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Posted on 05-20-07 04:27 AM, in Sharing is caring Link | Quote | ID: 36618

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Well, I'm currently downloading a 135gig torrent so its going to take me a while to seed to a 1.0 ratio with that one. Overall though, according to demonoid:

Uploaded: 168.62 GB
Downloaded: 198.67 GB
Ratio: 0.85

I intend to work on just seeding for a while after my mega torrent is done. I'm at 115gig complete right now. I'm only really bother seeding if its from demonoid or other private trackers though. Public sites I get lazy and am bad for leeching.

Posted on 05-21-07 01:15 AM, in Sharing is caring Link | Quote | ID: 36998

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Posted by BooUrns
135GB? I couldn't even fit that on my hard drive.

And if I'm right, you're downloading "MST3K - All Seasons COMPLETE!"

You are correct I have 600 gigs of space (2 300gig hard drives) and a 4mbps broadband connection so I can more than handle it. Sad thing is, mostly due to being addicted to torrenting, I'm running out of room even with 600gig

Posted on 05-23-07 09:48 PM, in Funny names you have for things Link | Quote | ID: 37770

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My sister used to come up with tons of completely random names for pets and people. Mainly, our dog, and myself. Our dog had the most odd names. Her real name was Honey, but my sister would call her things like Comet, Commodore, Boris, Boris Carloff Jr, Bencint, Peligroso, Borador, mi perro (that one I can understand at least), Rufus, Little Elvis, Fudge, Honey bunches of oats, and Honey bunch crunch. We all started calling her by those names too to the point where our poor dog would respond no matter what you called her.

As for me, I remember somehow she got the idea of calling me John Travolta, which later became Travisota, and then for about 12 years my name turned to just John. Which is odd considering I'm a girl, but whatever.

Then my Grandpa who we always called Popaw, my sister started calling Bob. Again no real reason, his real name was Clarence.

Then there was our cat whom we couldn't think of a better name for other than Kitty. My dad called her Miss Kitty. But eventually my sister stared calling her Chicken. I least I know where she got that one. When our cat would sit, she looked more like a hen nesting an egg than a cat. Eventually we all started calling her that too.

Actually, she still has random names for people, just not nearly as many, and mostly just for her friends now.

Posted on 05-24-07 11:21 PM, in Funny names you have for things Link | Quote | ID: 38153

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Oh yeah, how could I forget. I work at Arby's and we have a guy that works in drive-thru that calls our popcorn chicken "chicken balls". That leads to a lot of fun. Like when we have to make a salad thats supposed to get either chicken fingers or popcorn chicken put in it, and if we don't have any back there we can say "I'm sorry, we don't have the balls to make that salad"

Then there was the first day he started calling them that. He called them chicken balls so much that day that when he was taking an order in drive-thru he screwed up and said, "Would you like some chicken ba- I mean popcorn chicken with your 5 for 5.95?" lol.

Posted on 05-25-07 12:21 AM, in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Link | Quote | ID: 38164

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I love the Books and the movies. I treat the movies as sort of an add on to the books, and I feel they more or less do them justice. Sure they cut stuff out and change things, but all movies based on books are adaptations. Certain things that work great on paper can never be fully capatured, or even fall apart on screen. And some things that are awesome on screen, can never be captured in words. I followed that belief with Lord of the Rings. I love the movies and books equally. As long as the movies are still true to the overall story, the movie turns out to be kickass on its own, and they actually do try their best to do the book justice and care about the story, I have no problem with movies getting creative with the books. I figure, hey I already know this fantastic story and I love it. By seeing this movie, I get to see more of it.

Unfortunately Eragon didn't do any of those things I swear that was just like they went "Quick, it's December! We need a fantasy movie to make money off of! Lets read the sparknotes of something similar to the others that have made money, stick in a bunch of generic hot hollywood guys (which I think are ugly as hell), market it toward teens, stick in an Avril Lavigne song to go along with that marketing and hope it works." I hadn't even read Eragon at the time, and I could still tell they butchered the story completely. I started reading the books just because I knew they had to be better, and I know the movie could have actually been good if they just cared.

