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Posted on 03-17-07 04:29 AM, in Awesome use of Google Link | Quote | ID: 16054

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Since: 03-15-07

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This looks interesting, and useful. Of course, not to me, since I don't really download mp3s or need to access stuff from my school's computers(We barely ever have a chance to use them anyway, excluding in comp sci, but those don't have internet for some reason ) But I'm definately looking forward to the software search. Good find!

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-18-07 04:11 AM, in Sonic 1 Megamix Link | Quote | ID: 16396

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When I first read this thread, it blew me away. I wasn't here for this hack's debut on the previous board(I tend to bounce from one community to the other, not very good at staying places. bleah)I expected a level hack, but this is just amazing, features from the later games incorporated into sonic 1 = great idea. The level design looks really good also, and from the way the sonic games play, it's probably a bit more difficult to make good levels for them than, say Mario. I have just one question; why Mighty? He just seems an odd choice for another character to me. Wonderful job though, this looks the be the "Mario Adventure" of the sonic games, and that's just from the videos.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-18-07 05:47 AM, in They see me rollin...they hatin'... Link | Quote | ID: 16434

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The Reeses puffs... That was 100% win. XD Funnyness ratings off the charts.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-18-07 05:55 AM, in Allergies! Yay! (rev. 5 of 03-20-07 11:39 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 16437

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Add a third person to the "no allergies" section, the kind being referenced here anyway. I may have a little, but I barely notice them. I do have a food allergy though, I can't eat shellfish, which is sad, since before I got reactions to it, I really liked shellfish. My brother, on the other hand, has horrible allergies, no medicine he's tried has worked yet, and he's been on atleast, maybe, 5 different ones.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-18-07 06:12 PM, in Mario (rev. 2 of 03-18-07 06:14 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 16537

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I figured I might as well join in.

Some Final Fantasy influence as well.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-18-07 07:34 PM, in A few new screens... of SMW2000! Link | Quote | ID: 16566

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Since: 03-15-07

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It looks like a very well done overworld, definately, I like the really, really, excessively tall mountain . I also noticed the brown switch, is that just there for decoration(pretty odd decoration though), or did you do something interesting with custom blocks?

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-22-07 03:43 AM, in School subjects (rev. 2 of 03-22-07 03:44 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 17913

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At the top of my list are Math, Comp Sci, and History, in that order. I'm interested in math, and I do pretty well, Comp Sci is enjoyable, as long as we actually get onto the computers. We have this really annoying teacher who always repeats crap over and over and over again, and when the one kid in the class who never gets it asks his question, instead of letting the rest of us get going, she keeps us all waiting for her to repeat the lesson yet another time. So annoying. [/rant] History I find slightly interesting, and I always seem to get good teachers in it, so I like it.

I'm usually fine with Science, I find it about as interesting as I find History, but this year, I have it first, so that means I'm half-asleep throughout the entire period. I'm still passing with an A though, which is much better than most of the class despite the fact that half of them are older than I am. I'm not sure if this means I'm very intelligent or they aren't.

As for my most hated classes, either Spanish or English. From day one, I regretted not switching to another language when I had the chance. Bleah. As far as English goes, I just hate writing, it's not like I'm bad at it, I just don't like to, and our teacher is kinda crazy. She has us read and take notes for a month, and then throws a month and a half of non-stop essays at us. I had 2 essays due the same day once, with only a weekend to do them. Our teacher is actually a pretty nice person, she's just not enjoyable to have as a teacher.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-24-07 03:52 AM, in SMW2+2 World 1 Demo! Link | Quote | ID: 18597

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Since: 03-15-07

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Ha, I agree Yoshi's story was kinda a letdown. I'l play this tomorrow and comment then, for now, I must sleep. It looks amazing from the screenshots though.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-26-07 12:56 AM, in Announcing new SMB3 hack + opinion required Link | Quote | ID: 19226

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Since: 03-15-07

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Wow, this hack looks great. The Exit from a level feature is nice, and I like the idea of the cheat feature. How will the player get codes though? Will they be prizes for beating the game/getting a certain # of stars/ etc. Or will they(and how to get into the cheat menu) need to be found elsewhere? And, by the way, since I didn't post here before, the NES remix of Dire Dire Docks is awesome.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-26-07 01:24 AM, in The ONO Thread Link | Quote | ID: 19234

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731. When I'm bored, there's work I need to do, but I can't get myself to start it.(like right now)

732. How I can never, ever, finish any game/hack I start.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-26-07 01:34 AM, in Electrosensitivity Link | Quote | ID: 19239

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I have something like what SNN says, sometimes, for seemingly no reason, I hear a high-pitched noise for maybe 1/2 - 1 1/2 minutes, and then it just goes away. It rarely happens(maybe 1-2 times a week), but when it does, I say "Oh here it comes again" Although hearing what other people have, I'm torn between being glad I don't have to deal with annoying noises, and wishing I had it. Being able to tell when it's going to rain and if a TV is on would be cool, but annoying noise... I don't know whether I'd rather have it or not.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-26-07 01:42 AM, in oh no! Link | Quote | ID: 19240

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Posted by Xkeeper
I never shut down... I nearly restarted once, but my unsaved Paint windows are good for something.

