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Since: 03-16-06
From: Peoria, Illinois

Last post: 6675 days
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Posted on 03-20-06 02:56 PM Link | Quote
I am debating whether or not to stay here in Illinois for schooling. I have been out of high school for a couple of years now. I just don't know what to do. I can go to Bradley University, here. Or.. I could move out to California, be away from all my family except for an aunt that lives there, and go to Berkeley. I'm undecided right now, because of the whole girl thing, and the fact that my family doesn't really want me to leave right now. Any idead? Some help would be great.


Bullet Bill

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 03-20-06 03:50 PM Link | Quote
I don't see any reasons why you can't study in California if that's what you want. I say you should do whatever feels best, and most right for you.

Though, I do not know what you mean with the "girl thing".

If the university in Illinois, and the one in California offers the same courses and degrees that you're after, I don't see any problems with studying in Illinois either, but that's just me. :/


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
Rate me

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Posted on 03-20-06 06:40 PM Link | Quote
Eh, it's your education, that's what it comes down to. If you want to come to California, then don't let your family stop you. I can't think of too many situations where they need you that badly. But if you're prefer staying in Illinois close to home, don't feel like you have to come to Berkely just to prove yourself. Or something.
Like Virvel said, whatever school fits your needs better, and whichever one you're more excited for, go for it.

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

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Posted on 03-20-06 06:46 PM Link | Quote
Whatever you choose do to, make sure you don't regret that choice. I feel missing out on opportunities we had a chance to take is one of the biggest downfalls of the human race.

I say go to California. No more snow, and so many new things for you to experience. A lot of times, fresh starts are just what a person needs to turn their life around. This could be your chance, so I say go for it!
[Danielle] Thoughtless is my secret lover
[Danielle] *flutters eyelashes*
[Thoughtless] SECRET IS OUT

I miss my two pussies :( (Part II)


Since: 11-17-05
From: PR

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 03-20-06 08:27 PM Link | Quote
I say go to California.

Vyper said what I was going to say. A new start, if you need it, is here for the taking.

You could simply make an old fashion list that details the pro's and con's of staying and going.

Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 03-20-06 09:39 PM Link | Quote
Wait, you haven't been in school for 2 years and UCBerkeley is willing to take you?

Armos Knight

Since: 02-18-06
From: Stanford, CA

Last post: 6617 days
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Posted on 03-20-06 10:39 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, I mean, much as I like to insult Cal, being a Stanford student, it is a rather selective school.

Also, if you're going to a state school, residency issues may come into play as well, for both admission and costs.
Metal Man88

Gold axe
It appears we have been transported to a time in which everything is on fire!


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 03-20-06 11:16 PM Link | Quote
Goooo California. I live there and find things just great. However I have never exited the state, so I could be biased.

You better be ready for some 104 degree heat, though. It'll melt your brain. As for schools, well, I have great ones all around me, so, yeah, it rocks.

I envy you people with snow. Never seen it here.

Sledge Brother
Liberated from school...until MLK day

Since: 11-17-05
From: In Hearst Field Annex...

Last post: 6346 days
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Posted on 03-21-06 12:09 AM Link | Quote
(1) never make decisions based on your feelings for a girl--that is one of the most stupidest things you can do. Because if things between you and your girl fall apart, you might be kicking yourself with what might have been.

(2) what do you want to major in? if you got accepted to the college of engineering at berkeley, then you are in a very select group and I am inclined to suggest you come here to berkeley. If you got accepted to the college of letters and science, then perhaps you are better off staying at home.

(3) if money is an issue, staying in illinois is tremendously cheapter.

(4) if you have never been homesick, then you can probably deal with living far. If you have to commute to campus, you may or may not hate it. I commute to berkeley every day and there are times I hate it. But if you are smart, you will live close to campus.

(5) my mom didn't want me to leave when got accepted to berkeley, and berkeley was only 50 miles away . Anyways, this is a decision you have to make for yourself. Sometimes family life can be distracting if you live close to home. I have trouble studying at home and thus, stay at school late hours so that I can be productive and get stuff done.

(6) You will meet a myriad of people at Cal, I guarantee it.

In the end, Cal is a great place but it may not be right for you--I know some people who went to "lesser schools" (i use the word VERY loosely) and are happy. So yeah, if you want to give a campus a chance, you can observe what the school as to offer on its campus open house sometime in mid-April.




Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 03-21-06 01:47 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Metal Man88
I envy you people with snow. Never seen it here.

Misplaced envy. Snow is fun when you're a kid and have time to roll around and play in it all day. Now it's just annoying cold crap to me. I'd rather live somewhere live and vacation somewhere cold if I wanted to ski or snowboard once in a while.



Since: 03-16-06
From: Peoria, Illinois

Last post: 6675 days
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Posted on 03-21-06 09:47 AM Link | Quote
Well. I'm thinking Berkeley is the place to go. I need to get out of this place and as many of you said; make a fresh start. I attended for one sememster, and the counselor is willing to let me come back. So.. I guess that's a good thing. As far as my major. Physics or Engineering. Undecided between those two.

