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n3g-Z3r0 theory



Since: 01-09-06
From: Augusta, Ks

Last post: 6386 days
Last view: 6363 days
Posted on 01-23-06 08:16 PM Link
Originally posted by Koneko

My personal opinion on the wider subject here is as follows. It's everyone's choice what they want to do with their life, and if they want to murder others in the name of their country, so be it. After all, the ones they murder are soldiers, so they don't count, right? There's no way the people you kill as a soldier are anyone's children, parents, or close friends, because they're soldiers, so it's okay to kill them.

First of all, we're not the ones killing others in the name of our country or religion. We, in a way of course, didn't really start this war. This happened because of 9-11.
They kill women and children daily. For instance Sadaam Husein, sorry if spelling is wrong, killed many women and children in one town just because there was an attepmt of an assassination upon him. We kill them they kill us. For everyone of us they kill they rejoice the parents of the ones killed rejoice the families rejoice. All they care about is killing us. They see it as a martyrdom to kill one of us and then be killed.

Originally posted by Kutske
"Morality" has no place in war -- everyone think that they're good and right and that their enemy is wrong and evil, so why would you even use such a term? Morality is only used in war terminology when the public needs convinced to support the campaign.

True and false. First the true part:everyone think that they're good and right and that their enemy is wrong and evil, so why would you even use such a term?

Now the false part: Morality is only used in war terminology when the public needs convinced to support the campaign.

Why: Morality is a term usually used when involved with war talk to show the morality of our troops, you know not killing women and children, to their troops, who kill women and children. And besides if Bush just needed some convincing support he can always just bring up 9-11 and then say they are all terrorists...And then pass the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. A.C.T. again...lets hope that doesn't happen again...


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 01-23-06 09:12 PM Link
Kutske - what threats? Oh? You mean all the economic sanctions that America has placed on us anyways and the open threats that get shot across the border everyday?

So...Kutske what is up with this hunter joke? I don't see its relevance to the topic at hand, nor is it funny.

In addition it is true of ANY country...however people on one side of us believe that we're more or less the same is America or that we're all hyper-liberals or something like that. Canada is unique because of the somewhat correct observations someone can make based on traditional stereotypes...however due to the size and diverse nature of Canada (something that is often overlooked) many aspects are over looked.

Legault isn't it funny that after the terrorists kill 3000 of us we turn around and kill 10s of thousands of them? Isn't it just IRONIC that they strike out against us so we strike back killing 10s of thousands not even INVOLVED to the remotest degree with the wholesale slaughter of 3000?

I don't trust most of this board to be competent enough to understand the source material, but many theologians and philosophers throughout the ages have debated the morality of war. However, it SHOULD come into play. Morals are a very important part of understanding armed military conflicts no matter which way you cut it. For example: Japan in the first two world wars. Germany in the first two world wars. The Allies in the first two world wars. I mean Kutske's very wording of his point just supports the idea that this board's membership has a severely skewed historical concept of morality and in particular its employment in wars (which are, by the way never moral...But are immoral to different shades). I could go on for PAGES about this.



Since: 12-30-05

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Posted on 01-23-06 10:09 PM Link
Originally posted by Zamboni Flying Machine?
Historically there was never a draft because of the massive Francophone population. Outside observers of Canada need to understand the demographics of this nation before passing judgement. I'm merely going to assume that your friend was an Anglophone living in English Canada.

Hold it why wouldn't the Anglophone population object? (I don't really like the assumptions you seem to make of my friends anyway, what region they're from in no invalidates their opinion)

(edited by netscape on 01-23-06 09:12 PM)


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 01-24-06 01:26 AM Link
Because the war in English Canada was seen as fighting for the Queen and the Commonwealth. Something that is unpopular in French Canada.

I'm not invalidating your friend's opinion, I was going by the assumption based on his statement that she was an Anglo.

Mr. Shine
I just want peace...

Since: 11-17-05
From: Sweden

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Posted on 01-24-06 08:57 AM Link
Originally posted by Dracoon
Hypothetically, you're piss poor, but you're fit. You have only decent educatoin, graduated high school, and you're having problems with life and money. Join the army, or keep being poor.
Or you can move to Sweden, and enjoy our free education system. With no relation to the military. All that I have to really pay is living costs, and money for the apartment I live in but I get a goverment funds from my goverment just for being a student. Then... socialists politics is the evil over there and is considered a threat to the "freedom" over there.

