
Computer Geek
Mathematics Geek
Sience Geek
Video Game Player
Comic Maker
Flash Animator

In my spare time, I like to play computer games, make computer games and come up with ideas for computer games.

I can program in the following languages:

Blitz Basic
Some C programming
Some Action Scripting (Flash)
And maybe some others that I forgot about...

Favourite food: Quarter Pound Cheese, Chicken McNuggets (both of them with an extra large French Fries)

Favourite drink: Coke (addicted to it... almost...)

Favourite boards: ACMLMs

How to contact me:

1: Send a PM
2: Email me ( [NOTE: New address]
3: Contact me on MSN Messenger (
4: Contact me on AIM (SmallhackerMIG)

Here's a picture I made of myself:

Acmlm's Board Mosts awards:
Most helpful (Summer 2005)

Semi-annual SMW hacking awards:
Biggest contribution to SMW Hacking (Summer 2005)

Weeh! I made view # 3331000 since the restart! What's the odds of that?
I also made view #4000000! Woohoo!
I've also made view #6060000. It has to be worth something. :P
03-15-04 07:19 PM 2273 68 2647223
18. Emptyeye Weapon: Ibanez SR-406 6-string Bass
Armor: Rush Vapor Trails T-Shirt
Shield: None
Helmet: AKG K-44 Headphones

05-24-04 07:02 AM 2273 67 2488421
19. Cymoro From 406 to 65, I'm back BITCH!

Original join date: July 10, 2001

Acmlm Board Mosts - Spring/Summer 2004

2nd -

Best Male Regular

Most Unique (Joint)

Best Writer (Joint)

Most Likely To be Driving The Car (Joint)

3rd -

Cutest Guy (Joint)

Other Awards -

4th - Funniest (Joint), Leader Of A Milly Board Underground (joint)

5th - Innocent (Joint), Evillest (Joint), Craziest/Most Insane (Joint), Best Custom Title (Joint), Best Overall (The Wootest) Male (Joint)

6th - Kinkiest/Most Perverted (Joint), Best At Advice (Joint)

Acmlm Board Mosts - Winter 2004/05

1st -

Best Male Regular

2nd -

Cutest Guy

Evilest (Joint)

3rd -

Most Fun To Talk To (Joint)

03-15-04 02:47 AM 2216 67 2549743
20. Kasumi-Astra 03-15-04 01:48 AM 1867 62 1971846
21. Tamarin Calanis twilightRO:
It's dead.

Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction:
Account Name: TCalanis
Chibot (Paladin)
CalinSilvereye (Druid)

If you want to add me to your friend list in D2, I don't care, but it'd be nice if you tell me your account name so I know who the fuck you are when you send me a message.

Dark Throne:
Thelyn, Elven Assassin
Mastermind of Star of Darkness
Slayer of Assholes, Idiots, Fanboys, and Gibberish Names

Maple Global: (All on Bera)
Kapopo, Cheveyo, SirKutan, LadyCalera. Spear Warrior, Dagger THief, future Sword Warrior, Bow Archer.

Cheveyo - Double Metal Axe
Guild: StatWhor
07-12-04 09:29 AM 1802 59 1672751
22. drjayphd 03-15-04 03:17 AM 1477 56 1387410
23. Kirbynite Let's see.. I should put something here, huh?

How about.. Goals? Yes.. that sounds like a good topic...

Well, I want to be a computer software programmer... Or a video game maker.. which ever makes sense in your mind ^_^.

I also want to make a game of every completed story I was in.. atleast the ones that were parodies of games and the Danielle Zeal~Lavos Saga. I know there's no way for me to possibly do all of them soon. I know I won't be done before I graduate from college. But I'm gonna get them before I can't program, draw and play games. *nod nod*
03-15-04 03:32 AM 1366 55 1233975
24. cpubasic13 Hi... ummm, my name is William. I am currently (see Birthday) and I like to play video games. I post here often, and I really don't like morons (who does?).

I rom hack, yes. My best "hack" is Basic Land, a SMW hack that uses new levels and graphics. There are, however, no new ASM hacks in it, so it isn't really that much different. My best work in that hack is my sidewalk tileset, which has an isometric view... literally.

I also Sim-Battle, seeing as I am moderator of that said forum. I have a unique fighting style, relying on different characters to win different situations. Strange, yes?

My Funny... Stuff...

Kyouji Craw: Blah. I had something to say to you, but
Kyouji Craw: Now that you're actually on, I totally forgot.
cpubasic: ...

The Obligotory Stats
03-15-04 04:29 AM 1346 54 1206934
25. BMF98567 Acmlm's Board Mosts 2005! 03-15-04 11:53 AM 1261 53 1094149
26. Acmlm

Very long way to go ... and I miss GD my old posting mood

03-15-04 01:26 AM 1173 51 981994
27. Valcion ITS BEEN 100 YEARS
03-15-04 01:31 AM 1139 50 939607
28. Xkeeper 2.0

I am 9% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!

You are .mpg You live life like it was a movie.  Constantly in motion, you bring pleasure to many, but are often hidden away.

Which File Extension are You?

beef whistle!

00:18:38 AM | * @HarrOn blows the whistle


00:18:56 AM | 8">

Ergh, Zcf went down again. I'm currently getting an Acmlmboard ready for it...

