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Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 04-07-06 01:42 PM Link | Quote
As many of you have heard, they have "found" this "gospel" of Judas, the betrayer of Jesus. It talks about how Jesus told Judas to betray him. The liberal media is beginning to piss me off! All I'm starting to hear from hollywood, and the media, are things that are going to rupture Jesus' reputation, and I'm sure some of you believe in this Da Vinchi Code. It's foolish, all of it! It's just another way to mess up the way christians look(like it's not been done already).

Some christians are actually pretty cool, and not judgemental, I say that because it seems the liberal world is starting to fight anyone who believes christian; they are discreminating against us for I don't know what reason. I watched a show called "Black White" every time it comes on, because it's interesting; the white lady on there was in her black make-up when she decided to go and visit the historic art of African-Americans. On this show this African-American woman did a touring for her, and mentioned something about how a lot of black people are very religious, and found good morals and direction from the Bible, this was an especially strong during slavery. But what had ticked me off more than anything, was that this white woman said "I don't read the Bible, nope... I don't... not at all". Am I slamming her because she doesn't read it? Absolutly not. I hate the fact she had such a slanderist attitude against something so good for the heart, and that only tries to give direction of peace! There was a hate there, and I don't know why.

I heard on the radio that hollywood made the series "David", or something like that, and that they were trying to do the Mel Gibson thing, like with "The Passion", but all they did was make it immoral; yeah sure David did commit adultry, but they were portraying him to be a sex maniac. There again an attack on religion. They thought they could be popular with religion like Mel Gibson, but only try to "sex" it up a bit; make it a little more like hollywood's view.

I've read a lot in these forums and you are REALLY not what I'm about to say next, I've put this off for far too long... Brokeback Mountain is THE most immoral movie, they have projected to be a beautiful thing, and it is not. You don't see two animals in the wilderness reproducing of the same sex, because it's flat out unatural; there is no such thing as a gay gene. A gay professor has actually said that. Women and women can't make babies, it can't happen naturally. The gay gene just somthing that they might think they have, and really all they need is some help, this wasn't done in back in the old days. I would be against homosexuality if I was an atheist; it's just unethical all together, but the sad thing is, no body cares.

(SPOILERS) V for Vendetta, was a religious discreminating movie as well. In the beginning Natalie Portman was preparing to go out, but while she was fixing her hair, she was listening to the chancellor on the television speak, and he was ripping very harshly on everyone's immoral beliefs, but he was doing something terribly wrong; he was judging everybody, he was saying that the homosexuals will be in hell, and other things pertaining to it, he way saying "GOD DAMN! GOD DAMN! GOD DAMN! YOU WILL GO TO HELL!" and he was just flat out being ruthless, then Natalie Portman quickly turned off the television and said "That's enough of that"! Later on the priest in the movie seem to be a good holy man, but he actually was a pediphile, and later on "V" killed him; here's the point I'm making here: The media yet again is trying to make religion look like were mean people, or that were all hypocrites through this movie and others. Yeah, I know it didn't quite literally say that in this movie, but it was like they were trying to lightly inform you that christians are mean people and judgemental. (Not for the politically correct): Oh yeah, on a side note; I left during the scene where Natalie Portman finds the note in the prison cell about the so called "beautiful" lesbian couple.

If you meet somebody judgemental that claims to be a religious induvidual of God, then that one needs to get his priorities straightened out, because he's a fool. But were not all like that guys! Some of us are really cool people, stop taking what you hear from the subliminal messages projected through the media, and actually talk to some of us, and don't froget that christianity has so many different groups it's sad, and that some of those religions or groups of Christ, are not the same; some are wrong for their judging, but christianity being just simply something one believes is nothing harmful at all.

I'm not against anyone that's a buddist or an atheist or whatever, but when it comes to bashing my religion, then it is flat out discremination, and I'm not going to let the media walk all over me.

(edited by Skyon on 04-07-06 12:44 PM)
Lordly? No, not quite.

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kansas

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 04-07-06 01:59 PM Link | Quote
All right, you're being kind of foolish.

1) The media looks down on everything, absolutely everything. Then again, there are still Christian T.V. channels, people still thank God on T.V. and a lot of other things.