I shut down every night, before I go to sleep. It just seems unnecesary to use up all that electricity doing nothing. Unless I have some huge download going, I see no point in leaving a computer on 24/7. As for the program to prompt on shutdown, that'd be useful, sometimes I do wind up shutting down and I say "oh crap, I need to do something" which is important, since my computer makes loud noises when it starts up for some reason, and at night, when I'm the only one awake, that's not good.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-26-07 04:42 AM, in So how'd you get that avatar Link | Quote | ID: 19316

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I like Final Fantasy. My favorite Final Fantasy class is the Red Mage/Wizard. I think the FF3 RM looks the best, and FF3 is up there as one of my favorite Final Fantasy games. So it only makes sense to have the FF3 Red Mage as my avatar. (Obviously ripped from the game, though I got the sprite from a sprite site, I already knew where to find it, so why bother ripping it myself?)

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-26-07 05:03 AM, in Super Mario Universe II - The Adventure Continues Link | Quote | ID: 19343

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This hack looks great, though I'm not sure whether or not I should play it, having yet to play the first SMU. I think I might play that, then move onto this, so expect some comments a bit later, if this thread still lives.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-26-07 05:29 AM, in Super Mario Universe III - The West Key Islands (rev. 2 of 03-26-07 05:31 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 19347

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I shall also comment, in stereotypical numbered fashion, of course.

1: Looks like a SMB3 world 5 thing going on there, neat idea, but I must also agree that the fence looks weird, other than that, good map.
2: It looks pretty good, excluding the space between the ghost house and bowser's castle, it looks too empty, like there should be another level there, or some mountains around the rim of the path.
3: I like it, just add a little more detail around the edges of the path, and you're good to go.
4: Very cool idea, and the slope is great.
5: Can't say much on this one, I'd need to see what it looked like with the paths completed to give you a comment.
6: Bravo, well designed, it looks great, the thing you did with the trees along the path is what I meant to say to do in maps 2 and 3, it looks perfect.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-26-07 05:38 AM, in So how'd you get that avatar Link | Quote | ID: 19351

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Since: 03-15-07

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Posted by MaxKnight
Step 1) Acquire Nick Arcade Sonic 2 Prototype.
Step 2) Input Game Genie code to restore collision to Green Hill Zone.
Step 3) Progress to Chemical Plant Zone.
Step 4) Run around until you wind up upside down on the corner of a loop.
Step 5) Take Screenshot.
Step 6) Crop image to 100x100.
Step 7) Add in red letters: You're doing it wrong!

That is all.

Kinda went the long way there, if I were you, I'd have created that screen in the editor for Sonic, and then pasted in an upside-down sonic sprite and added the letters.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-26-07 06:01 AM, in What screen resolution do you use? (rev. 3 of 03-26-07 06:03 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 19370

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1024x768 now and forever. My eyesight is fine, and my monitor/Graphics card can go a bit higher, but why bother? 1024x768 is perfect for me, anything higher and stuff is just too small for my taste, though I can still read everything, things just don't look right to me.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-26-07 06:28 AM, in The ONO Thread (rev. 2 of 03-26-07 06:28 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 19376

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768. When I get distracted by something new for a week and can't remember what I was doing beforehand. I think some of my rediculously long absences from Acmlm's were caused by this annoyance.

769. When there's absolutely nothing to talk about, but a friend of yours is right next to you. So awkward.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-27-07 12:59 AM, in So how'd you get that avatar (rev. 2 of 03-27-07 12:59 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 19665

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It seems this thread has greatly accelerated the spread of the fish.

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 03-27-07 02:18 AM, in The ONO Thread Link | Quote | ID: 19785

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Since: 03-15-07

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Posted by fabio
808. People who only care about graphics in video games rather than gameplay.

I agree, this drives me nuts.

821. My being unable to find a Wii, despite the fact that the friends of mine who wanted one all have. Why me?

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.
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