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11-02-05 12:59 PM

2303 users found.
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# Picture Username User bio (hide) Registered on Posts Level EXP
1. Ran-chan Free Site Counter

Free Web Site Counter

My name is Kim and I?m a 18 year old *what gender?* :P who lives in Sweden. I like to play computergames, lurk around on the internet, be with my friends and so on...I?ve many interests but my passion is the computer. If you want to know something...just ask. ^_^

[img][/img] :P

If you were on a battlefield right now, versus everything...
Lover or a Fighter?
Fight for good or evil?
Battle Cry
Weapon of Choice Tactical Nuclear Weapons
Appearance Medieval Armour, flying in from above in a helicopter
Your Battle Cry... Could use some work
Foes slain upon first strike: - 95%
What you fight Zombies
You fight.... Because the only wasted ammo is the ammo not expended
This cool quiz by Ferggs - Taken 113043 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

7. Most Innocent. (5)

03-15-04 10:08 PM 12781 143 35293588
2.   Colin 03-15-04 01:31 AM 11302 136 29369328
3. Ailure Don't mind me, this BIO is going to be overhauled eventually.

MSN is the same as my E-mail. :P


Blackdays:"Yeah, I used to have a little synthesizer that picked up a Christian radio station through its speakers. Creeped me out, randomly hearing "AND GOD WILL STRIKE UPON THEE" right before I'd turn it off."

Falcon 21XX: Tempted to crack open Puyo again.

Gamefreak1337: no no no... >_>

Falcon 21XX: Yes yes... YES!

<Drag> The only thing Microsoft makes that doesn't suck is a vacuum cleaner

Originally posted by Yoshi Dude
Me too. Otherwise he wouldn't fit in this society. Nobody here is a nerd. At all. :D :D :D
Originally posted by Anya
I would pay someone to go behind that kid and pull down his pants.


What? It's a's not like it's evil or anything...


<Jizuko> Trapster is cool. He's like, the only person I know that can take shitloads of attacks and still go strong :D

17. Most unique (3)
37. Best post layout

46. Most likely to be driving the car
7. Innocent

12. Kinkiest/Most perverted(8)

31. Best male regular member(7)

33. Best newbie(2)

47. Best Overall (The Wootest) Male(2)
5. Funniest

6. Nicest(3)

11. Smartest

14. Shadiest

16. Hopeless(2)

20. Best Pacifist

24. Most changed

34. Best veteran

38. Best avatar(2)

How to annoy your classmates:

class beep {

public static void main(String[] args) {





Get Firefox!

Yeah I know, another button...

03-15-04 02:43 AM 11162 135 28824106
4. Prier
Condensed Version Bio
Have a look around. Don't mind Death.

Small Bio:
- - - - - - -
Well, for those of you that don't know my two letter nickname already, I'm usually called 'T.J.'. My full name is Troy Jacob Chastain, so you can figure where the T and J come from (and if you can't, I pity you).

Currently, I am 21 years of age and going to a community college by the name of Illinois Central College (more commonly known as ICC) and I'm currently in there studying Computer Information Systems. Aside from that you can probably catch me on here or a few other places I frequent including IM (allow list though).

Oh and I've got that whole DDR and animé complex thing. Don't mind it, it's relatively large and takes up the majority of my life. Other than that, if you have anything to ask (that won't make me go 'wtf?' a few times over) feel free to PM me.

- - - - - - - - El Goonish Shive - Gene Catlow - Dominic Deegan: Oracle For Hire - Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki - CTRL-ALT-DELETE - Funny Farm - Red String - SORE THUMBS - Alpha Shade - Homestar Runner dot Com - MegaTokyo - Superplay Vids - Bemanistyle (dot) Com -[Six Point Zero] - Ill Will Press / Neurotically Yours - Stepmania Online - Hiryuu's DeadJournal

03-15-04 02:13 AM 8392 119 18790939
5. HyperLamer Bread is just raw toast.

Layout change log:
  • No more stretching! Post area now scrolls left and right if necessary. (Still stretches vertically though, because vertical scrolling layouts r teh sux0r.) - removed, caused too many weird bugs.
  • Smaller title bar font, looks better in Linux.
  • Links now have an invisible border, so things don't move when you hover over them.
  • Custom list bullets.
  • Code sections now scroll instead of leaking and stretching and use Courier.
  • Shrunk links in link window so they don't wrap around as much.
  • Changed title bar layout.
  • Fixed title bar's close button.
  • More stats and smaller font in Debug window.

My computer specs:
OS: Windows XP Pro SP2
CPU: AMD Sempron 2800+, Socket 754 (runs at 1.6ghz, but OCed to 1.7)
Motherboard: MSI K8T Neo-V with onboard sound/LAN
RAM: 256MB PC2700 333mhz x1
Video: 128MB Chaintech Volari V3 XGI
HDDs: 250GB 7200RPM Western Digital (from old computer), 20GB (not sure what brand or speed, but way slow, from old computer)
PSU: 400 watts

-=Formerly User #1802=-

Acmlmosts Bling-Bling Tropy Case
Summer 2005
2nd Best At Advice3rd Funniest
2nd Best Post Layout3rd Best Local Mod
2nd Best ROM Hacker3rd Most Helpful
Winter 2004
3rd Best Local Mod

Originally posted by Keikonium
HH always pulls it off if he tries hard enough.
Originally posted by NSNick

Old Board:

This Board:


And no, I didn't make that.

More spambot food!

The problem here was the grammar of the post. The person who posted the thread made it sound as if the pause menu would appear at a random point on the map, which is obviously false because there is nothing that would trigger it. NOT, as the correct explanation says, that it would appear when entering another map, which does make sense. Thank you, now STFU about it. -_-

BEFORE YOU SEND ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE: Are you banned and looking for information about why and/or how to be unbanned? If so, I can't help you. You need to talk to an admin for that.

NOTE: For some reason my layouts tend to look weird in here, just ignore it.

03-15-04 07:43 PM 8210 118 18171887
6. Alastor the Stylish
Agent Firebert: I left my old graphics card lying around after getting a better one. My sister asks what it was, then if she could have it. I spent 30 minutes explaining how hers was better than the old one I had, and then quit because I didn't want to dumb down words to explain.
Agent Firebert: She asked if I could "do that thing I do with the melty pen"(solder) the two cards together.
"This has to be one of the funniest damn things I have ever read.

Kyouji, you are a total and complete jerk. Never change." ~ Glyph Phoenix
If you haven't gotten Little Fighter 2 yet... Why the fuck not?
Marlfox788AIM: bringing up nazis?
Marlfox788AIM: that makes this a very hitler or miss conversation >_>;
Kyouji Craw: Y'know, before I played advance wars, I thought artillery meant the same as infantry.
The 1337 Cube: Before I played advance wars, I...wait, ha ha, you're really stupid.
03-15-04 02:26 AM 7620 114 16258468
7. Legion 08:33'02'p> * Legion sets mode: +b *!*@*
08:33'02'p> * Legion was kicked from #nobodysworld by Legion (No emo kids. ‹22›)

*Tomguy wonders why would Phil ban Legion?*
03-15-04 02:42 AM 5657 101 10399737
8. alte Hexe which way shall I flie

Infinite wrauth, and infinite despaire?

Which way I flie is Hell; my self am Hell;

And in the lowest deep a lower deep

Still threatning to devour me opens wide,

To which the Hell I suffer seems a Heav'n
03-15-04 06:37 AM 5458 99 9854489
9. Anya Orginal Join Date: Nov. 2001
Orginally put on staff: March 2002

Care to know more, than ask...but I know you won't. No one does. Well, save for a few, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
03-15-04 01:29 AM 5337 98 9530313
10.   DarkSlaya 05-16-04 02:08 AM 4249 88 6409254
11.   neotransotaku

I'm the kid in your class who sits by himself. You know who he is and what he says when people ask questions. But when he says something, you don't bother respond back because he is an idiot when he speaks.
03-15-04 03:02 AM 4016 87 6220548
12. KATW Proud owner of 2 VGF coins

I got a Gold medal in the 2004 posting olympics... YAY.