2) Being homosexual is in no way immoral or wrong. Jesus accepts all people and doesn't persecute against anyone. If you follow your faith, you would see nothing wrong with what people do. Being homosexual may in fact be biological.

I've also seen two male animals fucking in the wild. It freaked me out, but I saw it.

3) V for Vendetta was actually supposed to be linked with an oppressive government. Most oppressive governments use a religion as a platform to gather followers. It was in no way bashing Christianity, but since Christianity is probably the religion with the most influence in America, it was the perfect choice to use.

4) You bashed homosexuals by thinking it's wrong, you're judging them. Just because you don't act on it doesn't mean you suddenly aren't judging them. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." may be over used, but seriously, think about that statement. You have no right to say anything is wrong unless you yourself have a perfectly clean slate.

5) The De Vinci Code was a piece of fiction, sold as fiction, it was fiction and written for entertainment.

6) Everyone and their mom already knows that Hollywood is full of assholes.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 04-07-06 02:15 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Dracoon
All right, you're being kind of foolish.

1) The media looks down on everything, absolutely everything. Then again, there are still Christian T.V. channels, people still thank God on T.V. and a lot of other things.

2) Being homosexual is in no way immoral or wrong. Jesus accepts all people and doesn't persecute against anyone. If you follow your faith, you would see nothing wrong with what people do. Being homosexual may in fact be biological.

I've also seen two male animals fucking in the wild. It freaked me out, but I saw it.

3) V for Vendetta was actually supposed to be linked with an oppressive government. Most oppressive governments use a religion as a platform to gather followers. It was in no way bashing Christianity, but since Christianity is probably the religion with the most influence in America, it was the perfect choice to use.

4) You bashed homosexuals by thinking it's wrong, you're judging them. Just because you don't act on it doesn't mean you suddenly aren't judging them. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." may be over used, but seriously, think about that statement. You have no right to say anything is wrong unless you yourself have a perfectly clean slate.

5) The De Vinci Code was a piece of fiction, sold as fiction, it was fiction and written for entertainment.

6) Everyone and their mom already knows that Hollywood is full of assholes.

Replying 1: Then let there be more bashing on other religions than on us.

Replying 2: I read the cute little story about the twins, yeah sure he could grow up being gay. I loved girl-toys when I was a toddler, and a little older, in fact I was a little girly as a young boy; You can raise a kid to be anything, if you accept their behavior whether it be "gay" or "violence" then of course they will grow to with that characteristic, because they're children, and children can be influenced in any way. And your animals "f" ing in the wild doesn't mean it's gay, it's a sign of male-dominance.

Replying 3. But the government isn't religious at all hardly, it's the opposite, so why would they make it somewhat religious in that movie if they were'nt purposefully trying to bash us.

Replying 4. Thinking they're wrong isn't judging them, that's an opinion, an opinion isn't judging, it was my belief that it's discusting. Oh yeah and if you want to really know if it's accepted buy Jesus or not, why don't you read in the book of Leviticus and Numbers, and it will tell you that it is an abomination.

Replying 5. But you know that people are stupid enough to believe anything on television, or through the media. And that's why they did it.

Replying 6: Cool.


i'm a pixie !!!


Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6605 days
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Posted on 04-07-06 02:16 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Skyon
As many of you have heard, they have "found" this "gospel" of Judas, the betrayer of Jesus. It talks about how Jesus told Judas to betray him. The liberal media is beginning to piss me off! All I'm starting to hear from hollywood, and the media, are things that are going to rupture Jesus' reputation, and I'm sure some of you believe in this Da Vinchi Code. It's foolish, all of it! It's just another way to mess up the way christians look(like it's not been done already).

I don't think anyone actually belives the Da Vinci Code. Anyone who does is very stupid. And the leftist media looks down on religion and the rightist media looks down on non-religion. It's nothing new.

Originally posted by Skyon
Some christians are actually pretty cool, and not judgemental, I say that because it seems the liberal world is starting to fight anyone who believes christian; they are discreminating against us for I don't know what reason. I watched a show called "Black White" every time it comes on, because it's interesting; the white lady on there was in her black make-up when she decided to go and visit the historic art of African-Americans. On this show this African-American woman did a touring for her, and mentioned something about how a lot of black people are very religious, and found good morals and direction from the Bible, this was an especially strong during slavery. But what had ticked me off more than anything, was that this white woman said "I don't read the Bible, nope... I don't... not at all". Am I slamming her because she doesn't read it? Absolutly not. I hate the fact she had such a slanderist attitude against something so good for the heart, and that only tries to give direction of peace! There was a hate there, and I don't know why.

