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Posted on 07-23-07 02:10 PM, in Mmm...Dinner Link | Quote | ID: 57138

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Posted by Tarale
Posted by Trax
With that kind of "nutrition", it's no surprise to see people getting cancer at 40 and dying at 60...
Speaking of nutrition, an article about Soy, in three parts:

Newest Research On Why You Should Avoid Soy

It's disappointing but it's becoming cheaper to eat badly than it is to eat healthy.

Which is why I said I only ever tend to eat things like that when budget restraints force my hand. It's a pity, the healthier food is much nicer, but when you have less than a dollar (Australian) and you need to eat, you're pretty much looking at instant noodles or tinned goods...

It is sadly true that most people eat the unhealthy cheap way instead of a healthier, more expensive way, but sometimes it can't be helped. As to the horrors of Soy, this is disturbing. One of the foods typically thought of as very healthy is actually very bad for you, it sucks when people somehow manage to distort studies that much. Atleast I typically don't eat soy much.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-24-07 09:47 PM, in Why the hell do people like Galaga? Link | Quote | ID: 57487

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Galaga was liked because at the time it was released, it was a fun game to play, and was good. Galaga is liked now, I think mainly for nostalgia reasons. Not that Nostalgia is a bad thing.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-24-07 09:56 PM, in U SHAL NOW TURN IN 2 UR AVATAR Link | Quote | ID: 57488

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I think we're safe from the void, Alastor hasn't swallowed anyone, just made silly empty threats. We can now resume beating eachother senseless. Begin the beating, I command it! *Waits to be asploded*

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-25-07 02:51 AM, in I made a world simulator! Link | Quote | ID: 57586

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[citation needed]

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-25-07 03:04 AM, in How big is your "My Documents" folder? (rev. 2 of 07-25-07 03:05 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 57591

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lol [citation needed]

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-25-07 04:06 AM, in PRETTY BIG RAT has become TITAN RAT! Link | Quote | ID: 57628

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*TheGreatGuy uses read FAQ!
*Gained useful information! INT + 5

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-25-07 04:42 AM, in Hello, Acmlmers~ Link | Quote | ID: 57657

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Well, hi. I don't particularly dislike you but, in general, I have to agree with what NightKev said. Xk was a pretty good admin, and the Jul is hardly “Tantrum Center with dictator admin”. As far as merging with ||board goes, I generally don't like the idea, it was mostly stupid, and now it's mostly dead, there seems no reason to merge, at all. Not to insult you, but this seems to me as just a desperate attempt to revive ||board. I don't think this palce would go to hell though, since ||board is pretty much dead at this point.

In response to the reply you posted as I was typing this:
-||board doesn't have much in the ways of intelligent posts either, you seem smart enough, but that doesn't speak of the majority
-People can change. Seriously.
-No, a good number of people are actually staying active on both communities(Jul and ABII), I am one of them.
Directed to Tomguy.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-25-07 05:11 AM, in PRETTY BIG RAT has become TITAN RAT! Link | Quote | ID: 57673

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Y! I shall continue! Of course, with no knowledge of the situation, I have no clue what to do, but I'll continue anyway.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-25-07 05:13 AM, in PRETTY BIG RAT has become TITAN RAT! Link | Quote | ID: 57675

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Obviously the answer is Dennis. I probably can't take the flask anyway, and the game certainly isn't going to tell me why.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-25-07 05:17 AM, in PRETTY BIG RAT has become TITAN RAT! Link | Quote | ID: 57679

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Posted by Remnic The Hedgehog
This is it. You are about to get ye flask but...

Oh noeth! Ye blacketh out!