Affected by 'Reinfors Syndrome' +"


"Guess who got view 1234567?"

Random tidbits or randomness >_>

Registered on 11-05-03 at 9:17 PM...

Lost threads... 86'd on 8/6

I... play... trombone!

03-15-04 05:53 AM 3959 86 6087979
13. NSNick Subject has no life.

Here since 06/27/01

NS Points
Apophis: 6
Reshaper256: 5
Synneth Relmn: 5
Zer0wned: 2.5
Jagori: 2
Kirby ATW: 2
Heian-794: 1.5
fabio: 1
Keikonium: 1
03-15-04 03:01 AM 3875 85 5895841
14. Grey the Stampede Well, for starters, I'm in no way whatsoever a genius.

Glad that's out of the way.

I write, I think, I do the math thing, I can't draw, but I want to learn, I try to run, and usually get cramps in my side after the first twenty minutes or so.

I'm addicted to stress, it's the way I get things done. If I'm not under pressure then I sleep too long, and I hang around like a bum. I think I'm going nowhere, and that makes me nervous.

Everybody's out to get me, but I feel alright, and everybody's thinking about me.

It's the little things that get you when you aren't paying attention.

I'm trying to cut down on my caffeine consumption, so when I get up I just have one cup of coffee, and I like to have another cup of coffee with my breakfast, and on my way to work I like to get a cup of coffee.

You know, the kind of cup of coffee that you get with the donuts? But I never get the donuts, I just have a cup of coffee because I like to have a coffee when I'm talking on the phone.

But it usually goes cold, and I need to get another cup of coffee, and by then it's lunch, so I have an espresso.

And when I get back it's not morning anymore, so I have a diet cola, and another diet cola, and then I'm feeling fine, and I'm feeling pretty sharp, and I'm feeling pretty wired and I'm getting things done.

Except that around 2, I get this little tiny migraine. It starts behind my eyes and it moves to the back of my neck and then it moves to the bottom of my spine, but it doesn't get there til five or six o'clock, which is the end of the day, so I'm fine, I'm fine, except when I have to work late, when I have to work late, which I usually do.

I love to work, I love to run, I love to play real hard, I like to steal little things from the grocery store, like a stick of bubble gum, or sometimes I just stick my thumb in a peach and leave it there.

I love to work, I love to run, I love to waterski, snowboard, jetski, skydive, parasail, hanglide, rollerblade, mountain bike, bungee jump. Well, I mean I'd love to do these things if I ever had the time.

I love to work, I love to work, I love to work out after work. I like to spend a little time with this girl I've been seeing, except we never really get a little time to spend together, so we call each other up and we talk about work.

But what I think I'd really love is to just get all by myself, on a little tiny island in the middle of the ocean with just me, a book, and a cellular phone, and a personal computer in case something came up.

And I'd eat, and I'd drink, and I'd run, and I'd sleep, and I wouldn't do anything except swim all day, except it's kinda hard to do laps in the ocean and where are the sharks? Where are the sharks? And then there's this kind of anemone that sticks in your foot, and the poison goes up to your brain and you die, and sand fleas, sand fleas, yuck!


Actually, I think it'd be really relaxing. Just me by myself, in the middle of the ocean.

And that's what I'd really love to do more than anything else.

Except I'd probably hate it.
06-17-04 07:36 AM 3770 82 5192909
15. Dracoon Why is it people want to know about me? What could you possibly [b]WANT[/b] to know?

Right now, I'm almost 16, and I don't believe in any religion, and I only believe in the human mind. I believe anyone is capable of anything if they try, and that if people really, truely, believe, they can alter reality. I doubt anyone could do this though, or has a need to do this. Anyways, I don't care, my belief, or faith, is unimportant.

I listen to heavy music to drown my thoughts, always my thoughts always there to confuse, anger, depress, or even hate me. I let my mind wander usually and I've been suffering in school lately because of this, but I hate to concentrate, because I start to think about everything I've done wrong. I've done nothing really wrong in my entire life, I've done bad things, because I was ignorant, or wasn't thinking, but I've never done something truely wrong. I've wondered why I punish myself when I know this, and I can't over come it now. Thus, I drown it and hope for stability while having a good time.

People often say I'm annoying because of some of my qualities. My sudden lack of attention or suddenly becoming angry. I make 180 turns in personality sometimes, and when I can focus on one emotion, its always anger. I hate people who do things I don't like, but I know I can't do anything to them, because no matter what, if I get someone to the point of almost being hurt, I will stop. Because of this, I've never thrown a punch at anyone. I've never aimed a kick meant to hurt, and I've never put someone in constant pain. I'm not a pacifist, I just am unable to put someone else in pain. I've been in pain myself, plenty of times, usually due to me not putting others in pain. Having an arm feel like its going to break for over an hour is not something I'd like to see anyone else go through, and in truth, I couldn't see it happen to anyone and would have to stop it.

I stopped flinching a while ago. Everyone I know who tries to scare me is never able to now. If they hit me, I get hit, I'll get back up. I can't stay laying down after being knocked down. I've also never been beaten hard enough to pass out.

Self preserverence is still in me, no matter what. I will always eat when I'm hungry and drink when I'm thirst, but I still don't think I could allow someone else to be shot in front of me. I'm not selfless, I just couldn't see someone die in front of me, making me a coward. I might be remembered as a hero if I was shot saving someone, but what would be the point? Someone would've died anyways, I just made it so I didn't have to see it.

I've never been in love. I thought I was once, but I was wrong. I don't understand what love is, and I've stopped caring. One day, I might find a woman I can spend the rest of my life with, but I know it won't be love.

Lust; however, is something everyone feels. I don't act on lust, and keep it in my mind for only a short period. Never will I act on lust, and many people in my school tried to throw a homosexual lable on me. I never reacted to this, and they eventually shut up. I don't care what others think, this is my existance after all, why should they have a say in it?

These are my thoughts, and nothing about me. I'm human, and I hate myself more than anyone. I don't hate myself in a "I'm going to cut my wrists and bleed to death!" way, I think of myself more as "You judge people and yet you have some many flaws. If you saw someone else do this, you would want to hurt them, but you won't hurt yourself or anyone. Shut up, sit down, and think about why you're wrong."

My mind doesn't accept reason, and I'll continue to let it until I die. Maybe one day, I'll learn what everything is and see why people can stand to hurt others and do bad things, but for now. I'll have to stay as I am and hope that I won't hate myself forever.
03-25-04 03:56 AM 3727 84 5514391
16. Xeolord
03-15-04 03:14 AM 3418 81 4884196
17.   Kefka I am a cool guy in Real Life? 03-15-04 05:16 PM 3392 81 4826208
18. Danielle I'm Danielle. I live in Southern California. I like chickies and other cute stuff. This is my bio. AND MY FAVORITE THINGS~

. .


Winter Mosts '04-'05

Best Newbie

Summer '05 Mosts

Cutest Couple - Ashley and Danielle
Best Female Regular Member
Most >8(
Most Likely to Get Together - Ashley and Danielle

Best Avatar

Wootest Female

Thanks guys ^____^

Strut your stuff, Kirby~

09-15-04 05:07 AM 3359 76 3958078
19. Yoshi Dude
Yoshi Dude's Profile
Fleepa - My journal thingy. All thanks to Jesper, the layout and everything is awesome. If only the same could be said for content. :D
DeviantArt - I recently got one of these accounts. Something that appeals to me is how I can get random strangers to notice my work, instead of bugging friends to look at stuff. I have plenty more things to upload, it's fun.
My Drool - A Livejournal account I use to post random crappy sketches of plans I have, or something. I seriously doubt anyone is ever interested by it, but it keeps me organized at least.
Pixel Joint - Where I load my pixel stuff. I really like this whole site, I encourage everyone to browse around. There's a ton of impressive stuff here.

Things people have said~
Dei You are so awesome everything bows to your feet upon sight
Tomguy Arr rhymes with car, and I love my car, so therefore she rocks
Dei I got bored so I made a rhyme
every 2nd line
For there is one person who is so great and noble
That when she walks heither the weather changes to her mood
People everywhere come to watch in admiration
Because this queen of awesome I know is known as YoshiDude
Legion Whenever you leave, I die a little inside =(
knuck sup arr

03-15-04 02:14 AM 3271 79 4572680
20. Jarukoth -----------------------------------------



If you want to know a bit more about me, Click Here for my Blog. If not, scroll on down for my character data.




