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Main - Posts by Squash Monster

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Squash Monster
Posted on 11-04-07 06:08 AM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread Link | Quote | ID: 69130

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
From: New York

Last post: 5851 days
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It's PVC. PVC is a type of plastic. Really awesome plastic.

When my dad was a teenager, pipes were made with a bunch of copper pipes soldered together.

When I was a kid, pipes were made with a bunch of PVC pipes epoxied together.

Now pipes are usually made with some sort of flexible copper pipe. I have no clue how that works.


Squash Monster
Posted on 11-04-07 06:58 AM, in New version of Dwarf fortress Link | Quote | ID: 69135

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Okay. From the top.

Location selection.
- Import a world. Forget generation.
- Start a fortress. You need to pick a location. The chunk of information on the right is the one that matters. You want some sort of stream, lots of trees, lots of plants, no aquifers (water symbols next to the list of stone/soil types), and no words like "haunted" or "sinister" (and probably no "joyful" either).
- Choose to prepare carefully.
- Switch to the equipment menu.
- Take one less battleaxe.
- Switch back to the dwarf menu
- Take 2 proficient miners
- Take one novice woodcutter / proficient carpenter
- Take one proficient mason / proficient building designer
- Take one novice herbalist / novice thresher / proficient grower / competent brewer
- Take one novice herbalist / novice thresher / proficient grower / competent cook
- Take one anything you want. I take a novice mechanic, out of habit.
- Go back to the equipment menu
- Take five dogs (normal)
- Increase your helmet spawn to 11.
- Increase everything else you have a multiple of 5 of by one.
- Hit "n" to add new things to the list.
- Add any kind of dwarven alcohol you're missing and get 6 of it.
- Add 16 turtle
- Add 6 of any kind of seed you're missing.
- Add one each of every kind of meat that costs 2
- Fill the rest with whatever.
Starting out
- Go to designations (d).
- Mark off a huge area as tree-chopping.
- Mark off a huge area as plant gathering.
- Mark off a 2 square wide tunnel into some rock as mining.
- If you don't see rock, hit > to go down a layer. Mark off two squares as ramps up. Then start your tunnel there. Hit < to go back up.
- Let everyone move around a bit. You should have two idlers.
- You might want to fine-tune labors now. Hit J to see what everyone's doing. Highlight someone and hit c to zoom to them. Hit P L (first time only) to go into their labor list.
- Everybody is already doing what they should be doing, if you followed my advice on the preparations mode. However, some are doing things they shouldn't.
- Near the bottom are a bunch of hauling tasks. Everyone should do cleaning, refuse hauling, and burial (trust me). However, you want to remove every other task that isn't related to their task.
- Stone hauling is really bad - anyone with stone hauling is less likely to get their job done. Only have somebody unimportant and maybe your mason with it.
- Miners, in particular, should not have hauling tasks. Especially stone.
- Mine out some 3x3 sections and corridors to them.
- Once those sections are mined out, build a mason's workshop, a carpenter's workshop, a kitchen, and a still (all "b" followed by "w") in the spaces.
- Once you have a mason's workshop, have him build blocks, doors, chairs, and tables, all on repeat. (Hit "q", scroll next to it, hit "a", choose the thing. Hit "r" while in the mason menu to make it on repeat.)
- Once you have a carpenter's workshop, have him build 10 beds.
- Once you have a still, have him brew drinks on repeat
- Once you have a kitchen, have him make meals of some sort on repeat
- Hit "z" for the status menu, then hit right to go into the kitchen menu. This is where you change what can be brewed or cooked.
Settling in
- Make some big (6x6 is good) rooms next to all those buildings you made. Hit "p" to open the stockpile menu. Put the right kind of stockpile next to each building.
- Make a bunch of small rooms for bedrooms.
- Build beds (b b) in each of these rooms and doors (b d) into them.
- Once you have a bedroom set up, go into the bed's menu (q) and tell it to be a bedroom.
- Build a really big long room for a dining hall.
- Build lots of tables next to lots of chairs in that hall.
- Open up a table (q) and tell it to be a dining hall. You'll probably have to size this up to an appropriate size.
- One table being told this makes the whole place a dining hall, don't worry.
Getting fancy
- If you get a thin layer of water on top of some stone, the stone will get muddy.
- If you get the water off your stone afterwards, you have muddy stone.
- Muddy ground can be used to plant crops.
- Build a farm plot (b p) and put a 5x5 or so one on top of the mud.
- Once you have a farm, open the farm's menu (q) and tell it to plant plump helmets every season.
- Yay farm.


