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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - Couldn't pull the plug on a vegetable, but... New poll | |
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Snow Tomato

Snap Dragon

Since: 12-31-05
From: NYC

Last post: 6365 days
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Posted on 01-04-06 11:41 PM Link | Quote
Oh. My. God.

It is actually possible for someone to die in the united states if they can't pay for something.

Why are people against socialism if it's with their best interests? Why do people support a party that benefits 5% of the population... that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer? People aren't generally stupid... why is this happening?

This shouldn't be allowed to happen. I'm writing congressmen, senators, god... It's the very least I can do as a 16 year old non-voter.

This is outrageous.

(edited by Snow Tomato on 01-04-06 10:42 PM)


Since: 11-18-05
From: CT

Last post: 6347 days
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Posted on 01-04-06 11:49 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Imajin
Well, electing someone generally means you support that person.

Or just fear change, like them homersexuals gettin' married... (Notice how Bush hasn't brought the subject up since getting re-elected, even though it was a plank in his platform in 2004?)


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 01-05-06 01:34 PM Link | Quote


All because of them darned homersexuals and their marriage.
Metal Knuckles


Since: 12-21-05
From: New Hampshire

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 01-05-06 05:06 PM Link | Quote
You could say the same about Massachussetts. Lsat time I was down there, all the houses were on fire and sadistic signs were imprinted on the doors.

Nah, Gays are alright. I don't see why they shouldn't be married, it's an issue of religion, which brings up the problem of church and state. By all accounts, it should be allowed.

But this is off topic. We really should discuss the non-vegetable killings some more.


Well, I said all I can. Well, besides that Texans have a completely different way of thinking than the rest of the country, and what they view as justice, most others would be shocked by. If asked if they supported the desiscion to make Bush govenor, most would say something like "Yeehaw!", drink a bottle of beer, break it over your head, and ride off into the sunset while listening to Toby Keith on their customized cowboy-hat-iPods.

Strange people, them "playboys of the southwestern world."



Since: 12-30-05

Last post: 6375 days
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Posted on 01-05-06 05:35 PM Link | Quote
Stereo type much?
Metal Knuckles


Since: 12-21-05
From: New Hampshire

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 01-05-06 11:28 PM Link | Quote
A bit, yeah. New Yorkers are aggresive drivers, Maine residents love lobsters, Canadians love pancakes and skiing, the Irish like to drink, and by all accounts I'm a Masshole. =P

But the idea of Texas justice isn't just a steryotype. Texans are well known for their sense of state pride and, umm... well, justice. They certainly enjoy giving bad guys the good 'ol rightous hanging, aka the death penalty. But that has nothing to do with this topic honestly.

Saying a person who voted for said leader is at fault for this law would put, by all accounts, the majority of this country responsible for this law. Although they all didn't elect Bush for govenor, they supported his election for president even after passing this. I do guess that those who did their research on this and still voted for him should be held with a certain non-approval, but many looked at all his positive promises and thought he sounded like the right choice. Saying it's their fault that Bush's administration does what it does is like saying it's the teacher's fault that a kid has trouble learning.



Since: 12-30-05

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Posted on 01-06-06 04:00 AM Link | Quote
I understand what you're saying, and can see the tunctional logic in holding Bush alone responable for his actions. However I do believe the voters have a responsabilty to do thier homework.

At anyrate reguardless the people of Texas either need to patch up thier government or the federal government needs to it for them.

oh and don't blame me I voted for the other guy :p

Plasma Whisp

Since: 11-17-05
From: Tartarus. We get faster internet than you.

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 01-07-06 12:54 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Metal Knuckles
Saying it's their fault that Bush's administration does what it does is like saying it's the teacher's fault that a kid has trouble learning.

Although, that IS how the country's school system works now. "No Child Left Behind" and all that bullshit.
Originally posted by netscape
However I do believe the voters have a responsabilty to do thier homework.

I agree fully. I've been thinking for a while that we need to pass a law. A law that will require voters to take a test on the stances and histories of the candidates before voting, at least for a position like President or Governor. The idea being that if you don't know anything about either one, you shouldn't have a say in the process.

Though, I suppose that would unfairly favor the democrat position... Oh well, those bastards will just have to live with it.
Originally posted by netscape
oh and don't blame me I voted for the other guy :p

Thank you.



Since: 12-30-05

Last post: 6375 days
Last view: 6370 days
Posted on 01-08-06 12:33 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Koneko

I agree fully. I've been thinking for a while that we need to pass a law. A law that will require voters to take a test on the stances and histories of the candidates before voting, at least for a position like President or Governor. The idea being that if you don't know anything about either one, you shouldn't have a say in the process.

I understand your intent, but poll tests, were used as a tool by racists in the south to discourage blacks from voting (whom to do to segregated schools were given inferior education), and they could be again. Don't want first generation immagrants voting? discourage it with a section focuing on American english. Don't want the poor voting? How about a section on the stock market to discourage it?

Originally posted by netscape
oh and don't blame me I voted for the other guy :p

Thank you.

It was my pleasure

(edited by netscape on 01-07-06 11:34 PM)
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