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Main - Posts by Squash Monster

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Squash Monster
Posted on 07-02-07 01:42 PM, in ASM Hack\Custom Block\Custom Sprite request thread Link | Quote | ID: 51581

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Posted by Mariofan0
ok can someone take care of the poison mushroom block.
Use the generic tutorial sprite and disable the ability to jump on it.

Posted by Mario2008
does anyone know how to make a rock shooter that drop rocks on the ground and they just road until the kill u in the game. must look like the chucked rock in smw. with ASM and sprite tool. and how to insert them in the game smw
Open up the generator sprite in spritetool and read how to set the sprite. Set it to make the rocks the chucks make.


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-02-07 01:46 PM, in genious comics Link | Quote | ID: 51582

Buster Beetle
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It's good because they all make you have some sort of response. That's a bit more high-brow than most comics but not everybody can be Marmaduke.

You probably love xkcd. Go read the ones about sailing in a bucket. See?


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-02-07 01:49 PM, in B.O.B. Hacking (rev. 2 of 07-02-07 01:50 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 51583

Buster Beetle
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DUDE! I was talking about how much a hack could help this game just the other day.

This game would be completely awesome if the levels didn't keep getting longer and it wasn't full of gotchas. You totally need to keep this up so somebody can fix it up and turn it into that completely awesome game.

It looks like it's made of large tiles. Amirite?


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-02-07 09:35 PM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread Link | Quote | ID: 51649

Buster Beetle
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Posted by cpubasic13
It'll be interesting to see who else they put in them.


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-02-07 09:37 PM, in OpenPoké - who wants some? (rev. 2 of 07-02-07 09:37 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 51651

Buster Beetle
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(So I just got back into playing pokemon and I'm already thinking about haxoring it. You should totally finish this before I finish playing Diamond, 'cause then I can haxor it easy-style instead.)


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-02-07 09:44 PM, in B.O.B. Hacking Link | Quote | ID: 51652

Buster Beetle
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The gotchas where it was just pwning you for going after a powerup were mostly okay. I was thinking more of the times where you're just cruising through a level and then BAM, something takes off half your life without warning.

If you feel like having a good tile picker, try making a tabbed box. One tab has every tile in order. The others are set up to be organized by the hacker as desired. This solves both of the problems with tile pickers: organization to fix how you can never find anything, tabs to fix how you can never get to anything reasonably fast.


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-03-07 01:16 AM, in B.O.B. Hacking Link | Quote | ID: 51702

Buster Beetle
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I would've still posted. Does it really matter though?

And your hands aren't tied on how to choose the pieces of map. Just because you can re-arrange their order in a tile editor doesn't mean you have to re-arrange their order in the actual game. Just keep an array that says what each position in your tile picker refers to in real tiles.


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-03-07 01:18 AM, in ABII user location distrubution (rev. 2 of 07-03-07 01:19 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 51703

Buster Beetle
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This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the US is the country with the best taste in message boards.

That's good. We needed the best taste in something.


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-03-07 05:16 AM, in ABII user location distrubution Link | Quote | ID: 51771

Buster Beetle
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Didn't we have one of those map things at some point?


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-03-07 08:54 AM, in OpenPoké - who wants some? (rev. 2 of 07-03-07 08:55 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 51827

Buster Beetle
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Something just occurred to me. In every pokemon game I'm played, the menus are slow like dead slugs.

Will your version have reasonably fast menus?

If so, release now plz?


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-03-07 11:22 AM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread Link | Quote | ID: 51871

Buster Beetle
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Hope they made him better. He's really fun to play as in SSBM but as soon as everyone you know figures out that they can stand next to him and use anything but their smash attacks repeatedly without ever getting hit, it gets lame.

Making the up-B move trigger fast enough to hit things would be all it'd take. Though all his specials need love (claw is stupidly short range, fire breath is downright weak, and seemingly every attack ever can hurt him while he's doing his down-b).


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-03-07 11:31 PM, in Making level editor programs? (rev. 2 of 07-03-07 11:34 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 51974

Buster Beetle
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All you need is knowledge of a programming language and a compiler.

If you haven't programmed before, it might be a good idea to take a class. Otherwise, pick one (popular choices are C and Visual Basic, though I personally recommend Java) and learn it.

Within your language, you need to know how to create a GUI, how to render images (there are DLLs available somewhere that help display graphics from ROMs), and how to read and save files.

Additionally, you will have to know where the data in your game is located and what format it is in. There are lots of ways to find data. The best is using a tracer, but that requires knowledge of assembly programming. A simple method is to use a program called a corrupter to mess up random chunks of a copy of the game until you find one that looks like level data. A more advanced technique is to guess the format without looking for data, then use a hex editor's search feature to find the data that matches your guess.

