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Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6358 days
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Posted on 02-15-06 07:30 PM Link | Quote

came across this today.... not sure what will come of this but apparently there is an "Intelligence Summit" regarding some tapes and other information confirming existence of WMD's in Saddam's possesion.

I'm quite interested in the outcome of this.
Snow Tomato

Snap Dragon

Since: 12-31-05
From: NYC

Last post: 6364 days
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Posted on 02-15-06 07:47 PM Link | Quote
I'm interested to. If it's true, I'll shit my pants with glee. At least they didn't lie.

But an important connection is missing. The justification for war has become "we needed to liberate the Iraqi people". We don't really know why we're there to be honest with you. Right now, there being no evidence (unless this is real), MAJOR links are existing that link Saddam Hussein's downfall to improved national security. After all... after he fell.. there's more terrorists in Iraq now than ever before. It's become a sort of safe haven for terrorists... because there's no real government in place right now... and we're only in a few select locations.

Basically... how was Saddam Hussein a threat to our national security? Unless this is true.. it remains to be seen.

(edited by Snow Tomato on 02-15-06 06:47 PM)


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 02-15-06 08:10 PM Link | Quote
9/11 ---> Threat to US ---> WMD ---> liberation ----> democracy ---> liberation ----> DEMOCRACY + Liberation

That's how it's gone.

And why isn't this being presented before the U.N. first?


Since: 12-03-05
From: purgatory

Last post: 6346 days
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Posted on 02-15-06 08:21 PM Link | Quote
If Saddan had WMDs, then why did'nt he use them when he was being destroyed by the US forces? If he had them and did'nt use them, even then, then i dont think he ever would have.

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6385 days
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Posted on 02-15-06 10:32 PM Link | Quote
Don't forget that time the U.S. gave Saddam mustard gas.

Even if Saddam did have WMDs, the war wasn't fully justifiable. It has arguably created more problems in the Middle East. And don't say it's simply about concern over human rights and freedom. If the U.S. were truly concerned about human rights, we wouldn't have given Suharto the tools of genocide. If we were truly concerned over freedom, we wouldn't have given Iranians money and then diverted the funds to a terrorist orginization.

Vandalism is not tolerated


Since: 11-17-05
From: IL, USA

Last post: 6420 days
Last view: 6364 days
Posted on 02-16-06 01:15 AM Link | Quote
Nothing will come of this.



And now, for your reading pleasure and to possibly add something to the conversation, key topics highlighted in the Charles Duelfer Iraq Survey Group report.

Duelfer Report:

  • Iraq's main goal was to end sanctions while preserving the capability to reconstitute WMD production.

  • Iraq's WMD programs had decayed significantly since the end of the first Gulf War.

  • No senior Iraqi official interviewed by the ISG believed that Saddam had forsaken WMD forever.

  • Iraq had no deployable WMD of any kind as of March 2003 and had no production since 1991.

  • The ISG judged that in March 2003, Iraq would have had the ability to produce large quantities of Sulfur Mustard in 3-6 months, and large quantities of nerve agent in 2 years.

  • There was no proof of any biological weapons stocks since 1991.

  • Iraq's nuclear program was terminated in 1991, at which point micrograms of enriched uranium had been produced from a single test gas centrifuge.

  • Iraq had intended to restart all banned weapons programs as soon as multilateral sanctions against it had been dropped, a prospect that the Iraqi government saw coming soon.

  • Smuggling was used by Iraq to rebuild as much of its WMD program as could be hidden from U.N. weapons inspectors.

  • Iraq had an effective system for the procurement of items banned by sanctions.

  • Until March 2003, Saddam Hussein convinced his top military commanders that Iraq did indeed possess WMD that could be used against any U.S. invasion force, in order to prevent a coup over the prospects of fighting the U.S.-led Coalition without these weapons.

  • Iraq used procurement contracts allowed under the Oil for Food program to buy influence among U.N. Security Council member states including France, China, and Russia, as well as dozens of prominent journalists and anti-sanctions activists.

I mean, given the fact that Iraq was like the only country in the world who might pose a threat to us, our invasion wasn't so unreasonable. It's not like there were two+ other countries actively seeking or to have already aquired nuclear capabilities that are openly hostile to the US, US interests, and/or a non-secular fundamentalist crack-house of fantastics. Oh wait, nevermind...



Since: 02-17-06
From: Detroit

Last post: 6707 days
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Posted on 02-17-06 01:46 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Plus Sign Abomination
9/11 ---> Threat to US ---> WMD ---> liberation ----> democracy ---> liberation ----> DEMOCRACY + Liberation

That's how it's gone.

And why isn't this being presented before the U.N. first?

You also forgot the small captions between liberation and democracy.

(edited by Zer0 on 02-17-06 12:47 AM)
(edited by Zer0 on 02-17-06 12:48 AM)

i'm not judgemental, i'm cynical
Lonely People of the World, Unite!


Since: 12-27-05

Last post: 6373 days
Last view: 6351 days
Posted on 02-17-06 10:54 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Snow Tomato
I'm interested to. If it's true, I'll shit my pants with glee. At least they didn't lie.

Regardless of the outcome, we know they lied, because regardless of their existence, there was zero basis for these claims.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - WMD Evidence Finally? |


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