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Squash Monster
Posted on 02-23-07 05:21 AM, in Not-so-famous, underrated games... Link | Quote | ID: 5360

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
From: New York

Last post: 5851 days
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I'd say E.V.O. for the SNES or Guardian Legend for the NES, but those have both been mentioned so they're obviously not that underrated.


Conquest of the Crystal Palace for the NES.
Go play it now.


Squash Monster
Posted on 02-25-07 02:46 AM, in Enquire to me about whatever you wish. Link | Quote | ID: 6927

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Last post: 5851 days
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Given two arbitrary solid objects, their linear and angular velocities, their masses and moments of inertia, and their point of impact in a collision, how do you determine the resultant velocities?


Squash Monster
Posted on 02-25-07 02:58 AM, in Where you live, and what's good and bad about it. Link | Quote | ID: 6945

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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I live on-campus at Rensselaer Polytechnic.

- College is nifty in general
- Almost everybody is still awake up until at least three in the morning
- The food is so terrible that you can't gain a freshman 15
- Lots of extremely good martial arts clubs
- Interesting courses
- Gino's Pizza
- Fortune Star
- Beautiful view of the city at night

- Troy, the town around campus, is incredibly sketchy
- Miserable view of the city during the day
- There are 3 guys per 1 girl
- There are nowhere near enough artistic people
- I have to climb down 9 feet of random chairs and desks with no ladder to get out of bed in the morning
- The food is so terrible that you can't gain a freshman 15
- Every food establishment other than Gino's and Fortune Star
- The entire campus is on a 60 degree slope, and thus made of stairs


Squash Monster
Posted on 02-25-07 11:51 AM, in Your current projects Link | Quote | ID: 7327

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
From: New York

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Untitled Game - Basically, a 2D sidescrolling physics-based platformer/puzzle game. It will be badass.

siderts - Another basically untitled game. An attempt to make a real time strategy game that is side-view (jumping units, cave complexes, and floating islands make this possible). The pathfinding is a bitch, but once that's working it'll be amazing. On ice until the above game is completed.

Ultimate Showdown Game - A game based on the popular flash animation. Basically, this will be more cooler than you can imagine. Unfortunately, it's on ice until this summer.

Scorpion Kick / Butterfly Kick- One of my new year's resolutions basically amounts to a year-long project. By the end of the year, I will be able to do a scorpion kick (swing your upper body down and swing one leg up so your foot ends up where your head was) and a butterfly kick (roundhouse followed by spinning hook-kick midair).


Squash Monster
Posted on 03-02-07 08:19 AM, in Programming Poll #2: Pronunciation of "char" Link | Quote | ID: 9388

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
From: New York

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I always used to pronounce it "char" like with burning things.
I've been moving towards pronouncing it "care" because that's the most proper pronunciation.
Of course, since I'm still switching, I sometimes pronounce it "chair" because the ch is just so hard to get rid of.


Squash Monster
Posted on 03-02-07 08:26 AM, in Programming Poll #1: Indent Style Link | Quote | ID: 9389

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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The first thing I use is whatever the existing code I'm working with is using.

If it's my own stuff, and I'm using a halfway decent editor, I use whatever the tab size is.
If I'm not using a halfway decent editor, I use two spaces.

If I can actually be bothered to change the tab size of my editor, my preference depends on the language. Generally, 4 spaces is always cool with me. I prefer 2 spaces slightly above that for most languages, but when I'm doing assembly code I prefer 8 spaces.

I always do the separate line for the curly braces, even if that clashes with existing code. I will change people's existing code to do that if they try to make me debug code with the trailing brace. I cannot read trailing brace code.


Squash Monster
Posted on 03-02-07 08:41 AM, in Programming Poll #3: First programming language Link | Quote | ID: 9391

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
From: New York

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My first programming language was TI-BASIC on the 83 back in 6th grade (so... 1999 I guess). I did some stuff with various other versions of BASIC up until high school where I started using iC on the side. Junior year in high school I switched to Java and never looked back*. I learned javascript** while goofing off at work the next year. And in college I've learned C++, C, and IA32 assembly.