Squash Monster
Posted on 11-09-07 05:10 PM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread (rev. 2 of 11-09-07 05:11 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 69583

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
From: New York

Last post: 5851 days
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I really like the new Norfair.

The V-shaped platform layout is awesome. And the addition of the lava wave is perfectly in-theme with how Norfair works. So this version of Norfair is more Norfairy than ever before.

Also: Not everyone thinks Final Destination is the only good course. Live a little.

Addendum: The bad Metroid stage is Brinstar. That was a horrible idea.

Double addendum: Bryo is not gonna happen: we already have a fire stage. My money is on Skytown.


Squash Monster
Posted on 11-12-07 02:14 AM, in Plural of "Anonymous" Link | Quote | ID: 69847

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Squash Monster
Posted on 11-12-07 08:46 AM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread Link | Quote | ID: 69881

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
From: New York

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Ike's Final Smash is kinda boring. That's a shame.


Squash Monster
Posted on 11-13-07 03:00 AM, in Super Mario Galaxy Link | Quote | ID: 69969

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Pretty sure NSMB was not pre-rendered. If it was pre-rendered, it'd look a lot better.


Squash Monster
Posted on 11-14-07 11:21 PM, in Super Mario Galaxy Link | Quote | ID: 70058

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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True, but I wasn't talking about quality of animation.


Squash Monster
Posted on 11-27-07 07:22 PM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread Link | Quote | ID: 70767

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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New update. New Donkey Kong music. I really like this one, it's funky.


Squash Monster
Posted on 12-05-07 01:27 AM, in New version of Dwarf fortress Link | Quote | ID: 71206

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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I'm trying to build a fortress in a big glass dome under the water in the desert.

I think that's descriptive enough.


Squash Monster
Posted on 12-07-07 06:53 AM, in acmlm.no-ip.org on facebook Link | Quote | ID: 71321

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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I think I was the one that started the discussion that resulted in that Facebook group. It was a shame nobody joined. Hi, I'm Justin.

Are you guys actually afraid of facebook? What the hax?

It's a website you use to keep track of all the friends you have, and make it easier to get in contact with people that you've just met or only know vaguely. So, a site for handling social networks.

As opposed to a social networking site, where you go to make friends 'cause you don't have them. Like MySpace.

I guess I can see how you'd be confused if you used Facebook like a MySpace kinda place. But yeah, nobody ever tries to make friends using Facebook. Except for social butterflies just entering college who'd panic if they didn't have friends as soon as hey moved into the dorms.


Squash Monster
Posted on 12-07-07 06:56 AM, in New version of Dwarf fortress Link | Quote | ID: 71322

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Careful with the adamantium. It harbors demons. Lots.


Squash Monster
Posted on 02-19-08 11:34 PM, in Advance Wars: Days of Ruin Link | Quote | ID: 78363

Buster Beetle
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This was the first Advance wars that I've played where the campaign was enjoyable enough that I actually felt the need to finish it.

The plot is actually good (characters with motivations? What is this nonsense!), the new unit balance is pretty great (even if the names of the War Tank and the Anti Tank are both dumb), the new CO mechanic is a bajillion times better, and the new art style is refreshing.

I really like how they did the balance of the naval units. Carriers are flat-out better than everything else in the game, even if you count their huge cost against them. But this is okay, because a single hit from a single sub will destroy it. So effectively, to get a carrier you either need to take an insane risk, or get enough cruisers to cover it first. Cruisers, on the other hand, are horrible for their price, as they only do effective damage to subs, which are hard to find, and air units, which know how to get out of the way. Effectively, this means you end up having to "tech up" to having Carriers the same way you have to research more advanced abilities in most realtime strategy games, except you get something out of it right away, and you always have the option of skipping the tech at your own peril.

