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Posted on 09-05-14 01:06 PM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released (rev. 2 of 09-05-14 02:27 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 158129

Red Paragoomba
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1.1 run!

Ready for the glitches? Because they're there, and they're still nefarious.

Minor Glitches

1:03:14 - I find it a bit odd that you "crash" into leaves while dashing over leaves in the forest. Not really a glitch, but it doesn't make sense.

1:54:56 - That glitch where arrows appear to be 00 shows up again, in dungeon 5. It also showed up in dungeon 8, and possibly a couple more, but not all of the dungeons.

2:28:03 - Playing the arrow minigame. Your arrows don't go down while playing. However, after I shoot 51 arrows during the minigame, my arrow count seems to "roll under" to 255 anyway. It says "55" because only 2 digits fit.

2:39:09 - I try dashing while in the underground treasure room in dungeon 7, and the game glitches out a bit when I crash into nothing. It lets me keep going without any side effects.

2:50:35 - After going in and out of the shop a couple times, the shopkeep's graphics get messed up.

Major Glitches

3:19:42 - The graphics on Link and his sword go nuts after I give the book to the old woman. I reset the game, and this is when things start to go downhill. Every heart piece I get after that doesn't count, and I get like 4 or 5 heart pieces, so I should be one more heart up by the end of the game.

From here on, the whole game just starts to feel unstable. I feel like it could crash at any moment, so I just go ahead and make my way through the final dungeon.

4:13:07 - The cruelest part of the whole run. I beat final Ganon and get the triforce piece. The game puts me in front of the door, but doesn't put me through, and the d-pad is non-functional. I have no choice but to Up+A and reset the game. I try again, beat Ganon a second time @ 4:22:47, and the game just freezes. I give up at this point.

Posted on 09-05-14 02:25 PM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released (rev. 3 of 09-05-14 02:27 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 158131

Red Paragoomba
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Posted by infidelity
What version of FCEUX are you running? Is that the latest build? That doesn't look familiar to me.

also, can please not submit the entire game, or at least submit a SPOILER alert? I would've appreciated you submitting the glitch at the end through pm, not public where anyone can see the game on its entirety.

Version 2.2.2, the latest version. It may look unfamiliar because of my Windows theme, perhaps? Also, I'll just throw you a link in PM to the video. You never said anything about my last run through, so I didn't this time. Also, the ending wasn't in there, because it didn't let me go into the final door.

Posted on 09-05-14 02:59 PM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released (rev. 2 of 09-05-14 03:00 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 158135

Red Paragoomba
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The game was running near flawlessly until around 2 hours 30 minutes in, so it's probably a combination of variables/factors which happened after that. I did Up+A and save/quit a few times in the game, so maybe something wasn't saving properly?

EDIT: No, I don't have a savestate, I never use savestates, especially in a hack with such volatile SRAM mechanics like this one.

Posted on 09-05-14 03:05 PM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released Link | Quote | ID: 158137

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I don't know how I triggered it either, I only took notice when something didn't look right in the game. I'm reluctant to do another run through the game, even though I could probably get through without incident eventually.

Posted on 09-05-14 03:58 PM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released Link | Quote | ID: 158139

Red Paragoomba
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Posted by infidelity

Yup, I see what the final ganon thing is..... DAMNIT! Its because of my new hookshot asm for the counter if you get stuck. I can fix it, but wtf man......

You know what, the emulator 2.2.2, ive never myself updated to that. Ive been using the first emulator which allowed my hack to work on. And I just figured the newer one(s) would be fine.

I just went to the old woman, that glitch is happening to me.....

And SOB! That's also because of the hookshot asm counter.....

Ok that's fixed.

Knew you could find it. I'll surely give the fixed version a run through, I came so close this time that I'll surely be able to beat the game next time.

I don't know why, but the thing I look forward to the most is giving you good news/no glitches to report

Posted on 09-06-14 01:23 PM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released (rev. 2 of 09-06-14 01:27 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 158146

Red Paragoomba
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Well, my run was going absolutely swimmingly, that is, until I switched to the dark world in a room with falling rocks, while the screen was in the middle of shaking - the game froze. I'm uploading a video of it now and I'll PM it to you.

I also discovered another minor glitch - you can interrupt the text in the old man rooms in dungeons by using the Roc's feather, and leave early. It doesn't seem to have any negative side effects.

Posted on 09-06-14 07:27 PM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released (rev. 3 of 09-06-14 07:30 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 158150

Red Paragoomba
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One glitch and one non-glitch that should probably be fixed for the next release.

1. My run through of 1.3 ended shortly after I got to the dark world. The game got caught in an endless frozen loop after using the ocarina for the first time - the only thing I can think of that could've caused it is that I had just grabbed a time-stopper item in the same screen, since I can't seem to recreate it any other way. I'll have a video uploaded soon.