*This is a lie. I stopped using every version of basic other than the TI-83 one, but last I checked you can't code in Java on your calculator during class.
**For real. Most people who say they know javascript know how to make things animate on mouse-over and other stupid little extensions of HTML. I program fully functional games in the bloody language.


Squash Monster
Posted on 03-02-07 09:07 AM, in What are your oppinions on various langauges? Link | Quote | ID: 9399

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
From: New York

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I started typing all of this up as part of my response to the first language thread, and realized it might be a better idea to have a dedicated thread. I'm sure a lot of us have used a lot of languages, what do you all think of them?

My opinions:
TI-BASIC - a very solid version of BASIC overall. Some might knock it, but if you know what you're doing and you have the 83+ SE (the 83+ standard is too damn slow) you can make some very nice things with it. And you can't get away with using a better language during your calculus class.
iC - buggy shit, but if you're determined you can make some neat stuff with it. I made a very nifty port of my game Treasure for the XBC using iC, so I can't knock the language too much. There are major problems with the language though, especially the compiler not catching errors that should be caught compile-time.
Liberty Basic - it's every cheap Windows version of BASIC that has ever been devised. You can do better.
Visual Basic 6 - is junk. Note that it's not shit, it's just junk. Like the stuff you find at a junk-yard, you can find uses for it, and sometimes it's the best place to go to get what you need. If you already know the language or know BASIC enough to wing it, and you need to write a quick simple application, it is easily the language of choice.
VB.net - is not junk, because it is shit.
Game Maker - worse than BASIC. Lack of proper support for functions is a terrible thing, and you should not put up with it. The features the language comes packaged with are not worth it.
Java - easily the best programming language I have ever used. My list of complaints goes something like this: 1) static imports do not work unless you put things in packages. 2) swing sucks. Swing sucks hard. (That's the entire list)
C++ - ugly Java that's harder to debug. No, it's not faster unless you're compiling with a chip-specific compiler, and I doubt you are. No, the extra control of pointers is not useful. Either Java or C will kick its ass at just about any task.
C - a very solid language. If you can make due with using structs instead of objects, you should probably consider using it. Java is still far more elegant and expressive, but for smaller projects C is probably a better choice. If there's any change you'll have more than a few errors on your first run you probably should just switch to Java before you even get started, though.
IA32 assembly is awesome. If you're good, want speed, and don't care at all about cross-platform compatibility, then just bite the bullet and give it a shot. The fact that you can include assembly source files into C code but C++ usually gets itself confused is why C is ranked so much higher than C++. Also, my biggest complaint is the fact that movl (%eax), (%ebx) is not a valid command - it bugs the hell out of me, and I want an assembler that breaks it into two commands instead of hassling me to do it myself.
JavaScript - a ridiculously expressive language. Seriously. The things you can do with JavaScript objects are hideous, terrifying, and pretty much limitless. It's a very good thing JavaScript is confined to your browser, because if you could do actual heavy-lifting with this language things would get utterly insane. That said, don't even bother unless you already are a good programmer and know HTML and CSS, because it's pretty pointless if you're missing any of those three skills.


Squash Monster
Posted on 03-03-07 09:29 AM, in What are your oppinions on various langauges? Link | Quote | ID: 9858

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
From: New York

Last post: 5851 days
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Posted by MathOnNapkins
No, the extra control of pointers is not useful

......... I'm just can't believe you would say this. Not useful? *foams at mouth and dies*

In any case, I'd say I have just as many errors when writing java programs as with C or C++ programs.

movl (%eax), (%ebx) not working? Can't you write a macro?
Yeah, I can. I'm gonna get around to it at some point, but I did mean for it to be a silly complaint. I actually like assembly quite a bit.

The extra control of pointers bit is partially exaggeration, but I really do find it mostly useless in C++. If you're making object-oriented type stuffs you're going to end up using pointers the same way as Java defaults you to, and if you're not making object-oriented stuff you really aught to be using C. As I said, I really think it's better to just use Java or plain old C instead.

Posted by Kernal
Why is the TI calculator language called Basic? As far as I know it isn't any relation to the various Basic languages by Microsoft and has many significant syntactical differences (such as assignment statements being 5 -> X instead of X = 5).
It's a procedural programming language with no curly braces and statements like Then and End, what more do you need?