All I have done are a few PHP URL edits and updating some of the images to use more color. :P
03-15-04 02:17 AM 1091 49 880818
29. Uncle Elmo Acmlm Board Mosts - Spring/Summer 2005

2nd -

Best Writer (Poetry and otherwise)(Joint)


Best at Advice (Joint)

Sweetest (Joint)

Most helpful(/b) (Joint)
03-15-04 03:26 AM 1062 49 845899
30. Juggling Joker
Advanced Big 45 Personality Test Results

Gregariousness ||||||||| 22%
Sociability ||||||||| 30%
Assertiveness ||||||||||||||| 42%
Poise ||||||||||||||| 42%
Leadership ||||||||| 30%
Provocativeness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Self-Disclosure |||||||||||| 38%
Talkativeness |||||||||||| 34%
Group Attachment ||||||||||||||| 42%
Extroversion |||||||||||| 38%
Understanding |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Warmth ||||||||||||||| 46%
Morality |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Pleasantness ||||||||||||||| 46%
Empathy |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Cooperation ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Sympathy ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Tenderness ||||||||||||||| 50%
Nurturance |||||||||||| 38%
Friendliness |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Conscientiousness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Efficiency ||||||||||||||| 46%
Dutifulness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Purposefulness |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Organization ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Rationality ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Perfectionism ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Planning ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Orderliness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Stability ||||||||||||||| 50%
Happiness ||||||||||||||| 46%
Calmness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Moderation |||||||||||| 38%
Toughness |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Impulse Control |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Imperturbability ||||||||||||||| 46%
Cool-headedness |||||||||||| 38%
Tranquility ||||||||||||||| 42%
Emotional Stability ||||||||||||||| 47%
Intellect ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Ingenuity |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Reflection ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Competence |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Quickness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Introspection ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Creativity ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Imagination |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Depth ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 71%
Take Free Advanced Big 45 Personality Test

personality tests by

03-15-04 04:54 AM 1033 48 811447
31. blackhole89 [ POSTLAYOUT V2.1b ]

(C)'04 blackhole89
03-15-04 04:13 PM 971 47 739208
32. Sandy53215

Join me and ask questions about Christianity and have them answered!

03-15-04 06:51 PM 948 47 713034
33.   macks (16:29:22) (max) mooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
(16:30:03) (%Legion) t.
(16:30:51) (%Legion) "This is the mating call of the maximus mooimus. Watch closely as he nuzzles against a user indicating he has found his idealmating partner."

â� ¨
03-15-04 02:12 AM 900 45 659955
34. DahrkDaiz I rom hack, play a bit of DDR, program, watch anime, the normal 21 year old teenager who doesn't have a girlfriend activities.

03-15-04 02:23 AM 885 45 643520
35. ||bass 03-15-04 01:29 AM 817 44 570813
36. JDavis

Winter '04 Bests!

1st place: Best Layout

2nd place: Most Creative

Summer Mosts 2005! (which I did not campaign for and pretty much ignored)

3rd Place: Most Creative (all-around)

3rd Place: Best Post Layout
[22:20] <YoshiDude> I always got tapped

[22:20] <YoshiDude> I was popular in elementary school

[22:20] <YoshiDude> and don't you forget it.
03-15-04 03:38 AM 815 44 568676
37. Rydain I really should put something in here because most of you guys don't know me. It's going to sound stupid, but here goes nothing. :P

Hi. My real name isn't actually Rydain, but I've been going by it online since 1995, so it might as well be. ~_^ I'm a web developer, exercise enthusiast (heavy weight training is my favorite activity), cosplayer, console gamer, Linux geek, singer, composer, pianist, and dorky mommy of two spoiled rotten cats. I'm married to a guy named Rando who loves said cats as much as I do.

I don't really post that much, so if you're really curious about me and my life, feel free to drop in on my LiveJournal. The vast majority of my stuff is public, and I'm always happy to meet new people. Narf! ^_^
03-15-04 01:29 AM 738 42 490056
38. Alexa 09-10-05 04:19 AM 625 27 114183
39. Reid
Advanced Big 30 Personality Test Results

Sociability ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Aggressiveness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Assertiveness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Activity Level ||||||||| 26%
Excitement-Seeking |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Enthusiasm |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Extroversion |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Trust ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Morality ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Altruism ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Cooperation |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Modesty ||||||||||||||| 50%
Sympathy |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Friendliness |||||||||||||||||| 60%
Confidence |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Neatness ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Dutifulness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Achievement ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Self-Discipline ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Cautiousness ||||||||||||||| 46%
Orderliness ||||||||||||||||||||| 68%
Anxiety ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Volatility |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Depression ||||||||||||||| 50%
Self-Consciousness ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Impulsiveness |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Vulnerability ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||| 40%
Imagination ||||||||||||||| 50%
Artistic Interests |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Introspection |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Intellect |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Liberalism ||||||||||||||| 50%
Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Take Free Advanced Big 30 Personality Test

personality tests by

True Join Date : Nov 11 02 User #1881

New Join Date: March 14 04 User #23 To email me Delete NOSPAM@

Reinfors Syndrome 6-21-04

03-15-04 02:11 AM 558 37 322182
40. Private Adamant 03-15-04 03:01 AM 551 37 316129
41.   Yoronosuku my name is Erika. I like emulation and my favorite videogames are dating sims. If you want to talk to me you could ^^ my half brother posts here, too. 01-06-05 02:28 AM 502 32 194954
42. Jack-Al Until We Meet Again 03-15-04 02:11 AM 284 28 116984
43. FuSoYa 03-15-04 02:44 AM 255 26 99529
44. Blades The Crazy admin.

1998: Graduated from High School

2002: College Degree in Computer Science

200X: Bachelor in Mathematics
03-15-04 01:39 AM 151 21 45354
45. Emuz 03-15-04 01:27 AM 36 11 5279
46.   Malow 03-15-04 01:30 AM 25 9 3055
47.   Xkeeper! 08-30-05 09:01 AM 4 3 64
48.   tuna 12-02-04 10:32 AM 2 3 51
49.   Not Acmlm. He doesnt' care anymore! 01-01-70 01:00 AM 0 1 0
50.   System 05-20-05 10:49 PM 0 1 0
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