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07-03-24 09:08 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Gaming - Which is your favorite Link? New poll | |
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Of the iterations I described, which is your favorite Link?
Link the Boy-Hero
10.3%, 3 votes
Teen Link
20.7%, 6 votes
Link 64 (adult)
41.4%, 12 votes
Link 64 (child)
6.9%, 2 votes
6.9%, 2 votes
Bishy Link
13.8%, 4 votes
Multi-voting is disabled. 29 users have voted.

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Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6667 days
Last view: 6667 days
Posted on 12-31-05 05:26 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Spinal
I voted for Teen Link, i really didn't like zelda when it came to n64.

Rock on, brother
Metal Knuckles


Since: 12-21-05
From: New Hampshire

Last post: 6345 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 01-01-06 10:32 PM Link | Quote
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

And with that, I openly admit that I selected the Link from Windwaker.

The main complaint I heard for that game after it came out was that the graphics, for all they are worth, ruin the game. "Oh nos, thas nott teh Link from from OoT!1! I hatz tthis1 lolz" Well, as those from about ten years ago will remember, graphics sucked. Not for the time, by all means. But they were bad enough that in no way did people base their gameplay experience off them.

Goldeneye, anyone?

Windwaker, for all it's kidish glamour, is just as much fun as any other Zelda title... well, with the exception of the Phillips-CDi games. Man, those were the bomb! Back on topic, as soon as you started playing, it felt like a Zelda game. You know, the painfully long and complicated stretch before getting your first weapon, back-tracking to areas for new items, puzzles liable to cause brain damage after thinking on them to long... yes, for all intents and purposes, Windwaker was another Zelda game with different graphics.

But that was just a defense. Now here comes my support for... what'd you call him? Tan-Link? Right, Tanny boy.

The Four Swords games.

If one thing was surprising, it was how well the graphics from Windwaker transfered onto the GBA. You could look at it after playing WW, and you'd instantly recognize the character as Link. And for all intents and purposes, it looked like he was made for GBA.

The series story itself is great. Fight someone besides Ganon (look at avatar) and save Hyrule. Actually, I think that's why I enjoyed Majora's Mask so much, because the breakaway from the usual Boss. But Tan-Link really does shine on the GBA.

Which brings in the close second, young Link from Majora's Mask. Not the one in OoT, 'cuz all he had was a boomerang and slingshot. No, this kid could kick adult Link's ass with his arsenal.

But yeah. Tan-Link for the win, !
Koitenshin +∞



Since: 12-24-05
From: Misery

Last post: 6347 days
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Posted on 01-01-06 10:47 PM Link | Quote
Seriously if you think Kid Link can kick Adult Link's ass I would love to play Super Smash Brothers Melee with you.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 01-01-06 10:57 PM Link | Quote
Adult Link definetely. I like his Megaton Hammer! Plus he gets the Biggoron Sword and that thing is awesome!
Metal Knuckles


Since: 12-21-05
From: New Hampshire

Last post: 6345 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 01-02-06 01:46 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Koitenshin
Seriously if you think Kid Link can kick Adult Link's ass I would love to play Super Smash Brothers Melee with you.

Ditto. =P

(Although I'm more of a Dr. Mario type player)

Since: 11-19-05

Last post: 6692 days
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Posted on 01-06-06 11:58 AM Link | Quote

Grey cat: Me? I like New Link and OOT Link. In case you haven't noticed, Link's NEVER had a defined personality, ever. He's a shell of the user's perceptions of the world, much like Chrono or Ness. Silent hero, you see? In OOT and Windwaker they tried to give him a personality, but a lot of his reactions were really just surprise or confidence. Does Mario have a personality? Not really; he likes ravioli. And Peach. But he's changed throughout the years, too.

I'd welcome this New Link if they actually give him a personality and a reason to exist other than "save princess, hero of hyrule, yadda", but other than that, I'm all OoT Link for the win. Adult. Real men wear tights.

Videogames are becoming too pretentious and complicated, I'm glad Nintendo's mascots don't have overt personalities or storylines. Although, Mario and Link both - to me - have personalities in their motivations, their in-game vocalizations (Hut! Tut! Hyeah!) and their appearance. Mario seems to save the day because it thrills him, he enjoys a challange and probably takes child-like glee in jumping around like a simian. Compare him to Goku of Dragonball fame. Link, on the other hand, seems unsure of himself and troubled at the epic size of his undertakings, a darker and deeper character, especially recently. While Mario seems gung-ho and, "That's seven challanges down. Next!" Link seems more, "I've finally cleared that dungeon and beaten the boss. *exhausted sigh* Now what am I going to do? Where am I going to go? God, how in the hell am I going to rescue Zelda? What if Ganon hurts her before I make it there?" Compare Link to Shinji of Evangelion.

But maybe that's just my overactive imagination spilling out into templates that beg to be filled.

SantaDavis: I underlined the inaccuracies here for emphasis. Link's Awakening, being the fourth game in the Zelda series, did not use the same Link style as the first two games; it used the same style as the third game, A Link to the Past. In fact, much of the art in the Link's Awakening Manual is the EXACT SAME art as in the LttP manual.

They seem different to me, as I'm looking at them here.

SantaDavis: Secondly, the original Link's shield did NOT have the Triforce on it. It had a big freaking cross. At the time of the first Zelda game the Triforce didn't even HAVE three pieces yet, just wisdom and power. Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link did see the first appearance of the Triforce in its now familiar "three triangles making up a triangle" shape, but not on Link's shield. In fact, the only time it's seen in the manual in that form is on the back of Link's hand.

The cross is only seen in-game. It's the Triforce on the packaging.

SantaDavis: Compare for yourself...

The first one seems more realistic and the art style is decidedly Western. The second one is clearly anime-inspired. These two pictures look very different to me -- remembering that we're talking about artistic styles just as much as what he's wearing.

SantaDavis: Nothing to add except that the art of this version always seemed more anime-influenced to me than the others were.

Given this comment and the previous one about the two pics, you and I obviously have a very different idea of what constitutes "anime style."

SantaDavis: Oh, and that, as you failed to mention, the style was also used for Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, and The Minish Cap.


SantaDavis: My only other gripe here is your last sentence, as we HAVE seen PLENTY of gameplay footage and screenshots.

To me, watching gameplay footage and actually playing the game is not equal. You can't get a feel for a character by watching someone else play.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Gaming - Which is your favorite Link? |


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