Anyone who calls themselves liberal and isn't open and accepting about religion isn't a true liberal.

Originally posted by Skyon
I heard on the radio that hollywood made the series "David", or something like that, and that they were trying to do the Mel Gibson thing, like with "The Passion", but all they did was make it immoral; yeah sure David did commit adultry, but they were portraying him to be a sex maniac. There again an attack on religion. They thought they could be popular with religion like Mel Gibson, but only try to "sex" it up a bit; make it a little more like hollywood's view.
That's a television series created to get viewers. Of course anything having to do with religion is going to be controversial. If you want to get spoonfed with the bible watch the Jesus channel or something.

Originally posted by Skyon
I've read a lot in these forums and you are REALLY not what I'm about to say next, I've put this off for far too long... Brokeback Mountain is THE most immoral movie, they have projected to be a beautiful thing, and it is not. You don't see two animals in the wilderness reproducing of the same sex, because it's flat out unatural; there is no such thing as a gay gene. A gay professor has actually said that. Women and women can't make babies, it can't happen naturally. The gay gene just somthing that they might think they have, and really all they need is some help, this wasn't done in back in the old days. I would be against homosexuality if I was an atheist; it's just unethical all together, but the sad thing is, no body cares.

Brokeback Mountain was a great film about love, it doesn't matter if it was about homosexual or heterosexual love. And actually animals in the wilderness are naturally gay. It's pretty rare, but it's also pretty rare for humans to be gay. There's not gay gene but that doesn't mean people aren't gay.

Originally posted by Skyon
(SPOILERS) V for Vendetta, was a religious discreminating movie as well. In the beginning Natalie Portman was preparing to go out, but while she was fixing her hair, she was listening to the chancellor on the television speak, and he was ripping very harshly on everyone's immoral beliefs, but he was doing something terribly wrong; he was judging everybody, he was saying that the homosexuals will be in hell, and other things pertaining to it, he way saying "GOD DAMN! GOD DAMN! GOD DAMN! YOU WILL GO TO HELL!" and he was just flat out being ruthless, then Natalie Portman quickly turned off the television and said "That's enough of that"! Later on the priest in the movie seem to be a good holy man, but he actually was a pediphile, and later on "V" killed him; here's the point I'm making here: The media yet again is trying to make religion look like were mean people, or that were all hypocrites through this movie and others. Yeah, I know it didn't quite literally say that in this movie, but it was like they were trying to lightly inform you that christians are mean people and judgemental. (Not for the politically correct): Oh yeah, on a side note; I left during the scene where Natalie Portman finds the note in the prison cell about the so called "beautiful" lesbian couple.

V for Vendetta is a movie. See above point about the TV series.

Originally posted by Skyon
If you meet somebody judgemental that claims to be a religious induvidual of God, then that one needs to get his priorities straightened out, because he's a fool. But were not all like that guys! Some of us are really cool people, stop taking what you hear from the subliminal messages projected through the media, and actually talk to some of us, and don't froget that christianity has so many different groups it's sad, and that some of those religions or groups of Christ, are not the same; some are wrong for their judging, but christianity being just simply something one believes is nothing harmful at all.

I agree, there's nothing wrong with christianity itself and there are nice christians. You gotta admit there are some crazy christians out there though, as there are with any group of people.

Originally posted by Skyon
I'm not against anyone that's a buddist or an atheist or whatever, but when it comes to bashing my religion, then it is flat out discremination, and I'm not going to let the media walk all over me.

Yes bashing a religion is wrong no matter what religion it's bashing. I don't think anyone will dissagree with you about that.

i'm not judgemental, i'm cynical
Lonely People of the World, Unite!