Posted by HydraPheetz
Brainfuck - [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>><+<<].
An infinite loop that just keeps adding one to the same spot? You can do so much better!
(I hope I got that right, it's not like I'm gonna go find a BF interpreter just to check)


Squash Monster
Posted on 03-03-07 09:53 AM, in Your Face Link | Quote | ID: 9864

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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And jay, you're the first person I've seen in months that I think could take me in a fight just judging by faces.


Squash Monster
Posted on 03-03-07 09:55 AM, in Webhosts Link | Quote | ID: 9865

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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I've been abusing the same free Tripod account for five years now. It's nuts.

No support for what you're looking for though there.

I really aught to get around to having a real host though. I'm gonna need to put my portfolio online and things sometime soon.


Squash Monster
Posted on 03-03-07 09:59 AM, in AP Testing Thread Link | Quote | ID: 9869

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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I'm in college now, so I'm not taking any more, but here are the ones I took:

Sophomore year:
- Modern European History (3)

Junior year:
- English Language and Composition (3)
- US History (3)
- Comparative Governments (4)
- Computer Science A (5)

Senior year:
- Physics C: Mechanics (5)
- Physics C: EM&K (4)
- Computer Science AB (5)
- Calculus BC (5)
- English Literature (3)

They cost a lot, but skipping an entire semester of college more than makes up for it. Best of luck!


Squash Monster
Posted on 03-03-07 10:03 AM, in Facebook. Link | Quote | ID: 9872

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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So I was switching between acmlm's and facebook and it occurred to me that with a lot of us in college, it'd be cool to add board people to facebook. Anybody up for an acmlm's board facebook group?


Squash Monster
Posted on 03-03-07 10:19 AM, in Your Face Link | Quote | ID: 9880

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Nah, if it was a faces only fight I could totally take him. My skull is super-thick, and I have preposterously strong neck muscles from holding up all that hair. Plus I'm used to getting kicked in the head so it's not like he could do damage to me in the first place.

My face is bloody hardcore man.


Squash Monster
Posted on 03-03-07 10:22 AM, in AP Testing Thread Link | Quote | ID: 9882

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Yeah, you definately learn more at the college versions of the classes, but the trick is that you learn more in higher-level college courses than you do in the earlier ones. Skipping entire semesters of college means you get to start with the good stuff.

(Mind you, I'm in my second semester and half my courses at senior-level difficulty, and it's really starting to occur to me that I may be pushing it a bit hard)


Squash Monster
Posted on 03-03-07 10:25 AM, in Things that make you think "WHY???" Link | Quote | ID: 9885

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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A lot of the really weird extra chips were included purely to make the carts a bitch to pirate.

Let's just hope that's what they had in mind.


Squash Monster
Posted on 03-03-07 10:51 AM, in Facebook. Link | Quote | ID: 9896

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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Whoah, that was almost as fast as speedycat.


Squash Monster
Posted on 03-03-07 11:03 AM, in This post is odd. Link | Quote | ID: 9900

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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And this topic is old. But I think you might not all know it now, on account of it being so old. Your brain cannot fit all things from past points in history, so bits fall out of it: similar to a box that has bits missing.

So, I ask a basic quandary of you all. What is wrong with this post, and why must I talk so funny?

Anybody who posts in this chain of posts must do what I did! If anybody who fails at this trial, all must laugh at that buffoon!


Squash Monster
Posted on 03-04-07 06:41 PM, in Typos that you make a lot. Link | Quote | ID: 10419

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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I double consonants when they shouldn't be doubled all the time. It's a real pain in the ass. What I mean is that in a word like "commotion" there's no real guarantee that I won't try to spell it "comottion" and look like a fool (then Jesper will make fun of me).

The other ones I have trouble with are words like "preposterous" and "surprising". The rs in those words just don't want to be where they claim to want to be. Stupid language.


Squash Monster
Posted on 03-04-07 06:45 PM, in Wrong number! Link | Quote | ID: 10420

Buster Beetle
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Since: 02-22-07
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We used to get a ton of calls thinking we were "Rudolf's" which apparently was the name of a local bar/tavern. I'm pretty sure most of the people who made such calls were drunks.

Go figure.

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