2. There's a heart piece which can be obtained before you get to the dark world. It's in the forest area in the lower right-ish area of the map. I can send you a screenshot of which heart piece it is if you need it. I know you're not supposed to be able to get any heart pieces before you get the ocarina, since when you get to the dark world, your heart piece count drops back down to 0.

In response to the font chatter, I like the fonts the game currently uses, but I'd prefer a non-italic numeric font. Personally, I find italics don't fit very well when you're limited to a certain number of pixels per character - it just looks sloppy.

Posted on 09-06-14 08:23 PM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released Link | Quote | ID: 158152

Red Paragoomba
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Posted by Vanya
I dig the new font. As for the numbers I say use whatever ALttP or LA use.

The numeric font currently used in the hack is virtually identical to the one in ALttP, but I've never been a big fan of pixelated italics. By contrast, Link's Awakening had some horrendous italic alpha text, but managed to keep the numerals straight.

Posted on 09-06-14 08:58 PM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released Link | Quote | ID: 158156

Red Paragoomba
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Posted by infidelity
I ripped the numeric font directly from alttp with yy-chr.

I'm so fed up with the glitches. I don't understand, I'm so tired of it. I feel every to something is resolved, something else breaks. I'll need that video to see what's going on.

I PM'd it to you The good news is, the game is feeling a lot more stable in general. I was surprised to encounter that glitch - when I played after I stopped recording, I was deliberately trying to encounter glitches and wasn't able to.

Posted on 09-07-14 09:26 AM, in SMB Lost Levels: Extended Edition with SRAM Saving (FDS hack) Link | Quote | ID: 158169

Red Paragoomba
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This looks pretty exciting! Hopefully I'll get a chance to play through this sometime this week.

Posted on 09-08-14 05:01 AM, in SMB Lost Levels: Extended Edition with SRAM Saving (FDS hack) Link | Quote | ID: 158187

Red Paragoomba
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So, when playing this, are there any particular bugs/oddities I should be watching out for? Or should I just play it and take note of anything weird? I can already tell looking at the title screen of SMB1 that the game inputs of the demo haven't been changed - but because the jumping physics have been altered, the demo player never dies anymore.

Posted on 09-08-14 05:26 AM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released Link | Quote | ID: 158189

Red Paragoomba
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Posted by Chaobomr
Call me late if this isn't in 1.4, but...

It's in the shop next to all of those bushes. I just started, by the way.
Oops... wrong shot...

It looks like you're either using an out-of-date emulator, or patched over the wrong ROM. Make sure you're using an updated emulator, such as one listed on the first post of this thread, and to patch over the PRG0 version of the US ROM.

Posted on 09-08-14 06:11 AM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released Link | Quote | ID: 158192

Red Paragoomba
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I'm happy to say that, as of 1.4, I have finally completed a full playthrough without a game-breaking crash! I found 19 of the 20 heart pieces (though one of them didn't count due to a glitch mentioned below, so the save file says I got 18) I still encountered bugs, but none bad enough to ruin my save file, which is great. Here's a list of bugs/oddities for 1.4 - I listed times for Infidelity, the video I've sent to you in PM as to not spoil anything for others.

That one piece of heart I mentioned before can still be obtained in the light world. As you can see at 26:44, all you need to get to that staircase is Roc's feather and the Titan's Mitt, both obtainable in the first two dungeons. Perhaps if you change the rock to a hammer block, it would fix it?

Not in my video (it was in the light world portion which I didn't upload) but the money-making game requires you to have at least 30 rupees to play, instead of 10 like it should. I have a feeling this has something to do with the archery game costing 30 rupees to play.

At 54:55, I use the ocarina, and then fall down a hole in the same screen. The game puts me in the lower-left corner of the screen. While not a problem in this particular screen, I can see some areas where this would cause the player to get stuck and have to up+A out of the game.

At 1:58:08, I manage to use the ocarina on ice, and then use it immediately again, before I fall into the water, to teleport back to the dark world. I'm able to move for a second, but then I get permanently stuck (No matter which direction I push, I can't move anywhere) and need to Up+A to reset. Even after I reload my game, the effects linger until I use the ocarina once (Check at 2:00:23 to see it happen again. It fixes itself once I use the ocarina at 2:00:43). I have no idea what might have caused this, but it didn't crash the game, luckily.

At 2:38:00, I pause the game and you can clearly see I have 1/4 heart pieces. I get a heart piece at 2:38:20. The next time I pause the game at 2:39:12, I'm still at 1/4 heart pieces. That heart piece didn't seem to register.

The next two are not glitches, but low-priority suggestions.

At 2:43:54, I accidentally buy the blue lantern thinking it's the other shop with a key in the middle. Since I had just saved it, I went ahead and closed out without saving to get my red lantern back, without any side effects. However, there's no way to get the red lantern back if one were to accidentally buy a blue lantern over it, other than reloading without saving (which will corrupt your save if you haven't saved in a long time). Would it be possible to make it so buying a blue lantern will put the red lantern back in its original chest?