But anyway, actually, if it weren't for the POA movie, I wouldn't be into Harry Potter at all. I saw a trailer for it when it first came out and thought it looked good. But then I figured, if I'm going to see movie 3, I may as well see the other two first. Saw the first two, saw the 3rd, thought the 3rd was best, then got curious as to what the rest of the story was so I read all the books. From that experience, I guess with Harry Potter it is probably best to see the movies first. That way you don't know whats being cut out and you're better able to appreciate the movie for what it is. And I found that reading the books afterward made reading the books more enjoyable for me, as well as the films. Of course, though I do find them more enjoyable that way, I'll be damned if I'm going to wait until the Deathly Hallows movie comes out before I read the book!

Order of the Phoenix is my favorite book, and it seems like the Harry Potter movies improve greatly with each one that comes out, so so far this thing looks spectacular and I can't wait. I'm almost looking more forward to this movie than the release of book seven. But mainly just because I thought book 6 was sort of a letdown. To me it felt almost fanfictiony, like everything was too predictable. The only thing that really shocked me was that Slughorn ended up being the new potions teacher instead of the new defense against the dark arts teacher. But I'm counting on book 7 to change my opinion of it. And I really want book 7 to be the best book. Either way though I'm going to be very happy when July gets here.

Posted on 05-25-07 10:41 PM, in I Don't Know What to Say Anymore, so GoodBye Link | Quote | ID: 38409

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Don't forget Top Thrill Dragster if its actually running.

Posted on 06-02-07 11:01 PM, in Funny names you have for things Link | Quote | ID: 41448

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Posted by HyperHacker
When I was an insane child I appended "bob" to nearly every noun.
That reminds me, when my sister and I were younger, one of us started this thing where we'd put "ish" on the end of every sentence sort of as if "ish" was now how we addressed each other. Like,

"what are you doing-ish?"
"What's it to you-ish?"
"I was just asking-ish!" What's your problem-ish? Freak-ish!
"You're the freak-ish! Freak!"
"No you're a freak-ish! Freak!"

We'd just keep doing that until our parents went insane.

Oh yeah, my sister and I very matter of factly call each other freak all the time too.

Posted on 06-02-07 11:14 PM, in Winamp around and around Link | Quote | ID: 41449

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Posted by fabio
10 minutes is my record. Seriously, I don't listen to the same thing too long because I will get tired of the song eventually and might not want to hear it again for awhile.
I'm exactly like this, at least I was until about 3 days ago. That's when I happened to hear "Volo Volando" from Cirque du Soleil's Corteo. Now, since then its all I'll listen to in my car's cd player, I've had it on loop in Winamp for about 2 hours today, and whenever I'm not listening to it its playing around and around in my head.

Usually, the only time I will ever listen to a song for that long is if I'm in the mood to make a music video to it, and am currently in the process of making it. Even then I usually drive myself nuts before I can finish making the video.

Posted on 06-02-07 11:38 PM, in lol oh boy Link | Quote | ID: 41455

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Posted by Doritokiller
That's something I annually do.
Heh, I read that as "That's something I anal-ly do" Now I have this nice image of vomiting out the ass. Well, I guess that would basically be diarrhea which actually had me up at 4am a few days ago along with colon spasms.

Posted on 06-04-07 05:29 PM, in One food to eww them all. Link | Quote | ID: 42217

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That's my half sister's husband eating mustard on ice cream at my younger sister's birthday party. He puts mustard on literally everything. It's funny when my niece is over because shes disgusted by mustard in general and throws a fit whenever he eats something like that. She's also disgusted by eggs, so you know whenever he's around her he eats mustard on eggs

I guess the weirdest thing I can remember eating is actually what I had for dinner last night. A BLT pizza. Yes, that is pizza with tomato sauce, cheese, shredded lettuce, sliced tomato, tons of bacon bits, ranch dressing, and mayonaise, with another piece of crust on top. Its actually really good but its also one of the messiest things on the planet. One bite and all the filling slides out into your hand

