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Posted on 06-14-07 06:14 AM, in On another note Link | Quote | ID: 45380

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I need no layouts, although if they come back I might finally make one, sigs, however, are niiiiice.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-14-07 06:23 AM, in Whats happening...? Link | Quote | ID: 45393

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I miss alot of the older members, although you(Reinfors) left before I joined, I remember some of them. I joined three years back, incarnation 2, welcome back anyway. It's always good to see old members returning.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-14-07 06:30 AM, in What.... the.... fuck Link | Quote | ID: 45400

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Since: 03-15-07

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Ookay. This is what the military works on? They decide to build a sex bomb. A sex bomb. I wonder where all that money Bush whined out of congress is going? What other, stupid, wastes of money could be underway? A bomb that makes people hungry so they eat too much and get overweight an unable to fight? What the hell.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-14-07 06:41 AM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread (rev. 3 of 06-14-07 07:05 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 45417

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Since: 03-15-07

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Today's update is a so-so remix of the boss theme from Super Metroid. They sorta lost the tune. The tune is quieter than what sounds like it should be the background channels, until it gets to the very end. I wonder what it's used for? Does this mean Ridley's in? (They list it as Ridley's theme song)

EDIT: I am an idiot, and assumed that the update there was the new update, because it was after midnight, of course, I forget timezones, and end up discussing something that has already been discussed. I am an idiot

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-14-07 06:57 PM, in FREEEEDOM! Link | Quote | ID: 45569

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I plan to finally make some progress on the FFIII editor project. It probably won't happen. Last time I worked for all of one day and got a bit on weapon format before getting lazy and forgetting about it. Other than that, video games. In general.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-14-07 07:00 PM, in Handedness Link | Quote | ID: 45570

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I never remember to wear my watch, but the few times I do, it's on my right, and I'm right-handed. I agree on the ears being a product of the hands.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-14-07 08:43 PM, in Whats happening...? Link | Quote | ID: 45651

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I remember Elric, I was on one of my many dissapearances when he left. Where'd he go? I actually used the skin he made while I was here in the past.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-14-07 09:45 PM, in Acmlm's Town Square 9 Link | Quote | ID: 45669

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Blah, that's weird. Rabies? Maybe it's part of an animal uprising, animals all over the world coming together to stop us from hurting the environment! Led by Al Gore!

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-15-07 11:02 PM, in There America goes again... Link | Quote | ID: 45947

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Yeah, I believe the guy who discovered Greenland named it that so people would move there with him. Of course, they'd have been pretty pissed when they actually got to Greenland.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-16-07 06:21 PM, in FREEEEDOM! Link | Quote | ID: 46102

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Posted by Thexare Blademoon

4. LegendRO (Got tired of sniper, went gunslinger), TwilightRO (rarely), fucking with people on StarlightRO,
Three different RO servers at once? I like to stick with one at a time. Currently I'm not playing any, though I still have a good-level wizard(vampire-wizard!) on the server I used to play at.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-16-07 06:23 PM, in So! Link | Quote | ID: 46103

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Posted by Kernal
Cakes "Ya" Us.
I doubt the health and sanctity of these cakes, we should quarantine them. Wouldn't want someone to get sick from eating birthday cake. Happy Birthday!

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-18-07 05:20 AM, in Pokecommunity in a nutshell Link | Quote | ID: 46462

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Posted by HyperHacker
Wait, are there really people who think G/S/C had bad graphics? Really if you consider the technical limitations (remember they had to maintain compatibility with the original Game Boy) they were phenomenal overall.
They are great for their limitations, I myself remember being surprised at how good Silver's graphics were when I first bought it, when I was a little kid, but there are the people that hate everything that isn't on par with present day, I've met a few, and they annoy the hell out of me. I bet the same people complain about the graphics of Wii VC games, with a community as saturated with stupididty as the internet, I'd be surprised to not find someone who thought G/S/C's graphics were bad.
To Ailure: Yeah, some are, I guess, but these people really only care about the BPP, so they can say "Oooh, shiny!"

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-19-07 02:42 AM, in There America goes again... (rev. 2 of 06-19-07 02:43 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 46727

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That is not good, at all. All those patients will probably have problems, always thinking they have the wrong memories, I can only imagine how bad that must feel, in addition to the alzheimers, constantly questioning the memory I do have. And I know this was said, but seriously, donuts? if they were going to screw with the people's minds, the least they could do is give them something healthy to eat. Atleast it's been stopped at this point, hopefully.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-19-07 02:49 AM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread (rev. 2 of 06-19-07 02:49 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 46730

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Posted by Adamant
Marth was the original Fire Emblem hero, and the only one to star in more than one game (FE1 and FE3), he's certainly significant and interesting enough. He's staying, it's Roy who should be worried about his place in the game.
This is my logic on Marth appearing as well, although I have doubts, mainly because since Melee, FE games have been released in America, and they might want to go with someone from a game everyone has. Although, they threw Pit in, so I guess I'm worrying too much. I hope to see Sheik again, but she might not show up.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-19-07 03:37 AM, in Warzone 2100 Link | Quote | ID: 46738

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I just found this, thanks to a friend of mine sending me the link. It's an excellent RTS, and it's both free and open source. ( homepage ) It is very awesome, you research lots of technologies to build custom war machines, and blow eachother up with them. There is a lot of control over the fighting, you can set when to retreat, etc. Overall, it's pretty fun, and it has multiplayer.
I'm the blue guys, the AI is the gray, and my friend is the yellow, which includes the bomber ships, since the hulls don't change color at a certain point. You can tell from the yellow airplane parts.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-19-07 03:40 AM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread Link | Quote | ID: 46742

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I'm not saying that he should be left out, I'm saying he might be left out, which would be bad. I am on your side here, though I have doubts that Nintendo is too.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-19-07 04:44 AM, in Castlevania: Chorus of Mysteries (rev. 3 of 06-19-07 04:45 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 46750

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I can say, wonderful job on the hack, it's great to see a project this large come together, and actually finish. Congratulations on the release. I've played up to level 3's boss, and cannot progress, because I suck at the original castlevania games, but it's a fun hack, and all the changes were done very nicely. Too bad I'm too sucky to get to Olrox, I'd like to see the shadow effect you mention on the site.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-19-07 07:01 PM, in OpenPoké - who wants some? Link | Quote | ID: 46899

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I didn't want to post before, but now, I must say, this does look great. And I didn't realise it was for the gba, I was under the impression that it was on the PC, that makes it better, also probably harder to code, I repsect you for your work on it. If I actually had a flash cart, I'd be a bit happier about this, but I don't, poor, sad me. Good job all the same, hope things turn out well.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-19-07 08:00 PM, in Castlevania: Chorus of Mysteries Link | Quote | ID: 46910

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Well, if you insist. Slogra was the only boss I really had trouble with, I had to refight Gaibon, but nowhere near as difficult as Slogra, maybe they should've switched places. The Cross and III powerup made it ludicrously easy against Olrox, and finishing the game wasn't too hard either. Maybe I should'nt have held onto those for so long. Still, great job on it, and I must give you two credit for all the work, especially the coding changes, overall, very awesome.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 06-21-07 05:36 AM, in Plasma Pong (rev. 4 of 06-21-07 05:37 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 47432

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It's not really pong anymore. I first thought it was just a graphical update, (a serious one), and thought "Wii-play's pong is better", but after playing it, I must say the gameplay is really crazy. My arm hurts now. Can't believe you got up to level 56, I could only get to 18.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.
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