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Posted on 03-14-07 03:28 AM, in Why Mario saves the princess... Link | Quote | ID: 14909

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I don't think that's Krahulik's work, but whoever did it did a brilliant job.

Posted on 03-16-07 05:18 AM, in In < 30 minutes I will be 17 Link | Quote | ID: 15649

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Life is different after high school. Instead of looking forward to another state-required year of acedemic torture, you actually have to make decisions about what you'll spend your time doing. The world doesn't quite look the same post-secondary.

Posted on 03-16-07 05:43 AM, in Programming Poll #5: { } Link | Quote | ID: 15657

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{ and }, in the world of programming documentation, are quite commonly referred to as "Curly Braces," while I just personally call them "Braces." The < and >, FYIngly enough, are "comparison brackets."

When using languages with braces, I do the good ol':

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc == 1) {
printf("\nHey, man. Give an argument, man.\n");
return 1;
} else if (argc > 2) {
printf("\nHoly cow, not that many!\n");
return 2;

printf("\nYour argument is %s!\n", argv[1]);
return 0;

I don't see a real need to put the brace on the next line. I mean, if you have more than one statement, you need a brace, and I always indent under such circumstances. To me, the first line in the block introduces the indentation, and the closing brace signals its end.

If there is only one statement within the block, I will rarely, if ever (never happened yet) include the braces. Depending on the length of the line, however, I have been known to newline and intent as if there were braces. Example:

if (ThingImTestingFor == 2)
Jeez(ThisIs, AVery, Freaking, LongLine, Sorta, NotReally);

Posted on 03-17-07 12:30 AM, in In < 30 minutes I will be 17 Link | Quote | ID: 15933

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Posted by SamuraiX
Just wondering, it's usually called tertiary, isn't it?
Following the list of ordinates, yes. However, education after high school is usually referred to as "post-secondary education." Since college, internships, specialized acedemics and the like all fit into the category--and neither one is necessarily a prerequisite of the others--the word "Tertiary" isn't so much applicable because you can't say which one will come next after high school.

Anyhow, all I meant by my comment is that life, for myself and I'll say most others, looks different after high school. When you have different things to look forward to than another year of school, you start making observations about how the world works and what role you want yourself to have in it.

I don't know about anybody else, but it was the few months after I graduated high school when I started to really be bothered by people's general motive for doing what they do. Politics, career titles, money... all fairly disgusting from my point of view. Nothing I ever cared to think about when there was homework to do.

Posted on 03-18-07 06:08 PM, in They see me rollin...they hatin'... Link | Quote | ID: 16536

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I was born in California (which, to those geographically inept, is in the United States), and I find it quite not funny much at all. There are no puns. No plays on words. Just a scary man crawling through a telephone.

Disturbing. Yes. Certainly, you guys are mistaking the word "funny" to mean "disturbing." That must be what's going on.

Posted on 03-20-07 10:13 PM, in Know Your Keys. Link | Quote | ID: 17367

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ASCII is just characters 0 through 127. There is no such thing as "ASCII 145" and the like. (-:

Posted on 03-21-07 12:56 AM, in Know Your Keys. (rev. 2 of 03-21-07 12:56 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 17475

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Microsoft uses Code Page 1252.

Posted on 03-21-07 01:08 AM, in Know Your Keys. Link | Quote | ID: 17479

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Windows does, fortunately, support Unicode.

Posted on 03-21-07 01:39 PM, in Kernal and Katelyn's Rules of Baby Naming - 2nd Edition (rev. 2 of 03-21-07 01:40 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 17672

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So much for my dreams of Goku Radiator McAllahlav.

Posted on 03-22-07 01:18 AM, in Kernal and Katelyn's Rules of Baby Naming - 2nd Edition Link | Quote | ID: 17859

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Or keep it open. That would be torture beyond the tidings wrought by the evil ones.

Posted on 04-04-07 08:47 PM, in F-Zero LS [SS] Link | Quote | ID: 23267

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Hooray! I'm useful!