Once you find the data, you need to figure out the format. This is primarily just logic. However, it helps to know some common things you'll see. Games are typically either stored in an object format or a tile format. Object format means the format will be a series of object IDs with locations, widths, and heights. Tile format means there will be something like one byte per tile of the level, in order. Compression is fairly common, and makes this a lot less simple, but it's also usually really simple. The most common example is RLE, or Run Length Encoding, where a certain tile number is actually a code meaning "use the tile number from the next byte, and then repeat it a number of times equal to byte after that", or any similar method.

The last thing you may want to figure out is where the game keeps its level pointer table. Almost every game has one, and it's not too hard to find. Just take the addresses you found for the start of a few levels and convert them to the game's system's pointer format (look up NES pointers in your case) and then search the ROM for those in order. This'll probably be a list of locations of levels, which is a lot easier than finding every level.

Once you have all this information, make a program that opens the ROM, goes to the location of a level, reads all the information contained there into memory in an easy to work with format*, lets the user fiddle with it via a GUI, and converts the format you use in the editor back into the game's format as it saves.

Don't get discouraged. It's a lot of work, but it's not actually that hard if you stick with it. Start with finding data and learning a programming language, and the rest will look easy.

* A lot of people make the format their program uses the same as the format the game uses. This is rarely a good idea. If the game's format is hard to work with, every function you make to modify it has to deal with the hard format, whereas you'd only have to do it twice if you converted. For a rather visible example, look at EggVine. EggVine deals with objects that take up two different amounts of space. If it didn't convert to an internal format, new levels would have to use the same number of a given size of objects as old ones. But it does convert, so four 5-byte objects can become five 4-byte objects without the user even realizing it.


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-04-07 03:50 AM, in Making level editor programs? Link | Quote | ID: 52020

Buster Beetle
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I'm assuming you're using the GML scripting function extensively. If not, then, well. no, they're not really similar enough. If you're using the scripting language, they are similar in that they're programming languages. However, Game Maker does not have proper support for functions and objects. You can get by without objects, but you stand no chance without functional programming.

Start reading a programming language tutorial and see how far you can get. Here is the Java tutorial. If you get through as far as the object portion without getting lost, you can handle it.


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-04-07 05:23 AM, in Making level editor programs? (rev. 2 of 07-04-07 05:24 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 52039

Buster Beetle
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Visual basic gives you a small amount of help laying out your interface and gets rid of the need to understand objects. You still need to know programming in general, including functions.

VB6 is a good enough programming language to do stuff in. I know nothing about VB.net. Either way, you'll either need to pirate or buy the software.


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-04-07 10:04 AM, in Making level editor programs? (rev. 2 of 07-04-07 10:04 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 52184

Buster Beetle
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If you did VB6, then go into the help and find the different file access modes. Read up on the one called Binary.

That's pretty much all you need.

If you did VB.net then hell if I know.


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-08-07 07:58 AM, in Extra Mario Bros. (SMB Hack) By ATA Link | Quote | ID: 53192

Buster Beetle
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I've found technical fire and one key in each area. How many keys are we supposed to find?

And could someone help me figure out where to find the other powers?


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-08-07 08:27 AM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread Link | Quote | ID: 53195

Buster Beetle
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Posted by Yoshi Master
It shouldn't change the time. The level looks to be designed to fight right in the middle of the bridge battle (if you haven't seemed to of noticed. ) In that battle on twilight princess you could just stand on the side where bulbin couldn't reach you for hours and the time would remain the same time.
Yes, Nintendo most certainly should make a less aesthetically interesting choice purely to be consistent with a random quirk of a game who's continuity has already been rendered meaningless by introducing a dozen characters from completely different franchises without explanation. We should start a petition.


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-08-07 11:38 PM, in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Link | Quote | ID: 53293

Buster Beetle
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Anybody got a spare Chimchar?

I don't have anything very exciting to trade away for it, but I'll do my best to get whatever. (I'm still fairly early in the game).


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-10-07 06:06 AM, in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Link | Quote | ID: 53607

Buster Beetle
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Posted by tyty210
Posted by Squash Monster
Anybody got a spare Chimchar?

I don't have anything very exciting to trade away for it, but I'll do my best to get whatever. (I'm still fairly early in the game).

I do, I've got a couple spare

I don't really care what I get.. do you have dimond or pearl?
Diamond, good sir.


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-10-07 08:09 AM, in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Link | Quote | ID: 53645

Buster Beetle
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k, your cranidos is ready. My friend code is 2620 9777 7317.

I'm not familiar with how the trade system works, but I assume you'll have to tell me a time that's convenient for you. I have to gimp my wireless connection speed to connect to Nintendo WiFi .

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