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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Grossest thing you ever ate New poll | |
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Sir Kibble
Blaze Phoenix
Runs with the Dragon Within

Since: 11-18-05
From: State College, PA

Last post: 6349 days
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Posted on 01-15-06 04:17 PM Link | Quote
I like to eat oatmeal mixed with whey protein powder. If you cook the oatmeal first, you get a pudding-like dish. Uncooked oatmeal, chocolate powder, and a bit of water or milk makes something that tastes remarkably like a no-bake cookie.

Once I ran out of my usual stuff, and all I could find on short notice was vanilla soy protein powder. BIG MISTAKE. I wound up with something that resembled spackle in appearance and taste.

Link's Awakening

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 01-15-06 04:31 PM Link | Quote
I once willingly ate a bunch of ants. No toppings were used. They weren't that bad, either; at least in my eyes. I suppose others would not like that sort of thing.

Sir Kibble
Blaze Phoenix
Runs with the Dragon Within

Since: 11-18-05
From: State College, PA

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Posted on 01-15-06 04:44 PM Link | Quote
Raw or cooked?

A while ago, I read some book where the kids cooked a bunch of ants and put them in brownies in home ec class, telling the teacher they were Rice Krispies or something else. And apparently they tasted good. I'm pretty sure that the book in question was Space Station Seventh Grade - which is still one of my all-time favorites because it's fricking hilarious, even when you're a grownup.

Link's Awakening

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 01-15-06 04:48 PM Link | Quote
Raw, of course. Otherwise, it wouldn't be as gross. I ate them while they were still alive. Oh, and I heard about that story as well, except it was with spiders instead of ants. It's understandable though, as stories such as that one often get warped beyond recognizition when going from person to person.

King Dedede


Since: 11-19-05
From: Sweden

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Posted on 01-15-06 05:00 PM Link | Quote
Roasted onion that was two years old. I got this sour aftertaste.

Another thing was when I tried tomatoes for the first time.

Sir Kibble
Blaze Phoenix
Runs with the Dragon Within

Since: 11-18-05
From: State College, PA

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Posted on 01-15-06 05:13 PM Link | Quote
I hated tomatoes for the longest time. I developed this amazing ability to eat around the chunks in pasta sauce. There was something about the taste and texture of tomatoes that creeped me out.

Years later, I discovered that there was a difference between good tomatoes and bad tomatoes. The good ones aren't mushy, and they have a mild flavor. They're still not my favorite fruit, but at least I can enjoy them sometimes.

Link's Awakening

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 01-15-06 05:18 PM Link | Quote
Tomatoes, haha. I like everything about them except for the tomato itself. Ketchup, tomato soup, etc. I just can't seem to eat tomatoes themselves. I unwillingly choke if I even try. The scent of cooking tomatoes also makes me choke. I don't know how to explain that one. The part that seems to bother me the most is the seeds, or whatever they are. I want to try them again sometime, but the oppurtunity has never rose up.

(edited by asdf on 01-15-06 04:19 PM)

King Dedede


Since: 11-19-05
From: Sweden

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Posted on 01-15-06 05:22 PM Link | Quote
I´m the same as asdf. I just can´t eat the tomatoes itself but I can eat ketchup, tomato sauce on pizzas, tomato soup (I think].

Edit: Oh, and I also hate the smell of them.

(edited by Ran-chan on 01-15-06 04:22 PM)

Plasma Whisp

Since: 11-17-05
From: Tartarus. We get faster internet than you.

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Posted on 01-15-06 07:39 PM Link | Quote
I put soy sauce and vinegar on my rice. It's not gross, but since plenty of people hate vinegar, I thought I'd mention it.

But the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten is vomit. My own. Anyone want me to elaborate?

Gamma Ray

Since: 11-17-05
From: Montreal, Canada

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Posted on 01-15-06 08:04 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Koneko
But the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten is vomit. My own. Anyone want me to elaborate?

Could be worse, could be someone else's.