2004 AcmlmBoard Mosts - 2nd Place: Best Custom Title




Name: Jarukoth

Age: Unknown, looks like he is in his mid to late 20s.

Ht: 6' Wt: 195 lbs

Gender: Male

Hair: Brown

Clothes: Bioarmor Suit

Job: DiEn

Equipment: EternaBlade Sword , ComLink Unit (For inter DiEn communication and analysis of data. Installed in bioarmor.)

DoB: Exact date unknown.

Family: All family members deceased or missing.

Friends/Allies: Ada Wong and Shino Shadefoot.

Origin: Earth

Bio: Jarukoth is a DiEn. DiEn is short for Dimension Enforcer. When a person dies, a person with an exceptional soul is selected to become a DiEn upon thier death. After many thousands of years, they transubstantiate, and go to heaven upon thier "retirement". Jarukoth was born on earth in the early 20th century, and perished at a relatively young age. Upon his death, he was selected by a secret council of judges to become a DiEn. He has since been training, and through great work and skill, he has been well respected as one of the most prolific and skilled DiEns around today, despite his relatively young age. He is usually an all around peacekeeper wherever he goes, but when bizzare or out of the ordinary things occur in dimensions, he is at the front lines combating it. A DiEn's job is to ensure that no beings from alternate realities seep into other worlds and harm the innocent. When you hear of events dubbed "paranormal", such as hauntings or demon possession, this is an instance of that.


Sephiroth (FF7) + Real Life Earth = Earth is screwed.

Freddy Krueger + Real Life Earth = Lots of dead kids.)

In hand to hand combat, Jarukoth is extremely dangerous. He is a mastered several styles of martial arts, and is equipped with a DiEn standard issue EternaBlade: A sword that cannot break.

However, special abilites are where a DiEn truly shine. In addition to creating skills around the seven primal elements elements (Fire, Water, Thunder, Earth, Wind, Holy, and Shadow), he can also have his special Bioarmor generate other weapons for him, and his Blue Magic abilities allow Jarukoth to learn the skills of his opponents once they are used against him or in front of him. It is not uncommon for an elder DiEn to learn over 10,000 skills by thier retirement.





- Random Picture Confusion: A low level tech that causes a random picture to appear, confusing the target. A generally useless technique.

- Cosplay Distraction: A variation of Random Picture Confusion invented by Shino. Causes a random (usually female) cosplay pic to appear.

- Crimson Bubble: Creates a red colored sphere that remains around the opponent for three turns. Returns any damage recieved by the caster back at the target. Can be recharged. Explodes if dispelled or destroyed. (Learned by Schwa)

- Suicide Squall: Uses the Cucco summoning skill. Can make any cuccos summoned explode on contact with a target.


-Fire (1, 2, 3): Standard line of Fire spells.

-Fireball: Shoots fireballs of various sizes.

-Firewall: Creates a barrier of fire.

-Enflame: Ignites an item or weapon, giving it a fire element.

-Burning Soul: Uses a heat element to get blood flowing through the target's body much faster, and giving them a massive physical strength boost.

-Flare: Concentrates a lot of fire energies at a single point until they burst, creating a massive explosion.

-Giga Flare: A much stronger version of Flare. Also known as Flarega. (Learned from Lemon Kirby.)


-Ice (1, 2, 3): Standard line of Ice spells.

-Hydroburst: Fires a blast of water of varying size.

-Freeze: Chills the air around the target, encasing them in a layer of ice. This can slow thier movement or even stop them for a time.

-Kori Shuriken / Kori Kunai: Forms throwing weapons made of ice.

- Kori Blade: An advanced version of Kori Shuriken that creates katana and broadsword sized weapons out of ice.

-Hidden Mist: Creates a foglike water mist around the area. Visibility decreases.

- Demonic Ice Mirror: Creates a temporary mirror of ice to defend the caster or a target. Good for deflecting energy attacks and spells. Caster can also hide inside the mirror's reflection, and gives them the ability to throw projectiles and jump very quickly from one mirror to another via the reflection (in the event that 2 or more mirrors are made).

-Ice Javelin: Creates large ice projectiles, which hurl themselves at an enemy. First used by the Soceress Edea of FF VIII

-Rising Waters: Sends a tidal wave of water crashing through the field, flooding it with a couple feet of water.

- Water Shield: Creates a large high pressure dome of water around the caster, blocking many projectiles. Can only be used with a substantial water supply.


-Bolt (1, 2, 3) Standard line of electricity spells.

-Thunder: Fires bolts of lightning of various voltage.

-Magnetize: Magnetizes self, object or person.

-Thunderball: Throws a projectile of charged electrical energy. (Learned from Lemon Luigi.)

-Enthunder: Grants thunder element to an item or weapon.

-Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP): Deals severe damage or instant kill to machines.

- Lightning Rod: Channels a class of the Bolt spell through the users sword stuck in the ground to shock enemies around the user's sword.

-Summon Ragiko: Summons the lightning wolf Ragiko to Jarukoth's aid.


-Quake (1, 2, 3) Standard line of earth based spells.

-Armor of Sand: Converts ground to sand, and bonds to a target, increasing thier defense.

-Rock Eye: Transforms a rock into a third eye for caster. Good for spying and recon.

-Meteor: Sends meteors crashing into one or multiple targets.

-Earth Dragon Missile: Fires a projectile made of earth in the shape of a dragon.

-Desert Coffin (Sabaku Kyuu): Converts ground to sand, and covers opponent in a hard layer of it. Immobilizes enemy for one turn.

-Desert Graveyard (Sabaku Sousou): Can only be used on opponent during "Desert Coffin". large amount of sand implodes on target, killing it, or sending it to a state of near death. Deemed illegal in most Sim-Battles, mostly used on official missions.


-Aero (1, 2, 3) Standard line of wind based attack spells.

-Gust: Creates a gust of wind of varying strength.

-Propel: Enchants the target with Haste, and increases jumping ability.

-Wind Cutter: Concentrates Wind into several blade like projectiles.

-Flight: Allows the caster to fly for a fixed period.

-Tornado: Creates a massive tornado.

-Hastega: Greatly increases speed. (Learned from Dark Lord Steak)

Summon King Cucco: Summons the King Cucco to fight alongside the caster. (Learned in Thread: The War Against the Cuccos")


-Angel Flash: Deals heavy damage to demons and undead.

-Heal: Can heal self or others to varying degrees.

-Esuna: Removes most disease or abnormal status.

-Mighty Guard: Increases target's defenses.

-Holyaga: Focuses holy energies into one massive blast.

-Gabriel's Shield: Creates a massive shield around self and group.

-Power of Seraphim: A supreme transformation technique that is only theoretical, and has never been performed by Jarukoth as of yet. Abilities include powering up to the level equivalent of Extreme Seal. However, in this mode, only Holy techniques can be used. It is said that this mode brings with it a host of new techniques, and a powerful anti-evil ward.


-Shadow Veil: Makes yourself invisible.

-Henge: Temporarily gives the caster the appearance of someone (or something) else.

-Shadow Clones: Creates three illusion clones of the caster, confusing the opponent.

-Bio: Fires poison acid at target.

-Enpoison: Makes an item or weapon poisoned.

-Kage Bunshin no Jutsu: Creates six fighting clones, each with 20% of caster's power. One of Jarukoth's favorite moves.

-Kage Bunshin Shuriken no Jutsu: Creates clones of a thrown object, such as shuriken, multiplying the amount of the thrown object.

-Dark Matter: Causes massive damage to opponent, but also hurts caster.

-Omega: An ultra powerful spell that takes three turns to charge. It is twice as powerful as Ultimaga, and drains the caster of almost all stamina. (Learned by Lemon Kirby.)