And one last suggestion: Once in the dark world, close off the gate opened by Error in the light world. That way, you have to have the longshot or hover boots to even make it across that huge row of pits, and can't just go through in the light world and use the ocarina. Not that it matters since you can't enter the final dungeon without all the triforce pieces anyway, I just figure what's the point of having those holes there if they don't stop you from getting across?

Posted on 09-08-14 04:52 PM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released (rev. 3 of 09-08-14 05:09 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 158195

Red Paragoomba
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Posted by infidelity
@LeviathanMist: Well I'm glad you got through it!

So the ocarina worked on ice? Thats not supposed to happen. And on the heart piece, I'll have to watch the video and see if I can recreate that glitch.

Also, you wouldn't happen to have a save state before the heart piece glitch would you?

Nope, sorry... I don't use savestates in my playthroughs I was so happy to be able to play through a stable game though without having to resort to savestates

Also, I've been wondering...would you release the soundtrack to this in NSF form? I love to listen to the music in all its 8-bit glory, but late in the game, it seems to lag almost everywhere, so some of the tracks are hard to get to play at normal speed.

I've been trying to figure out where all the music in the game comes from, and I recognized all the tunes except for the one from dungeon 2, and the final dungeon.

Posted on 09-08-14 05:21 PM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released Link | Quote | ID: 158197

Red Paragoomba
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Posted by infidelity
Thank you liking my compositions! I tried my best with all the music and sfx!

I've never known how to build an .nsf file. If someone is willing to do so, that'd be awesome!

But be warned, the intro song loops infinitely with the drum track. I never canceled that out with "17" for the 6C80.

Pretty sure an NSF file is just a direct rip of the sound engine and music bytes, with a short header to let the emulator/program know it's a NSF file. I haven't made one from scratch, but I've used an already-existing NSF file for Final Fantasy to create and insert custom music into the game. The only thing different are the pointer values, obviously.

Posted on 09-08-14 05:46 PM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released Link | Quote | ID: 158199

Red Paragoomba
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Posted by infidelity
I have 2 banks that have music/sfx.

Yeah, I'm not sure of the inner working of an NSF file; the one I worked with only used one bank, but I know there exists NSF files that include more music than what would fit in a single bank. Anyway, it's not a very big priority, but I'll look into it deeper for you if you're interested.

Posted on 09-08-14 09:16 PM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released (rev. 2 of 09-08-14 11:16 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 158201

Red Paragoomba
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Posted by infidelity
I'd have to take a look. You might be able to completely overwrite an existing megaman 4 nsf. My sound engine occupies $B0010-$B4000. I forget off the top of my head where the other 2000 bytes are bankswapped to.


woah woah hold on. The heart piece you are saying you can get in the light world. Im looking right a v1.4 within my level editor, and it is blocked off with the blue donut looking tsa blocks, in both light & dark world's.

Are you absolutely sure you used my 1.4 patch on a clean PRG0 Legend of Zelda rom, and started it with no previously created .sav's or .fcs's???

As for your reports on the ocarina on ice, and the incorrect respawn of link with ocarina/falling holes, those have now been resolved.

I sent you a PM with a 3-minute demonstration how I can get that heart piece in the light world - you only really have to watch the last minute of it, unless you want to see how I got down to that area from the start point.

Meanwhile, I just encountered a crash in 1.4. I was playing on my main file when my game crashed here:
Nestopia gave me a "CPU Jam!" message when I brought to life all of the guards at the same time, and the game froze.

Posted on 09-08-14 09:57 PM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released Link | Quote | ID: 158204

Red Paragoomba
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I just got the CPU Jam at the exact same spot, while waking the knights one at a time. I got the jam when I awoke the knight in the upper left of that image.

Posted on 09-08-14 10:11 PM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released (rev. 2 of 09-08-14 11:16 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 158206

Red Paragoomba
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Posted by infidelity
So is it only one armos awake that jams, or is it when multiple are awake when you touch that specific armos?

It's just this one that causes a jam, and only when you touch it to wake it up. Everything else on the screen doesn't cause problems.

Posted on 09-08-14 10:57 PM, in Zelda - The Legend of Link (v3-12-20) Released (rev. 3 of 09-08-14 11:14 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 158209

Red Paragoomba
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I sent you a link to my save file, in case you wish to test anything with it. I'm still using the save file to look for that final heart piece, so I may come across more glitches.

EDIT: I just found a treasure chest with a heart piece that I had already gotten in this save file, but the chest was closed, and when I got the piece again, it didn't register. I also noticed a few chests that were closed after I beat the game that I had gotten before, including the chest with the Red Lantern. These chests only seem to be in the light world. Also, the entrance to the light world skull dungeon is open in my game clear file.
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