Posted on 06-04-07 05:45 PM, in Voila!, yummy meals... Link | Quote | ID: 42224

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I've tried the Three Cheese Chicken before. It's not bad, but its not something I'd eat all that often either. I usually prefer to cook from scratch, but I give the box and bag meals a try if some look really good at the store and I don't feel like putting any effort at all into cooking that night. But then its rare that I like it enough to buy the same one again. And when I do find one I like, I usually find ways to doctor it up a little. If anything just putting in some extra cheese. Oh and pepper of course. I'm one of those people that has to have pepper on nearly everything.

Posted on 06-09-07 05:02 PM, in Wizpy Link | Quote | ID: 43950

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Posted by HyperHacker
...Am I the only one who thinks of Wizpig when I hear this thing's name?

No, you're not alone. That's exactly what I thought. And for me, so far that's the only thing about this that caught my interest.

Posted on 06-09-07 06:00 PM, in What game are you replaying? Link | Quote | ID: 43961

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I just started replaying Banjo-Kazooie. I just finished completely replaying Diddy Kong Racing. I say completely because usually I only replay adventure 1, but this time I got so bored at my grandma's house, I replayed adventure 1, adventure 2, and for the first time ever I actually beat the stupid T.T. clock on all the tracks. To think it took me nearly a decade to completely beat a game that I can now play all the way through in about 5 days.

I played Banjo-Kazooie so much now it isn't funny. That's one of my favorite games. I really need to play Banjo-Tooie again, but I don't find it as much fun as Banjo-Kazooie. Plus it takes so long to get through Tooie, but lately since I'm stuck at my grandmas house everyday for God knows how long, I'll have the time. It would probably be a fun challenge again now too since it's been so long since I last played it, I'm pretty sure I've forgotten where everything is by now.

Hmm, looks like I'm gonna start replying Banjo-Tooie tonight.

Posted on 06-11-07 08:37 PM, in One food to eww them all. Link | Quote | ID: 44585

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oh yeah, when I was younger, one of my favorite things to eat was small curd cottage cheese mixed with applesauce. I'd also eat cottage cheese with velveeta shells and cheese. I still eat all three today, but I can't stand any of them mixed together anymore.

Posted on 06-16-07 12:08 AM, in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (rev. 2 of 06-16-07 04:09 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 45960

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Anyone seen this yet? I'm about to go see it in a few hours. I thought the first one completely sucked and to be honest, I don't think I'm going to like this one either, especially considering all the bad reviews its gotten so far. But, I'm seeing it anyway. The previews look good, the plot seems better, and at least this time the whole movie shouldn't be "Wah I hate having super powers, lets just have the whole movie be about trying to get rid of them". I'm still expecting the characters to be just as whiny as in the first, but at least the premise is better, and the Silver Surfer looks awsome. Its been enough to spark my interest and curiosity at least, so I'm like "eh, I might like it". If anything it'll give me a reason to get out of the house tonight. I've been spending way too much time cooped up indoors lately.

Edit: Just came back. Wow, WAY better than I expected! Its not "OMG!! Super MUST SEE!! Fantastic AWESOME!!!!" but it's still a pretty good movie. While the first movie annoyed me to no end, there was only one thing that annoyed me about this one and thats just how science is used in the plot. There's the right way to do it (ie Star Trek and Star Wars and all other GOOD Sci-Fi) and then there's this way.

Granted, the film is supposed to be over the top, but whenever science is used to further the plot, they always come up with something completely unbelievably ridiculous and then try to make it sound scientifically solid without even trying.

For instance, I don't care how smart Mr. Fantastic is, nobody is going to be able to build a sensor of that specification not to mention put the satellites in orbit needed for it, based on what little information they have on what the hell its even supposed to be tracking, let alone in less than a day. But what the hey, it is an over the top movie. It just seemed even more pointless when the whole thing was only built just so it could be destroyed as soon as it was done.