Advanced/Hybrid Skills:

-Sharingan Eye: Jarukoth has possesion of Sharingan eyes, and has mastered thier use. Such features of the eye include:

Analyze fighting styles, magic, and illusionary tactics and thier weaknesses, anticiapte attacks and speed reactions to a certain degree, aid in the learning of most attacks/spells, hypnosis.

-Mangekyou Sharingan: A type of "Super Sharingan", in which more advanced techniques can be used. Such techs include: - - - -Tsukuyomi (Underworld Moon): Transports the target's mind to a seperate dimension where the opponent can suffer torture for a period of 72 hours in one second.

- Amaterasu (Light of the Heavens): Fires a blast of black flame, which can supposedly burn through anything.

Both techniques require a large amount of power to use.

-Chidori: A large amount of chakra energy is charged in the hand, and is released in a punch as a single, very destructive force. When fully charged, the chakra can be seen almost a electricity eminating from the hand, and sounds like the flutter of 1,000 birds, giving it the nickname "1,000 Birds Fist". It is a power piercing move that is extremely destructive. Some say that the attack has the ability to split small to medium sized planets in two if the user can accumulate enough power to make it potent enough...

-Super Seal: A unsealing technique that releases some of the inhibitors of the DiEn BioArmor. Increases Strength, Defense, and Speed.

-Mega Seal: The next step stronger "Seal" tech after "Super Seal". Powers user up even further.

-Ultra Seal: The third and final normal level of the "Seal" line of techs. Powers the user up even further.

-Extreme Seal: A forbidden "Seal" technique performed by completely releasing all inhibitors in the DiEn Bioarmor. Pushes the limits of the body and insanely increases stats. However, user also becomes KOed due to the stress on the body from performing it. Legend says many DiEns were retired prematurely due to this tech.

-Fire Hurricane: Send a flaming tornado at the enemy. Combo of fire and wind. (Learned by Lemon Kirby.)

- Beast Effect Ninpo: Grants the user characteristics of a four legged beast, including sharp claws and teeth, heightened sense of smell and sight, and a speed and strength boost. Often makes the user run around on all fours. (Learned by Ada Wong.)

- Rasengan: Creates a powerful palm sized whirling orb of pure chakra energy that is comparable to containing a typhoon in your hand. As it connects to it's target the orb expands, nd the energies inside whirl faster and faster, becoming more destrcutive as the energies are released. It's power is comparable to that of Chidori.

- Hammer of Might: Releases a hammer shaped blast of energy that explodes on contact, or at anytime according to the user's will. (Learned by Stacice)

- Jyuuken (Gentle Fist): A fight style learned by Jarukoth through learning various energy projection techniques. Channels energy through the hands and forearms to attack the inner organs directly, rather than just the outer body.

- Hakke Rokujuu Yonshou (64 Points of Divination): A Jyuuken attack that stuns the opponent with the first two strikes, and then follows through with a deadly 62 additional strike combo. When used by a member of the Hyuuga clan, can shut down the opponent's ability to produce energy.

- Hakke Hyaku Ni Ju Hashou (128 Points of Divination): Similar to the 64 Points combo, but crams twice as many Jyuuken strikes in only a slightly higher time interval. Because of the great speed required by this attack, it can only be used after Ultra Seal or higher has been activated.

Blue Magic:

Easily one of the biggest staples in Jarukoth's DiEn arsenal. In addition to creating his own techniques, he can also use his Blue Magic abilites to copy and learn an opponent's skill once it is used against him or in front of his view. Use of the Sharingan Eye can speed the learning of such techniques. Opponent learned abilites are noted in thier respective catergories.

Kenjutsu (Sword Arts):

- Kogetsu Zan (Crecent Moon Slash): The attack uses energy focused in the blade of the user's sword, which is released as a sharp projectile-like wave.

- Senpuu Retsu Zan (Whirlwind Slash): User channels energy through the blade of their sword, and spins around, releasing the energy in the form of a whirlwind.

- Tenha Resshin Zan (Heavenly Earthquake Slash): User focuses energy into the tip of thier sword, leaps high into the air, and drives his blade into the ground. The energy is released, creating earthquakes underneath the user, and spitting chunks of earth around the user.

- Ryuusa Bakuryu Zan (Desert Avalanche Slash): A massive sword slash is used right in front of the user, creating a large displacement of sand. The user then uses thier own energy to control and manipulate the wave of sand, sending it crashing down on thier opponent. Can only be used with a large quantity of sand in the environment.

Other Abilities:

-Universe Gate: Standard skill of a DiEn that allows them to travel to a parallel universe.

-Summon Link: An advanced DiEn technique that links a spirit to the caster, and allows them to summon that spirit to fight by them.

- Summoning Contract - Cuccos: Because of the relationship with the King Cucco, Jarukoth has been granted the ability to summon chickens, Hyrulian cuccos in particular, of various shapes and sizes to fight alongside him.


More stuff whenever I feel like it.

03-17-04 08:12 PM 3194 79 4402011
21. Bella Been here since 7th grade, freshman in college now do the math. I might not have been very known but I was around back then in the days and remember a few thigns but not much since I didn't have very much time to post. Anyways, I loves music, manga, anime, video games, drawing + more.

03-29-04 08:13 PM 2962 76 3891483
22. Toxic KRANG! You hear that? That's the gong of change I'm ringing and it's reverberating through these musty halls with the force of ten typhoons and a hundred hurricanes. The minute you turn me loose in this place I am going to hit like an earthquake measuring ten on the Bolton scale. Do you know the Bolton scale? That's like 5 times worse than the Richter scale. I am going to start off with Kofi. I am going to slap that bitch so hard on his face that the representative from Madagascar is going to feel it. He'll be offering oil for fucking bandages and ice packs and shit.

People back at the WH (that's WHITE HOUSE for you ingrates) call me The 'Stache and this blinding white mustache is going to launch a thousand flying elbows off the turnbuckle. I am going to climb up into the balcony and come crashing down on Burkina Faso's translator like a man-shaped sack of bricks. You smell that Omar Ventissi? That's your ass getting COOKED North Carolina Barbecue style. No fucking tomatoes in the sauce, bitch.

I am going to roundhouse THE SHIT out of Mahbub Ahmad's sternum. He runs the UN website and it is full of CHICKEN SPLAT. Fuck this globe shit, there needs to be a big picture of my red face up on that website to remind everyone in the UN just who this whole dog and pony show is about now. I killed a dog once with a stare and ponies? I break their necks like dry sticks and then suck out their gizzards. Do ponies even have fucking gizzards? Wrong answer, Agriculture and Livestock Committee Liaison Robin Herring. Ponies have fucking gizzards as of this moment because I say so and if you don't believe me you can take it up with my friend here. His name is Blowstoyourclavicle, first name Hammer.

Hah, what did you say, bitch? You run your mouth some more and it's gonna win you a race to the grave.


The 'Stache wants, nay - demands, an entire wing in the commissary. I'm so hungry I could eat a tree. I have eaten trees. Just snap them in half with my - did I mention that I file my teeth? I tell my wife it's to open CD cases and envelopes, but I do it because I want to bite the faces off of the entire Chinese delegation. All of my life, all of that orthodontia, for one crimson moment. Can you see me there, Xian Liao? My eyes glittering in the shadow like two wet spheres of hate? I don't need to see you, I can smell your piss-pants terror from half a mile away. You reek of impotence. I am going to unhinge my jaw and swallow me a couple of long-pigs. You are going to be a part of me FOREVER. The delegation from Timor-Leste can watch you thrash and distend my gullet. I'll wash the taste of your lies from my mouth with your pitcher of pure American water. How thoughtful, someone put a slice of lemon in it.

Do you like the show Timor-Leste? I'm sorry, I didn't bother to learn your names or even identify you as individual human beings because Timor-Leste is worthless. Less than worthless. There will be no more lay-abouts like you now that I'm running things. You're all fired and when I say fired I mean it in the same way the mafia fires people. Your diplomatic passes have been revoked and I have just notified the head of security to escort you from the building. Now, who is the head of security? I guess these scraps of Carman Livingston's name tag wedged between my needlelike incisors means that I'm the new head of security. Mustache rides, five cents.