Since: 12-27-05

Last post: 6374 days
Last view: 6352 days
Posted on 04-07-06 04:10 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Skyon
Thinking they're wrong isn't judging them

Originally posted by Skyon
You don't see two animals in the wilderness reproducing of the same sex, because it's flat out unatural; there is no such thing as a gay gene. A gay professor has actually said that.

Yeah, and Zel Miller was right about the Democratic conspiracy because he had been a member.

Hey Skyon I'm Buddhist and there's no such thing as Buddhism!

Originally posted by Skyon
You can raise a kid to be anything

You're proof of this.

There's thousands of people who believe that there's no "gay gene", and thousands who do. Just because one uneducated professor (who by your logic couldn't believe he was gay anyway) said so, doesn't mean it's true.

Also, you haven't even seen Brokeback Mountain. Jesus christ, you're an ignorant clown.

Go away.

(edited by windwaker on 04-07-06 03:15 PM)
(edited by windwaker on 04-07-06 03:17 PM)

Giant Red Paratroopa


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6351 days
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Posted on 04-07-06 04:25 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Skyon
Oh yeah and if you want to really know if it's accepted buy Jesus or not, why don't you read in the book of Leviticus and Numbers, and it will tell you that it is an abomination.

You mean like shellfish? Mixed fabrics? Trimming your hair? Eating pork?

In other words: what does the old testament have to do with Jesus? Using two of the OLDEST books of the Bible does NOT prove anything dealing with someone who taught essentially the OPPOSITE from them.

i'm not judgemental, i'm cynical
Lonely People of the World, Unite!


Since: 12-27-05

Last post: 6374 days
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Posted on 04-07-06 04:28 PM Link | Quote
The old testament proves that God loved everyone enough to kill everyone except Noah and a few others.

In short, don't take it word for word. Take it as a huge metaphor for how the world can be better.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 04-07-06 04:36 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by windwaker
Originally posted by Skyon
Thinking they're wrong isn't judging them

Originally posted by Skyon
You don't see two animals in the wilderness reproducing of the same sex, because it's flat out unatural; there is no such thing as a gay gene. A gay professor has actually said that.

Yeah, and Zel Miller was right about the Democratic conspiracy because he had been a member.

Hey Skyon I'm Buddhist and there's no such thing as Buddhism!

Originally posted by Skyon
You can raise a kid to be anything

You're proof of this.

There's thousands of people who believe that there's no "gay gene", and thousands who do. Just because one uneducated professor (who by your logic couldn't believe he was gay anyway) said so, doesn't mean it's true.

Also, you haven't even seen Brokeback Mountain. Jesus christ, you're an ignorant clown.

Go away.

Oh yeah real mature....

I don't need to see Brokeback Mountain, I don't ever need to see anything about homosexuality.

And how was I exactly raised? I first learned about the gay world simply through school, I was never influenced to dislike their repulsive ways, it was all me that decided it was wrong, not even religion influenced my desicion. My parents didn't ever force me to do anything, so don't justify yourself into looking like the victor here, by slamming me, alright it's YOUR arrogance that makes this a heated subject, I just told what I thought. Freedom of speech right? Opinions allowed I thought.

You're buddist, that's wonderful; way of living up to your religion there big guy, coming in here with bold letters cussing at me, see that's where I get disrespectful!

i'm not judgemental, i'm cynical
Lonely People of the World, Unite!


Since: 12-27-05

Last post: 6374 days
Last view: 6352 days
Posted on 04-07-06 04:43 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Skyon

Originally posted by Skyon
You're buddist, that's wonderful; way of living up to your religion there big guy, coming in here with bold letters cussing at me, see that's where I get disrespectful!


Originally posted by Skyon
And how was I exactly raised? I first learned about the gay world simply through school, I was never influenced to dislike their repulsive ways, it was all me that decided it was wrong, not even religion influenced my desicion. My parents didn't ever force me to do anything, so don't justify yourself into looking like the victor here, by slamming me, alright it's YOUR arrogance that makes this a heated subject, I just told what I thought. Freedom of speech right? Opinions allowed I thought.

So you weren't raised in a specific way, you've just come to hate homosexuals on your own. Let's think here. Don't you think that happens to homosexuals? They're homosexual no matter how they're raised? There are genetic patterns found in homosexual vs. heterosexuals, you know.

