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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Femine's Corner - Sexual orientation. What a load of bull. New poll | |
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Since: 04-19-06
From: Louisville, KY

Last post: 6643 days
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Posted on 04-21-06 06:54 AM Link | Quote
It's as if the last two posters are ignoring what the topic creator said.

But then, it is possible that what I feel isn't attraction but something very similar.

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

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Posted on 04-21-06 01:50 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Soete
It's as if the last two posters are ignoring what the topic creator said.

But then, it is possible that what I feel isn't attraction but something very similar.
You're right, I am ignoring what the topic creator typed. Why? Because it's stupid. Either you like guys, you like girls, or you like both.

It's black and white. No grey.

So you say you have no preference, that you can be attracted to anyone if their personality is right? Ok, that means you're bisexual. Because you don't care what gender they are, you'd be open to either. Once again, that means bisexual.

You're either male, female, or a hermaphrodite. No getting around that one (please, humor me with an argument).


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

Last post: 6349 days
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Posted on 04-21-06 02:22 PM Link | Quote
Vyper, I'm not going to lie. I've read about this quite extensively. However, the people I've read contradict the points of pretty much everyone in this thread.

I suppose that you and your Wisdom have yet to have heard of non-sexed children (a rarity to be sure, but it occurs) or eunichs. There are also accounts of things that occur during puberty that mean the tackle stays there, but becomes useless. As for your supposition that there is no grey. I'd suppose that is one of the more ignorant things said in this thread.

mattp: it's HOMOEROTICISM! Only a miniscule point of the population will never feel an incident of homoeroticism. As such it would be confusing and possibly internally alienating for many people who don't know how to better understand themselves. Or are virulent homophobes, but either way.

But then again, people here are actually missing the thrust of the hypothetical situation that the author of this thread put forward. An asexual attraction, which means not being attracted based on gender or sexuality. Believe it or not kids, but some of us have mastered the skill of using the bigger head to think.

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

Last post: 6367 days
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Posted on 04-21-06 02:36 PM Link | Quote
Actually, I do know of non-sexed children and eunichs. Wasn't there some kind of experiment called Child X where the parents treated the child completely neutral, not leaning towards either gender?

Anyway, I understand what the topic creator is trying to say, I just think it's stupid. If you don't care about gender, it means you'd go for either. I get that the guy doesn't give a shit whether it's a guy, a girl, or whatever, but because of that, isn't he then bisexual?

Maybe we should create a new sexual orientation that isn't based on gender. Problem is, what to call it?

EDIT: As they say, ignorance is bliss

(edited by Vyper on 04-21-06 01:37 PM)


Since: 11-19-05
From: Emerson, New Jersey

Last post: 6362 days
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Posted on 04-21-06 02:59 PM Link | Quote
Without getting too deeply involved in this thread, I will support Vyper and say that, speaking logically, there are only three "options." Granted that an individual is not entirely asexual - that would be a fourth option, I suppose - he or she can be either heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. If the person is attracted to members of the same sex, the person is homosexual. If the person is attracted to members of the opposite sex, the person is heterosexual. If the person is attracted to members of either sex, or if the sex of the person to whom he or she is attracted is irrelevant, the person is bisexual. I'm all for fuzzy logic, but this is a purely 2+2=4 matter. Where is there room for any sort of gray area?

And, for the record, it's eunuch.


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

Last post: 6349 days
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Posted on 04-21-06 03:46 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Vyper
Maybe we should create a new sexual orientation that isn't based on gender. Problem is, what to call it?


Silvershield, you really don't know what you're talking about. The thread constituted the concept of a platonic, non-sexual relationship. Hence asexuality. That means that it transcends the boundaries of homo/hetero/bi sexuality. Based on your fuzzy logic you're saying that under kutske's definitions (which you obviously not read nor understood) then you having male friends makes you a flaming homo. Way to go.

Red Koopa

Since: 04-06-06
From: Canada

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Posted on 04-21-06 04:02 PM Link | Quote
Isn't asexuality supposed to be the lack of both sexual and romantic attraction to both sexes? I'm pretty sure it's that (according to wikipedia, wich is known to be faulty sometimes).

Without agreeing with Kutske, I can see what he is trying to say. Since this is not about sex or romance he's talking more of a human social behavior(does that term even exist? Probably not) than a human sexual behavior(or whatever the real term is). I don't know what it could be called though, or even if it has to have a name.

But then I may be completely off. Oh well, I gave my small thought.


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

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Posted on 04-21-06 06:04 PM Link | Quote
Due to the contentious nature of this thread gender terms are going to have to be bent in order to fit the parameters of defining what is being discussed. I am fully aware of the implicit definition of asexuality.

I suppose that this is mostly just an associative thing.

Red Paratroopa


Since: 03-04-06

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Posted on 04-21-06 11:50 PM Link | Quote
To have love for a person that is not sexual is not romantic love as we think of it, because sexuality is a part of 'romantic' love and is the consummation of it. It's just deep friendship, or a friendly love.

And.. I would have to argue that there IS a grey. Black and white, homosexuality and heterosexuality, and all the shades of grey inbetween.


Since: 11-19-05
From: Emerson, New Jersey

Last post: 6362 days
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Posted on 04-22-06 01:57 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Plus Sign Abomination
Silvershield, you really don't know what you're talking about. The thread constituted the concept of a platonic, non-sexual relationship. Hence asexuality. That means that it transcends the boundaries of homo/hetero/bi sexuality. Based on your fuzzy logic you're saying that under kutske's definitions (which you obviously not read nor understood) then you having male friends makes you a flaming homo. Way to go.
Alright, now that you've thoroughly asserted your dominance, I'll do what I can to respond to you without resorting to the insulting manner that you always take with me.

