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07-01-24 08:22 AM
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - - Posts by zhaDe
User Post


Since: 04-13-06

Last post: 6523 days
Last view: 6523 days
Posted on 04-13-06 09:30 AM, in Megaman X level data Link
I have started making a mmx3 editor since the gfx compression algorithm has been found, tho I still have a problem.. I cant find the palettes so I can only display hardly recognizable gfx.

I have made a small app in vb which can edit enemies and objects in intro level. Its tough to use tho cuz you need to know how the objects are stored in the rom.

anyway if someone can find the pallettes I think I could make an editor to edit tiles and later enemies and objects

btw sorry for bringing back an old thread


Since: 04-13-06

Last post: 6523 days
Last view: 6523 days
Posted on 04-15-06 02:42 AM, in Megaman X level data Link
elixirnova's editor source code should be helpful. Jigglysaint whats that you call "level order" ?


Since: 04-13-06

Last post: 6523 days
Last view: 6523 days
Posted on 04-16-06 02:39 PM, in Megaman X level data Link
..^ thats a zero

I found the scrolling data for the first room too, its in the same place as the enemies and objects, tho I never found how to make it scroll in another way.. I was just able to disable it so u were stuck in the 1st room or make it so u could come back in the first room after going in the 2nd.. anyway nothing really usefull. Could you give me the address where the level order data maybe I could find how it works.

(edited by 1248 on 04-16-06 01:40 PM)


Since: 04-13-06

Last post: 6523 days
Last view: 6523 days
Posted on 04-20-06 01:53 PM, in Megaman X level data Link
I think your right about what I thought was the scrolling for the intro level its only sprite data... As for the room order the format seems pretty weird, only changing 1 byte screw up the whole level. A strange thing also.. dont know why but changing a certain byte to 00 (think it was $1AFD6A) makes it so u cant shoot nor slide in the crush crawfish level and the only way to jump is to press L + R.


Since: 04-13-06

Last post: 6523 days
Last view: 6523 days
Posted on 04-24-06 02:24 PM, in Megaman X level data Link
My editor is not really more helpful than a hex editor it only displays the bytes of one object per line.

if you are looking into changing enemies, the object type for enemies is 03 (not all 03 type objects are enemies tho..) for example the first enemy in the game is :

1E50B0 : 03 B0 04 08 01 98 8B 60

the 4th byte is the kind of enemy, 08 is for that round purple enemy with a canon on the head

the 5th byte is a tag depending on the kind of enemy, for example if 4th byte is 08 and 5th byte is 01 the purple enemy can jump around instead of only standing still

you can try to change the 4th byte to get different enemies but be sure the enemy is normally in the same level or else the graphic will be corrupted because the game only loads the graphics and pallettes of the needed ennemies for a level.

I only know another enemy, 0B, its the second enemy encontered in the game that green thing which crawls on walls and shoots plasma or something like that.

I have made a new version of my object editor ( the old one had tons of bugs.. ), I also added a level map display which shows the room arrangement but it is still incomplete.

~ et en passant ! c'est qui le 3e ?

(edited by zhaDe on 04-24-06 01:24 PM)
(edited by zhaDe on 04-24-06 01:29 PM)
(edited by zhaDe on 04-24-06 01:32 PM)


Since: 04-13-06

Last post: 6523 days
Last view: 6523 days
Posted on 04-24-06 02:41 PM, in Megaman X level data Link
Moi jai presque jamais rien hacké dautre que mmx3. jaime juste trop ste jeu la.. jlai passé tellement de fois, ca srais trop lfun pouvoir jouer dans des nouveaux levels !


Since: 04-13-06

Last post: 6523 days
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Posted on 04-24-06 06:34 PM, in Megaman X level data Link
lol, always tought this boss looked quite tasty.


Since: 04-13-06

Last post: 6523 days
Last view: 6523 days
Posted on 08-22-06 01:29 AM, in Megaman X Tile Editing..anyone interested in helping? Link
the algorithm to decompress the graphics of X3 : http://www.romhacking.net/docs/MMX3decompression.txt
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - - Posts by zhaDe


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