And you claim you don't need to see "anything about homosexuality", when you're the one starting arguments about it? How do you know what it is? Are you fucking insane? You don't have any credibility now. Like I said, go away. You're too judgemental for your own two-inch penis good.

(edited by windwaker on 04-07-06 03:44 PM)
Lordly? No, not quite.

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kansas

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 04-07-06 05:16 PM Link | Quote
Skyon: Jesus accepted all people. That is the reason why it spread so quickly. Do you think Jesus would exclude a group of people just because of who they are? I follow Jesus's teachings and only Jesus's. I don't care about two books from the old testament. I don't care about the old testament at all.

I could very easily have followed Buddha if I was born in a different part of the world.

Sir Kibble
Blaze Phoenix
Runs with the Dragon Within

Since: 11-18-05
From: State College, PA

Last post: 6349 days
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Posted on 04-07-06 05:52 PM Link | Quote
Skyon - Homosexuality is not about butt sex, massive orgies, bizarre leather outfits, or other acts that might disgust you. It's about feelings. A gay person is exclusively attracted to people of the same gender. That's it. I don't see what the damn big deal is.

I've known I liked guys ever since I was a little kid. In second grade, I had a "boyfriend". In fifth, my best friend and I had a shared monster crush on Fred Savage. As I grew older, I continued to notice good-looking boys. When I hit puberty, I began to get funny feelings in my pants sometimes when thinking about good-looking boys. I usually wound up with crushes on guys who didn't like me back, but in college, a close male friend and I happened to be interested in each other at the same time. That was 6 1/2 years ago, and we've been together ever since.

Pretty vanilla, eh? Well, swap my gender and I would apparently become repulsive to you because all of this attraction towards men would mean that I was ZOMG TEH GHEY. Why is it that the exact same thoughts and feelings and consensual sex are so horrendous if experienced by a man? How in the name of all that makes any sort of sense can they be considered UNETHICAL if they don't hurt anyone?

Mr. Shine
I just want peace...

Since: 11-17-05
From: Sweden

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 04-07-06 06:22 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Skyon
You don't see two animals in the wilderness reproducing of the same sex, because it's flat out unatural; there is no such thing as a gay gene.
Well, some say we're born bisexual and besides there's alot of gay sex going on in nature. Infact, certain species of apes have sexual orgies with each other (no, not to show dominance or anything.) , and considering that human is actually a type of ape. (How else would you explain that Humans are combitable with chimpanzees? I wouldn't suggest anyone to breed one though, that's just not right. ; It's possible thought.)

Besides, most homosexual people I met are actually kind of... really nice people. I would hardly call them immoral. The error people does is thinking on what they do in their bedroom, and go all eww about it.

Most homosexuals wouldn't care if their love is genetical or psylogical. As long they're happy with it, what's is wrong with it?

To be honest, I hadn't heard a good reason against homosexuality. Unatural? What, we should punish people for being diffrent from the norm now? Immoral? Well, if none get's hurt then how is it immoral?

And oh, i'm not a anti-christian. If I was, I wouldn't be a member of the Swedish church... I might not be a firm beliver, but I think they do good things for people.


Since: 11-19-05
From: Emerson, New Jersey

Last post: 6357 days
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Posted on 04-07-06 06:40 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rydain
Not to single you out, Rydain, but...seriously, people need to stop doing this. It's one of the most retarded things I've ever seen.

Now, before anything else, let me say that windwaker really needs to chill out. Hey pal, you'd be more well received if you didn't begin your post with a large font, bold, bright red flame. There have been plenty of times when I've been utterly disgusted by what somebody says on this board, but I know well enough that cursing at the person or attacking him directly isn't exactly the best way to solve anything.

With that said...Skyon, I admire your zeal and your strong faith, but you need to be more methodical in your approach to religion. I'm not sure whether you're Catholic or Protestant - my guess is the latter, solely because, in my experience, homosexuality is a more heated and less arguable issue among Protestants than Catholics - but you're casting a poor light on your comrades in either case.

Christianity is bashed fairly frequently, as you've pointed out, and while I'd argue that it is more widespread than the defamation of other religions, you have to take it for what it is. The people who put us down and ridicule our beliefs are ignorant, and don't have a knowledge of the religion for what it is. Certainly many of Christianity's followers are wildly out of hand - Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, to give a couple of recognizable examples - but the religion at its core is nothing but good. If a person fails to see that, it is he that is at fault, not those of us who strive to live up to our Lord's standards.