Ye awake in the middle of a fork. Obvious exits are:







You obviously didn't pay attention, I chose to leave from Dennis. MaxKnight should be there.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-25-07 06:02 AM, in About "what happened"... Link | Quote | ID: 57711

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[citation needed]

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-26-07 03:16 AM, in Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy XV Thread Link | Quote | ID: 58030

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I haven't given up hope on FF yet, XII was okay, X was also okay, I think it's entirely possible they could come back from the recent "okay"-ness and bring a great game again, they did it with IX. It's not like X and XII were utter crap.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-26-07 03:23 AM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread Link | Quote | ID: 58036

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I have no problem with Yoshi as a character, I do have a problem that Yoshi Master is acting stupid and immature by going to the old "U haev no firnds!" argument. That's pretty much all I have to say on that subject.

As to Pit's stage: Awesome, I would love to play on that stage, more skill required, and matches would get more hectic. It sounds like a fun stage, although I don't know if many would want to play there. Sorta like how for some reason people who play Melee with me hate Big Blue, and yet I love it.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-26-07 03:26 AM, in Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy XV Thread Link | Quote | ID: 58038

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XIII atleast, is a PS3 exclusive, I can't see them porting it, since it's designed to be an exclusive, anything is possible for XIV and XV though, I doubt they've even started work on them yet. As to SqareEnix and multiplatform, they plan to support all three consoles, but with different games. As in, every console will get different exclusives from them.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-26-07 04:57 AM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread Link | Quote | ID: 58093

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Posted by Sonicandfails
Exactly. Someone needs to learn about the tier lists. I for one live by them. Marth is my character, why? He is second to best after all calculations of damage and lagtime and everything. I leave Sheik alone though, too tough to handle and requires much more practice then Marth does.

Eh, if you don't compete in big tournaments, character tiers don't really matter. Unless there's a high concentration of uber-skilled players in your area, it really does come down to skill level. I play as Marth mainly because he fits my playing style like a glove, that's all really.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-26-07 05:50 AM, in U SHAL NOW TURN IN 2 UR AVATAR Link | Quote | ID: 58119

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Posted by Alastor
Oh, I will consume you alright. I just won't do it until you die. That's my schtick, you see.

Well, that doesn't make you threatening to our immediate existence, does it?

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-26-07 07:19 AM, in Final Fantasy XIII - Final Fantasy XV Thread Link | Quote | ID: 58191

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Posted by Celice

...since it's designed to be an exclusive...

Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil 4 cry at night.

I wouldn't mind another FFXII-like game as long as it wasn't FF(insert roman numeral), but a separate game.

If I interpret this correctly, you're saying that desgined to be exclusive means nothing? Eh, you might be right, but then it'd atleast have to be a port that takes a hell of a long time to make, if my memory serves me correctly, the rendering engine it uses(called the "White Engine" or something to that effect) was coded specifically to work on the PS3's advantages, they'd have to redo that for the 360's advantages, which, I imagine would take a very long time. As to FFXII style - We don't even know what the game styles are yet, I hope one of the two games (XII and completely different versusXIII, not very creative title) is more like pre-XII games.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-26-07 10:47 PM, in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Link | Quote | ID: 58530

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I finally broke down and bought Pearl. I wanted Diamond, but I was lucky to find a copy of either, both were sold out in every store but Best Buy, and all they had were two Pearl. I had no idea it was still selling so well. When I get back from my 2-week trip to the beach, expect me to be done with the game, and active in this topic.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-28-07 12:21 AM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread Link | Quote | ID: 59052

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Posted by Rich
Posted by Alastor
I say! What the bloody hell are those UK spazzes going to get offended by next?

A pretty crass statement, considering the fact that the USA is far, far more strict in issues than the UK will ever be. Compare UK and USA television for one main example.

Yeah, I think maybe Nintendo just decided not to take any chances after the whole recall thing about spastic being used.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-28-07 12:24 AM, in PRETTY BIG RAT has become TITAN RAT! Link | Quote | ID: 59053

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Bah, I tornado the pirate into the upper atmosphere. No matter how heavy it is, a tornado could lift it, and send it flying to it's doom!

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.
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