Now they also make fun of this in the movie, which normally makes up for anything idiotic by reminding the audience, "hey, its just a plot device" but then the way they do it pisses me off. There's always the tone of "Hur hur science is only for total geeks and losers who don't have a life" or "hey, look at us! We're using all these big words, so that makes us smart! LOL! Oh, nevermind that nothing we say makes any sense though, we know you're to stupid to understand anyway!"

Oh and then there's the one extremely dumb thing the military does, though I guess that's to be sort of expected in these type of films:

WTF at giving who you know is a major villian who will backstab you at any second, access to an object capable of destroying entire planets? Did anyone just stop, actually think for a second, and think "Hey wait a minute, maybe this is a bad idea"? Not to mention, "hey, lets lock up the only guys who can help us at all. Gotta love the military always backing the wrong side without realizing it

Anyway, it not enough to ruin the film. Just to slightly urk me because that's what I happen to find irritating. Most people probably won't be bothered by it at all. It is a lot more of just CGI than full blown action sequences though. And there are many times the CGI looks obviously fake. But the scenes themselves are awesome so I didn't really care. Think Spider-man 3 almost in terms of action, except the action sequences aren't as jam packed, but they are slightly more frequent.

Anyway, I'm just nitpicking it right now. Way better than the first one. Definitely go see it if you're into the marvel superhero flicks.

Posted on 06-16-07 07:15 PM, in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Link | Quote | ID: 46107

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Yeah, Dr Doom comes back. They're forced to join forces with him. The first movie leaves off with you believing he's dead, but the surfer is able to resurrect him somehow

And yes this is the sequel to the first.

Posted on 06-18-07 12:56 AM, in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Link | Quote | ID: 46389

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Eh, its a good movie, but not great. Not one I personally think is worth going through the effort to see a midnight showing of. I can see going to a midnight showing of Spider-Man 3, but this? Waiting until the afternoon the first day would be just as good (that's what I did). Of course, it depends on how badly you want to see it I guess.

Posted on 06-18-07 06:37 PM, in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Link | Quote | ID: 46596

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I personally didn't have a problem with

Galactus being a cloud. But I know thats only because I'm not into anything marvel or superhero related at all outside of the movies. I'm sure had I seen Galactus before how he's supposed to be, I would have hated the cloud thing too.

When I see these movies, I see them having next to no knowledge of anything they are based off of beforehand. I see them purely as a movie made for entertainment value. On that level, I think most of the ones I've seen are pretty good. I don't really see these things with many expectations, but I can definitely see how anybody who's a fan of any of these stories before the movie would be let down by the movies.

These movies are made more to target the general public than the fanbase. And yeah, superhero movies tend to be best when they do take themselves seriously. This one didn't take itself seriously at all, but I was expecting that based off the first one. This movie wasn't as jokey as the first one, but its still pretty jokey compared to the other Marvel movies, and its still jokey enough to get on peoples nerves including mine.

Overall though, I'd say 7/10.

Posted on 06-18-07 06:57 PM, in Exclusive Images of the OldNet Link | Quote | ID: 46601

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Hell, I still remember E-world on our old MAC from 1992. Then I think we started with AOL 2.0 and then eventually 3.0 but I'm not sure. All I really remember is that our computer couldn't run AOL past 3.0 because it would take up more space than the hard drive What's sad is that I was stuck using that same crap computer, and AOL 3.0 until 2001 It did have the funnest games though (the computer not AOL), and After Dark kicked ass. But slow as fuck, and absolutely no practical use.

Then we got a new computer, but I still had to put up with AOL until 2003 because my mom was convinced it was the only way to connect to the internet and that is was "the best". Yeah, AOL broadband for like $30 a month on top of roadrunner for another $40 a month. I finally convinced them to get rid of it when a family member died causing us to lose half our income, and they began finally looking at all the ways they were wasting money. I finally convinced them that we didn't need to be spending $70 a month for absolute shit.

Posted on 06-24-07 10:43 PM, in TinaSitter is the shit. Link | Quote | ID: 49187

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Ok, she keeps telling me a new version is available, but I've just downloaded and am running the latest one.
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