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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - The Pit of Despair - Super Maria Sisters New poll | | Thread closed
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Since: 11-18-05
From: Your mom's bed

Last post: 6345 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 12-29-05 04:51 AM Link
Originally posted by The Sage Of Time
Originally posted by Stifu
Heh... I still don't like the idea of having females everywhere, I think it's kind of kiddy...
Er, this is a Mario game, you know? What were you expecting?

I saw that one coming a mile away... Let's say there's "good" kiddy and "bad" kiddy. I certainly didn't mean he should make his game look more "adult" or anything like that.

Originally posted by The Sage Of Time

Originally posted by Stifu
I'm afraid some enemies will either look wrong or get old fast...

Wrong? So far they look very nice.

They're good, but not that good to me... I must say they're kind of a letdown to me after seeing Maria's sprites. I don't mean to sound overly negative... But that's how I feel. The Goomba is alright, just like I would have expected him (her) to be... But the Koopa and the Plant are so-so to me.
On a side note, it doesn't even look like jumping on a the Plant girl would hurt you, while it certainly will. The "properties" of each enemy should be obvious, and I don't think that's the case here.
Don't mind me though, I'm hard to satisfy.

Originally posted by The Sage Of Time
And old? As opposed to all the unoriginal things that have been used in SMW so far? I think you're being far too harsh, this is both original and good looking.

Yet again, I didn't advise him to use the original monsters. Using his own graphics is undoubtedly better than using the original SMW graphics or ripped graphics. However, that doesn't mean I have to like everything he makes.
I won't change his mind anyway, and I didn't plan to either... I just wanted to voice my opinion and basically state how I'd do things myself.

Originally posted by The Sage Of Time
Some obvious effort is being placed here, original sprite graphics don't pop up here often enough..

If you want to talk about things looking wrong and getting old, look at all the rips people are using in their dull and lifeless hacks. (Which is in a huge abundance.)

I'm totally aware of that, and I thought I made it clear... As I said: "In spite of that, having a hack that features so many sprites that are both good and original will definitely be worth a look no matter what."
And also, that's why I don't bother with those other dull hacks. I'm only giving some feedback here because I care, and because I'm a spriter myself...
Took the board down in a blaze of glory, only to reveal how truly moronical ||bass is.


Since: 11-17-05
From: Henderson, Nevada

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 12-29-05 05:32 AM Link
One level demo? Hey, as long as it contains some variety (as opposed to some short remake level, blech), it's a demo done right.™
Koopa Troopa



Since: 12-28-05
From: Hell

Last post: 6751 days
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Posted on 12-29-05 07:10 AM Link
Haha those sprites look great
Kyoufu Kawa
Intends to keep Rom Hacking in one piece until the end

Since: 11-18-05
From: Catgirl Central Station

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 12-29-05 09:04 AM Link
One level demo... I'll be waiting

*Kyoufu Kawa prepares Paintshop for some serious spritesheet work
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 12-29-05 09:22 AM Link
Originally posted by Kyoufu Kawa
One level demo... I'll be waiting

*Kyoufu Kawa prepares Paintshop for some serious spritesheet work

Did you ask first? She doesn't like it when people take her stuff without permission. =/
Kyoufu Kawa
Intends to keep Rom Hacking in one piece until the end

Since: 11-18-05
From: Catgirl Central Station

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 12-29-05 10:50 AM Link
Y'see, that's where you go wrong, even if only slightly.

1) There have been plenty chances to stop me
2) What would I use it for, other than drooling over it?
3) I know. I've seen the Peach thing happen.

4) It gives me something to do.

(edited by Kyoufu Kawa on 12-29-05 09:51 AM)

Red Paratroopa

Since: 11-18-05
From: Right Behind You!

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 12-29-05 12:02 PM Link
First off, Kyoufu Kawa, you can make a sprite sheet if you put my credits on it.

Secondly, geez. Quit whining about stuff Stifu. I never said that any of my graphics used for enemies are total final. I was planning on working with the goomba but it was hard to make what I wanted with a 2x2 enemy. I am planning on probably replacing Rex with a larger goomba girl that will match up with the game soon.