This is like, the very first time anyone has ever said anything about this editor. Acmlm's community here didn't give much of a crap when the world's first N64 level editor was released.

Posted on 04-07-07 01:01 AM, in Seeing through solid objects in OpenGL Link | Quote | ID: 24161

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It's important to rememebr that blending is NOT the same as transparency; it's a technique used to simulate transparency. A solid pixel takes the COLOR of its source and destination pixels in the buffer, and depth testing would make any pixel drawn behind it, well... not drawn to the buffer. I hope that makes sense.

But like Cellar Dweller mentioned, draw everything back-to-front when alpha blending in order to adequately display objects that need to appear transparent.

Posted on 04-07-07 01:03 AM, in Visual Basic 6 Professional Link | Quote | ID: 24162

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For what it's worth, Visual Studio 6 is still under copyright, so requesting it here is asking for piracy. Both illegal, and against forum policy.

Posted on 04-08-07 02:48 AM, in staying anonymous online with tor/privoxy/vidalia Link | Quote | ID: 24492

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Funny thing about the law is that what you DO is only part of it. The other part is WHY, and juries commonly convict suspects based on whether they felt their motive was enough to make them guilty. If you done wrong, it's illegal.

Posted on 04-09-07 01:16 AM, in I need help with picture boxes in VB6 Link | Quote | ID: 24929

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PictureBox controls have a PaintPicture method that can be used with LoadPicture(). You can avoid the use of GDI that way.

Posted on 04-09-07 04:32 PM, in I need help with picture boxes in VB6 Link | Quote | ID: 25148

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PaintPicture takes a "Picture" as an argument, not a filename. LoadPicture(), however, takes a filename and returns a "Picture" from it. So your code is close, but just needs some revision:

lvl.PaintPicture(LoadPicture(App.Path & "\sprites\" & sphexnum & ".bmp"), xpos, ypos, width, height)

Posted on 04-11-07 04:52 AM, in Professor who criticized Bush added to terrorist watch list Link | Quote | ID: 25704

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Posted by Ailure
It's funny how a country bragging about 'freedom' also manages to break UN's human rights.
I'm reminded of my grandparents' friends, who live in the UK. They told a story of a man who, while defending his own home from an intruder, accidentally injured the would-be robber. So, due to his violent act, he was imprisoned. He had high marks for good behavior, but they would not release him because he was "an endangerment to criminals."

If I had the man's name, I'd let you know. This I did not make up.

Posted on 04-12-07 02:08 AM, in Seeing through solid objects in OpenGL Link | Quote | ID: 25907

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I think Rainbow Road's star rail is actually drawn to the buffer with depth testing disabled... or maybe the track portion is... or maybe the depth buffer is cleared between the two... There's any number of explinations, but it's depth-test related instead of blend related.

Ah, the intricacies of 3D graphical development. It's one of the only forms of programming that's like an art. Some people become very proficient with graphical tricks, while others still think that the objects are solid...

Posted on 04-13-07 02:08 AM, in Adventure of lolo ReMiX Link | Quote | ID: 26148

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What's with all the watermarking? Afraid someone will steal your image of stolen and butchered copyright-protected material?

Posted on 04-30-07 05:27 AM, in The Perfect Drug: Rexatim Link | Quote | ID: 31452

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I figured that somebody gets paid big money to come up with promotional names and logos for drugs that come out on the market. I'm also aware that even though common side-effects include loss of vision, kidney detonation, reverse bowel function and death, they still try to sell you on all the good points. Try to make it worth it.

I thought I'd try my hand on it. Behold: Rexatim!

Yeah, so the logo can use a little work. But it gets the point across!

Rexatim is a new, state-of-the-art nasal spray designed to effectively and quickly clear up clogged sinuses and respiration pathways. Using all-natural ingredients, this intuitive medication is completely harmless and can be used whenever you like with no harmful side-effects and no chance for addiction. So next time you need to breathe, reach for Rexatim!

...Of course, you'll only understand the humor once you know what "allicin capsaicinate" is, so I'll leave that one up in the air. Enjoy!
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