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 01-15-06 08:36 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Rydain
I hated tomatoes for the longest time. I developed this amazing ability to eat around the chunks in pasta sauce. There was something about the taste and texture of tomatoes that creeped me out.

Years later, I discovered that there was a difference between good tomatoes and bad tomatoes. The good ones aren't mushy, and they have a mild flavor. They're still not my favorite fruit, but at least I can enjoy them sometimes.

That's exactly how I was/am with tomatoes. I love pasta, but I hate tomatoes. I learned how to eat everything on my plate but not a single piece of tomato in the process. It impresses my mom.
When I was little I tried a tomato, and it was... a disaster. A bunch of seeds got in my mouth... seeds I didn't know were in a tomato, and so completely freaked me out. I refused to touch a tomato for years after that, until one day I had a sandwich with tomato on it and didn't really mind it. I was amazed.
So now, I have tomatoes every once in a while, on a burger or sandwich or pasta. But they still aren't a real favorite of mine.



Since: 11-18-05
From: Massachusetts

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Posted on 01-15-06 10:01 PM Link | Quote
Kind of the opposite for me. I used to always love tomatoes when younger but lately, I'd gotten them on burgers and there were tons of seeds everywhere and it was just bleh turned me off tomatoes for a while but now I'm not too against them.
Squash Monster



Since: 11-18-05
From: Right next to myself.

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Posted on 01-15-06 10:56 PM Link | Quote
Okay, so... I've always wondered why there are all these crazy flavours of soda, and none of them are spearmint. I mean, everyone loves spearmint. Everything else comes in spearmint, but not soda. You can get licorice flavoured soda, but not spearmint.

So I decided I'd make some.

And I did this by mixing some industrial-strength spearmint flavouring with some club soda.

I tried some.

Gorram. That stuff was horrible.

You see the fact that soft drinks are supposed to be about 20% high fructose corn syrup somehow slipped my mind.

Mr. Shine
I just want peace...

Since: 11-17-05
From: Sweden

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Posted on 01-15-06 11:02 PM Link | Quote
Nestlé cappucino.

Drinking it right now.




Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

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Posted on 01-15-06 11:07 PM Link | Quote
...Sprite Ice is probably the closest you'd get to mint soda, and it MIGHT still be sold here in Canada. Not sure.

It tastes like sweet toothpaste, and isn't bad in small quantities. Probably best to use in a mixed drink.

Link's Awakening

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 01-16-06 12:12 AM Link | Quote
Last time I checked, Sprite Ice was no longer made anywhere. Shame too, because I liked it.



Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

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Posted on 01-16-06 12:21 AM Link | Quote
I'm pretty sure it's in Canada still... at least it was this summer.

I'll do a check tomorrow. I think it's one of those drinks that is still sold but in small quantities because there's a niche market for it. Heck, Pepsi Blue lasted a bit longer in Quebec.

Link's Awakening

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 01-16-06 12:25 AM Link | Quote
Well, at least not in my city, not even in the summer. If I could find it though, I'd buy it in an instant. Still, Sprite Ice is still the indisputed Sprite spinoff in my opinion.

Sir Kibble
Blaze Phoenix
Runs with the Dragon Within

Since: 11-18-05
From: State College, PA

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Posted on 01-16-06 12:45 AM Link | Quote
My aunt used to buy Tom Tucker Southern Style Mint Ginger Ale. That stuff pwned. My cousin mixed it with some other pop to make an even more superior drink. Too bad I can't remember what that other pop was. But evidently there are other brands of mint ginger ale out there. I should see if I can track it down someday.



Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

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Posted on 01-16-06 12:51 AM Link | Quote
Flipping over to Danielle for a second... I HATE tomatoes. Hate hate HATE them. If I want a tomato sauce with my pasta, it has to be a paste. No way can I do anything with whole tomatoes... And yes, I've tried.

Grossest thing I've ever eaten though... hm... one year at school we had a traditional Jewish feast during Lent, I suppose to look at how they celebrate Passover and all that. Some of the stuff there damn near killed me. I guess it's an acquired taste but geez... I was drinking grape juice like no tomorrow.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Grossest thing you ever ate |


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