I am going to work on Yoshi pretty soon also. So that is another thing to look foward to.

I will post SS as soon as I am finished with them.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 12-29-05 12:09 PM Link
Originally posted by Sgraff87
First off, Kyoufu Kawa, you can make a sprite sheet if you put my credits on it.

Secondly, geez. Quit whining about stuff Stifu. I never said that any of my graphics used for enemies are total final. I was planning on working with the goomba but it was hard to make what I wanted with a 2x2 enemy. I am planning on probably replacing Rex with a larger goomba girl that will match up with the game soon.

I am going to work on Yoshi pretty soon also. So that is another thing to look foward to.

I will post SS as soon as I am finished with them.


Kyoufu Kawa
Intends to keep Rom Hacking in one piece until the end

Since: 11-18-05
From: Catgirl Central Station

Last post: 6343 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 12-29-05 12:09 PM Link
Originally posted by Sgraff87

First off, Kyoufu Kawa, you can make a sprite sheet if you put my credits on it.
Thank you. Not that I was planning to make it public but if that's all, that can be done.

Since: 11-18-05
From: Your mom's bed

Last post: 6345 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 12-29-05 12:34 PM Link
Originally posted by Sgraff87
Secondly, geez. Quit whining about stuff Stifu.

I'm not fucking whining...

Meh, whatever, I'm out of your thread. Disrespectful bitch...

(edited by Stifu on 12-29-05 11:36 AM)
(edited by Stifu on 12-29-05 11:37 AM)


Since: 11-18-05
From: Oregon

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 12-29-05 01:01 PM Link
So is yoshi gonna be a horse? That would be cool, but strange, and yet still cool at the same time, I once had an idea for a hack like that, make yoshi a horse, the chargin' chucks cows, and the goombas chickens. Sorry I'm drifting off topic now... It still looks pretty good.



Since: 11-18-05
From: England

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 12-29-05 02:01 PM Link
Originally posted by insectduel
Originally posted by Sgraff87
I am going to work on Yoshi pretty soon also. So that is another thing to look foward to.

I will post SS as soon as I am finished with them.

A Yoshi Pretty huh? Not bad. Are you gonna rip some GFX or create your own. Either way it's gonna be nice. I know you're the best creator I know so far.


I dont think she meant a 'Yoshi Pretty'.

She's going to work on a new Yoshi 'pretty soon'.

Can't wait to see the new GFX for Yoshi if its as high a standard as the rest of this hack

Since: 11-18-05
From: Your mom's bed

Last post: 6345 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 12-29-05 04:26 PM Link
Originally posted by insectduel
Watch it man!! Don't even think about flaming this thread or spamming. You know how much Sgraff87 comes up with the idea, ITS hard work for the creator. I think you're the stupid bastard around here is diss her like that.

I basically said I'd leave this thread, but I just couldn't resist answering a dumbass like you...
First, if I wanted to flame or spam, I wouldn't say I'd get out of the thread. Use your brain for a change.
The fact Sgraff does hard work or not is totally IRRELEVENT, I was NOT bashing him/her (I'll assume she's a her from now on), just giving feedback and constructive criticism. It's been taken the wrong way, not my fault. If she wanted nothing but useless praises like "omg those sprites rock" or "those screens r teh awesme!!!!" just to flatter her ego, then she should have said so.

Originally posted by insectduel
PM me for comments and not post it here!!!

Oops, too late !
If you didn't want to start shit here, YOU would have PMed me in the first place, instead of trying to look to like a retarded hero in public, provoking me like that. Besides, you weren't concerned at all, and are in no position to tell me what to do anyway, so stop acting like you got anything on me.
You're just a moronic kid, you post nothing but shit and make laughable hacks (Super Pikachu Bros 3, haha). Add to that the fact you're a pathetic fake and an attention whore (GB Pikachu hack that you pitifully claimed as yours).
Don't talk to me anymore, I don't want to have any more contact with scum like you.

THAT SAID, I have no intention to derail that thread any further, so that's it. And since my input on that hack isn't welcome, I won't insist.
But if anyone else is unhappy about anything I said, then *you* PM me about it instead of bringing it here, unlike that insect retard.