And as delicious as that is, it's very much simplified. There are also Gunboats, which are weak but can be used as part of a counter to any other naval unit, and Battleships, which are almost as crazily strong as Carriers: it's an MRLS that can move and attack in the same turn.

My only complaint is that it's still possible to blockade somebody using air units. Once you've established air superiority, you can park your fighters on your opponent's production facilities for lulz and an easy win. I assume (hope) a human player would be harder to pull this off against, though.


Squash Monster
Posted on 04-11-08 08:25 PM, in Lazy Shell - Super Mario RPG Editor Link | Quote | ID: 81764

Buster Beetle
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Reading the documentation made me pretty excited about this project. I'm really curious about the scripting editor now too.

The editor's looking great, I can't wait until it's done.


Squash Monster
Posted on 04-27-08 06:18 AM, in How do you feel about Pokémon? Link | Quote | ID: 82429

Buster Beetle
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Although I find that I like each successive game in the series more for the innovations in the battle system and the better overall polish, it seems that each new set of pokemon is less interesting and worse designed.

The series desperately needs a better programmer, as well. Blocking sound commands and stupidly slow menus make for an experience that makes me want to put the game down far sooner than I otherwise would.


Squash Monster
Posted on 05-08-08 01:05 AM, in Games You Plan on Playing/Currently Playing Link | Quote | ID: 83035

Buster Beetle
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Mana Khemia. It's awesome, you should all play it too.

And New Super Mario Brothers. It's awesome, I should've played it a long time ago.


Squash Monster
Posted on 05-14-08 10:19 PM, in PS2 File Extraction Link | Quote | ID: 83630

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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I'm trying to extract the graphics resources from a PS2 game, Mana Khemia specifically.

I've been out of the hacking scene for a while now, so I don't really know where to go to get more information on the subject. Does anybody know where I should start looking?


Squash Monster
Posted on 05-15-08 05:26 AM, in Oh hey guys. Link | Quote | ID: 83655

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Guys, why does this place suck now?


Squash Monster
Posted on 05-15-08 06:08 AM, in Oh hey guys. Link | Quote | ID: 83657

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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You mean to say it's gonna get worse?

Shit guys.


Squash Monster
Posted on 05-16-08 09:21 AM, in Woooahhh. Serious lack of activity in this forum. Link | Quote | ID: 83742

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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To survive on the internet, a website has to be funny, interesting, or porn.

The internet's form of humor has gotten cynical and somewhat mean. Most of the people who post here can't provide any other form of humor, even if they'll try via randomness (which isn't actually funny). Certain posters, when they post something funny yet vaguely inflammatory, are given a stern warning or a quick ban. Other users are given a bunch of upset people who don't get it, and no administrative response. Others are just ignored. Some actually get a good response.

So everybody is afraid of being funny because most of them can't do it without pressing the button that activates the ban-me roulette.

For a forum to be interesting, it has to work through a process of conversation. When somebody posts a thread, it has to be viewed by a number of other users. One of these users has to actually be interested enough to post a response. Then the topic with that response has to find somebody interested enough to respond to it, and so on. The likelihood of a given post within a topic to be found interesting declines over time. The number of people who are potentially interested in the topic has to be over a certain threshold to beat that decay.

We've had a number of bouts of drama, multiple crashes and location changes, and a pair of board splits. We've been hemorrhaging users for quite some time. We simply do not have enough people to actually maintain a posting experience based on interest.

And we don't do porn.

Unless we fix one of these things, this board is boned.


Squash Monster
Posted on 05-16-08 09:24 AM, in Strangest ways you've met people Link | Quote | ID: 83743

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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I met a really sweet girl on 4chan the other day.

I think that's pretty weird. I mean, girls on 4chan and all.

(And yes, I'm sure it's actually a real girl :-P)

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