Oh well, just felt like saying that it's not like that in every country...

(edited by Ailura on 01-24-06 08:05 AM)

Giant Red Paratroopa


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 01-25-06 07:39 PM Link
Originally posted by Zamboni Ice Cleaner
So...Kutske what is up with this hunter joke? I don't see its relevance to the topic at hand, nor is it funny.

I found it mildly amusing. Irregular hunters = Maverick hunters from the Megaman X series.

The military in the US is a volunteer force right now. Like it or not, people have to choose to be in it. The unfortunate aspect is when the other choices are so dangerous that the military is a far better choice, but there will always be a bad option.

And... 18-year olds are allowed in the military because they're legal adults at that point. They can help to determine the policy for the country for voting; therefore, they can also work in the execution of the policy in the military.

Red Super Koopa


Since: 11-20-05

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Posted on 01-26-06 02:40 AM Link
Originally posted by Legault
We, in a way of course, didn't really start this war. This happened because of 9-11.

Only to those who can't tell the difference between Arabs.


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

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Posted on 01-26-06 10:06 AM Link
No, it happened because of poor foreign policy during the Reagen administration.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 01-26-06 04:27 PM Link
Originally posted by Zamboni Ice Cleaner
Because the war in English Canada was seen as fighting for the Queen and the Commonwealth. Something that is unpopular in French Canada.

On the other end of it, popular things in French Canada include believing you're highly superior to everyone else and therefore surrendering upon invasion because you know you'll be saved by the Anglo-saxons. I'm surprised that France itself didn't hand the land deed over during the recent islamist revolts.

Melon Bug


Since: 11-17-05
From: Greenfield, Wisconsin (U.S.A)

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 01-26-06 05:32 PM Link
In the military YOU sign up. So whats the problem?

(edited by Randy53215 on 01-26-06 04:33 PM)


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

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Posted on 01-26-06 07:25 PM Link
Originally posted by Thayer
Originally posted by Zamboni Ice Cleaner
Because the war in English Canada was seen as fighting for the Queen and the Commonwealth. Something that is unpopular in French Canada.

On the other end of it, popular things in French Canada include believing you're highly superior to everyone else and therefore surrendering upon invasion

FLQ biyatch.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 01-26-06 10:00 PM Link
Originally posted by Zamboni Ice Cleaner
Originally posted by Thayer
Originally posted by Zamboni Ice Cleaner
Because the war in English Canada was seen as fighting for the Queen and the Commonwealth. Something that is unpopular in French Canada.

On the other end of it, popular things in French Canada include believing you're highly superior to everyone else and therefore surrendering upon invasion

FLQ biyatch.

I didn't know you were an urban terrorist!

Plasma Whisp

Since: 11-17-05
From: Tartarus. We get faster internet than you.

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 01-26-06 10:46 PM Link
Originally posted by Legault
First of all, we're not the ones killing others in the name of our country or religion. We, in a way of course, didn't really start this war. This happened because of 9-11.
They kill women and children daily. For instance Sadaam Husein, sorry if spelling is wrong, killed many women and children in one town just because there was an attepmt of an assassination upon him. We kill them they kill us. For everyone of us they kill they rejoice the parents of the ones killed rejoice the families rejoice. All they care about is killing us. They see it as a martyrdom to kill one of us and then be killed.

Interesting. You seem to have taken my broad statement, roughly "War is bad, because it's murder no matter what" and turned it into "All soldiers everywhere are merciless killers and we should let people kill us." Your powers of interpretation are truly brilliant.

Also, the "They killed some of us, so it's okay for us to kill all of them" mentality is what I find perhaps most frightening of all the human race's many terrible facets. Many armies have such battle cries as "Remember the Alamo" and more recently "We will never forget" and variations. No one yet has been as accurate as "Remember the horrible atrocity they committed upon us that will unconditionally forgive the horrible atrocity we will soon visit upon them!" (Thank you, Terry Pratchett.) You also said, "All they care about is killing us." What. Did you just generalize an entire religion of people into a single desire? I think you did.