Oh yes, change is coming to the United Nations. The top ten floors of the UN building are going to look like a beehive that someone threw into hot lava. No one is even going to notice that they burned up because I am going to be ramming their noses into all of this BULL SHIT that has been piling up.

Let's talk specifics, ladies. Let's talk UN "resolutions." That's where you guys decide to do nothing or worse than nothing and the world turns into a big pile of crap. Here are some of the weak sauce you fags have been cooking and let me tell you how I am going to fix them.

59/263 - Situation of human rights in Myanmar

Bolton Says: Fuck Myanmar. Myanmar can eat my ASSHOLE. Myanmar can slide into the ocean or the desert or whatever abyss is adjacent to it unless the situation of human rights there is that the humans are making some righteous computers for cheap that can be exported to first world countries.

59/261 - Rights of the child

Bolton Says: "Rights of the Child," what the Christ does that even mean? What child are they talking about? I'm not reading through a 40 page PDF to figure out they mean some mud baby eating flies in Nigeria. I'm changing this one to "RESOLUTION: FUCK ABORTION." If anyone kills an unborn baby then The 'Stache is going to cut a swathe through the entire General Assembly with a wood ax.

59/256 - 2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa

Bolton Says: I'm gonna roll back some sleeves and develop a couple knuckle sandwiches for the General Assembly over this one. Sorry Africa, 2001-2010 is the Decade of Bolton Rocking Your Fucking Face.

59/253 - United Nations University

Bolton Says: Just what we need a school to teach people to be worthless faggots. I'm starting the University of Hard Knocks and when you don't know how to do math or some shit I am going to bust through a window on a rappelling rope and bury a climbing spike in your throat. BOOYA! Class is in session!

59/202 - The right to food

Bolton Says: More like "the right to be lazy." I swear to god the next time I see some Welfare bitch buying Fruit By the Foot or Cadbury Cream Eggs with foodstamps I am going to burn this whole world to a cinder. You don't get food for doing nothing. If you can't even afford to eat then you shouldn't be allowed to live. Potato skins are like 5.99 at Bennigans. They're totally shit but who can't afford that, I mean honestly here people use your head for a change.

Are you getting the picture yet? No? Let me draw you a picture to explain the NEW ORDER of the UN.

Get it, CHUMPS? This is my town now. It's my WORLD and you guys are just renting plots. Unless you want me to bury you like a dead cat then you are going to suck it up and obey my every command. Now that we've settled that, let's get to uniting.
03-15-04 01:39 AM 2857 75 3732709
23. Tarale ----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----

Version 3.12
GIT/FA/! d+@ s--:+ a23 C+++$ UB+ M+++ L++ W++ w
PS+ PE Y+ tv b+ DI++ !D
e- h- r++ x?

Registered on 09-16-01 01:26 AM (wow, does that mean I\\\'ve been here three years?)

I have a site and I have a blog

Morpheus: Microsoft is our enemy, Firefox, but when you\\\'re on the internet, you look around. What do you see? Business men, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still IE users. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to switch to a browser that doesn\\\'t come included on their desktop when they bring their computers home from Best Buy and pop in the \\\"2000 Free Hours!\\\" AOL CD. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on Microsoft that they will fight to protect it. Were you listening to me Firefox, or were you looking at the woman surfing the hot lesbo porn?
Firefox: I was...
Morpheus: Look again.
Woman has turned into Bill Gates, introducing new \\\"standard\\\" to break non-IE browsers.
Morpheus: Freeze it!
Firefox: What is it?
Morpheus: IE-only standards. That means that anyone we haven\\\'t converted over is potential audience for crappy sites who only QA against IE. On the internet, you see this everywhere. We have survived by being standards-based, by working to be compatible. But these false \\\"standards\\\" are the gatekeepers.
Firefox: Whoa.
Morpheus: I won\\\'t lie to you, Firefox. Every single company or product that has stood their ground, everyone who was fought Microsoft has been crushed or aquired. But where they have failed, you will succeed.
Firefox: Why?
Morpheus: I saw Microsoft crush Netscape\\\'s market share. Men have come up with fantastic innovations only to find them incompatible or MS copies already included in the next version of Windows. Yet their programs are still based on factory-style programming and decisions made by pointy-hairs. Because of that, they will never be as secure or as functional as you can be.
Firefox: What are you trying to tell me, that I can block pop-ups?
Morpheus: I\\\'m trying to tell you that when you\\\'re ready, you won\\\'t have to.
03-18-04 07:32 AM 2720 73 3458036
24. Kyoufu Kawa       *  ※ ☆   ※ ※   ☆ ※  *
     *  ※ ☆  ※   ※   ※  ☆ ※  *
    * ※ ☆ ※   ※ ☆ ※  ※ ☆ ※ *
   * ※ ☆ ※  ※ ☆  .☆ ※  ※ ☆ ※ *
  * ※ ☆ ※ ※☆     ☆※ ※ ☆ ※ *
  * ※uタ┿┿┿┿┿(゚∀゚)┿┿┿┿┿ !!!※ *
  * ※ ☆ ※ ※☆     ☆※ ※ ☆ ※ *
   * ※ ☆ ※  ※☆  .☆※  ※ ☆ ※ *
    * ※ ☆ ※   ※ ☆ ※  ※ ☆ ※ *
     *  ※ ☆  ※   ※   ※  ☆ ※  *
      *  ※ ☆   ※ ※   ☆ ※  *
03-19-04 09:06 PM 2481 70 3008456
25.   Super Sion

"Walking this road,
Without you,
To remake forgotten promises and meet you at roads end.

Faded Memories,
Reconstucted Memories,
A dream - a dream of you,
In a world without you.

The dream I see in the world without you,
Torn dream, like a memory from the far past,
I'd like to put it together,
With you..."

03-15-04 05:56 PM 2472 70 3002513
26. kitty 03-15-04 01:29 AM 2449 70 2962406
27. Jesper It was old. 03-15-04 01:29 AM 2390 69 2856000
28. Smallhacker I'm Smallhacker and/or any of the following:

Rom Hacker
Computer Geek
Mathematics Geek
Sience Geek
Video Game Player
Comic Maker
Flash Animator

In my spare time, I like to play computer games, make computer games and come up with ideas for computer games.

I can program in the following languages:

Blitz Basic
Some C programming
Some Action Scripting (Flash)
And maybe some others that I forgot about...

Favourite food: Quarter Pound Cheese, Chicken McNuggets (both of them with an extra large French Fries)

Favourite drink: Coke (addicted to it... almost...)

Favourite boards: ACMLMs

How to contact me:

1: Send a PM
2: Email me ( [NOTE: New address]
3: Contact me on MSN Messenger (
4: Contact me on AIM (SmallhackerMIG)

Here's a picture I made of myself:

Acmlm's Board Mosts awards:
Most helpful (Summer 2005)

Semi-annual SMW hacking awards:
Biggest contribution to SMW Hacking (Summer 2005)

Weeh! I made view # 3331000 since the restart! What's the odds of that?
I also made view #4000000! Woohoo!
I've also made view #6060000. It has to be worth something. :P
03-15-04 07:19 PM 2273 68 2647223
29. Emptyeye Weapon: Ibanez SR-406 6-string Bass
Armor: Rush Vapor Trails T-Shirt
Shield: None
Helmet: AKG K-44 Headphones

05-24-04 07:02 AM 2273 67 2488421
30. Cymoro From 406 to 65, I'm back BITCH!

Original join date: July 10, 2001

Acmlm Board Mosts - Spring/Summer 2004

2nd -

Best Male Regular

Most Unique (Joint)

Best Writer (Joint)

Most Likely To be Driving The Car (Joint)

3rd -

Cutest Guy (Joint)

Other Awards -

4th - Funniest (Joint), Leader Of A Milly Board Underground (joint)

5th - Innocent (Joint), Evillest (Joint), Craziest/Most Insane (Joint), Best Custom Title (Joint), Best Overall (The Wootest) Male (Joint)

6th - Kinkiest/Most Perverted (Joint), Best At Advice (Joint)

Acmlm Board Mosts - Winter 2004/05

1st -

Best Male Regular

2nd -

Cutest Guy

Evilest (Joint)

3rd -

Most Fun To Talk To (Joint)

03-15-04 02:47 AM 2216 67 2549743
31. Schwa Spiritual Physics lessons, anyone? Hold on to your hat!

