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Please chime in on a proposed restructuring of the ROM hacking sections.
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Posted on 12-06-07 11:06 AM, in Game Genie Code Troubles Link | Quote | ID: 71279

Red Koopa
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the problems stem from the fact 9107 is in the middle of an LDY command ($9106:AC 4E 07 LDY $074E) . The value you are changing causes it to pull a value from different parts of memory in the $07xx range. You need the number stored in the memory address to be between 0 and 3 for the main music types which are water, underground, overworld, and castle respectively. unfortunately it's not so easy to find areas in memory which will always be a certain value (excluding 0 which isn't too hard)

you're better off rewriting the whole line to something like LDY #$01 cause then you can just change the numeric value. This will cost you 3 game genie codes though

try replacing AC 42 07 with A0 XX EA. (where XX is 00 thru 03)


Posted on 12-07-07 09:46 AM, in Game Genie Code Troubles Link | Quote | ID: 71323

Red Koopa
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Posted by GameGenie81
Posted by frantik
try replacing AC 42 07 with A0 XX EA. (where XX is 00 thru 03)


Let me give you some more insight on these codes, courtesy of FCEUXD:

Notice in the first two codes (the ones that work) the value being read is between 0 and 5 (specifically KAEPYO you see LDY $078C = #$00 and PTEPYP you see LDY $0761 = #$02 )

You need to load a value between 0 and 5 into Y for the song selection routine to work properly. The songs are 0= water, 1=overworld, 2= underground, 3=castle 4 = cloud level/starman, 5 = pipe intro

Posted on 12-07-07 09:55 AM, in Hi guys, can I get a little help please? (SMB1 question) Link | Quote | ID: 71324

Red Koopa
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Since: 10-09-07

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ok sorry I got confused cause i didnt realize the game genie code was STAGEO so i didnt know it called for ED.. forget the whole NOP thing lol

I changed $c900 (0x4910 in the rom file) from 05 to ED and it worked just like the movie....

Posted on 12-07-07 09:10 PM, in The FECADB Method of Encoding a GG Code Link | Quote | ID: 71337

Red Koopa
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to rotate left just move all of the digits over to the left and move the left most digit into the right most digit's location


rotated left:

with the dashes corrected:

converted to decimal:
11 5 10 3 2 3

A=0 P=2 Z=4 L=6 G=8 I=10 T=12 Y=14
E=1 O=3 X=5 U=7 K=9 S=11 V=13 N=15


Posted on 12-08-07 04:16 AM, in NES Super Mario 1 - Infinite Time Code Link | Quote | ID: 71364

Red Koopa
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change 0x379e to 00 and the clock will stop

Posted on 12-08-07 11:12 PM, in Hi guys, can I get a little help please? (SMB1 question) Link | Quote | ID: 71407

Red Koopa
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no problem

In SMB1 since it doesn't use a mapper you can always figure out the actual ROM file address from the memory address by simply subtracting $7FF0 from the memory address. ($7FF0 = $8000 of ROM memory - $10 byte header)

Posted on 01-10-08 05:15 AM, in Super Link Bros. Bowser and Toad GFX Link | Quote | ID: 73138

Red Koopa
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making bowser look like anything is a pain in the ass in SMB, let alone make him look like a person... you only have 12 tiles arranged like so:


where x = a tile and o = a blank

Posted on 01-20-08 08:04 AM, in The NEW General Project Screenshot / Video Thread EX Omega Supreme++ Link | Quote | ID: 74291

Red Koopa
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getting close to being done with Super Mario Unlimited

Posted on 01-21-08 02:09 AM, in The NEW General Project Screenshot / Video Thread EX Omega Supreme++ Link | Quote | ID: 74434

Red Koopa
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Posted on 02-13-08 11:43 PM, in Can anyone tell me where this data is i Super Mario Bros. 2? Link | Quote | ID: 77642

Red Koopa
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Since: 10-09-07

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you can probably find out what variable controls the character size by using the ram filter and/or cheat console of FCEUXDSP.. then it's pretty simple to backtrack to find the resizing code in the debugger

Posted on 02-13-08 11:54 PM, in Need help with a practice hack - SMB Rain (rev. 2 of 02-14-08 12:05 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 77647