Since: 11-18-05
From: England

Last post: 6345 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 12-29-05 05:10 PM Link
Originally posted by Stifu
Originally posted by insectduel
Watch it man!! Don't even think about flaming this thread or spamming. You know how much Sgraff87 comes up with the idea, ITS hard work for the creator. I think you're the stupid bastard around here is diss her like that.

I basically said I'd leave this thread, but I just couldn't resist answering a dumbass like you...
First, if I wanted to flame or spam, I wouldn't say I'd get out of the thread. Use your brain for a change.
The fact Sgraff does hard work or not is totally IRRELEVENT, I was NOT bashing him/her (I'll assume she's a her from now on), just giving feedback and constructive criticism. It's been taken the wrong way, not my fault. If she wanted nothing but useless praises like "omg those sprites rock" or "those screens r teh awesme!!!!" just to flatter her ego, then she should have said so.

Originally posted by insectduel
PM me for comments and not post it here!!!

Oops, too late !
If you didn't want to start shit here, YOU would have PMed me in the first place, instead of trying to look to like a retarded hero in public, provoking me like that. Besides, you weren't concerned at all, and are in no position to tell me what to do anyway, so stop acting like you got anything on me.
You're just a moronic kid, you post nothing but shit and make laughable hacks (Super Pikachu Bros 3, haha). Add to that the fact you're a pathetic fake and an attention whore (GB Pikachu hack that you pitifully claimed as yours).
Don't talk to me anymore, I don't want to have any more contact with scum like you.

THAT SAID, I have no intention to derail that thread any further, so that's it. And since my input on that hack isn't welcome, I won't insist.
But if anyone else is unhappy about anything I said, then *you* PM me about it instead of bringing it here, unlike that insect retard.

Really, you should just take the 'I' out of your username and use the advice. It's comments like these that discourage people and wreck threads like these and cause them to be closed. Whats the point of Sgraff87 even starting this thread when its filled with worthless crap like what you just posted?
Kyoufu Kawa
Intends to keep Rom Hacking in one piece until the end

Since: 11-18-05
From: Catgirl Central Station

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 12-29-05 05:14 PM Link

Shame on BOTH OF YOU for fucking this thread up like that!
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 12-29-05 06:32 PM Link
There's a difference between whining and constructive critisizm.

But on the same note, it's wrong to call people names.

You both are at fault for this.

stifu is a good spriter. You should take his advice.

Stifu: She didn't know. Don't take it personally.

Red Paratroopa

Since: 11-18-05
From: Right Behind You!

Last post: 6344 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 12-29-05 06:35 PM Link
I am going to pretend that this page of my thread never happened. Oh yes, Stifu, you are blowing this way out of proportion. I said that you were whining in a kidding manner. Of course this is the internet and things can be taken wrongly.

I think it is pretty childish and pethetic what happened here. But I do not want this thread closed over something so juvenile.

(edited by Sgraff87 on 12-29-05 05:37 PM)
(edited by Sgraff87 on 12-29-05 05:38 PM)
(edited by Sgraff87 on 12-29-05 05:42 PM)

Toss Tortoise


Since: 11-17-05
From: Massachusetts is my new home..

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 12-29-05 06:47 PM Link
I really like the look to your sprites. You have a nice style and alot of talent, too! They are pretty cute, good job with all of this I can't wait for a chance to play this one.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 12-29-05 06:57 PM Link
Originally posted by Sgraff87
Great News Everyone!

I will be releasing a one level demo as soon as I can.

The bad news is that there is quite a bit of bugs and I have to finish Maria's sprites. And I don't know how long that will take.


Red Paratroopa

Since: 11-18-05
From: Right Behind You!

Last post: 6344 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 12-30-05 10:52 PM Link
Well here is the redesigned Goomba. I think she looks cute. I'll tell you what, it is difficult to compress a character and draw a small hooded figure that size.

I am still recovering my that display of several people in the last page. So I won't have the demo out as soon as I wanted. (;_ I am a bit turned away from hacking for a little.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - The Pit of Despair - Super Maria Sisters | Thread closed


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