There are 2 kinds of "places of being"... The first is the Material Plane, the second is the Spiritual Plane. The Material Plane is ANY Dimmension that can contain matter in any way, shape or form. The Spiritual Plane are Dimmensions that can only contain souls. Usually a Spirit Dimmension (that is, a Dimmension that exists in the Spiritual Plane) has the appearance of a single, completely flat terrain that stretches infinitely in all directions, but it's not really physical matter, it just represents the "DNA" of that Dimmension, which can be seen a helluva lot easier than Physical Dimmensions. For example, the Neo Dimmension looks like a desert made of red sand, coated in purple mist, stretching in all directions forever and with a black sky. The Etheral Dimmension would look like a floor made of blue, glowing crystal, stretching in all directions forever, with a sky consisting of changing patterns of lines and light.

Souls origionate somewhere, somehow, anywhere in the Spiritual Plane. They usually instinctively inhabit a body somewhere in the Material Plane instantaneously upon creation. There are some exceptions, usually depending on the type of soul. A soul can NEVER die, no matter what. Anyway, anything that's alive has a soul in some way or another... and that can mean the earth and plants, too, though different kinds. To travel from the Material Plane to the Spiritual Plane would only be possible for souls, so that would mean leaving the body beind. Normally this can only happen upon death, but in the SB and RP universes, there are, of course, exceptions.

To travel to another Dimmension on the same Plane is much easier, especially in the Spiritual Plane, and the only requirement is a huge amount of compressed energy. This can be achieved relatively easily in the SB and RP universes, thanks to the fact that magic works. Two portals are opened in designated sopts anywhere on the Material Plane by the caster or energy source, and the portal works like a one-way passage. You open the portal, go in, and it closes.

What connects the Dimmensions to each-other is Hyperspace. When a portal is opened, it leads through Hyperspace to get to the designated place, but nobody notices because it happens impossibly fast. Think of Dimmensions as cities and Hyperspace as the freeway that connects them. Some Dimmensions are "out of the way", that means the path through Hyperspace that leads to them is complex. An example is the Chao Dimmension in Riddle of the Chao (which nobody has replied to for a long time :( ). This means that an unbelievable amount of energy is required to maintain the portal, such as the Dimmensional Core above the Crystal Psipalace. The "farther away" the Dimmension is from yours in Hyperspace, the more energy is required. And usually, the farther away a Dimmension is from yours, the more different it will be. This applies to both the Material Plane and the Spiritual Plane.
04-25-04 06:46 AM 2214 66 2457091
32. MathOnNapkins Um, video game enthusiast, programmer, and ROM hacker. 03-18-04 03:25 PM 2189 67 2495887
33.   Kario 03-15-04 10:29 AM 2082 65 2321379
34. Zerodius There is a furry version of XKeeper's avatar as my avatar cuz' it's funny.


Pic of the week:
03-16-04 12:23 AM 2036 65 2243783
35. Clockworkz Best Senior Quote of the Graduating class in my school:

1st place: "It just keeps getting herder..." -Dick Guzinia

Runner up: "Here comes the sun, doo doo doo doo, here comes the sun."

