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07-02-24 08:40 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - Double birthday thread for Adamant and Wurl New poll | |
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Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 02-18-06 01:25 AM Link | Quote
So yeah... happy birthdays you guys. Lucky chance having your birthdays on the exact same dates, eh?

Are you guys going to be doing anything special?


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 02-18-06 01:25 AM Link | Quote
Wurl will get drunk, Adamant... well he's out of the army now, who knows what he'll do!

Happy birthday guys.
[Danielle] Thoughtless is my secret lover
[Danielle] *flutters eyelashes*
[Thoughtless] SECRET IS OUT

I miss my two pussies :( (Part II)


Since: 11-17-05
From: PR

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Posted on 02-18-06 01:48 AM Link | Quote
I know that Wurl will do something that involves sex and booze.

Adamant, well, you can join Wurl, I guess.

Happy Birthday you guys. May you live to see many more.

Link's Awakening

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 02-18-06 05:12 AM Link | Quote
Happy birthday to everyone's favorite unknown local mod not assigned to a forum and everyone's favorite awesome gimmick user.

King Dedede


Since: 11-19-05
From: Sweden

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Posted on 02-18-06 09:24 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Danielle
Wurl will get drunk, Adamant... well he's out of the army now, who knows what he'll do!

Happy birthday guys.

Adamant will build his own bomb.

Anyway, I already sent them PMs. Happy Birthday, Wurl and Adamant.
Snow Tomato

Snap Dragon

Since: 12-31-05
From: NYC

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Posted on 02-18-06 12:12 PM Link | Quote
...or maybe they'll get drunk together and perform illegal acts upon one another.

Who knows? The possibilities are endless.

I'm just kidding.

Happy Birthday Wurl and Adament <3

Sword Maiden
Retired Admin

Since: 11-17-05
From: Nerima District - Tokyo, Japan

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Posted on 02-18-06 01:01 PM Link | Quote
Sort of like the endless possibilities of the uses of a cantaloupe and a pencil?

Anyways, they're both cool, I guess so...Happy Birthday to each of you. I guess it wouldn't be a Birthday for Wurl if he didn't score but...



Since: 02-18-06

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Posted on 02-18-06 01:22 PM Link | Quote
They should fight in who should have the better birthday. Well anyway happy birthday Adamant still can't drink and Wurl can now see R rated movies.

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-18-05
From: Norway

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Posted on 02-18-06 03:33 PM Link | Quote
Happy birthday, Adamant, a user I've known and respected since, well, before this board was created! Also, happy birthday, Wurl, a user I've come to respect over the last months!

Originally posted by Xenon
Well anyway happy birthday Adamant has been able to drink for 2 years and Wurl can now see R rated movies.


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 02-18-06 09:25 PM Link | Quote
Sadly, no sex. I went on a college visit and met a communist girl. she was semi-hot. So that's sex that will happen in about two years.

Link's Awakening

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 02-18-06 09:26 PM Link | Quote
I thought communist governments have rules on that sort of thing (sex), Wurl.

Did she think you were good looking too? If so, SCORE!

Buzz Blob
Wii have Wii

Since: 11-17-05
From: Norway

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Posted on 02-18-06 09:37 PM Link | Quote
Thanks, guys, and happy birthday, Wurl.

And, while it's true that I've been drinking legally for 2 years now, today marks the day when I can legally drink whatever I want to, not just beer and wine.

What I did today? Well, not very much, really, apart from attempting to play Mega Man X while drunk, which makes the game a tad more challening.

Didn't really get any presents, as the laptop I got for Christmas was a combined Christmas/birthday present, but the copy of Mega Man X Collection I had recently ordered arrived today, and provided lots of entertainment. Yay.
Permabanned. Flaming, trolling, reregistering.


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 02-19-06 04:00 AM Link | Quote
Wurl is awesome. Now he is one year more awesome.

Adamant I haven't seen much of lately. I don't have much to say. My memories from back in the day are vaguely positive, so keep rocking, but I don't know you too well. So, this whole paragraph is kind of awkward.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - Double birthday thread for Adamant and Wurl |


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