Although I read and understood the original poster's intent, I still disagree with him. A major point he made was that his eventual sexual partner will be whomever he becomes romantically attached to, and that prior condition will not be a function of the person's sex but of the person's mental or emotional characteristics; therefore, that eventual sexual partner could conceivably be of "any" sex. Well, disregarding the rest of his post for the moment, he is effectively stating that he is open to a sexual relationship from a person who is either male or female. Which, by definition, makes him bisexual. Why is that so open to interpretation?

I'm not judging him, nor am I judging anyone who shares his point of view, nor am I saying that he's making up useless rhetoric, I'm simply pointing out that there really is no way for a person to fall outside one of three classifications (homo-, hetero-, or bisexual). That's not my political conservativeness speaking, all in an effort to oppress the gays; it's my rationality speaking, in an effort to illustrate how, with two "main" genders (not accounting for various infrequent combinations of both, or the lack of either [even more infrequently]), a person can only be attracted to one, the other, or both. That person may be far more attracted to one gender than the other, or vice versa, or may be only attracted to one or only attracted to the other, or any other permutation of the limited possibilities. But, in the end, it will be some form of (a) male attraction, (b) female attraction, or (c) attraction to both. But, I'm politically conservative, so I hate homosexuals and my opinion is invalid.

Explain to me how I ever even approached the statement that having male friends makes a person, as you so eloquently wrote, a "flaming homo."

Originally posted by mattp
I would have to argue that there IS a grey. Black and white, homosexuality and heterosexuality, and all the shades of grey inbetween.

There is a gray area insomuch as a man can be more attracted to males than some other man is - one person's attraction to a particular sex is stronger than that attraction for another person - but both men would still be homosexual. Maybe one is "more" homosexual than the other, or has stronger urges in any particular direction, but the gray area still amounts for nothing more than varying degrees of hetero-, homo-, or bisexuality. Varying degrees within each category.

Red Paratroopa


Since: 03-04-06

Last post: 6614 days
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Posted on 04-22-06 07:22 PM Link | Quote
I consider bisexuality a 'grey' between hetero- and homosexuality.

Silvershield is right. You can't get around it.

Besides... "the concept of a platonic, non-sexual relationship" is a friend.

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

Last post: 6367 days
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Posted on 04-24-06 05:13 PM Link | Quote
What if you're attracted to herms, too? Trisexual?

(edited by Vyper on 04-24-06 04:13 PM)


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

Last post: 6349 days
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Posted on 04-24-06 05:15 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Vyper
What if you're attracted to herms, too? Trisexual?

I think that you'd fall under bi-sexual and then have that particular attraction considered a fetish


Since: 12-03-05
From: purgatory

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Posted on 04-24-06 09:34 PM Link | Quote
Oh my, i agree with Silvershield on something... I must be wrong
If you are not mentally ill, then you are either heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or (extremely rare) asexual. Yes, there are degrees of bisexuality, but at the end of the day its still being bisexual. Now if we include mentally ill people in this thing there there would be hundreds of sexualitys based around odd fetishes for different inanimate objects, animals, etc.


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

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Posted on 04-24-06 09:43 PM Link | Quote
What about auto-sexuality and other forms of sexuality?

Go and talk to sex researchers (I have) and you'll see that our knowledge of the topic is woefully inadequate due to its depth and highly personal nature. Most of the posts decrying positions in this thread are highly subjective and simply stand to defend people's own lack of comfort/perception of their own (and other's) sexuality.


Since: 12-03-05
From: purgatory

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Posted on 04-24-06 10:22 PM Link | Quote
Maybe i'm being too much of a computer scientist here, but it seems to me you have 2 Bool variables, one for if you could find yourself attracted to the same sex, one for the opposite sex. With 2 true/false values there are 4 possible outcomes. Of course it is possible for people to change their stance over time, but at any given moment all people would fit into one of the 4 catagories. I dont see how its possible not to fit into one of the 4 catagories. Someone give me an example of someone who does'nt. Its like asking someone what their sex is, either male, female, hermaphodite or eunoch, and then getting the reply "mammite-verion-tublu". The machine does not compute!

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

Last post: 6367 days
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Posted on 04-25-06 12:01 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Jomb
Maybe i'm being too much of a computer scientist here, but it seems to me you have 2 Bool variables, one for if you could find yourself attracted to the same sex, one for the opposite sex. With 2 true/false values there are 4 possible outcomes. Of course it is possible for people to change their stance over time, but at any given moment all people would fit into one of the 4 catagories. I dont see how its possible not to fit into one of the 4 catagories. Someone give me an example of someone who does'nt. Its like asking someone what their sex is, either male, female, hermaphodite or eunoch, and then getting the reply "mammite-verion-tublu". The machine does not compute!
My argument exactly.


Since: 11-19-05
From: Emerson, New Jersey

Last post: 6362 days
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Posted on 04-25-06 01:03 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Vyper
My argument exactly.

But, since I have a conservative political leaning, expressing that identical point of view makes me a gay-hating bigot.


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

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Posted on 04-25-06 01:07 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Silvershield
Originally posted by Vyper
My argument exactly.

But, since I have a conservative political leaning, expressing that identical point of view makes me a gay-hating bigot.

Grow up.

Armos Knight

Since: 02-18-06
From: Stanford, CA

Last post: 6623 days
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Posted on 04-25-06 01:28 AM Link | Quote
In all fairness, that IS basically what anyone who expresses anything to the right of the far left in terms of political sentiment (for those who couldn't follow, that is the moderates and the conservatives) is automatically flagged as if they say anything regarding race or sexuality.
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