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[12:55] (Dr_Death16); I swear, the word drama needs to be stricken from the dictionary, for I've heard it so many times, it will permanently be imprinted on my brain

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kingston, Rhode Island

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 04-09-06 08:50 PM Link | Quote
The sick part is that this was supposed to be a joke thread, lasting for about a week.... So much for Random Antics.

Since: 11-18-05
From: South Florida

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Posted on 04-09-06 09:51 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Uncle Elmo
*nods and agrees with Anya*

I think you've definately earned the right to go it alone, as I said before the posters of Acmlms have voted with their questions.

Yep. I guess our time has come and gone, huh?
Uncle Elmo

Loved up and ready to go :)


Since: 11-24-05

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Posted on 04-09-06 10:15 PM Link | Quote
My time went a long time ago Anya, the rest is up to you.

Since: 11-18-05
From: South Florida

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Posted on 04-09-06 10:17 PM Link | Quote
I think its out of my hands now, I fear.

But what will be, will be, I guess.
Lordly? No, not quite.

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kansas

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Posted on 04-09-06 11:38 PM Link | Quote
It may be because he's more active and just got momentum from being active where you two were crazily inactive.
[Danielle] Thoughtless is my secret lover
[Danielle] *flutters eyelashes*
[Thoughtless] SECRET IS OUT

I miss my two pussies :( (Part II)


Since: 11-17-05
From: PR

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 04-09-06 11:59 PM Link | Quote
Ever promised a friend of yours that you will help them out with something school related and the only thing you have to do is find something but somehow you fail in obtaining this item/info?

To explain it better. I had to find the movie Homeless to Harvard for a friend who is a girl. The girl and I have been a bit distant and such but she came to me wondering if I could offer some help in finding the movie. She only asked the 'If you have time" but I would not have it so I straight out said "I'm going to find this movie"

It has been hell. Seriously. Three video stores and Wal-Mart I have checked. Nothing. My mother checked Target, Wal-Mart, Circuit City and another Wal-Mart in Florida. Nothing.

The easy way is to order it. Yes. My mom did that. But I need that video before the 18th of this month. This little act of stupidity of mine is troubling me because for the fact that I said "Don't worry. I'll find this movie. No need to have you wander aimlessly looking for it. I'll find it"

Tomorrow. I have to run and check as many Blockbuster's as possible. All before class. Why am I doing this and stressing over a video? It's not because of the video. I simply can't dissapoint people. It happens in life, yes, I know that. But it just irks me. Especially with this girl. I don't really like to fail in front of her. We have some history and situations and all this hooplah of stuff.

I couldn't even find a damn torrent for this movie. Not one. And it is not like I can go and ask complete strangers for torrents. I don't do that.

Also, another question. Ever had a panic attack where you could swear that you have enough adrenaline to run across the city and not get tired?
Schweiz oder etwas
[12:55] (Dr_Death16); I swear, the word drama needs to be stricken from the dictionary, for I've heard it so many times, it will permanently be imprinted on my brain

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kingston, Rhode Island

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 04-10-06 03:46 AM Link | Quote
Internet, and pay the extra shipping with overnight delivery. Easy way out.

As for me, I try not to make promises like that... Sometimes I do, and it gets me into a tough situation very much like the one you're in.

And yes, I have had panic attacks like that. They usually boost my typing speed to about 140 WPM.

(edited by Grey on 04-10-06 02:47 AM)
[Danielle] Thoughtless is my secret lover
[Danielle] *flutters eyelashes*
[Thoughtless] SECRET IS OUT

I miss my two pussies :( (Part II)


Since: 11-17-05
From: PR

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 04-10-06 02:05 PM Link | Quote
Thankfully. I managed to find the movie in a Blockbuster. Two cities away.

I did manage to do a bit of work last night using the adrenaline and such.

Okay. Marvel questions.

Who would win in a fight to the death between The Hulk and the Juggernaunt?

Yes. I am aware they have fought in the comics but I like to see your personal preference and such.
Schweiz oder etwas
[12:55] (Dr_Death16); I swear, the word drama needs to be stricken from the dictionary, for I've heard it so many times, it will permanently be imprinted on my brain

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kingston, Rhode Island

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 04-10-06 11:16 PM Link | Quote
It depends on what Juggernaut we're talking about... Ultimate Juggernaut, Cytorrak gem Juggernaut, Juggernaut without his powers, Juggernaut back at full strength for reasons unknown...?