Armos Knight

Since: 02-18-06
From: Stanford, CA

Last post: 6617 days
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Posted on 03-21-06 11:48 AM Link | Quote
I definitely liked snow a lot more when I wasn't driving. It's pretty awful to have to drive in it. And we didn't get enough snow days, either. I get enough snow when I'm home for winter, I don't need any more.

But I agree, don't make decisions based on a girl, for school or a job. I decided against the latter, and ended up by some coincidence in the same city as a girl I really like...we'll see what happens.

Sledge Brother
Liberated from school...until MLK day

Since: 11-17-05
From: In Hearst Field Annex...

Last post: 6346 days
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Posted on 03-21-06 09:34 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by JeffreyGlen
Well. I'm thinking Berkeley is the place to go. I need to get out of this place and as many of you said; make a fresh start. I attended for one sememster, and the counselor is willing to let me come back. So.. I guess that's a good thing. As far as my major. Physics or Engineering. Undecided between those two.

I'd go with engineering--not sure what the marketplace looks like for physicst. Or, you could just major in both, which isn't too bad to do... Although, if you are in the College of Letters and Science, then a engineering major is not really an option

So, yeah moving far is a great way to make a start; live in the dorms and you are bound to make new friends.


Since: 03-13-06
From: Irvine, CA, USA

Last post: 6662 days
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Posted on 03-22-06 02:33 AM Link | Quote
Off topic, but important:
Originally posted by neotransotaku
In the end, Cal is a great place but it may not be right for you--I know some people who went to "lesser schools" (i use the word VERY loosely) and are happy.
I know you mean well, but as an undergrad at another UC campus, that attitude really irritates me. Yes, you go to Berkeley and that's great. Yes, Berkeley is an excellent university. But for God's sake, do NOT refer to other schools (especially other UC campuses, but I digress) as "lesser". That takes away from all the hard-working students and faculty across the country who make their institutions the best they can be. I know you're trying to get across the "find your fit" idea, but your choice of words is something that has stuck in my craw since I came out to California.


As far as my major. Physics or Engineering. Undecided between those two.
If you even have to ask yourself that question, don't pick engineering. Engineering requires more than brain power and hard work, it requires a passion. If you don't have that passion right off the bat, you're only dooming yourself to failure. I've seen it happen quite often in just 2 years of majoring in Elec. Engineering, so I'm not talking out of my ass. Besides, if you decide you want to pursue engineering topics later, a physics major definitely prepares you for upper division undegraduate or graduate level courses in those areas. In short, if you're not "YEAH ENGINEERING!", then go for physics.

(edited by CESum on 03-22-06 01:35 AM)


Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 03-22-06 03:20 AM Link | Quote
Actually, my friend who was a Physics major said about the same thing about that, too.

Red Super Koopa


Since: 11-20-05

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Posted on 03-22-06 04:48 AM Link | Quote
You know, it's entirely possible he has a passion for both. Hence being undecided.



Since: 03-16-06
From: Peoria, Illinois

Last post: 6675 days
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Posted on 03-22-06 09:54 AM Link | Quote
Yes. It's Berkeley's engineering department. Well, I'm probably going to be going with Engineering, might minor in physics. I love them both the same. I'm seeing what I can do in the student loans and financial assistance before I have a concrete decision. I told Kels last night. She started crying, begging me to stay. I said, "I'm not going to stay, because I'm not going to let my life waste away for something that is never going to come."


Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6385 days
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Posted on 03-22-06 11:28 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Skydude
And we didn't get enough snow days, either. I get enough snow when I'm home for winter, I don't need any more.

So, yesterday we had enough snow for a snow day on Spring Break.



Since: 03-16-06
From: Peoria, Illinois

Last post: 6675 days
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Posted on 03-22-06 12:29 PM Link | Quote
Gah. I hate snow. First day of spring: 5 1/2 inches of snow. GO AWAY ILLINOIS!

That is the main reason I hate living here is becuase the weather. It changes enought to make a gopher vomit.

Sledge Brother
Liberated from school...until MLK day

Since: 11-17-05
From: In Hearst Field Annex...

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 03-22-06 03:40 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by CESum
Off topic, but important:
Originally posted by neotransotaku
In the end, Cal is a great place but it may not be right for you--I know some people who went to "lesser schools" (i use the word VERY loosely) and are happy.
I know you mean well, but as an undergrad at another UC campus, that attitude really irritates me. Yes, you go to Berkeley and that's great. Yes, Berkeley is an excellent university. But for God's sake, do NOT refer to other schools (especially other UC campuses, but I digress) as "lesser". That takes away from all the hard-working students and faculty across the country who make their institutions the best they can be. I know you're trying to get across the "find your fit" idea, but your choice of words is something that has stuck in my craw since I came out to California.
okay, bad choice of words...I apologize. I don't make a big deal about the school I go to. But when people hear I'm here, they have a completely different attitude in comparison to saying something like going to another school. Some students choose their school because of reputation and that is the wrong reason to select a school. But it in my experience, there is no way to show them that notion without resorting to comparison words
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