it's hard to be human:
here we are, saddled with 4 1/2 billion years of biological legacy, essentially designed to live short, aggressive and violent lives on the plains of the serengeti, but yet forced to be good, contemporary citizens. life is hard for everybody. we're all trying to eke out an existence in unbelievably confusing circumstances.
given our biological inheritance i think that we need to be more tolerant of ourselves and more tolerant and compassionate in our dealings with others. the standards that we have for human behaviour are at times noble, but at times quite absurd. we're genetically designed to be lustful, aggressive, gregarious, productive creatures, and it can be a good thing to hold ourselves to high community standards of behaviour, but we need to deal with ourselves as who and what we are, not just what we think we're supposed to be. the last thing in the world that we need to do is judge and condemn each other. i can understand locking someone up if they're violent, but i can't understand judging that person without compassion and tolerance. if you have a five year old child that likes to kick cats you don't abuse him and lock him in the basement and tell him what a horrible person he is. obviously you talk to the child and try to get him to figure out why kicking cats is not such a great thing to do. and you recognise that he's kicking cats not because he hates cats, but because he's expressing something that he feels and can't otherwise express. abuse begets abuse, compassion begets compassion. i'm not advocating a soft approach to criminal, violent, or anti-social behaviour, rather i'm advocating an enlightened and realistic approach to our human-ness. locking a criminal up in a horrible place and making them feel like shit is neither a compassionate nor a culturally expedient way to deal with the situation. it's also not taking into account the fact that we're all essentially guilty of the same things. if i had been brought up in a different environment that was abusive and only reinforced violence and aggression i'm sure that i would have turned out differently. so how can i condemn someone and judge someone who was raised differently from me? i can, with justification, prevent someone from hurting someone else, but i can't comprehensively condemn them for it. we're all saddled with a violent biological and cultural legacy, it's just that some of us have the skills and upbringing to deal with it.
in most cases people just aren't aware of the effects of their actions. you can't take a creature who has spent the last couple of million years reproducing and fighting and living a short and difficult life and then plop them in a suburb and ask them to enter data into a cpu and expect them to be well adjusted and fine. we're supposed to be out chasing and being chased, eating and being eaten. nothing in our genetic lineage has prepared us for most of what we deal with on a day to day basis. if you took a penguin from antarctica and put him in a corn field in mexico would you be surprised if he got sick and died? same thing with us humans. for the last million years we've, for the most part, lived in tight communities and led urgent and vital lives. we're not designed to be slothful and indolent suburbanites.
i'm not advocating a rejection of modern conveniences, but i am advocating an acceptance of what we've inherited and what we are as biological humans. christ took pity on us and had compassion for us, so why can't we try to have understanding & compassion for each other?
one problem with cultural conservatism:
to put it simply, and it's not a problem that only conservatives have, conservatives very often confuse (or conflate) ethics and aesthetics. when gertrude himmelfarb lambasts our (as she perceives it) 'amoral', 'sexually deviant' and 'polymorphously perverse' culture she is primarily responding to something that she finds culturally foreign and threatening.
i agree with her that values are oftentimes a good thing, but only when they are born of an ethical and pragmatic perspective, not an aesthetic one.
the conservatives want a seemingly neat and compartmentalised society wherein stable appearances are maintained and archaic cultural archetypes are adhered to religiously. i grew up in a world of rigid cultural archetypes. i grew up with white businessmen going to office buildings while their wives stayed at home and their kids went to school. or, more accurately, i grew up with alcoholic adulterous businessmen who lived culturally insular lives while their wives took sedatives and smoked cigarettes and vented their frustrations on their kids, and these same kids took reams of drugs, got abortions, drove drunk, and victimised the weaklings. i grew up in what most conservatives would consider a utopia; lots of money, prestige, cultural cohesion, and good conservative values.
but their values were in fact aesthetics, and maintaining these aesthetics ruled and ruined their lives. almost everyone in this suburban bourgeoisie system hated their lives, but because they had been brought up to worship these aesthetic myths they felt that to question them was an admission of personal failure.
what are these myths? they're old and platitudinal but i'll trot them out again: that money makes you happy, that society is right, that poverty is bad, that maintaining convention in every aspect of your life is the ultimate good, that aberrance from these ideas is sin, etc.
i'm not going to say that the polar opposites of these clich?s is true, that would be one of the failings of the radical left. i believe that for the most part these criteria are irrelevant. money can make life easier, but it can also make life miserable. poverty can be bad, but it can also be fine. convention has some good points and some bad points. what it all comes down to is a flexibility that should allow for the well being of the individual without compromising the rights of other individuals.
when conservatives trot out their litany of evils -- homosexuality, single parent families, multiculturalism, etc, i'm always left asking 'why?'. if people are happy being gay then what's wrong with that? it may be a lifestyle that's aesthetically different from what we've been brought up with, but so what? and single parent families? better a loving single parent family than a 'conventional' family wherein the parents hate each other and the father is a demagogue.
one reason that we have such a wide variety of alternative lifestyles is that the conventional lifestyles that the conservatives champion are often quite flawed and restrictive.
restrictive mores can be terrific when applied to peoples' violent impulses, but restrictiveness is terribly unhealthy when it's used to get people to conform to arbitrary social archetypes. this restrictiveness can make people feel inadequate and inferior and it needs to be done away with.
if someone's gay, let them be gay. if your son wants to marry a black woman (or white or yellow or jew or muslim) then let them. we need to love each other and support each other even if we choose to live in alternative but harmless ways. obviously if your son is a rapist or a wifebeater or a child molester then you need to question your support of his actions & values.
i'm not championing a retreat from responsibility. i believe that personal and social well being is built upon a foundation of hard work, loyalty, honesty, diligence, respect, tolerance, and other good 'values'. but it doesn't matter what the cultural manifestation of the values looks like. it can be straight or gay or male or female or white or black or anything so long as it's respectful of others and makes the practitioner feel well.
so my advice to cultural conservatives (and others) would be to cultivate an approach to values that's based on principles rather than aesthetics. i would also say that any pronouncements on the values of others, especially pronouncements veering into the pre-scriptive realm, need to be cautious, pragmatic, logical, and not just the typically hateful and reactionary vacuities that we've grown so accustomed to.
if you look at the course of western history you'll see that we're slowly granting basic rights to everyone. a long time ago only kings had rights. then rights were extended to property-owning white men. then all men. then wymyn. then children. then the mentally retarded. now we're agonizing over the extension of basic rights to homosexuals and animals. we need to finally accept that all sentient creatures are deserving of basic rights. i define basic rights as this -- the ability to pursue life without having someone else's will involuntarily forced upon you. or, as the framers of the constitution put it, the ability to have "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".
by what criteria can you justify denying basic rights to any living thing? realize that by whatever criteria you employ someone could deny basic rights to you if they objected to your species, sexual preferences, color, religion, ideology etc. would you eat your housecat, or force a mentally retarded child to ingest oven cleaner? if not, then why is it ok to eat cows and test products on sentient animals? i believe that to knowingly commit actions that cause or condone suffering is reprehensible in the extreme. i call upon you to be compassionate and treat others as you want to be treated. if you don't want to be beaten, imprisoned, mutilated, killed or tortured then you shouldn't condone such behavior towards anyone, be they human or not.
somehow i've ended up on the mailing list of the christian coalition. i receive their fund raising letters fairly regularly, usually written by pat robertson. it's important to know your enemy, and i consider the far right christian coalition to be my enemy. should i mince my words and try to be conciliatory? maybe that would be diplomatic, but it would not be honest. the christian right makes me sick and here's why:
1) they are dishonest. masquerading pro-business, pro-greed, racist, sexist, homophobic bigotry under the banner of 'christianity' is disgusting. as far as i can tell their agenda has no foundation in the teachings of christ, and as far as i can tell the leaders of the christian right only proclaim themselves as christians because it's a politically expedient way to further their warped agenda. so although they claim an interest in furthering and preserving 'christian culture' it's all just a ruse to restructure the world according to their narrow-minded social aesthetic and at the same time protect and increase their wealth.
2) they prey upon people's weakness. we live in very unstable times, socially and economically. many people are eager for some sense of stability and the christian right preys upon this. rather than encourage people to go forward with open minds and a compassionate approach the christian right urges its followers to scapegoat the easy victims and focus on trivial or irrelevant issues. how is fighting gay rights and blocking multicultural education going to benefit anybody or meet people's needs? the agenda of the christian right is anachronistic and irrelevant and by forcing it upon the fearful and the unstable they are doing a great deal of harm.
3) they are shortsighted. one of the first steps in dealing with any set of problems is prioritizing. you don't worry about fixing the gutters on your house if your house is on fire. likewise you don't worry about gays in the military or immigration when the basic environmental and existential needs of the people are not being met. people eat terrible food and lead miserable lives and breathe carcinogenic air and drink polluted water. we are poisoning this planet and ourselves. if you were god what would upset you more, bare breasts on t.v or the destruction of healthy and beautiful ecosystems? i agree that people would be better off if they were more spiritual, but not in the capitalistic/status-quo way that the christian right promotes.
4) they tend to be hateful and judgemental, both of which are anathema to the teachings of christ. christ said quite specifically, 'judge not lest you be judged.' i challenge the christian right to work out their own salvation in fear and trembling and not worry about the supposed sins of others. hate, violence, judgementalism, bigotry, homophobia, and misogyny are all ugly things, but for me they're particularly ugly and upsetting when they're attached to the name of christ, whom i love. humility is a healthy and wonderful thing and something that seems to be in short supply within the ranks of the christian right. christ preached love and humility and compassion, not hate and judgementalism. my message to the christian right would be to put aside any part of their ideology that is hateful or judgemental and go forth in a spirit of love & humility. if you're going to base your life on the teachings of christ, then do so. the world could use some true christians. the world doesn't need any more hate and blame and violence, especially not in the name of christ.

All essays copyright by Moby. Don't steal them. Except me. Because I can and did.

03-15-04 05:46 PM 2002 64 2188320
36. Shyguy 02-14-05 11:23 AM 1998 57 1443008
37. Sukasa Nanaimo RockS!

Advanced Big 45 Personality Test Results

Gregariousness |||||||||||| 34%
Sociability ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Assertiveness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Poise ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Leadership ||||||||||||||| 42%
Provocativeness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Self-Disclosure ||||||||| 30%
Talkativeness ||||||||| 30%
Group Attachment ||||||||| 26%
Extroversion ||||||||||||||| 47%
Understanding |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Warmth |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Morality |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Pleasantness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Empathy ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Cooperation |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Sympathy |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Tenderness |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Nurturance |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Friendliness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Conscientiousness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Efficiency ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Dutifulness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Purposefulness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Organization ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Rationality ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Perfectionism |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Planning ||||||||||||||| 50%
Orderliness ||||||||||||||||||||| 63%
Stability |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Happiness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Calmness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62%
Moderation ||||||||||||||| 50%
Toughness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Impulse Control ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Imperturbability |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Cool-headedness |||||||||||| 38%
Tranquility |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Emotional Stability ||||||||||||||||||||| 64%
Intellect |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Ingenuity |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Reflection ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Competence |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Quickness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Introspection |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Creativity ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Imagination ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Depth |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 76%
Take Free Advanced Big 45 Personality Test

personality tests by

:: how nintendo are you? ::

This is my personality:

You are Windows 98.  You're a bit flaky, but well-liked.  You don't have a great memory, but everyone seems to know you.  A great person to hang out with and play some games.

>Who are You?

02-06-05 05:47 AM 1981 57 1446921
38. Kasumi-Astra 03-15-04 01:48 AM 1867 62 1971846
39.   knuck 03-15-04 04:10 AM 1818 62 1894574
40. Tamarin Calanis twilightRO:
It's dead.

Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction:
Account Name: TCalanis
Chibot (Paladin)
CalinSilvereye (Druid)

If you want to add me to your friend list in D2, I don't care, but it'd be nice if you tell me your account name so I know who the fuck you are when you send me a message.

Dark Throne:
Thelyn, Elven Assassin
Mastermind of Star of Darkness
Slayer of Assholes, Idiots, Fanboys, and Gibberish Names

Maple Global: (All on Bera)
Kapopo, Cheveyo, SirKutan, LadyCalera. Spear Warrior, Dagger THief, future Sword Warrior, Bow Archer.

Cheveyo - Double Metal Axe
Guild: StatWhor
07-12-04 09:29 AM 1802 59 1672751
41. windwaker











[16:36] windwaker:

[16:36] Cheveyo: I get the feeling the url says everything I need to know. >_>

[16:36] windwaker: XD

[16:36] Xkeeper: him in a nutshell


[21:25] AreyKefka: no, there are no I.E. faithful who visit the debate boards

[21:25] AreyKefka: I.E. faithful are too stupid to visit "smart boards"

[21:25] windwaker: you're wrong

[21:25] AreyKefka: I.E. faithful hang around the craziness domain

[21:25] AreyKefka: <_<

[21:25] AreyKefka: >_>

[21:25] windwaker: there're Republicans on there

[21:25] windwaker: there must be IE faithfuls

[21:25] AreyKefka: LOL


[17:00] Xkeeper: SM63 DS is teh woot.

