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Sir Kibble
Blaze Phoenix
Runs with the Dragon Within

Since: 11-18-05
From: State College, PA

Last post: 6349 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 04-09-06 06:06 AM Link | Quote
The Backstory

Toxic wasteland...

It's only toxic wasteland...

Sometime back in September, Dan, Dan's friend John, and I went to Panther Valley to drive around in Dan's truck of awesomeness and look at the remnants of strip mining. This area is Pennsylvania state forest, so you can wander around as much as you want. It was a hell of a lot of fun. Both of those guys are quite amusing to talk to, and it's interesting to see a strip mine for yourself. You're driving along a lumpy gravel road in what appears to be garden-variety woods, and then every now and then you see some weird fugly sign of industrial waste. We came across the following:

A bed of cracked black and orange sludge. The sludge near the edges had the consistency of soap. Near the middle, it was like pudding. We threw rocks in and watched it go splat.

Mountain Dew Lake. Seriously...the water is neon green and there's fuzzy orange stuff growing on the rocks at the bottom.

Shallow, clear streams full of red-orange rocks.

Nature's skate park - a lumpy, hilly area made of some sort of dense shale pile that looks like concrete and is pretty solid but scrapes away when you paw at it with your foot. Strangely bright green trees are scattered throughout.

A truck full of other people going to look around. The driver had mined in this area years ago and wanted to show his family where he worked.

An ancient wooden bridge. I was afraid to step on it because Dan trod on a trestle and it sank a bit, but Dan and John walked out a ways.

All in all, the place is just surreal. Some of the more polluted areas (like Mountain Dew Lake) smell funny. There are very, very few signs of non-plant life. You'll see occasional bugs and maybe a hawk, but the forest is much more quiet than it should be. It was a perfect day to go, too...overcast and calm and a bit nippy. And we didn't even get to see all of the bizarreness Panther has to offer. I'd definitely go back.

Photo Gallery

I did not do any editing other than resizing. The scenery really is that color. Really.

Panther Valley pictures @ LJ


Since: 03-02-06
From: AB, Canada

Last post: 6346 days
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Posted on 04-09-06 06:41 AM Link | Quote
WTF @ the third pic... looks like whatever they did, something sentient is developing out of the water to get its revenge


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 04-09-06 12:11 PM Link | Quote
Nothing new there. I saw a copper strip mine that was closed down in the 70s. The shit that bubbles up from the processing chemicals breaks my heart. What makes it even worse is that it was right by my old cottage (I basically spent the first 5 years of my life up there with my grandparents) and the water from the old mining area managed to seep into the watershelf and the entire area is now declared more or less dead.

Mr. Shine
I just want peace...

Since: 11-17-05
From: Sweden

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 04-09-06 03:17 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by C'aos
WTF @ the third pic... looks like whatever they did, something sentient is developing out of the water to get its revenge
Be thankful that Algiers and stuff like that dosen't turn sentient. :p

I wonder that sludge thing is though. It kind of made me uneasy just to see it.


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

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Posted on 04-09-06 03:53 PM Link | Quote
Didn't Algiers go sentient and kick French ass this century?

edit:: on closer inspection that mostly appears to be iron-heavy water. That orange colour. Iron. The green colour...God only knows.

(edited by Plus Sign Abomination on 04-09-06 02:55 PM)

Mr. Shine
I just want peace...

Since: 11-17-05
From: Sweden

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 04-09-06 05:22 PM Link | Quote
I was referring to the green stuff as Algiers, but even if it is Algiers that large amount of them is a sign of... that's something is horrible wrong with the water and there's probably no else life. It looks totally dead apatr from that. ._.

This dosen't look too unatural actually, I seen that bright orange colour on streams (In the middle of nature) and as Ziff said, it's iron.

I wonder, that sludge might be tar?
Squash Monster



Since: 11-18-05
From: Right next to myself.

Last post: 6352 days
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Posted on 04-09-06 07:04 PM Link | Quote
Wow... that whole place is just so alien looking. It's actually kinda cool, but at the same time, it's really sad. I wish there were places that looked like that without everything dieing.

And Ailure -- algea, not Algiers. One is a tiny green planty thing. The other is the capital of Algeria.

Mr. Shine
I just want peace...

Since: 11-17-05
From: Sweden

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 04-09-06 07:30 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Squash Monster
And Ailure -- algea, not Algiers. One is a tiny green planty thing. The other is the capital of Algeria.

I guess the electronic Swedish to English dictionary on this computer have it's shortcomings then. xD
Snow Tomato

Snap Dragon

Since: 12-31-05
From: NYC

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Posted on 04-09-06 07:42 PM Link | Quote
Would it have killed them to do a cleanup of the place after they closed the mines? That's disgusting. Seeing things like that makes me enraged at people.

With that aside... the sludge lookd kind of cool. It reminds me of a battle background scene you'd see in like final fantasy or something. Seriously.

Armos Knight

Since: 02-18-06
From: Stanford, CA

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Posted on 04-10-06 04:56 PM Link | Quote
See? All the more proof that man's involvement can only serve to improve nature!

Kidding, of course, but that's pretty cool-looking, if a bit of an odd "field trip" of sorts for people to take for fun.

Knuckle Joe
too much high power man

Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 04-10-06 05:14 PM Link | Quote
That's very saddening, but also really cool looking at the same time.

The water reminds me of the water in Felwood.



Since: 11-20-05
From: Belgium

Last post: 6350 days
Last view: 6346 days
Posted on 04-10-06 06:58 PM Link | Quote
That sludge looks really ... interesting. You should have taken pictures of the sludge before and after you threw something in.

Red Paratroopa


Since: 03-04-06

Last post: 6609 days
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Posted on 04-10-06 07:32 PM Link | Quote

Look at that plant in the middle!

"Fuck you sludge, I'm growing here anyway, god DAMN it"
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - Bizarre technicolor sludge - a trip to the Panther Valley strip mine |


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