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Main - Posts by Squash Monster

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Squash Monster
Posted on 06-28-07 04:33 AM, in The best idea, ever Link | Quote | ID: 50323

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
From: New York

Last post: 5851 days
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That was the best attempt to make the same joke as the last guy and still be funny. Ever.


Squash Monster
Posted on 06-29-07 08:39 AM, in need help with hacking Mortal Kombat Trilogy N64 Link | Quote | ID: 50623

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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The letter K isn't used very often in Latin, but this is Mortal Kombat so it's probably actually unicoriv. The closest word I can find to that is unicoris, which is the plural of "of one color".

So... my best guess is "to be referred to with one color".

Now, I haven't played this game, but I assume the health bars are something like a green bar that turns red as you get beat on? If the code makes the health bar so low that it's actually all red, then the "of one color" bit makes sense.


Squash Monster
Posted on 06-29-07 08:47 AM, in ASM Hack\Custom Block\Custom Sprite request thread Link | Quote | ID: 50625

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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This is a question more than a request, but has anybody made any generic useful routines to use in making custom sprites?

Additionally, since I didn't see it in the tutorial, is there any good place to keep extra sprite-specific data? Like an existing sprite-table in RAM that doesn't get used by anything? Or just a chunk of free RAM?


Squash Monster
Posted on 06-29-07 08:53 AM, in Wikipedia writes the news before it happens, now? Link | Quote | ID: 50627

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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So either we have a really confident murderer who felt like playing with the internet or we have psychic Wikipedia posters.

It's the former, but I hope it's the later, that'd be useful.


Squash Monster
Posted on 06-29-07 01:50 PM, in Wikipedia writes the news before it happens, now? Link | Quote | ID: 50671

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Okay guys, close the thread. Alastor already won it.


Squash Monster
Posted on 06-30-07 02:00 AM, in People who buy wiis just to sell them are faggots. Period. Link | Quote | ID: 50824

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Nintendo's producing Wiis at a comparable rate to the other manufacturers. Buying one of the other consoles to spite them is just childish and stupid.

The people buying the Wiis to resale them aren't creating an artificial demand. They're doing it because the existing demand is great enough to let them. Welcome to capitalism. The people who are willing to spend the money and waste the time to do this are welcome to it. Now go get more money, waste as much time as the resellers, or wait. If you don't like it you can move to a communist country when you're older.


Squash Monster
Posted on 06-30-07 06:38 AM, in genious comics (rev. 2 of 06-30-07 06:39 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 50886

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Posted by Cirvante

It reminds me a bit of what xkcd used to be like, and a bit of A Softer World (but not as fucked up).

Win win win.


Squash Monster
Posted on 06-30-07 07:44 AM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread Link | Quote | ID: 50934

Buster Beetle
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October 32.

...where'd November 7th come from?


Squash Monster
Posted on 06-30-07 08:05 AM, in We should have an art contest. (rev. 2 of 06-30-07 09:38 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 50948

Buster Beetle
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I'll compete.

With vengeance and fury, too.


Squash Monster
Posted on 06-30-07 08:12 AM, in People who buy faggots just to sell them are wiis. Period. (rev. 2 of 06-30-07 08:12 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 50952

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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This thread is legendary.

I wish I wasn't out of master balls.


Squash Monster
Posted on 06-30-07 08:50 AM, in Cave. Link | Quote | ID: 50972

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Thairn rummaged through his pack and rolled a small glass bottle into the opening of the cave. A few seconds later the inside was as bright as day and anybody who happened to be looking directly where the bottle ended up was seeing spots.

He walked in and took a look around. He knew that somewhere in these caverns he'd find a number of very useful ingredients for his potions. Much more importantly, he knew that the dragon that had traditionally plagued the local village hadn't been seen in much longer than a dragon can go without eating, and that there was likely a very large horde of unclaimed treasure somewhere in there.

Of course, anything that could survive life in a cave populated by a dragon is probably almost as bad as one, and everyone knew this cave went on for miles. That's why he didn't raid it himself, and instead got whatever mercenaries who'd believe that the dragon was dead to come with him. He waved those that had shown up on time into the cave -- no doubt others would show up later, but he didn't particularly care.