[17:00] windwaker: ?

[17:00] Xkeeper: I love the minigame musics :D

[17:00] windwaker: 63? :P

[17:00] Xkeeper: yeah, 63

[17:01] Xkeeper: bootarm.

[17:01] windwaker: oh, okay

[17:01] Xkeeper: Er, leg.


[20:43] Xkeeper: stpid


[21:11] Dark Lord Ziff: I'm making GTA Amish Village

[21:11] Dark Lord Ziff: With missions like...

[21:11] Dark Lord Ziff: "Ride thine horse to Jebediahs...Once there taketh an egg without asking Jebediah"

[21:11] Dark Lord Ziff: "Commiteth a sin today.Thine shall not read 5 passages. Thy shalt read 3 passages of scripture today"
03-15-04 11:20 PM 1797 61 1860597
42. Sokarhacd

Offers Software News, Articles, Reviews and Tutorials.
03-15-04 06:20 AM 1757 61 1799888
43. Peardian Check out my artwork in Modern Art. Look for "Kirby vs. Shy-Guy" or "Super Mario Art." Also, look for me in Magikoopa Myster's Komik!
Peardian the Magikoopa!

Current projects:
Map Yoshi's Island (20/63)
~Island - (3/3)
~World 1 - (10/10)
~World 2 - (03/10)
~World 3 - (01/10)
~World 4 - (01/10)
~World 5 - (01/10)
~World 6 - (01/10)
Map Super Mario Advance 3's new levels (0/12)
~New Maps - (0/6)
~Bonus Levels - (0/6)
Map World e+ (22/38)
~World e+ - (1/2)
~Normal Levels - (19/30)
~Classic Levels - (2/5)
~Promo Levels - (0/2)
Make art of all Mario enemies (154/1500)
~Miscellaneous - (3/21)
---Koopa Troopa
~Mario Brothers - (5/5)
---Fighter Fly
~Super Mario Brothers - (21/21)
---Green Koopa Troopa
---Red Koopa Troopa
---Green Koopa Paratroopa
---Red Koopa Paratroopa
---Buzzy Beetle
---Green Piranha Plant
---Fire Bar (Currently Down)
---Green Cheep-Cheep (Currently Down)
---Red Cheep-Cheep (Currently Down)
---Jumpin' Cheep-Cheep
---Hammer Bro
---Lakitu (Currently Down)
---Bullet Bill
---Bowser (2)
---Big Fire Bar
---Hammer Bowser
~Super Mario Brothers: The Lost Levels - (1/1)
---Red Piranha Plant
~Super Mario Brothers 2 - (11/35)
---Blue Shy-Guy
---Red Shy-Guy
---Blue Snifit
---Gray Snifit
~Super Mario Land - (0/30)
~Super Mario Brothers 3 - (17/89)
---Red Koopa Troopa
---Green Koopa Troopa
---Green Koopa Paratroopa
---Green Piranha Plant
---Red Koopa Paratroopa
---Buzzy Beetle
---Red Piranha Plant
---Hammer Bro
---Bullet Bill
---Green Cheep-Cheep
---Spiny (Currently Down)
---Red Cheep-Cheep
~Super Mario World - (17/93)
---Green Koopa Troopa (Currently Down)
---Red Koopa Troopa
---Green Koopa Paratroopa
---Red Koopa Paratroopa
---Buzzy Beetle
---Blue Koopa Troopa
---Yellow Koopa Troopa
---Piranha Plant
---Bullet Bill
---Big Steely
---Yellow Koopa Paratroopa
~Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins - (00/62)
~Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 - (0/34)
~Yoshi's Safari - (8/45)
---Bullet Bill
---Green Koopa Paratroopa
---Hammer Bro
---Yellow Koopa Paratroopa
~Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - (9/148)
---Piranha Plant
---Red Koopa Troopa
---Red Koopa Paratroopa
---Bullet Bill
---Green Koopa Troopa
---Green Koopa Paratroopa
~Mario Clash - (0/?)
~VB Wario Land - (0/?)
~Super Mario RPG - (8/206)
---Hammer Bro
---Piranha Plant
~Super Mario 64 - (9/67)
---Koopa Troopa
---Piranha Plant
---Bullet Bill
---Bowser in the Dark World
---Bowser in the Fire Sea
---Bowser in the Sky
~Yoshi's Story - (5/68)
---Bullet Bill
---Piranha Plant (Currently Down)
---Cheep-Cheep (Currently Down)
~Wario Land II - (0/?)
~Wario Land 3 - (0/?)
~Paper Mario - (12/112)
---Koopa Troopa
---Koopa Paratroopa
---Bullet Bill
---Buzzy Beetle
---Piranha Plant
---Hammer Bro
~Mario Kart Series - (0/2)
~Super Mario Advance - (0/4)
~Luigi's Mansion - (0/81)
~Wario Land 4 - (0/?)
~Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World - (0/1)
~Super Mario Sunshine - (2/56)
---Bullet Bill
~Wario World - (0/?)
~Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island - (0/2)
~Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Brothers 3 - (0/1)
~Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga - (6/94)
---Hammer Bro
~Mario vs. Donkey Kong - (3/39)
---Piranha Plant
~Mario Party Series - (0/2)
~Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - (12/135)
---Koopa Troopa
---Koopa Paratroopa
---Hammer Bro
---Buzzy Beetle
---Bullet Bill
---Piranha Plant
~Super Mario 64 DS - (0/3)
~Yoshi Touch & Go - (3/31)
---Piranha Plant
~Yoshi Topsy-Turvy - (1/12?)
Make "Kirby vs. Shy-Guy" (87/106)
~Current story line - #11: The Quest for Ice Cream
ROM Hack: Yoshi's Island: World Tour (11/55)
~World 7 - (9/9)
~World 8 - (2/9)
~World 9 - (0/9)
~World 10 - (0/9)
~World 11 - (0/9)
~World 12 - (0/9)
~Credits - (0/1)
Super Mario Battle Arena wp's (12/20)
~Battle 1 - (2/2)
~Battle 2 - (2/2)
~Battle 3 - (2/2)
~Battle 4 - (2/2)
~Battle 5 - (2/2)
~Battle 6 - (2/2)
~Battle 7 - (0/2)
~Battle 8 - (0/2)
~Battle 9 - (0/2)
~Battle 10 - (0/2)

Finished Projects:
Map Super Mario RPG

Questions? Comments? PM me. :)
07-01-04 12:57 AM 1696 58 1545376
44. Dark Vampriel Most Emo '05

Second place
08-29-04 07:56 AM 1658 57 1400355
45.   FreeDOS bah 03-15-04 02:39 AM 1657 59 1648646
46.   Nebetsu 09-01-04 02:13 AM 1574 55 1291130
47.   Aioria LOL DIE 03-15-04 04:11 AM 1567 58 1516086
48. fabio Join these boards. We need members.
MarioMaster's Board
stag 019's board
Ice Man's Board
Magikoopa Myster's Board
Rainbow Yoshi's Board
smwedit's Board

Play Space Invaders

High Scores:

1. SoNotNormal 44,870
2. RF 16,800

Idea from Unsurpassed Darkness. PM me with a screenshot of your score and I'll put it here.


Trophy Case for the ACS
August 20052092nd

ACS Monthly Results
July 2005799
August 20052092
September 20051324
October 20051620

1st place in ACS

Pit of 100 Trials game stats:

Stats Table
PlayerLevelStar PointsHPPOffPDefMAttMGuBPAP


My Stats for this board:

OMG, shop.php works.
07-02-05 10:33 PM 1479 45 629903
49. drjayphd 03-15-04 03:17 AM 1477 56 1387410
50.   Banedon If I rated you, you can probably disregard it. Any rating of members that I did was in about May of 2004. Things have changed since then. 03-15-04 02:13 AM 1408 55 1291380
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