I think a lot of people believe things like this because in many ways propaganda is more successful than I had feared. The terrorist attacks on 9/11/01 were done by Arab Muslims. Maybe. There weren't any bodies, so the evidence is that a terrorist group claimed credit for the attacks. All of this has somehow been twisted together to resemble "All Arabs and Muslims hate us and want to kill us. For our own defense we must kill all of them before they kill any more of us." I find the irony sickening that it's entirely possible that the twin towers and the Pentagon were attacked, not by Arab Muslims, but instead some radical group determined to frame the entire demographic and start a 'holy war' against the Middle East. Either way, a war is what we're in, and it isn't against the ones who claimed credit for 9/11.

The current war was started, officially, over Saddam Hussein's refusal to allow inspection of weapons factories, and supposed hiding of WMD. It's been claimed that the war was really about the oil, and by others that the WMD were just a pretense to overthrow Saddam's dictatorship. How it started doesn't need to be the main focus. What matters is that 'our' soldiers are occupying Iraq, and there doesn't seem to be any progress being made. It would make my day if someone could show me proof that something is being accomplished over there.

Wow. This has gone completely off the original topic. My apologies. If anyone wants to debate my whole, "It doesn't matter to me what age they are, war and killing are terrible, life is precious" view, please do so.
n3g-Z3r0 theory



Since: 01-09-06
From: Augusta, Ks

Last post: 6386 days
Last view: 6363 days
Posted on 01-27-06 11:28 AM Link
Well there might have been slight generalization of their entire race, but that is not what I was getting at. I was getting at the fact that the Suni Muslims, the ones terrorizing our U.S. troops right now and are linked directly to Al Queda, were the ones in which by basis of they attack us we kill them kind of thing.

Think of it this way, for some reason you are in grade school and someon is beats you up. The next day you and your friends go and beat him up. I know that neither one are right; but, if someone hits you aren't you going to hit them back? I would, and in this case so did America to, but we should have only targeted the ones that hit us. Not their entire race. In all ways that I have looked at this issue. George Bush is simply trying to take over the world.

Originally posted by Koneko

The current war was started, officially, over Saddam Hussein's refusal to allow inspection of weapons factories, and supposed hiding of WMD. It's been claimed that the war was really about the oil, and by others that the WMD were just a pretense to overthrow Saddam's dictatorship. How it started doesn't need to be the main focus. What matters is that 'our' soldiers are occupying Iraq, and there doesn't seem to be any progress being made. It would make my day if someone could show me proof that something is being accomplished over there.

To help support your theory I have found an interesting site that says that we cannot take over a country and force them to change their government. This goes directly agains the Vienna Convention...
here is the link



Since: 11-18-05
From: Randwick, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 01-27-06 12:08 PM Link
Does someone else wanna explain what "Sunni" actually means, or should I?

Plasma Whisp

Since: 11-17-05
From: Tartarus. We get faster internet than you.

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 01-27-06 02:18 PM Link
In what way are the Sunni Muslims in Iraq linked to al-Qaeda? Please explain, I'm rather confused by this. Are all Muslims everywhere responsible for the actions of a radical few? And what does Sunni have to do with this?

It's far better to convince people that they shouldn't hit you in the first place than to hit them back. I am of the opinion that diplomacy is always an option, and it's usually the best one. No, I don't hit people who hit me. Revenge is an idea that is fundamentally flawed, because if you hit them back then they will hit you again, and you've given them quite a bit of justification, in many people's minds. Violence is the product of shortsightedness, stupidity, and anger. It doesn't need to be the default response.

No, Bush isn't trying to take over the world. No one can do this in their presidential term, under present conditions in world politics. I think not even he is dumb enough to try in just two or three years. Annex the Middle East, maybe; He might be stupid enough to try that.

But of course the Vienna Convention is being ignored. The United Nations has no power to punish, so there's really no incentive for the US to pay attention to international law. Other countries will get mad, sure... But the government is absolutely sure that no one will risk a World War Three over the conquest of a few countries that have no alliances with any Western countries.

Funny, this topic started about the ages of soldiers, look at it now...


Since: 12-03-05
From: purgatory

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Posted on 01-28-06 07:59 PM Link
The propoganda is working, i've heard dozens of people say in casual conversation "we should just nuke the middle east and wipe them off the map"



Since: 12-09-05
From: Torrance, ca

Last post: 6501 days
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Posted on 04-07-06 07:55 PM Link
Minimum age for enlistment into the military is 17 with parental consent. I'm surprised no one mentioned that .

I was discharged from the coast guard for anxiety problems =D.


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 04-07-06 08:31 PM Link
Maximum age for bumping posts is less than this
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - Many soldiers are to young.... | Thread closed


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