The first room of the cavern was fairly large and fairly nondescript. There were stalactites and stalagmites in good quantity and the rest of the usual fixings of a cave. A huge number of bats coated the ceiling, looking vaguely pissed about the new light source. Thairn was relieved that none of them were big enough to be dire bats -- big nasty things that'd kill you about as soon as they managed to touch you. Near the back of the cave was a short shaft down. He kicked the lantern potion down it. It was about two meters deep, with what looked like a tunnel leading out of it.

A loud noise like a huge animal being attacked by a predator came from the tunnel. It was silenced a bit more quickly than might be considered comforting and followed by something screeching very loudly at a pitch that was barely audible.

Thairn turned to his companions. "Well, which one of yeh wants to go first? 'cause I sure as 'ell ain't."


Squash Monster
Posted on 06-30-07 10:35 AM, in Borat (SMB1 hack) Link | Quote | ID: 50987

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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This suggestion would be epically hard to pull off but it would make this hack made of win and awesome:

Hack in a dialog system and make enemies pop up quotes with the aforementioned horrible English as they pop on screen and/or get killed.


Squash Monster
Posted on 06-30-07 09:19 PM, in RPG system musings Link | Quote | ID: 51042

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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If you include reach advantages so polearms actually work, you'll be my new favorite person ever.


Squash Monster
Posted on 06-30-07 09:37 PM, in RPG system musings Link | Quote | ID: 51046

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Wait, aren't polearms supposed to be defensive weapons?

One possibility I can think of: keep the 1-panel and diagonal extensions and make them do half damage on the normal squares. Either make entering one of the outer squares provoke a free attack or make entering the inner squares have a chance of failure.

Though it seems like you're at least trying to make weapons unique, so keep that up.


Squash Monster
Posted on 06-30-07 09:49 PM, in RPG system musings Link | Quote | ID: 51053

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Eat an orange?

You probably have food poisoning, which will clear itself up in a few days. In the meantime, eat fruit and green vegetables, and if you're actually sick enough to be vomiting resort to saltine crackers and seven-up. Drink as much as you can stand.


Squash Monster
Posted on 06-30-07 09:52 PM, in You better finish that glass of milk Link | Quote | ID: 51055

Buster Beetle
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I was born in Wisconsin, so I drank lots and lots of milk as a kid. I was also really sickly as a kid and nobody really could figure out why.

About a year ago I finally figured out that I'm allergic to milk, and my parents never bothered to tell me.

So no. I will not finish that glass of milk.


Squash Monster
Posted on 06-30-07 09:53 PM, in RPG system musings Link | Quote | ID: 51056

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Tell the next person you see to go get all the things on that list, or you'll throw up on them. It's the best threat ever.


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-02-07 01:17 PM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread Link | Quote | ID: 51576

Buster Beetle
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I was excited until I saw "most are invincible".

Because, in my infinite optimism, I assumed that they'd be just like normal characters, except have only one attack and always be AI controlled.

Screw this, my version was better.


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-02-07 01:30 PM, in Emulators with screen filters - do you use them? Link | Quote | ID: 51579

Buster Beetle
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NES - Nothing, ever.
SNES - Almost always nothing. If I remember to (rare) I will occasionally turn on hq3x for games like the Megaman X series (which is the primary specific example of games that look better filtered)
VBA - Simple 2x or hq2x, depending on mood.


Squash Monster
Posted on 07-02-07 01:38 PM, in Fire Mushroom And Air Mushroom Link | Quote | ID: 51580

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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These instructions are a bit loose but it should be enough.

1 - Go get sprite tool
2 - Go read the tutorials included with sprite tool as well as you can
3 - Use tutorial sprite 2b
4 - Remove wherever that says to hurt mario and replace it with something that changes the powerup variable (SMWCentral has a RAM map)
5 - Go get block tool
6 - Make one of those generic sprite-holding item blocks (these existed at some point, I think they're in there)
7 - Make the generic sprite-holding item blocks pop your new sprites out
8 - Use these blocks to pop out your new shrooms

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