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Red Super Koopa


Since: 11-20-05

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 02-08-06 05:52 AM Link | Quote
I was working on a machine at work. Its got this metal flap that comes up just as the machine cuts off a part so it falls in the basket of parts instead of the base of the machine. Except after I made some adjustments to the machine, it was no longer timed right and the parts were falling in the base. I could fix it, but I wanted to fix the other problem I was already working on first, so when the part cut off I would just reach down and manually lift the plate. I do this all the time so it wasn't a big deal, but at about the third time I did it this time, I lifted it a little too high and had my thumb in just the wrong spot, and the machine grabbed my thumb and pulled it right up inside. I stopped the machine immediately and pulled out my thumb. I think the exact thought that went through my head was "Wow, that was close, I could have broke my finger". Then I looked at my finger. There was a long deep gash in my thumb. The thing I caught my finger on was smooth and round so it wasn't that that cut my thumb, but here and there on it there's these pointed things. But by pointed I don't mean sharp, the tops are rounded off, but that didn't stop the machine from forcing it into my hand anyway.

So I go to the hospital. I wait in the waiting room a while. Then they check me in. Then I wait in the waiting room a while. Then thay call me in and ask questions about allergies a stuff. Then I wait in the waiting room a while. The waiting room had a tv showing some incoherant cartoon and exactly one magazine, a finacial magazine that my gause started leaking on and I had to throw out.

Next they call me in and give me a tentious shot. Which actually didn't hurt at all, but the nurse reassured me it will tomorrow, so I guess I got that to look forward to. Then I waited some more. Finally I was brought into another room with a doctor. I haven't been to the hospital in a long time, and the last time I got stitches I was about 9, so alot of this was new to me. One thing I noticed was that everything they used, form towels to the needles was pulled out of a sealed package, and thrown out after use. The nurse brought in a seeled box, she opened in and inside was another box with a tray, with several compartments, one with thread, another with scissors, another with a syringe of anaesthetic..etc..It was like a little microwave suture kit.

The anaesthetic was the worst part. I remember that when I got stitches as a kid they had to put a needle right inside the wound, not only did this hurt alot, it also didn't work. I could still feel them stitching it. This time I couldn't, but only because instead of a single shot inside the cut, I got like ten shots all along the edge of the sore. The first one hurt the most, after that it started getting numb so each following one hurt less than the last. But by like the eight one I suddenly got real nauseous and light headed. Like was going to throw-up and pass out at the same time. Lucky I did neither and that feeling past after a few minutes. Then the doctor sewed me up and threw out the entire suture kit.

It was really a stupid mistake that could have been easily avoided if I had been paying more attention. Thinking back it could have been alot worse, if I hadn't had my hand on the lever to shut it off when it happened (alot of the time I don't), I'm sure it would have ripped my thumb off before I could grab it. Instead I ended up with five stitches, and I was back to work in a little over two hours. This was kind of a warning shot. Either way I'm sure I'll get a nice lecture on safety from the boss when I get in tomorrow, even though I think the machine already gave me one.



Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 02-09-06 12:55 AM Link | Quote
Ew, even the word "stitches" makes me shudder. Gotta admire the brutal honesty by the nurse though.

Glad to hear you're OK... the one time I needed stitches was on a school night and there was a 3 hour wait in the hospital. We ended up going back home and I played Chrono Trigger for most of that time. Memories...
Fearless Moderator Hero

Since: 11-17-05
From: An apartment by DigiPen, Redmond, Washington

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Posted on 02-09-06 12:59 AM Link | Quote
Oh mans. You are making me cringe. I have a scar from stitches over my right palm, from falling glass making a nice slice through it. Strangely the experience was rather like yours...

Edit: Okay that needs some clearing up. I mean I don't really remember it hurting at all, thinking it wasn't so bad until I saw how it was bleeding... And then the stitches... Those hurt like mad.

Actually, that's the only time I've really had stitches, though I did crack my head open when I was really young; as I recall, they used my hair instead of thread sewing it back up, and that didn't hurt at all. I think. My memories of back then are fuzzy at best.

(edited by + on 02-09-06 12:01 AM)

King Dedede


Since: 11-19-05
From: Sweden

Last post: 6451 days
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Posted on 02-09-06 04:47 AM Link | Quote
Gee, I don´t think I´ve ever had stitches before. Not from what I remember. I´ve gotten a few cuts and stuff here and there through the years but nothing that major.

I´m glad it wasn´t worse, emcee.


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

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Posted on 02-09-06 03:42 PM Link | Quote
Lucky you actually managed to get the stitches.

It means that it will heal up better and be a hella less painful.
Sin Dogan


Uoodo Original Blend Armored
Trooper Votoms Canned Coffee!


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 02-09-06 04:29 PM Link | Quote
That is quite a story. Why are all these weird/bad things happening to all our beloved boarders?(Tree falling onto house, bed burning, getting dead guy's computer, and this)

But where do you work? A factory from the 20's? It's a relief that you're ok.