I have no plans to see Brokeback Mountain either, and I was hardly enthused when I heard of it in the first place. The idea of a homosexual love scene repulses me, and I'm not going to try to justify that reaction in the least; quite simply, I'd rather not have to sit through it. But regarding gays as a real-world community, I'm not about to tell them what they should be doing any more than they should be telling me how to live my own life. Jesus accepted the poor, the lame, the sinners - and we're all sinners, by the way, we're just not all homosexuals or all adulterers or all thieves, of course - and it is the responsibility of you and I, as Christians, to do the same. In that sense, they have my unconditional love as human beings, even if I'd prefer to abstain from their lifestyle and, hey, probably opt not to expose myself to anything of that sort. But if they can keep themselves from slandering my religion, then I'm not about to defame their sexuality.

Concerning V for Vendetta, you really shouldn't concern yourself with that too much. The movie was confusing as it is, and you really need to concentrate and read into it a bit to see that the TV personality seen at the beginning of the movie is hardly a "true" Christian. He is an instrument of the state, using religion as a tool to keep the citizens in line. It's no secret that religion has been used like that in the past, and the movie just translates it into a fictional universe.

Edit for spelling because, in a several paragraphs-long post, windwaker somehow picks out the single typo.

(edited by Silvershield on 04-07-06 06:02 PM)

i'm not judgemental, i'm cynical
Lonely People of the World, Unite!


Since: 12-27-05

Last post: 6374 days
Last view: 6352 days
Posted on 04-07-06 06:54 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Silvershield
Originally posted by Rydain
Not to single you out, Rydain, but...seriously, people need to stop doing this. It's one of the most retarded things I've ever seen.

It's an impression. Maybe the gay haters should be the ones who stop saying "ZOMG TEH GHEY". >[

Originally posted by Silvershield
Now, before anything else, let me say that windwaker really needs to chill out. Hey pal, you'd be more well received if you didn't begin your post with a large font, bold, bright red flame. There have been plenty of times when I've been utterly disgusted by what somebody says on this board, but I know well enough that cursing at the person or attacking him directly isn't exactly the best way to solve anything.

I need to chill out. I NEED TO CHILL OUT. donkey penis

Originally posted by Silvershield
I have no plans to see Brokeback Mountain either, and I was hardly enthused when I heard of it in the first place. The idea of a homosexual love seen repulses me, and I'm not going to try to justify that reaction in the least; quite simply, I'd rather not have to sit through it. But regarding gays as a real-world community, I'm not about to tell them what they should be doing any more than they should be telling me how to live my own life. Jesus accepted the poor, the lame, the sinners - and we're all sinners, by the way, we're just not all homosexuals or all adulterers or all thieves, of course - and it is the responsibility of you and I, as Christians, to do the same.

You spelled scene wrong. And really, the movie had like a two minute sex scene, tops. I respect you not wanting to see it, though.

Skyon, if you're going to be religious, be more like Silvershield, and question things. Please.

(edited by windwaker on 04-07-06 05:55 PM)
(edited by windwaker on 04-07-06 05:55 PM)


Since: 11-19-05
From: Emerson, New Jersey

Last post: 6357 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 04-07-06 07:00 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by windwaker
It's an impression. Maybe the gay haters should be the ones who stop saying "ZOMG TEH GHEY". >[
It's an impression? Oh, alright, let me reevaluate how I feel about it. Give me a second.


Nope, it's still pretty annoying.

Originally posted by windwaker
I need to chill out. I NEED TO CHILL OUT. donkey penis
Yeah, cursing at somebody in enormous, bold letters qualifies as sarcasm.



Since: 12-09-05
From: Torrance, ca

Last post: 6502 days
Last view: 6502 days
Posted on 04-07-06 07:12 PM Link | Quote
It's very true that religion is used to manipulate the masses.