Red Koopa
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If you're not planning on using the Castle looping effect in your hack, you can clear out quite a bit of space starting at $c06b ( 0x407b )

also the coin palette animation code is a good place to locate the tile animation code imo (it's around $89e1 ( 0x09f1 )

i'm not super familiair with MMC3 but it looks like at start up the only guarenteed bank which will be loaded is $A000 - $BFFF so perhaps the initialization code needs to go there? then once you set up the mapper you will know where the rest of the code can go

Posted on 02-14-08 04:02 AM, in Need help with a practice hack - SMB Rain (rev. 2 of 02-14-08 04:10 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 77698

Red Koopa
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Since: 10-09-07

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ok well if you need it to be in the first bank you will probably have enough room in the coin animation code to do whatever you like.

here's some code disch gave me for getting the right frame number.. you can use it with a little modification for a lot of mappers.. it's some very efficient code to get frame # for animation. not even sure if you can use it but if so cool lol.. i've used it for two diff mapper implementations

LDA $09 ; load frame counter -- it's automatically incremented each frame by the engine
LSR A ; right shift 3 times (divide by 8 ) -- makes it so a new page is selected every 8 frames
AND #$03 ; mask out low 2 bits (produces 0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,... repeating pattern)

Posted on 02-15-08 10:25 PM, in Need help with a practice hack - SMB Rain (rev. 3 of 02-15-08 10:33 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 77922

Red Koopa
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Since: 10-09-07

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you can't put the data right after the code because the program will go on to interpret the data as opcodes

also $0f is definitely used by the program.. i suspect all zero page addresses are used. you can check dopplegangers SMB memory map for free space. $09 is an internal counter which is automatically incremented so there's need to create a second counter

this should give you the numbers you want, though it's longer than never-obsoletes

; $00 - temp math var

LDA $09 ; load frame counter -- it's automatically incremented each frame by the engine
LSR A ; right shift 3 times (divide by 8 ) -- makes it so a new page is selected every 8 frame
AND #$03 ; mask out low 2 bits (produces 0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,... repeating pattern)
STA $00 ; store A into $00 for use with INC
INC $00 ; 0,1,2,3 = 1,2,3,4
ASL $00 ; = 2,4,6,8
ASL $00 ; = 4,8,C,10
INC $00 ; = 5,9,D,11
LDA $00;

or even a hybrid of the two should work

LDA $09 ; load frame counter -- it's automatically incremented each frame by the engine
LSR A ; right shift 3 times (divide by 8 ) -- makes it so a new page is selected every 8 frame
AND #$03 ; mask out low 2 bits (produces 0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,... repeating pattern)
LDA chrpages, X
STA $8001
RTS ; replace with a jump or whatever you like to make the program not execute the data below

chrpages: .db $09, $0D, $11, $15

Posted on 02-16-08 02:00 AM, in Need help with a practice hack - SMB Rain Link | Quote | ID: 77953

Red Koopa
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Posted on 02-16-08 11:19 PM, in Need help with a practice hack - SMB Rain Link | Quote | ID: 78021

Red Koopa
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i'm pretty sure to get 8 frames you'd just need to change

AND #$03 ; mask out low 2 bits (produces 0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,... repeating pattern)

to AND #$07

For 16 you might not need to AND anything. i'm not 100% sure.

also if you used the method with the array of data you will need to add the extra values in

Posted on 02-20-08 11:17 PM, in Need help with a practice hack - SMB Rain Link | Quote | ID: 78447

Red Koopa
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yeah but now the rest of your animations are way too fast :eek:

Posted on 02-21-08 12:03 AM, in Holy shit, how is this possible? [VIDEO] [56K] Link | Quote | ID: 78450

Red Koopa
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i found this video on related.. millions of marios controlled with hand movements!

Posted on 02-21-08 12:39 AM, in Holy shit, how is this possible? [VIDEO] [56K] Link | Quote | ID: 78453

Red Koopa
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where's my balloons?

Posted on 02-24-08 02:31 AM, in The NEW General Project Screenshot / Video Thread EX Omega Supreme++ Link | Quote | ID: 78786

Red Koopa
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SMU is coming along nicely.. here's some screen shots for those who haven't been following the progress. currently on track to have 48 unique levels using MMC1

Posted on 02-24-08 11:18 AM, in The NEW General Project Screenshot / Video Thread EX Omega Supreme++ Link | Quote | ID: 78803

Red Koopa
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Since: 10-09-07

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^ thanks actually i want it to be kind of ambiguous which game it's based on so thats a good compliment hehe

and this is the 2nd time i posted my screen shots right at the bottom of a page lol :owned: at least someone saw them this time hahahah
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