Red Super Koopa


Since: 11-20-05

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Posted on 02-09-06 05:12 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Jin Dogan
But where do you work? A factory from the 20's? It's a relief that you're ok.

A machine shop. The machines are safe as long as you don't put your hands where you're not supposed to. I guess this is true of alot of things. I know standard factories are safer, but only when all the safety mechanism are in place, my sister lost 2 and 1/2 fingers in a punch press because the safety mechanism wasn't in place.

Anyway, my arm was sore where I got my tentious shot for a few hours yesterday, but it wasn't too bad. And the swelling's going down, even though I haven't been keeping it as clean as I should. I'll be happy to take this stupid bandage off though.

Originally posted by

Actually, that's the only time I've really had stitches, though I did crack my head open when I was really young; as I recall, they used my hair instead of thread sewing it back up, and that didn't hurt at all. I think. My memories of back then are fuzzy at best.

That's new. Did they just tie the hair together on either side, or did they actually sew with it?


Since: 11-18-05
From: Oregon

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 02-09-06 06:56 PM Link | Quote
Oww... I hate anesthetic too, I once got hit so hard in the lip that it split open, and it had to be stiched up... As for that finger, the same thing happened to my father, his thum got caught in a machine, and cut his skin bad enough that he needed screws inserted into his hand to work the joint, and a load of plastic surgery.

Offtopic question: What's with the +'s?


Since: 11-18-05
From: CT

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Posted on 02-09-06 07:10 PM Link | Quote
Xeruss: I'm serious. Just lick this thread a bit and we'll tell you.

Not quite as active as before.
Xkeeper supporter
Xk > ||bass
I IP Banned myself! Twice!

Since: 11-17-05
From: Somewhere over there

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Posted on 02-09-06 08:53 PM Link | Quote

That's nasty. Well, at least it wound up all right in the end, mostly. At least we all know now not to do that in future.

RIP Acmlm's Board: Feb. 18 2007

Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 02-09-06 09:02 PM Link | Quote
Never had stitches.

Never INTEND to have stitches.

Probably will get stitches when I do something stupid at work


Just be glad you have a thumb right now... its the most important finger on your hand...
Metal Man88

Gold axe
It appears we have been transported to a time in which everything is on fire!


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 02-09-06 09:17 PM Link | Quote
Doberman bit my face, tore it all to hell. No stitches, no nothing. It hurt almost as bad as the two times I flew off a bike, the time I had two ear infections, numerous neck pains, hitting my head into steel poles, cutting my lip with a jagged (read: long) nail by accident, and of course all the times I skinned my knees.

It stops hurting after a while. I can use my head like a battering ram if I want to, and I usually just shrug off the pain until it's gone. Ironically, my face healed just fine without stitches, so much that the sole scar remaining can only be seen with a magnifying glass.

I'm lucky and unlucky at the same time, aren't I?
Fearless Moderator Hero

Since: 11-17-05
From: An apartment by DigiPen, Redmond, Washington

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Posted on 02-10-06 12:20 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by emcee
That's new. Did they just tie the hair together on either side, or did they actually sew with it?

I don't know.



Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 02-10-06 12:27 AM Link | Quote
I think everyone has to get stitches sometime, whether it's an accident or part of a medical procedure (see: wisdom teeth). So yeah. It'll happen sooner or later, you can't avoid it.
[Danielle] Thoughtless is my secret lover
[Danielle] *flutters eyelashes*
[Thoughtless] SECRET IS OUT

I miss my two pussies :( (Part II)


Since: 11-17-05
From: PR

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Posted on 02-10-06 12:31 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Colin +
I think everyone has to get stitches sometime, whether it's an accident or part of a medical procedure (see: wisdom teeth). So yeah. It'll happen sooner or later, you can't avoid it.

Yes you can.

Instead of stitches, use crazy glue.

It works just as well.

By the way, never had stitches. Not yet.
I'm ahead of myself...

Since: 11-17-05
From: Citra, Fl.

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 02-10-06 12:38 AM Link | Quote
Had stitches a VERY long while ago. I don't even remember anything about it.

A can fell on my head.


That post of yours, emcee, made me kind of cringe... eck. Hope you don't have to have stitches again. That must be painful.
GAH. Just thinking about it makes me want to be more aware of my surroundings so I don't get stitches. *shudders*
Metal Man88

Gold axe
It appears we have been transported to a time in which everything is on fire!


Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 02-10-06 01:07 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Thoughtless

Instead of stitches, use crazy glue.

They actually used that in the Vietnam war. It saved people's lives.

Also, I've never had stitches. If things continue the way they are, I probably never will.

Metal battleaxe
Off to better places

Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 02-14-06 04:19 PM Link | Quote
I've had stiches. When I was a little kid, still using training wheels, I fell off my bike. One of the training wheels went over the curb, I fell and hit my head on a car bumper. All I remember about it was that my mother ended up having to remove them...

(edited by Cheveyo Chowilawu on 02-14-06 03:19 PM)
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - Wow, pain hurts. |


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