Also, if we're talking about Hulk, Grey Hulk, Maestro, what....?

I really think the Jugg would win no matter what, though. I mean, Hulk, in all of his forms, can be harmed. Juggernaut can stand up to like 20 heroes at once blasting him. It comes down to the question of whether or not the Juggernaut's invincibility can stand up to the Hulk's rage.
Iori Yagami

Hardhat Beetle

Since: 11-18-05
From: Hell's keeper

Last post: 6551 days
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Posted on 04-11-06 12:17 AM Link | Quote
Speaking of the Juggernaut...

As he's really powerful and Apocalypse is really poweful as well... who would win if those two battled?


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 04-11-06 12:50 AM Link | Quote
Are you hooked on any TV shows?
Schweiz oder etwas
[12:55] (Dr_Death16); I swear, the word drama needs to be stricken from the dictionary, for I've heard it so many times, it will permanently be imprinted on my brain

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kingston, Rhode Island

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 04-12-06 04:57 PM Link | Quote
DV: No, that one definitely goes to Apocalypse. Apocalypse is just way too powerful for one person to handle, even the Juggernaut. I mean, Apocalypse can change anything about his anything. Juggernaut already has a straight, identified set of powers from that gem that he's got. But Apocalypse... Way too much

Danielle: As for TV shows, not really... I AM a big fan of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, but that's more or less all I have time to watch nowadays. I used to love staying up really late to watch Adult Swim, though...
[Danielle] Thoughtless is my secret lover
[Danielle] *flutters eyelashes*
[Thoughtless] SECRET IS OUT

I miss my two pussies :( (Part II)


Since: 11-17-05
From: PR

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 04-12-06 11:56 PM Link | Quote

Apocalypse or Onslaught.

Who would win?

I'm leaning toward Onslaught for the sheer magnitude of what he did and what he could do. Plus. He sent the Juggernaut flying to Canada. That is always fun.

Armos Knight

Since: 02-18-06
From: Stanford, CA

Last post: 6618 days
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Posted on 04-13-06 02:15 AM Link | Quote
Is it reasonable to extrapolate past data into the future based on innumerable observations to conclude that one is going to die alone?
Iori Yagami

Hardhat Beetle

Since: 11-18-05
From: Hell's keeper

Last post: 6551 days
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Posted on 04-13-06 05:21 PM Link | Quote
What's your dream car?
Schweiz oder etwas
[12:55] (Dr_Death16); I swear, the word drama needs to be stricken from the dictionary, for I've heard it so many times, it will permanently be imprinted on my brain

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kingston, Rhode Island

Last post: 6344 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 04-14-06 12:48 AM Link | Quote
Div: A 1970 Subaru 360. Then I'd impress the world with my Beautiful Driving Technique. (here's to hoping more people than Phil get that reference)

Sky: Not in your case. Find a better girl and come back and ask questions about her.

Thoughtless: Onslaught can beat Juggernaut, yeah. I gotta agree with you too, he's way too powerful not to be considered an adversary to Apocalypse. Also, we have to keep in mind that though Apocalypse is immortal, he can still be destroyed by a being powerful enough. We just haven't seen that powerful enough of a being yet.
Iori Yagami

Hardhat Beetle

Since: 11-18-05
From: Hell's keeper

Last post: 6551 days
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Posted on 04-14-06 02:58 AM Link | Quote
And I have no idea what in the hell you're talking about there with the driving technique.

Hmmm.... what's the strangest thing you have ever seen?


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 04-14-06 04:03 AM Link | Quote
Ever gone ice skating? Are you any good?

I'm going tomorrow (well, today technically)
Iori Yagami

Hardhat Beetle

Since: 11-18-05
From: Hell's keeper

Last post: 6551 days
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Posted on 04-14-06 07:35 PM Link | Quote
What would you like to be: vampire, lycan or half-breed (lycan/vampire mix)? Explain your choice and how you'd act as one.

Armos Knight

Since: 02-18-06
From: Stanford, CA

Last post: 6618 days
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Posted on 04-14-06 09:32 PM Link | Quote
Have you ever shot a weapon (bow & arrow, pistol, rifle, etc.), if you did, did you like it, and if you haven't, would you like to? Just on a range or something, I mean.
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