Homosexuality is looked down upon in the christian religion (and quite a few others) because it demotes reproduction, same reason any forms of preservation of life are so largely enforced into "your" values. Religions want their followers to reproduce so much so their numbers are greater, which I think at the time of creation was intended to be helpful to mankind. Or just as possibly a concious step towards domination (conjuring troops for religious wars, or just plain overrunning).

As for genetics, both sides need to stfu, there's no definitive proof either way. Just a little evidence on both sides. If it were in fact genetic, it's bound to die out really fast, merely by design (save for donor and surrogate babies). But it's been around for far too long (ancient greece and probably before that) for that to be the case. One study I know of said that variences in testosterone/estrogyn in the womb may play some part. My guess is just basic environmental variables and chemical differences (not allowed to say "imbalances", because it'll make me sound like I'm saying it's wrong, and I don't feel like getting involved in the right or wrong, just whether or not it's natural)

Some species of shark (and a species of frog, remember jurassic park?) can actually switch genders in order to fill in a need, but as far as I know, it only works going from female to male. Interesting related nature fact .

Btw, brokeback mountain was immoral in almost any sense due to the lack of self control displayed. Gay or not, a vow is a fucking VOW, if you wanna go ride your buddy, get a divorce or get permission, otherwise you're committing a fairly universal sin, as well as a show of weakness of one's word.

As far as homosexual individuals go, they freak me the hell out in some cases, people that earn the name "queer" are the ones I'm talking about. The completely normal ones don't, but make me uncomfortable regardless because I've noticed gay guys find me attractive T_T. The overall concept doesn't bother me at all, the population needs to lower a bit, I think.




Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 04-07-06 07:21 PM Link | Quote
The sarcasm was about the statement "I need to chill out."

Regarding not wanting to see Brokeback Mountain b/c of a gay sex scene: Would it be any different if it were a lesbian sex scene? Somehow I think your opinion would change. I'm a straight male who doesn't have a problem with people being homosexual. Do I want to see that scene? Hell no! Will I watch that movie? Maybe, as long as I have a fast forward function. I watched Mulholland Drive and it has two Lesbian scenes - I don't see anyone bitching about that. Double standard if I do say so.

Skyon: You need to make more sense buddy. I can hardly make out what you're trying to say most of the time. It's difficult to debate with someone if you can't read their sentences. Go back and make sure it all makes sense before you hit "submit reply"


Since: 11-19-05
From: Emerson, New Jersey

Last post: 6357 days
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Posted on 04-07-06 07:28 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by MathOnNapkins
The sarcasm was about the statement "I need to chill out."
I'm still not getting it.

Originally posted by MathOnNapkins
Regarding not wanting to see Brokeback Mountain b/c of a gay sex scene: Would it be any different if it were a lesbian sex scene? Somehow I think your opinion would change. I'm a straight male who doesn't have a problem with people being homosexual. Do I want to see that scene? Hell no! Will I watch that movie? Maybe, as long as I have a fast forward function. I watched Mulholland Drive and it has two Lesbian scenes - I don't see anyone bitching about that. Double standard if I do say so.
Lesbianism, as it is shown in mainstream film, is not nearly as accurate as male homosexuality is within the same medium. Gay men are often very attractive (if sometimes effeminate) people, whereas lesbians, to be blunt, are frequently quite "butch." I'll not lie and say that I'd be upset over the typical Hollywood lesbian scene in a movie - though I may object to it on general principle, I'm only human, and the sight of an attractive female engaged in any sort of sexuality will appeal to most straight men - but if such scenes were more true to life and "true" lesbians were portrayed, it would probably be a different story. Hope nobody takes that the wrong way...I think it's common enough opinion that the (stereo)typical lesbian is rather masculine, which makes her less conventionally attractive, while the (stereo)typical gay man is somewhat feminine, which does not have a similar effect in reducing his allure.



Since: 12-09-05
From: Torrance, ca

Last post: 6502 days
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Posted on 04-07-06 07:45 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rydain
In fifth, my best friend and I had a shared monster crush on Fred Savage.

I looked kinda like fred savage when I was younger.... Enforcing the "I'm attractive to gay people" thing. Man that's weird.
Lordly? No, not quite.

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kansas

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 04-07-06 07:57 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Zer0wned
Homosexuality is looked down upon in the christian religion...

The thing is, that it isn't looked down upon, at least in Christianity.
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